
Overpowered in The Anime World

In a world of Anime, an anime fan finds himself being reborn as the older brother of a fated harem king. Faced with the opportunity to become a harem king himself, will this reincarnator follow the path of other fanfic MC’s fucking every woman in existence? Or will he find that the world is not a story and live his life righteously? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF- wrong line… FOLLOW THE TALE OF YUUKI YUUTO! As he maneuvers the world of anime with the power of God (Literally) and anime (yeah, rehash of my other synopsis but its a funny meme~). Disclaimer: The cover photo was made using AI [A/N: No this is not an NTR fic, I won’t give Rito a greenhat, our boi’s gonna be fine and will become a better character overall. Though he will suffer losing for being a beta~ I mean its only NTR if there was a relationship beforehand right? Also! I wanted to be creative with this but that is too much effort for a fan fic written on a whim. Worry not for I already created plans and an information sheet for this to keep my characters and world consistent but the writing will be simple and standard Other matters are... I'm BACK!] Additional Tags #OverpoweredMC #R18 #StrongtoStronger #HAREM #ROMANCE #DRAMA #FANFIC #WISHFULFILLMENT #ANIME #VTUBER

Alexander_Wilde · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Chapter 2: New Instructor

After greeting Mikan, Yuuto went to the dining table and a few minutes later, Rito came down and when he saw his older brother he had the same dumbstruck expression as Mikan.

But, unlike Mikan, after coming to his senses, Rito had stars in his eyes as he exclaimed-


Rito then rushed to Yuuto but instead of going for a hug he was like a fan who went about asking his brother one thing after another.

Outsiders would look at this scene and ask whether Yuuto and Rito were truly related to each other, after all, Rito had an average messy appearance. On the other hand, Yuuto looked extremely handsome. His leather jacket was hung on his chair reducing his bad boy look but in its place what appeared were his muscular arms.

Yuuto wore a loose fitting white shirt with a low neckline revealing his prominent collar bones and a bit of his muscular chest where his silver pendant was resting.

With jet black hair, holden eyes and a face that looked like it was sculpted by the God's, even Rito had times where he wondered how he his older brother looked so handsome.

Their father looked as average as him and even their mother, as beautiful as she was paled in comparison to Yuuto.

Even their parents wondered where he got his good looks from, they even had a time where they questioned whether he was truly their son.

Interestingly, at that time, Yuuto came to them and asked for samples of their DNA and after some time he returned with DNA test results showing that he was their son.

Yuuto did that when he was 7 and now Yuuto is basically working on various projects making quite a bit of money.

Even Rito did not know what kind of things his brother was up to but whatever it was should be amazing as Yuuto, despite rarely coming home, he would still send them a huge weekly allowance and random gifts that came from who knows where.

Just last week they received a package from the US and now Yuuto was back home riding his favorite bike.

Since Yuuto rarely came home, Rito took this opportunity to ask him everything he wanted to know, but what Yuuto said made both Rito and Mikan pause-

"Well, you don't need to ask me all that now. I'm gonna be staying for quite some time after all"

His words came like a bolt of lightning making both Rito and Mikan not know how to answer.

"Anyway, Rito, hurry up and eat or you'll be late for school, also, Mikan, don't rush too much, I'll drop you off at school after this so don't worry about being late"

Seeing as his two siblings were still dumbstruck again, Yuuto decided to start eating Mikan's food.

'Food prepared by family is still as good as ever~'

Yuuto thought as he ate his little sisters legendary cooking.

After a while both Rito and Mikan snapped back to reality and began eating happily. This time they focused on finishing their food and rushing. After all, they just learned that their dear eldest brother was going to be staying for an indefinite amount of time.

This created a happy atmosphere between the three siblings and after Rito rushed to leave, Yuuto told Mikan to leave the plates to him and that she should prepare.

After helping his little sister prepare, Yuuto then took her to school, riding on a cruiser was comfortable especially for the backpack. This was even more true for Mikan as Yuuto modified his Honda Shadow to be ridden by two people and he made the backpack's seat really comfortable.

Of course Yuuto did not plan for a backpack that was not family, in fact! The seat was comfortable for Mikan as it was made to fit her to a T!.

Was Yuuto a siscon? Well not really, he knew Mikan would not be driving anytime soon so he prepped for her to be his passenger.

Now, how about Rito?

Well, Yuuto knew that Rito would be embarrassed to ride with him so he bought Rito a bike… a mountain bike.

Though when Rito turned 16, Yuuto was planning to buy him a motorbike, after all at 16 you could get a license to drive any bike that has a displacement of 50 to 400cc.

Now, why Yuuto could drive his 1100cc bike is because of… well, connections.

The high school he went to, the university and all the things he did up to today gave him some substantial power.

He was not some delinquent who could only act tough but still follow the law, nah, Yuuto had spent his youth making use of connections and skill to reach this point where he could do some pretty insane things and get away with it. 

As long as he doesn't kill anyone or commit a crime then he could pull some strings.

That and the many hidden powers in the country are quite close to him- well he does also have some connection overseas but that is a story that will come to bite him in the ass later on.

For now, Yuuto layed low and waited for the coming of a certain alien princess.

After dropping off Mikan at her elementary school Yuuto headed for Rito's high school. The reason for this? Well he had to have a job if he was going to stay here right?

Though that was only one of the reasons, the other being that-

'Staying at home would force me to work on my other projects… I want a break'

In fact, Yuuto did not need to work all that hard. His enhanced intelligence, eidetic memory and his years of hard work plus his memories of his past life allowed him to developed a career of- copyright infringement in another dimension.

To honor his predecessors in reincarnation, Yuuto looked for all the famous artist, made a list and found that this world had a lack of similar artist from his previous world.

This realization meant only one thing!


With his vast knowledge in all things meme, cultured and modern, he was able to create copies of all the books and movies he had ever read.

He was able to use his skills obtained from his system to improve skills he did not have in his previous life and make his already learned skills even more godlike!

Through this Yuuto had developed his skills in [Singing], [Writing] and [Drawing].

To make things more interesting, he used his Golem creation, implanted his memories into the golem and made them draw the manga and write the novels for him.

How is that different from writing it himself you may ask? 

Well this prevents him from having the problem of cringing at whatever he made.

The Golems could be implanted with skills and through that they were able to draw many manga and write a ton of novels.

Yuuto sang some songs, both anime songs and some western pop songs that he liked. He recorded them and played them.

Interestingly, despite it being his own work, he found that due to artificially increasing his singing proficiency through the system, his singing voice was quite different from what he would expect.

This allowed him to listen to his own recordings and enjoy otherworldly anime music in the anime world… sounds stupid but it is what it is.

He did release some of the works under his pen names, for some extra cash… well even he still has to eat after all…

Money from the rights on CRISPR and his AI algorithm was high but who would say no to additional revenue streams… right?

All of this allowed Yuuto to live quite freely but it also meant that he had to constantly update his works if he didn't want to have crazy fans come after him.

The last thing he wants is some stupid hacker coming after his family and having the whole world's eyes on him… for reasons he doesn't want.

That said, he still showed of a LOT of his abilities during his short stay in the legendary Tokyo High School. Plus his academic achievements allowed him to apply for a teaching position easily…

Yeah, he got a position easily because of his creds, not because he secretly donated a few otherworldly doujins to certain short pervert… yes, it was his creds that made him get through.

"Well doesn't this seem like the story of a certain red haired genius who became a teacher…"

Yuuto thought to himself as he drove directly to Sainan Metropolitan High School.

Arriving at the school, the loud roar of Yuuto's engine attracted the attention of many students.

When he entered the school, some teachers even thought he was a delinquent coming to cause some trouble and were about to call the police but an announcement thought the school's broadcasting system made everyone pause.

~Attention! Attention! The person who just arrived is the new creative arts instructor! Please Welcome Yuuki Rito Sensei! He will be handling a special class on Drawing, Writing, Music and Theatre aAfter sixth period! All his classes will be scheduled during this time so if you don't have club activities rush for his classes if you will as it will be a good learning experience!! That's it for the announcement! Also, his first class will be later this afternoon~

Yuuto could hear the announcement even outside the building, he took a look at the schedule he made-

Monday = Drawing

Tuesday = Music

Wednesday = Literature (Writing)

Thursday = Theatre

Friday = Music x Theatre

Despite being known for his scientific ability, Yuuto found it more fun to play around with creative endeavors.

Especially now that he had obtained these skills from the system.

He had four classes: Drawing, Writing, Music and Theatre. Personally, Yuuto liked music and theater more as he did spend a good chunk of money in his past life to watch concerts, stage plays and musicals.

Unfortunately he did not have the talent in his previous life but now he did! So he will make use of these talents to their fullest!

Also, he wanted to find talented individuals to pass on the mantle to, individuals who could hopefully sing the songs he loved in his previous life.

After all, there is just so much he could do with his own voice, especially since a LOT of his favorite songs were sung by female artists.

For drawing and writing, his previous life's memories told him that drawing and writing clubs were always involved in some interesting things, in the world of anime at least.

As such he wanted to see if he could recreate that magic by creating a class just for that.

With that in mind, Yuuto smiled as he walked towards the music room. It was Tuesday and he was going to teach music and he wanted to hook some students into entering his class.

Since classes were still going on the halls were pretty empty. Yuuto was thus able to get to the music room quite quickly.

Entering the room, Yuuto found that it was quite clean, a grand piano which he donated was there, as well as a plethora of other instruments and tools such as amps and mixers.

"Now then… let's see if we could get them hooked with this legendary song!"

A clever smirk appeared on Yuuto's face as he walked towards the mixer and began to set up a for a recording.

\( ̄▽ ̄)/ Sell-out Time \( ̄▽ ̄)/

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patreon .com /lonelymountainsage

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https ://ko-fi.com /lonelymountainsage

:: End of Begging ::

Anyway, I'm gonna be publishing 3 to 5 chapters per week. Though this will be for all the fics I'm working on.

I'll try to write more but, even if I want to I can't just create 50 chapters in a day out of thin air. Even writing 1 chapter takes an hour and a half and that is not even considering the editing and crappy proofreading I do myself. Not to mention the cross referencing of the information for the data sheets and fandom information as well as editing the changes in character and events in the data sheets.

TLDR: Since I want to reach a certain quality I inevitably end up spending too mcuh time on one chapter so I hope you guys like it!

Alexander_Wildecreators' thoughts