

ciel the most advanced technology humans have created since the dawn of technology gets taken by a higher being what happens when an A.I gets taken by an all powerful being to watch over his new Universe will it become a tyrant or a kind god? who knows? read to know more? ------------------------ this is my first time writing if there is a bad Grammer or anything else just let me know i would like to hear you're feedback

delmarwho · Fantasía
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4 Chs


in the middle of nowhere in an underground facility, there was a room with only a big round black ball.

the ball was in the middle of the room there was nothing else in the room not even a speck of dust, but outside of there were many scientists walking around in a rush.

a mechanical voice came from all the speakers in the underground facility.

-# attention attention all living beings and humans should evacuate this facility #-

-# time until the attack on this facility is approximately five hours #-

after the mechanical voice made the announcement all the people that were in a rush stopped and locked around confused.

some of the scientists started whispering asking what was wrong.

a woman in the crowd looked shocked she looked confused

-; how did it almost predict the time of the attack;-

she had just gotten a message from her boss that the attack was pushed forward after she told him that ciel had found out about their plan

she rushed out of the crowd and walked towards a man standing there looking at the countdown on the screens

-5 hours 58 minutes 10 seconds -

someone clasped his shoulder, when he looked back he saw a short woman with glasses standing there she said

" Ben we have to begin our part of the plan before ciel now's who the traitor is"

"yes let get to work Mary"

Mary and Ben started walking towards the room with the black ball

they got to the room quickly Ben tried to open the door but Mary clasped his arm before he could open the door

"you do know that you have to use a card to enter every room in this facility right?"

"how am I supposed to know that when it's my first here, and you do know that I'm not the real Ben"


Mary already knew about the hidden hunters of Roger they are called the faceless

nobody nows their names or what they look like without the fake masks they always have on.

they kill the people before copying their faces with a specially made machine called FRS it was made by a scientist that went Rouge.

-; but why did i have to get a numbered faceless for help does Roger want his plan to fail;-

Mary took her Id card from her lab coat pocket and scanned it on the door. they then proceeded through the door.

they saw the huge round ball hanging in the middle off the room being held up by some big cable's

the faceless was the first to talk and he asked Mary

" is that ciel ?"


"wow i thought it would be a big computer"

" it doesn't matter Which form it in, it's still the most advanced and terrifying technology humans have created in the world"

the same mechanic voice as the one from the loud speakers came from the ball

# correct but i was only created for the advancement of human society,#

-;# the fact that it can talk without being asked something like a normal artificial intelligence is abonormal to you humans#-;

Mary and the faceless didn't seem to be surprised

they were only here for only one thing, and they was to terminate ciel

-;# do you really believe that you can destroy me-;#

ciel said emotionlessly.

-;# nothing in this world can destroy me even if a higher being came they couldn't do anything to me-;#

" it's to hear a computer talk about things that don't exist"

the faceless agent said.

# Error#


Mary and the faceless looked at ciel with confused faces

" what wrong with it? is it malfunctioning"

" no it never malfunctions it's made to never do-"

Mary couldn't finish her sentence

ciel started to speak.

-;# cannot analyze trying again -;#

ciel seemed to be trying to analyze something, it repeated the same words again



in the middle of the room there was a purple being standing there but Mary and the faceless didn't seem to notice IT.

IT had no features, IT seemed to have two legs and arms.

a mouth appeared where there should already be a mouth.

everything stopped

even the particles didn't move, as if they weren't allowed to move

( what an arrogant machine )

IT stretched IT'S right arm and pointed at ciel

and said

( if do not stop that pathetic appraisal of your's, i will eradicate you're existence)



the being flicked his finger and the noise stopped

( better, what an annoying thing you are )

the being appeared before ciel and put a finger on it

( now about time i do my task )

after the being said that they both disappeared.

everything in the room went back to normal.


the faceless looked towards ciel and exclaimed in a shock.


" where is it"

Mary looked at the middle of the rooms nothing was there.

just cords

nothing else ciel was gone.

" we have to report this quickly"

Mary had a hint of nervousness on her face

they both hurried ot of the room

when they got out of the room there were bodies all over the place on the floor.

it was all the scientists that couldn't make it out.

Mary took her phone from her pocket and called someone

"hello Mary"

a voice came from the other side of the phone

" Yes hello mister Rogers"

"did you succeed "

"no mister Rogers "

"what do mean no? "

" ciel disappeared sir"


" explain "

Roger said with anger

" it was there 1 second and then it was gone"


" fuck okay retreat before their agents get there WE WILL TALK ABOUT THIS LATER"


Roger hung up the phone.

Mary looked towards the faceless and said

" well we're fucked"


in a place out of the universe there was a being sitting on a throne.

HE was looking down with listless eyes.

under the throne there were many different colored lights some of them where disappearing but at the same time new ones were being created

HE was looking at one particular light

(# time to begin#)

HE said in a quite voice but it echoed in the dark place

HE stretched his arm and sucked in some of the darkness in his surroundings

(# let's see which path this overseer will take #)

a purple being and a black orb appeared in the darkness HE was holding in his hand

(# the BigBang seed should suffice for this Universe#)

HE put his finger over the universe then a tear shaped golden energy appeared out of nowhere.

it was as small as a tear but it caused the beings surroundings to quake


the tear landen on the darkness on HIS hand and blended with it

(# that should do#)

then HE waved his hand and the new Universe joined the other endless small lights

it was a little bigger then the other ones

(# now for the other candidates #)
