
Overpowered Mage in a Parallel World

One day Alex inherited a house from his grandfather. As he cleans the house, he finds a mysterious door and a diary written by a hero, who brings all races together to make peace. It’s been two centuries since the Peace Covenant has been accepted by all the races in the world of Terra. A covenant that was agreed upon by all the races to build a prosperous life for all. However It turns out that the hero came from a parallel world that was destroyed by war. And the mysterious door is the gateway to that parallel world. Alex went inside the door and found out how different the other side is. A world devastated by war. Ruined city, Big sized monster, Hostile weather, everything what post-apocalypse looks like. But not only that Alex also found out that anything related with magic is rare in this world. Not wasting a chance, he, who previously worked as a mage in the military, took this opportunity to become the strongest mage and rule the another world.

High_Fives · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Diary of the Hero and The Parallel World

A man was walking towards a window to look outside. The surrounding area was like somewhere that had been hit by a catastrophe. Several other buildings were in worse condition, like it was the world's end. Now that guy was convinced that this was indeed another world.


It's been two centuries since the Peace Covenant has been accepted by all the races in the world of Terra. A covenant that was agreed upon by all the races to build a prosperous life for all. Since the treaty, all aspects of life have progressed. From technology, where all countries help each other advance the state of each technology, to social life, where now every country has become a multiracial country.

In world history, it is recorded that this covenant was a joint effort of every race. But in the book of human history, this covenant happened because of the accomplishment of one man, which is Gerald Benthaven. He was the one who gathered representatives of each race to discuss a covenant that would abolish the endless conflict of every race.

But now, someone was shocked to read a diary written by that hero.

"Today, I finally found a way to the past. To the world where not yet ravaged by the war. As such, I'll do my best to change the future."

If this is indeed a diary written by the same Gerald, it means that he was someone from the future.

The person reading this diary is a man named Alex Turner. He is a young man in his late-20s. A human with fair skin, green irises, and medium brown wavy hair. He was a former military mage and also work as a mercenary before.

However, one day, Alex received news of his grandfather's passing. He was then called by his parent and ordered to take care of his grandfather's house. Couldn't refuse, Alex did what his parents wanted him to do.

A few days ago, Alex arrived at his grandfather's house, and today he was cleaning it. But when he entered the attic, he found a book with a cover bearing the name of the peace advocate. Feeling curious, he read the content of the book.

The contents astonished Alex. It was written down what events would happen and what Gerald did to change it so that the future would change.

Alex was silent as he read the diary. He didn't know the truth about all the events in this diary. Still, he remembered that some of the events that Gerald changed happened in historical records.

Alex thinks this book is too dangerous for everyone to know. So he decided to hide the book somewhere safe.

Now there was something else that was just as dangerous as the book. Alex not only found a book in the Attic of his grandfather's house. But he also found a door.

Alex opened the door before and saw a room like a basement on the other side. He initially thought that the door was a teleportation device to, maybe, his grandfather's hiding place. But now he was convinced that this door had something to do with Gerald. He thinks that the other side of this door is Gerald's world, which he mentioned in his diary.

Curious about the world behind this door, Alex convinced himself to immediately enter the door. Once he jumped, another world awaited him.


After being convinced that this place was another world, Alex contemplated what he should do now. Since everything looked destroyed, he needed to look further to confirm whether there were signs of life or not.

However, all of a sudden, he heard a howl. The sound source then showed up not far from where he was standing. Immediately Alex spontaneously ducked and hid so as not to be seen by the creature that emerged. At first glance, before hiding, he saw that the beast's appearance resembled a wolf, but its body was huge, and its fangs were longer.

Alex didn't know if the creature saw him or not. But after a minute passed, nothing happened. Alex heard the creature's howl again, but it sounded farther away.

Alex slowly peeked out of the window. There was no sign of the creature. He breathed a sigh of relief. He can fight the monster, but who knows if it can withstand magic or not? So he must bring his gun later in case of the same situation.

After looking at the surroundings and thinking he was safe, Alex continued looking around. But after some moves, a loud thunderous sound came from outside. After that, a strong wind swept into the house where Alex was.

Looking up, thick black clouds covered the sky. Alex thinks there will be a storm soon, and he is right. Raindrops began to fall.

The building he was in was half broken on one side, so Alex went to part of the building that still had a roof. He immediately went there and entered a room that seemed to be a bedroom because there was a bed. But there was something that surprised Alex when he entered the room. It turned out that someone was lying there unconsciously.

Alex slowly approached the person. Up close, Alex could see that the person was a woman who had two horns on her head, and her whole body was currently wrapped in a dirty cloth.

Alex couldn't be sure who this woman was. But he knew what race this woman was from. A human-like face but horns like a demon. A rare race born from two parents of different races. Alex immediately said the name of the women's race.
