

Every raise of her finger, a colored aura appeared. A red aura appeared on her index finger, blue aura appeared on her middle finger, green aura on her ringer finger and brown aura on her pinky finger.

The colors represents each natural elements such fire (red), water (blue), green (nature) and brown (mud/land). Yes, she can control all of these freely.

The thumb finger has one invisible ring and only her eyes can see the rings. A ring represents the class of power.

A class was divided into Primary (Sacrlet Ring), Secondary (Red Ring), Tertiary (Orange Ring), Junior (Amber Ring), Senior (Yellow Ring), Master (Green Ring), Grandmaster (Blue Ring), King (Indigo Ring), Sky (Violet Ring), and Godly (Gold Ring).

Her ring is yellow in color which is a senior class. Another thing is that there is a level on each ring. A stroke of line represents a level. Right now, she has eight lines on her left thumb finger.

He raised it since she was six years old. It was tough days for her but meaningful as she found purpose of her existence. The existence of her powers is the sole reason why she still hasn't give up her life as a cursed child of Maxwell Family.

She muttered to herself, "If they discovered this, what would they think?" this piqued her curiosity as her lips curved up.

Suddenly, a knocked on the door was heard.

"Come in!" Alexa said loudly and the aura disappeared from her fingers.

"What is it? Alexa asked. She looked at the Head Butler and noticed that wrinkles appeared on his face.

"Young Third, Here are the new documents of the companies" Head Butler brought out a thick enveloped filled with documents.

Alexa frowned and rubbed her forehead. Anyway, not only having a Powers is her advantage as a cursed child. The cursed children from previous generations accumulated a billions of dollars from the companies they have built. One of the companies is the Dragon Corporation which is 1st rank in International Chamber of Commerce Chart.

The fifth generation felt the disgust and contempt from the main house of Maxwell Family. That's why hr decided to start his own business. He stated on his Will that a cursed child of Maxwell Family is the only one who could inherit his wealth. Anyway, a cursed child cannot bear a child because only true love can dispelled the curse.

Also, if a curse child married a person who doesn't love him or her, that person will die terribly. It happened from first generation to second generation until the third generation warned the Maxwell Family just for the next generation to come. Otherwise, there will be more cursed children right now other than Alexa.

"Aren't you the in-charge of these?" Alexa is having a headache while looking at the pile of documents inside the envelope.

The Head Butler sighed and shook his head.

"Yes, I'm the in-charged but it doesn't mean I am the one who will signed it" and smiled innocently.

Alexa's lips twitched after hearing the words the despicable butler in front of her.

"Then, arrange me a Personal Secretary. She only need to organize the documents and pass it to you. Check the content if there's any hidden changes inside and I will only be in-charge of signing it" Alexa nonchantly said as she started to check and sign the documents.

"Yes, Young Third" the Head Butler said and bowed to her. He was about to leave when Alexa ordered him.

"Grandpa, I'm hungry. Please prepare a plenty of dishes" Alexa rubbed her belly as she gulped her saliva.

The Head Butler smiled at her and bowed down again. This is the reason why the Head Butler insisted on following Alexa when she was transferred from Maxwell Family Main House.

Even though, he's a servant of Maxwell Family, Alexa also treated him as a grandfather, just like how he treated her as his own granddaughter.

She still keep on checking the documents seriously as she wanted to find a loophole on every documents. She believed that if there's a loophole, then there's a corruption inside the company.

Despite her age, she already knows how to manage a big company behind her parents' back after knowing that the previous cursed of Maxwell Mansion put her name on the Inheritance Title documents.

"Haaaa~ I want to live a carefree life without worrying on financial problems" she casually said to herself.

Again, a knocked was heard behind the door and the Head Butler entered.

"Young Third, the meal is ready" he said respectfully with 90 degree bow.

Alexa stood up and nodded at him. They head towards the direction of Dining room. When they arrived inside, the table was filled of delicacies and expensive foods with candlelights in the middle.

She clapped her hands thrice and many servants hurriedly ran inside the Dining room. They lined up like a soldier and stood with aloof expressions on their. faces.

"Everyone! Let's have a dinner, okay?" She smiled and head to her seat. The servants bowed down and carefully adjusted the seats and they sat down silently.

Alexa smiled and waved her right hand to them. The aloof expressions they had earlier were gone but their eyes brightened.

The Head Butler seated beside her while he put many dishes on her plates. The atmosphere looks harmonious and there is no social hierarchy during the meal as they eat and drink as they like. However, they immediately stopped every time Alexa finished her meal.

They always accompany her when they eventually know the treatments of their young master's family to their young master and signed an agreement stated that whatever happened inside the mansion shouldn't be mentioned outside the mansion.

Otherwise, a serious penalty will be given. It frightened the servants as they know that the Head Butler is protective to their young master like his own grandchild. However, Alexa and the Head Butler still don't trust the other servants to tell them the deepest secret of Alexa.

Thus, no one is allowed to enter the bedchamber of Alexa after dinner. It includes the Head Butler to prevent the other servants from triggering their curiosity and forming gossips.

On exactly ten o'clock, Alexa's woman body changed into a man body. Her plump chest was disappearing but flatten into sturdy chest and her tummy widened while a six pack abs appeared. Her hair shortened but there is no changes on her face. Her shoulders broadened while her legs showed muscles.

She looks to herself on the mirror and smirked at her good figure as a man.

"Have a good dream, Alexa. Hello, Alex" when she smiled and her eyes glint playfully.