
Overpowered Mage in a Parallel World

One day Alex inherited a house from his grandfather. As he cleans the house, he finds a mysterious door and a diary written by a hero, who brings all races together to make peace. It’s been two centuries since the Peace Covenant has been accepted by all the races in the world of Terra. A covenant that was agreed upon by all the races to build a prosperous life for all. However It turns out that the hero came from a parallel world that was destroyed by war. And the mysterious door is the gateway to that parallel world. Alex went inside the door and found out how different the other side is. A world devastated by war. Ruined city, Big sized monster, Hostile weather, everything what post-apocalypse looks like. But not only that Alex also found out that anything related with magic is rare in this world. Not wasting a chance, he, who previously worked as a mage in the military, took this opportunity to become the strongest mage and rule the another world.

High_Fives · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Buried inside

After the deafening roar from The Tyrant, Iris didn't remember what happened after that. She simply closed her eyes until that monster's roar could no longer be heard.

After some time passed, Iris opened her eyes. However, she saw nothing but darkness. Her body trembled instantly. The situation she was in right now was the same as when she almost died before Alex saved her. But, suddenly, something fully wrapped around her body. She could feel someone tightly hugging her.

"Iris, are you there? Are you ok? You awake now?" Said quietly someone that Iris was familiar with.

Hearing that person's words, Iris regained her composure. "Yes. I'm okay, sir. Thank you for protecting me."

She didn't know what actually happened. But undoubtedly, Alex saved her once again.

"Alright, then, can you do me a favor? It's a bit dark here. So, can you take my power bank in my left pants pocket?"

Iris complied and did as Alex instructed. Since it was dark and cramped, she had to grope first to find it. The first place she touched was Alex's stomach, where Alex's abdominal muscles were. She instantly withdrew her hand while holding back her embarrassment. Fortunately, it was dark, so Alex couldn't see her expression.

'It's not time to think something dirty,' Iris thought. Straightening her mind, she then calculated where the right pocket of Alex's pants was and went back to touch it.

But when she touched Alex again, her hand landed on a more indecent spot, just below Alex's stomach. Iris' arm also lightly touched Alex's man parts.

Realizing that she had touched a worse part, Iris immediately withdrew her hand again. But it wasn't just her hand that was moving. Her body was moving too.

Sensing that something was wrong with Iris, Alex was worried about her. "Is there something wrong?"

"N-no, sir. It's just hard to find the power bank, sir."

"Oh, right. Sorry, I should just illuminate it first so you can pick it up." Alex then cast a magic spell.

The power bank then illuminates itself from Alex's pocket. Iris quickly picks it up from there.

As soon as she picked it up, their surroundings became bright.

Iris saw that the surroundings were packed with building debris that was held back by an invisible wall. It seemed like this invisible wall was Alex's magic.

"Oh, it looks like you're really fine."

Iris then turned her gaze towards Alex. But when she saw Alex, she was immediately dismayed. "Sir, your head is bleeding!"

"Oh, this. Don't worry. I've already healed it." Alex said that with a smile.

This must have happened because Alex was protecting her. Iris blamed herself for what had happened to Alex.

"Like I said, don't worry, okay. Anyway, do not make a move. That thing is coming closer."

Iris initially didn't understand but realized when she could feel it again. The ground where they were sitting suddenly shook. Somehow she was not aware of this before.

A few minutes later, the vibrations grew louder. From the vibrations, they knew that the huge monster was not far from them.

Iris immediately became frightened. Her body was trembling. Alex, who realized this, immediately used his hand to hug Iris tightly. This then made Iris a little calmer. Although she was still scared, at least Iris knew that she was not alone.

A few minutes passed, and the shaking from the monster began to subside. It seemed like the creature was just passing by them.

"I think it's safe now. But it's still raining outside, so I think we must stay here for a while."

Iris just agreed to what Alex wanted because she was the one being protected by him.

"Anyway, what's with that thing? That huge monster that you called The Tyrant. How's that monster can exist?"

Iris didn't understand either for the last part but tried to explain it as best as she could. "The Tyrant is a monster of the monsters. That creature is the apex of the beast. When it wants to attack something, it will control every monster in the area to invade together. Also, I heard there are other creatures similar to The Tyrant in another place."

Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing. There are other creatures like that in another place? How can this world even survive?

"That thing is heading towards Karlingford, isn't it? Is your city going to be fine?"

"It will be fine. It's not the first time that creature has attacked the city. But the problem is the dark rain also happens at the same time. The damage will be more severe."

Iris recalled all the memories that happened when The Tyrant attacked the city and at the same time, the Dark Rain happened. She remembered that after everything had passed, she passed by the area of the city that was hit by the monster. The place was devastated, and none of the people in the area survived. It was fortunate that his place was not affected by the attack.

Alex could imagine the damage that would be done. If it was true that this dark rain could make a person die, undoubtedly, the movement to protect the city would be limited. It would be more difficult to fight back against the monsters.

What would happen to Karlingford, Alex could only hope that the city would be fine. He also hoped that the rain would stop soon. So he can decide whether to continue their journey or return to his grandpa's house.