
Overpowered Trap in the Multiverse

Audrey was a normal teen in an abnormal world, that may or may not look like a woman, after the ending of humanity and the eradication of not only his family but his entire world by monsters, he was determined to continue on living, given the chance to start over and travel between the vast Multiverse.

lSpacel · Cómic
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2 Chs

First Day of School

I awoke as the sunlight assaulted my eyes with a foggy mind and an unfamiliar bed below me as I heard a voice that was soothing but unfamiliar. "Ariya, it's time for you to go to your first day at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School!" a cheerful but stern voice that I recognized as this body's mother quickly followed by the same voice, this time a bit annoyed, "Ariya get your ass up! If you are late, you won't be able to go, at all, they are very stern about this kind of thing and I need to drop you off at the bus station" and we both know how much you wanted to go to this school.

"Ahhh okay mom! I'm up" I said as a voice that sounded both feminine and masculine at the same time came out of my mouth mouth as I remembered that I got the {Androgynous Appearance} skill which also affected my vocal cords, only knowing I am still a dude by the presence of my friend downstairs still being there. I got dressed as my mom said, "I'll be in the car, you have 5mins before we are required to leave to get there on time" as I heard her grab her keys from the kitchen.

I threw on the white undershirt, red blazer, and white... skirt?, 'Wait this can't be right, I'm a guy right? I had wanted to fully commit to being a femboy in my past life but like what the hell!?!? I can't believe that the school also thought I was a woman. That is quite funny I mean, who wouldn't with this appearance.


After mom dropped me off at the bus station and I got on the bus to get taken to the school, I realized I was the 3rd student on the bus, except for this arrogant asshat that was sitting in priority seating, and some girl with short black hair as I gave her a friendly wave. and sat in the back to catch a bit more sleep, there was a long bus ride ahead of me.

[An hour later]

I awoke to someone shaking me, "Hey! Get off the bus! you are going to miss the entrance ceremony!" I opened my eyes and saw a blonde woman with red eyes grabbing her bag to make it to the door of the bus to get off before the driver started moving again. As I groggily followed the cheerful girl almost slipping on the way out the stairs as I saw two familiar people arguing on the stairs. Ayanokoji and Horikita, the two most intelligent people that I am aware of in this school. Then it clicked, the girl that awoke me on the bus was Kikyo Kushida, the bipolar menace of class 1-D the class I am hoping to be in. Moving past them because I wasn't going to dwell on them they were the main characters and I'm here at trying to get the basics of this new life down before I try anything drastic. Why mess with the plot of a show when you are still powerless against those two super geniuses no thank you. If it follows cannon I will try to get this whole system thing down before I try anything, but first, the entrance ceremony and the first day of class, the first month, if I'm in D class, I won't have to worry about showing up because the others will cause enough trouble for us to gain 0 points at the end of the month, so by that time, to save money, I can focus on the {Heavenly Cultivation} so I can get at least some sort of otherworldly power, and hopefully I can get to the point where I don't have to eat food anymore to save more points because I think that that this may be my homeworld, if it works like the other fanfics I read while alive, and if it doesn't then I guess I will just travel and explore the world's I adventure to.

{After the same ceremony from the anime, to watch it if you haven't it is very good}

I am sitting between two of the most important woman characters in the entirety of class 1-D which I thankfully got into. Sakura to my right, Horikita to my left. Horikita is in her antisocial edgy phase, so who better to get to know other than Sakura the borderline p*rnstar, so I will do exactly that while the class does their stupid introduction thing. "Hi! I'm Ariya nice to meet you!" I say to the startled Sakura, who responds with a shaky voice, "H-hi nice to meet you. I'm S-sakura sorry I'm a b-bit shy." and I responded to her meek self with, "No worries, I just wanted to have one person to talk to, to not be bored out of my mind while at this school" then the teacher of class 1-D walked and dropped the bombshell of us having 100,000 Yen to use every month as she says that all the students are in shock as that isn't any small amount of money. After that shock, the class is dismissed to go buy necessities and have a calm first day at school, so I went to the dorm and sat in a somewhat comfortable position and thought to myself to 'Start the Heavenly Cultivation Technique' as I felt a roaring pain throughout my entire body, as I felt my body being flushed of toxins and my bones breaking, as if a swarm of yellow jackets were in my blood vessels as it slowly started going away as I sprinted to the bathroom to puke out all of the impurities that my body had in it (It makes more sense than sweating them out, because that isn't how sweating works :P) and after 4 flushes, it all subsided and I felt a feeling of bliss never before seen as I felt light and comfy, as I started looking even more feminine, as {Androgynous Appearance} had ranked up from this.

This is going to be a long month, isn't it.