

I'm not interesting is what most people think of me I study,sleep and eat and that's my life now im not gonna talk a lot so let's just start with I died

[You Died]


It's not like I had much to live for

[You Will Be Reincarnated With a System Roll Gacha To Begin]

I've heard gacha can be bad but who knows I might get lucky

"Roll Please"

[Rolling,Rolling Ding Got Multiversal Group Chat Please Use Next Roll]

Atleast I won't be alone "Roll again Please"

[Rolling Ding Got Gamer Skills:

[Gamer's Mind(Lv1)

•[Gamer's Body(Lv1)

•[ID Create(Lv1)]

Hmm Gamer to be honest I've never read anything like that but it should be ok"Last Roll please"

[Rolling Ding Divine Skill Acquired Omni-Word:By Saying a Word out loud you can gain the powers and Techniques related to that word for (example Rubber Would Mean all the powers of monkey d Luffy)(Lv1)]

That sounds terrifying but it probably has limitations "What's next System"

[Next we will roll for your race and starting world]

I'll be stuck no matter which world I go to but I should be ok at the beginning "Roll please"

[Rolling Ding Race:Fallen Angel(DxD)

The more wings you have the stronger you are,You have light manipulation(Lv1)]

Hmm Fallen angel I wasn't really religious but it should be an angel who fell due to sin "Next Roll Please"

[Rolling Ding OPM World:A Modern World Full of heroes,Monsters and aliens Where the strong rule and the weak die]

That's sounds terrifying but it'll probably be ok I'm not really a stick my nose in it person

"Do I Get Reincarnated now"

[Beginning Reincarnation Enjoy your new Life Alice Locke]

Hmm I slowly open my eyes and see a white ceiling Welp I guess it wasn't a dream what to do now I guess I'll open the system


[System Open]

[Name:Alice Locke

[Race:Fallen angel(2 Wings)



[Other stats:Above Average



•[Gamers Mind

•[Gamers Body

•[ID Create

•[Omni-Word(One Word Limit)

•[Light manipulation

[Memories of Body Returning]

A Kind Of Soothing Feeling begins to run through my head Hmm I see I'm currently 17 Years old I live in an abandoned building in city z because of my wings I'm considered a monster that kind of sucks but it's not that bad well I guess I should strengthen myself a bit "System open up my ID"

[ID Create Open:

Zombie Dungeon



"Zombies here I come I guess?

I'm sorry if it's not that good I'm a beginner writer I'm taking inspiration from several different webnovels please let me know if you want Alice to get any Abilities

James_Hart_6671creators' thoughts