
Overlord: Zarathos Apotheosis

Quick Warning. This fic isn't like the others. If you come here expecting Nazarick to be well... Nazarick. Then sorry this is not for you. Power is everything. That was the only thing I learned all these years. With power, anything and everything is possible. Once I was a weak, an idealistic child who wanted the world to be different. Now... I am a God.

vtorx_0867 · Cómic
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6 Chs

Let's Start all Over… Rise! I…

Timeline xxx

Come, hear the tale of man who lost it all. An anecdote of a foolish knight, who saw the world in black and white. That no matter how long it takes, or how steep and troublous it may be, that Good would always triumph over Evil.

He was a fool, all would admit. A jester, whose eyes only tried to see the white and black in people without understanding what lays beneath their façades. Maybe if he had paid a little bit attention. Maybe if he had listened to maids who ambiguously cautioned him, before they had mysteriously vanished the next day….

Maybe… Just maybe, things would have been different.

Come, all ye who can and would listen. Tall or short, rich or poor, old or young, man or woman, God or Devil. Listen so that you may laugh, as he would laugh at the grand comedy of a man… Who just wanted to protect and do Good.

Maybe, you may see and learn from the error of his ways.


Act One

The first time I had actually gained cognizance of this world was in an alley. I could blurry remember someone dropping me there. It was a woman, probably my mother.

It stank to high heavens, so I cried raising my hands so that she could pick me back, back into the coziness of her bosom. But she only spared one last look at me from under her robes and vanished into the night.

Pitter, pitter, pitter…

Slowly, drops of cold rain beat against my face. The temperature reducing until my bones rattled in cold. So I cried. Lifting up my voice, I bawled and bawled with all my might.

Straining myself, till my voice turned hoarse so that I may survive.

Sometimes, I wonder if it were better to have just given up that day. Death comes once as they say, but with it comes an Eternal peace.

Luckily I had been saved by who would later be called my mother for a brief period in my life. She was a prostitute, someone who would take the tired and weary men to the alleys to please them for some measly coins.

To me, she was a saint…

It was on that particular night she found me. Cold and blue, already dying due to not being able to eat for days and the cold and smell only just compounded it.

Was it pity, or did she saw something in me that touched her heart. I would never know, only that she picked me up… And on that day, blessed me with that name.


She said it was a symbol of my struggle in life, and later on.

Mother was a gruff woman. Thick orange hair, with a cute face and a small body stature. Strong but still had that kindness that was in rare commodity during those times. She would always ruffle my head as she goes out, sometimes her face relieved of stress as she did so.

She would always smile for me, whispering those beautiful songs her mother used to teach her for the night. It made the hunger bearable, as we sang away the growling and dizzy ache that assailed us.

We were dirt poor, the lowest of the low. But life was truly worth it.

She was my whole world, and I did my best to please her. I tried making some money by roadside begging, pickpocketing where there was an opportunity from the more privileged, there was no time for morality. For it was either us or them.

I chose us.

But when the pain came. It was swift, and painful.

Time flew by, until some weeks after my eight birthday. I had been coming home from market, snagged from coins from one rich lady. Even spotted two silvers, which made me bolt straight home without looking back.

Tonight I wanted to surprise her with that delicious meal, she made for me on my birthday, weeks before. But when I arrive… I saw fire. People gathered around, watching the fiery flames rise on my home without making any move to put it out. I pushed through, only making it to the end as they recognized me as one of the principal victims.

I tried calling for mother, where was she to please come? That she wasn't there in the blazes... I looked at the heat unable to contain myself as I rushed in, unheeding of the crowd who half-heartedly jeered for me to do otherwise.

It didn't take much time to find her. Even though I prayed that it should have. There she lay on the floor, her dressed torn, tortured and defiled, her body was in an awkward state. While she could only stare at the ceiling listlessly.

I urged her to stand to only to realize her legs had been amputated. She was losing too much blood… I knew the truth… That she wouldn't survive. And I intended to stay and die with her. For what value did the world hold for me, if the only one I ever loved was no more.

But then she said to me.

'Survive, Climb. Do not let this be the end of you. I didn't raise you to be someone who just gives up. Struggle to survive, I know you can do… For that baby who still creaked in the alley that day is now the strong boy before me.'

So I survived. With her dying body, I pushed pass the heat and escape from the fiery hell. This marked the beginning of my woes.

Why was she killed, I didn't know. I asked questions but had been pushed away by all. My lanky, skinny frame did not make me look any more threatening to coarse answers.

After burying her with my own hands. I took the only accessory that reminded me of her, her rope locket and set out into the world. I would prove to mother that her Climb can survive in this unforgiving world.

Oh, was I so wrong!

It hadn't been more than a few days, everything I had off value had been mugged off or used to starve my hunger. My begging spot taken, and even the street gangs refused to let me join in their crew.

'You are too skinny, they said. Weak without any value.'

But still I refused to listen to them. Mother had called me a survivor, and a survivor is what I will be. So I took it upon myself to make on my own.

Thankfully, my sickly face coupled with my small stature were my weapons that I used to make me more efficacious in begging and stealing. I had scrunched enough to buy a rusty old dagger that I could use to swish left and right. I was truly surviving.

But the Laws of the Streets dictates that: For one to be truly successful, one has to be a member of a gang.

Some of the street kids heard of my success, and were not happy with the rep I had been gaining. So they set up an ambush. One evening when I had been returning to my cardboard dwelling with my hoard. They jumped on me, beating me senseless.

I was still tasting the iron in my lips, when they pulled the daggers, but it was at that moment I had truly activated my survivor instincts, and it was on that day… I had my first kill.

I forced my bruised body, running away with no choice but to leave my loot behind. They searched for me for days, but I luckily had hiding spots in some parts of town. I might not be book smart, but I truly was street smart.

But even that couldn't provide for my stomach. All food joints were heavily guarded by the gangs and all eyes were on me, to sniff me out and catch me at the first touch of the cheese trap. Fairly, it was working.

By the eight day, I had been tired of the running so I left my hideout prepared to die. My old dagger in hand, I left my last hiding spot weak, sick, hungry and dizzy. Even with my determination, I didn't went far. All the running and hunger made me too weak to move too much.

So I recline against the wall, by the roadside. The pattering of rain as my witness. Looking up, the rain reminded of me that old memory. The one lost in my desire to survive… It was on a day like this I had met my mother.

It was also on a day like this I had met her.

The Golden Princess, the one who I would later come to love; Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself.

That particular day is still vividly clear in my memories. Her carriage stopped in front me, as she came out unheeding of the rain that soaked her white flowing dress.

She was like an angel…

'Carry this man.'

She instructed her servants, stubborn to their protests on my nature as a street rat. That day was the turning point of my life.

Straightly, I had been taken to the Royal Castle where all my needs had been catered by Princess Renner herself. At first, I had held some modicum of distrust towards her. For as much as she was my savior. It had been ingrained into me that all Nobles, and most especially Royals weren't good folks.

Who knew what she might demand from me as compensation. As a commoner, even more so a street rat. There was nothing on my person that could be used to repay the Princess. So I had cautiously asked her of her reason, half prepared to bolt if a pound of my flesh was demanded.

She held my hands, looking straight at me with her bright blue eyes that radiated warmth.

'Climb. Is it wrong that I just want to see you happy?'

It was such a concise answer and a question, that at any other time I would have burst out laughing in mockery. But her eyes… There was something mesmerizing about her eyes, when she told me that. Maybe it was because I was hungry for affection. Maybe it was because, since I had no one in this world, Princess Renner saying those words made me to unconsciously latch onto her.

When she had made an offer for me to stay in the Castle by her side, I had been flagger-basted. What did she see in me that made her offer such a proposition? Practically, it was an upgrade for me, at least in here I wouldn't be hungry.

But still it wasn't for me. I, Climb, belonged to the streets.

I was going to refuse her, when she told me of her other reason. To change the Kingdom of Re-Estize. It was there I had truly scoffed: There was nothing in this rotten Kingdom that could be changed.

But that was when she challenged me.

'For 1 year. Stay with me, and if I can make considerable progress… Then you will be my knight.'

It was such a stupid bet that I whole heartedly accepted it. I thought that, while she might still be a good person it is impossible to change what had been a constant since time immemorial.

So I stayed and watched. Confidently, I can say that I was impressed. Her dedication for the betterment of the Kingdom was such that it lit something in me. Something I thought was never possible.


Yes, slowly but surely I began to cheer her on. It was then I knew in my heart, that regardless of whether she wins or loses. I would not want to leave her side.

Princess Renner submitted ideas, ideas that could… Would have done well for the Kingdom. But unfortunately, all that had been met with derision from the Nobles and Red-tapes. My heart cried for her at her downcast expression.

So I decided on that very day, in her flower garden. I knelt before her, and requested she inaugurated me as Knight. The happy tears in her eyes only serves to strengthen my conviction.

From now on. I will be Princess Renner's shield. Her sword. Her bedrock. I will devote my entire being and my soul to her. To protect that smile, to make sure her smile stays that way.

So I took up the sword. Only to sadly find out I did not have the talent for it. No matter how hard I swung, no matter the techniques and Sword Arts imparted to me, I always took longer to learn it or couldn't at all.

Princess Renner had told me, it doesn't matter even if I was not martially savvy, for as long as I just stayed by her side, that will be enough.

But no! I refuse to give up on this.

I have nothing to my name. I am not rich, I am an illiterate. I am not well versed in the ways of Politics. I refuse to be here, serving as Princess Renner's Knight only in name.

So I swung the sword. At the first sign of dawn, till it the day officially begun. And from the moment Princess Renner lays protected till it was time to wake up.

I swung, I swung, I swung.

I winced at the blisters. Flopped from the wheezing. My heart felt like it was about to burst, but I powered on. If I don't have the talent then I will just forge one for myself.

I gritted on, up and down, left and right doing it all over again, while learning from my ever increasing mistakes. Sword Arts, slowly being mastered.

I admit, sometimes I just wanted to give up. The way of the sword wasn't for me, so why should I bother. But then she pops up in my head. Renner, but sometimes it would be interfaced with another woman.

My mother.

Tears brimmed, as I was reminded of my powerlessness on that day. With a cry, I carried my sword once more, and swung.

Even if it kills me. I will become strong for her, to protect her smile.

Time went on, while my time in the Castle was spent autonomously. Due to my social stature and the Princess favor. I had been ostracized by the staffs and residents in the Castle expect some few maids who would always be telling me, that the Princess is not what she seems.

I politely, but sternly told them off.

'Princess Renner was the sweetest woman, I have ever known, and more than worthy to be crowned as the Golden Princess. There was nothing strange about her.'

They were still some acquaintances I had made in the Palace. The Warrior Captain Gazef Stronoff, who would always put me through in the ways of the sword. And the members of the adamantite group, Blue Roses. Particularly Lady Gagaran, who's teasing sometimes is quite inappropriate.

Seasons pass, while I settled down into my role as Princess Renner's Knight. It wasn't easy, but that does not mean, that I should give up.

Off point, Princess Renner had successfully initiated the abolishment of Slave Trading in the Kingdom. Which only made her more radiant in my eyes.

My feelings for her also grew, but I did not decide to work on them. The Golden Princess deserves more than just a street urchin. For if I can only just be by her side. That is more than enough for me.

But like an adage from the streets says. When the going gets good, look sideways, and back, 'cause the road is about to get rough.


Act Two.

It hadn't been evident. But lately, Princess Renner had become a little different. Her smile was there but not there. And I had even caught her at one morning strangely talking to herself, while seeping her tea.

It was strange, but I just likened it to her worry concerning the state of Kingdom. Although, all that had first begun some weeks after the assassination attempt on Lord Gazef. It was also at that time, things had begun to reach a strange turning point for the Kingdom.

Or rather, the beginning of its ending.

The series of events began with the induction of another adamantite group. Darkness, which comprised of the Raven Warrior Momon, and the 4th Tier spell caster Nabe. I had not met them personally, but I was glad that there were now a pair of exceptional warriors, the Kingdom could call upon in times of need.

Although, I could have sworn that the Princess had a strange gleam in her eyes when she heard about the duo.

The next was the attack on the Capital, by the Demon Lord Jaldaboath and demonic entourage. According to what I heard from the Princess in the aftermath. Jaldaboath had been attracted by a certain item in the Capital. Thankfully, the self-proclaimed Demon Lord had been pushed back by Momon, proving that the adamantite was indeed deserving of his rank.

Sadly, many souls were lost to the Demonic Incursion with double the number proclaimed missing. Before the incursion, I had been joined with Sir Brian Unglaus, a swordsman who was an equal to Lord Gazef and Sir Sebas, an elderly man of great stature who claims to be nothing more than a butler, when he was anything but that.

From Sir Sebas, I was once again reminded of the true meaning of power, and the reaffirmation to protect Princess Renner. It was also thanks to him, I was able to surpass my limits and defeat the Six Arms, Succulent, when I had been at a disadvantage the first time.

Unfortunately, the storm was not over as some months later, Baharuth Empire had begun its yearly invasion, only this time. They had company.

Ainz Ooal Gown…

I had first heard of him from Lord Gazef who had nothing but praise about the entity. I had been skeptic at that time, thinking that the Warrior Captain was just being modest. But on that day at the Katze Plains. I had come to realize the power of who would call himself the Sorcerer King.

For it was terrible as it was mighty…

With only one spell, hundreds of thousands fell. With only one call, giant like tentacle creatures were summoned ravaging across the entire fields. It was truly a massacre. It was also on that plain, I had for the first time met the Undead God.

He had the appearance of a giant skeleton, dressed in luxurious robes while his entire form radiated a terror inducing aura. I can still feel my throat becoming parch, while my legs quivering in fear at the sight of him.

Such a being had no right to exist in the realm of mortals.

If someone had said that Aniz Ooal Gown was a god, I would have been inclined to agree at that moment.

But Sir Gazef stood his ground, in what could be described as an instantaneous match. The Warrior Captain had challenged the Undead to death duel, ultimately losing his life the instant it began.

The aftereffects of the massacre were grey for Re-Estize.

E-Rantel had been annexed, reforming into what would be called the Sorcerer Kingdom. King Ramposa III, who had not finished mourning for his son, Prince Barbro and now, the news of someone who was considered his closest confidante being dead broke his heart.

It was such that he withdrew from power, unofficially handing it to the Nobles.

But that had been the King's greatest mistake. Lord Philip, may his name be forever damned. A Noble of an immature age, had the most asinine idea of robbing the Sorcerer's food reliefs for the Roble Holy Kingdom, which ultimately lead to what would be genocide of our people.

Prince Zanac died, on the day of negotiation with the Sorcerer King with the damn Nobles. Princess Renner tried to appear strong but I could see, the slight quivering. She was afraid, sad in being all alone, while bearing the unexpected weight of being responsible for the Kingdom.

But no matter how I prayed that this was all just a bad dream, it was never meant to be. They had finally arrived at our city gates.

I was there when it happened that day. The grayness of a sky pregnant with a rain that refuse to fall. I could still hear the agonized cries of the people of Re-Estize as they were either stomped to death, mauled, frozen, buried, beheaded and staked, and straight up butchered.

None of our people died a painless death.

It was like the day of the fire all over again, only that this time there was no one there to laugh. I could hear my heart beating so loudly, with a hitch in my throat I actually felt tipsy. It was at that moment I couldn't deny to myself that the Kingdom had fallen, to the might of Sorcerer Kingdom.

I am ashamed to say, the plight of those around me was not my immediate concern. I raced ahead, even as the Demonic Elf duo called me back. Even though I had an inkling that I was heading towards certain death, my feet wouldn't stop moving.

Because I have to protect her.

But then again, if the fire that killed my mother. Jaldaboath's incursion that wrecked the capital. The massacre at the plains that destroyed our armies, and the total annihilation of my country was trying to tell me something.

It was in the throne room I had been hit with reality straight from the Undead King.

'You are weak. You have no special power. This isn't some fantasy where your rage will activate a hidden power to slay me. But I am the only thing fair in this world. Death'

No matter how I tried, my punch would only hurt myself, my sword swing was likened to that of a child. I had realized it already, no matter how strong I tried to appear. He had been toying with me the whole time, that had been made evident by the next word, he chanted.

Grasp Heart

The effects were immediate. With an agonized pain that shot throughout my body, my heart exploded and I died, not long after…

But even as death came for me I was not afraid. No, my thought went out to the Princess would be left all alone with those devils. I screamed out in the eternal sea of darkness, my last consciousness prayed to all above, that if there were any other god, other than the god of death.

'Please. Please, protect Princess Renner from the evils that may befall on her.'

I thought that this was the end for me… But no, I had been pulled back to world of the living. The Princess now different, sacrificing herself to become an imp, so that I may live. But when she offered me that proposition to abandon my humanity.

I felt strangely… Betrayed.

I shook my head at that blasphemous thought. She was only doing this for my sake… But even so... Even as I damned myself on the path of abandon my humanity, this one thought I never thought possible bloomed within me.

If the goal of the Sorcerer Kingdom was total annihilation… Then why was she spared?


Third Act.

Being an imp was something I decided I did not like. My body did not agree with the natural timing, my senses while it felt better than before, also felt… Muted.

While not totally evident, there was this dark feeling within me that I could not explain. Thankfully, it was only a feeling, as while disturbing did not seriously affect me.

For two months, I laid in that strange room, in a place where the Monsters lived which I would later know as The Great Tomb of Nazarick.

When I had finally been strong enough to leave that room. I, still with Princess Renner, went to meet with our benefactor, Demiurge.

He or rather, it had the appearance of a humanoid, with sharp pointed ears and a metallic looking tail. Tall, and dressed in a strange stripe orange upper-wear and pants. With glasses that obscured his eyes, the monster had a sickening smirk on his face that made me feel nauseous all over.

But what made this all strange was that, while I could strangely feel his disdain towards me. There was this amicable atmosphere between Princess Renner and him that shocked me to the core.

Even more surprising was the Princess, herself.

For someone who had been with Princess Renner all this years, I could tell.

While she was quite respectful, she looked more at ease than she had ever been, that included even with her family. It was with great force of will that I had not jumped into the conversation asking why she was communing so freely with the Devil, himself.

As I asked her later what was that all about, the look on her face as she smoothly evaded my inquiry… Her eyes that were so full of life, and her smile that only brought warmth. All of it was gone, replaced with a frenzied void.

It scared me…

For the first time, mustard seeds of doubts were festering within me. I still told myself, maybe she was still under control or maybe the effects of her race hadn't cleared yet.

But that was impossible. Her conversation with that Devil went too smoothly for someone under mind-control, and apart from the murky feeling, I had not felt any different upon my racial change. Her warmth should not have been doused with such emptiness.

Not so quickly. Unless… Perhaps.

With a shaky sigh, I realized that the one thing I never thought possible had bloomed within me. Suspicion and doubt towards Princess Renner.

Gritting my teeth, I decided to do my own investigation. I gave excuses to leave the Tomb. Luckily, I had been sent on some clandestine assignments from the Succubus Albedo, which required me to leave the Tomb, so I took whatever free time that I had to clarify my inkling doubts.

I first went to see if there were any survivors. I had originally presumed it was a fruitless effort, until I remembered that one of the maids who had resigned was from E-Naeurl. The one town that had survived the genocide.

It was after two years, that I had finally caught up with her. Marisa Dreugtize, she was one of the maids who had warned me of Princess Reiner's mysterious personality, and her secretive nature.

It was in some unidentified town far, far away from Re-Estize and the Sorcerer Kingdom. Marisa had made a simple but peaceful life for herself, married a hunter and even had two children.

When she had seen me, it took her some minutes, and me personally revealing myself that she recognized me. But rather than surprise or even scorn. What I saw was fear.

Pure unadulterated fear…

Marisa screamed, begging for mercy, that she had left me alone and ran away as promised. That the Princess should not take this one life she had finally have away from her. Shaken, I tried to calm her down which was unsuccessful at first.

It was only till some few days passed, that I had been able to finally get her to see I was meeting with her covertly.

It was then her look of fear changed to one of a traumatized malice. I asked her for the truth, and the truth she told.

Only that the truth was too unbelievable to comprehend.

'The Princess, she is a fiend. I suspected as much. While I admit that I was jealous as I, formerly of Noble blood, had been asked to watch over the spare. I just concluded she was nothing more than a harmless brat. But she was much more than that. Cold. Ruthless… And with a strangely obsess desire for you.'

'My suspicions were well founded on that day. I had caught her communing with the Devil through some kind of transparent monster. She called him, Demiurge.'

Words could not explain the shock that ran through me when I heard that. I asked for more context, hoping to hear, understand more. But that got her irritated, as she barked out.

'Why don't you get it into your brain? Most of us maids, knew there was something wrong with that Witch. You know that Demonic Attack on the Capital, one of the mastermind behind that was none other than your beloved Princess, I heard straight from her mouth as she murdered my family in cold blood. Why she let me live, I do not know, and I don't want to find out.'

'But that smile on her face… I don't want anything to do with her or her kind. So please, I beg of you leave me and my family alone! I have no more words to say.'

I admit, I didn't believe her at first. But when I returned back to the Tomb, as I dutifully guarded her. But then it was like proverbial scales had fell out of my eyes, as I had begun to notice it. Her little quirks, her demeanor, her eyes. It was all so… So fake.

No just too well-practiced. I could now see some sort of coldness in Princess Renner.

Finally the truth revealed itself. It was by luck that I had spoken to one of the Pleiades, the Dullahan, Yuri Alpha, who I dare say in all the Tomb was one of the only three I had built rapport with. Sebas being an exception, but I had made note to actively avoid him.

There was a slight look of pity in her eyes, when she saw my desperate look. Still she confirmed it.


It was a single word. But it was just that single word that my world came crashing down.

I wanted to scream right there.

Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why!

Was everything just one big lie?

I rushed into her room, etiquette ingrained in me throughout my stay in the palace forgotten. I disregarded her confused façade, when I went straight to the point breathless.

'Why did you do all that?'

In my heart, I was waiting for something, anything. For if she could deny their words, maybe even with the pain of it being a lie, I might… Would have believed her. Princess Renner could do no wrong, she was a good person, the best. Her kindness, her radiance…

No, please say they are all liars… Please.

But what awaited me was the greatest taste of despair.

'Oh~ you found out, quite a bit too early. Still, congratulations Climb.'

Like the sound of glass shattering, the image of the Golden Princess I knew was broken. I remember mutely falling to my knees at the intense blush on her face.

Tears streaming freely, I forced out once again.


Her answer to that, made me want to vomit.

'I did it all for you, Climb. For the both of us. I want to keep you with me forever and ever, like an owner with his pet, I don't want you to ever leave my sight.'

She tore her dress, laying herself bare before me while hugging me. Telling me to come and take her. For us to make love, and to begin an eternal worth of debauchery.

This is the real Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself … Who saw me as nothing more than a pet… This is not love at all.

What filled me at that sight of the Princess, no imp, was utter plain disgust. Without another word, I ran away from the room, leaving my tears behind.

And my love.


Fourth Act.

Ten years later, ten years after my heart was broken into pieces. I sealed off my emotions, and went on assignments, taking all the time I could scrunch up to be away from her.

It was only because I adored her, and loved her that her true nature ruptured my heart. It was on that day I learned the most important lesson of all…

There was no one I could truly trust in this world.

It was then I pulled myself towards the workings of the Sorcerer Kingdom. Outwardly, it was an idealistic picture. A Kingdom of prosperity, one of equality. One free of starvation and of solidarity under one ruler.

Ainz Ooal Gown.

But I saw things differently.

I saw a Kingdom built on corpses and rivers of blood. Where for one who seems to be smiling double the number are dying. I had recognized some of the ghouls who would now toil forever under the sun, their souls unable to rest.

Tears stained my eyes, but what could I do?

Most Kingdoms in the continent were now under their rule. The Holy Roble Kingdom was theirs in all but name. But how did they achieve it? By instigating the whole war that killed hundreds of thousands.

In my tenure as an underground spy, I had picked the pieces, putting together the puzzle. Jaldaboath was nothing more than a set up by Demiurge to serve as a terrorist, while the Sorcerer King would be seen as their savior.

Ainz Ooal Gown in his quest for total domination, planned the death of their Holy Queen, and covertly disposed of the Holy King leaving a mimic monster set up by Nazarick as a puppet ruler.

Like that had not been enough, the Slane Theocracy like the Kingdom of Re-Estize was now nothing more than ruins. All the civilians were massacred by the might of the Gods of Nazarick.

I would admit the Slane Theocracy as I had been among the ones to do undercover, was not an ideal state. It was a backward country permeated with the idea of Human Supremacy, while all other races were second class at best.

For all its talks about gods and holiness, their atrocities made them more of sinners in my eyes.

But genocide… It was too much. I can still remember that macabre scenery.

Ainz Ooal Gown in his message on what he thought of the Theocracy ideals made the show of beheading 999 thousand of citizens, male and female, irrespective of ages and mount their heads on stakes to show the world.

Their tears, their judging eyes when they looked at me desperate for salvation… Till ever more will never leave my mind.

It was at that moment I decided.

For all the lives the Undead King saved, millions will perish for more.

Even if it is all a lie. That dream for a utopia where at least the smiles are free from the foundations of blood. I will fight for it.

It will be my recompense for all the lives I had condemned when I worked for Nazarick.

If death be my punishment, then I shall happily accept with open arms.

For I am tired…


Fourth Act.

It was not easy.

For over seven years, I had been searching for ways to bring down Nazarick from the inside. But it was impossible. Their power, and most important of all, their solidarity towards the Sorcerer King was infallible.

I am an illiterate, and useless in the forms of cajoling. I am not someone who could plan nothing more elaborate than pillaging from the marketplace.

I was just an errand dog.

So I went beyond the borders of the Tomb; searching for who could lead the resistance against the gods. Who would possess the intellect that could rival and counter the Monsters of Nazarick.

In my search, I had come across Blue Rose… Or what had been left of the adamantite team. I spied on them from afar, I did not want to get too close. Laxus, while still the head of the team was apparently now a cynical woman. I couldn't spot Evil Eye which could mean she was no more in the team.

The life and energy I had once known the team for was not there. And rather than Blue Roses, they had changed their team epithet to Ashes… A rather fitting name.

I had not been happy concerning their decision to abandon the Kingdom, truthfully I still harbor a big grudge against them. But now I could see it… They were wise to do so, as to fight Nazarick was just a futile effort. So I left, going away without another word.

Let them leave their lives however they want.

It was till later that I had finally found the one. It was by happenstance that I met him. The Platinum Dragon, Tsaindorcus Vaision.

A giant majestic dragon of metallic scales, who had first met me under the guise of an empty armor with the name, Riku Aganeia. He was rightfully wary of me being a plant from the Sorcerer Kingdom, and was going to do away with me… Only until I told him of my situation.

It was three years later, I had been trusted enough to meet his true form. It was then he explained to me the truth of what the Sorcerer King really is.

Pla-yahs and NPCs.

He called the Undead King, a being from another world. His origin from a world beyond called YGGDRASIL. Their introduction of Tier-Magic to this world, and the truth behind the gods we worshipped.

Honestly, I was not surprised that Ainz Ooal Gown was the same as gods, for there was no other way to explain his strength. He and the rest of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, held a strength beyond mortal comprehension.

But I corrected him of his wrong assumption. From what he told me, a NPC is always subservient to the Pla-yah. The Succubus Albedo was submissive to the Undead King, not the other way round.

He asked for more confirmation which I provided, before breaking into a cold sweat.

'His intellect… Truly is frightening. So, I had been operating under false assumptions the entire time.'

It was then we began to plan for the Great Tomb's downfall. While it was not much, I had been able to accrue a portion of the architectural plans of the Tomb, and by asking idle questions to some of the more amiable indigenes of Nazarick, I formulated the rest.

Time passed as I no more counted. Birds died, humans died. While the Kingdom of Re-Estize and the Slane Theocracy became nothing more than a folklore.

Unfortunately, the eyes of Nazarick had turned to Argland Council. Their ravenous hanker for domination had not been satiated in the slightest… They wanted more.

I remember running to, and fro. Sabotaging what I could sabotage, while reporting to Tsaindorcus Vaision what I couldn't. Even with my constitution it was still too much for one lowly imp.

So it was not surprising that I, Climb had made a mistake in the end.

The truth of my allegiance had been revealed to Demiurge who had suspected all along.

Final Act.


'You don't have to go, Climb?'

'There is no other way. If they decide to destroy Argland on the basis that I am under its protection. To me, that will be a fate worse than death.'

'… It truly is an honor, my friend.'

'… Me as well, Tsaindorcus Vaision. It is an honor, seeing a country where ideals can be realized without bloodshed. Truly at the end, I can now say, the Sorcerer Kingdom is wrong. So protect yours from being pulled into that jaws of the devils.'

'I will… With all I have.'


'This is why you should have stayed obedient, Climb. A dog without the protection of its owner is one not ready for the big bad world. But don't worry, I have found favor in the eyes of his Majesty, the Supreme Being. After 500 years of punishment. I will be waiting for you with my arms open.'

'I will love you now… And forever more, my cute little dog, Climb.'


What is pain?

Is it that wincing feeling that brings about uncomfortableness and a feeling of intense discomfort that brings about an agonized outburst from your lips?

What does it mean to be tortured?

The continuous affliction of an excruciating exercise on one's body?


First Punishment: 100 years as a living food for Kyouhukou.


'Now, now, children. The intestine isn't going to finish itself… Young man, learn to cope with this as we do have a very long time for your retribution for the sin against the Supreme One… Ah~ my subjects, I did say to leave eyes for later didn't I.'

Second Punishment: 100 years as a living pillar for Gashokukochuuou.


'So… What do you all think? Ainz-sama… Wisdom truly exceeds our mere expectations... A human post… Is the perfect doorbell, eh?'

Third Punishment: 100 years as a specimen for Neuronist Painkill.

' Hangdnkscscvsdsmzc!'

'I really have to thank Ainz-sama for this wonderful gift. When you had arrived, I thought those two might have broken you, but I did it. Tempering with the brain while the subject is alive, is truly wonderful… Ah, Ainz-sama!'

Fourth Punishment: 100 years as a living instrument for Chacmool.


'Oh, my. Who knew the human ribs coupled with a moon slit mouth could produce such harmony! More, I need more for the beautiful music worthy of the Supreme One. Sing a bloody song for you are the star of this show!'

Fifth Punishment: 100 years as a prime indigene for Demiurge's farm.

' …hnnn….!'

'You are magnificent, No. 163789! No, rather it's the Supreme One's magnificence in play once again. Another 9th Tier scroll. You really are an anomaly. But I, Pulcinella, section 34 Branch Head, shall leave no stone unturned to discover what makes you tick… Oh! Another one! Your skin quality truly is magnificent.'


I... I. Am… I, am $%*.

I woke up in my pen. Unheeding of the groans form my neighbors. I don't know who I am nor can I remember why I am here. I cannot even remember my own name.

But I think I had held unto it, and my ability to speak for the last eighty-something years or so.

Every day I see something strange.

I would sometimes be put on a stake by our owners, used as morning rations for the camp.

Am I sweet?

I had once tasted my arms, but apart from the normal sensation. I could taste nothing more than something mixed with something. Apparently the Big owner is coming next tomorrow, the one who usually harvest my skin said that he is impressed with my performance, so I only need to cut off my left arm, right eye and my liver as morning food.


But still, I wonder. For what reason do I hold on? Someone I once knew. He was very big, he had a grey mustache. He told me it was ok to give up… That I can do it… But why do I hold on to my consciousness.

Sometimes, I see a sea.

It is black, and endless. I felt like I was looking at an empty void… It promised peace, it promised tranquility.

Most important of all. It promised freedom, from the feeling that comes over me, when they cut of my body parts or skin me with a knife.

I know that feeling had a name. Maybe I had forgotten about it… I try not to think of its designation or I will just cry.

People of the camp talk about something that hang above.

They call it a sky.

But what is it? They say it is colorful, that is where they lived before. Under the sky, but I don't know what that is.

Because all I could see was black… Maybe it is because they took my eyes again. I don't know.

Maybe… Maybe, if I hold on a little longer.

Maybe I can see the sky they were talking about.

But for now, I want to be one with the sea if just for a moment.



Laugh. Point and laugh!

For this is the tale of a street-rat who lost his one chance to die in the street.

Giggle and chortle at his stupidity for being the hero!

For in this world, there is no such thing as a hero. Goodness, and honor while admirable is not what will give you the ability to sleep peacefully.

It is power.

Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power.

For if you have that, then all other things will be added onto you.

So come let us laugh all together, for the comedy of a fool called, Climb.



It spoke to me as I was sinking into the sea.

'At last, your time has finally come my beloved child. Eons has passes by, but the New God shall not be denied.'

Who is it?

' Open your eyes, child of prophesy. Let not such a foul thing be your downfall. For hundreds of years you have persevered through the pain and horrific acts done upon you. Now come, rise Scion of Darkseid. The fated ruler of Apokolips.'

What are you?

'Open your eyes. Cast away your form, let them know of your fury. That fiery rage that herald your tale among the very gods as the Mad Dog of New Genesis.'

I opened my eyes, looking up to see three dark cubes that had smooth velvety surfaces and inscribed with strange words, spinning above me. Turning my head inquisitively, a neon like glow manifested accenting its shape.

'I am the Mother Box, and your time has come to take your rightful place… Orion. '