
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs

The Floor Guardians

The Aura of Fear and terror, which was pressing down on them disappeared, like lifting a mount of their back, the Floor Guardians who had knelt in a grand show of absolute submission and servitude to their Lord.

All of them were now able to stand up again, but none of them seemed to have the desire to do so at the moment.

That was at least the case until Albedo, their Overseer, stood up. Her white dress had some dirt on it at the place where her knee had touched the ground, but this was something she didn't pay attention to.

As if in line with Albedo, the other Guardians also started to stand up.

Albedo turned around and gazed at them, just as they wanted to talk about what had just taken place, Albedo addressed them.

"Fellow Guardians, could you lend me your attention for a while? I know we all want to talk about what took place just now and praise the absolute greatness of our Great Lord, but I have some important thing to announce."

She gazed at the person with whom she had a long talk on her way here for a moment before continuing.

The Guardians could see from her serious expression that this was something very important and they didn't think that Albedo would become so serious if it wasn't.

Among them Demiurge saw the look Albedo gave Shuten Dōji and thought about what happened before, making some deductions of his own in his mind.

"As Shuten Dōji explained before, since today, we have been able to move on our own. Without any orders from the Supreme Beings. I have been informed about this ahead of this meeting, but I didn't say it myself as it was not my discovery."

"But what we discussed was not this Anomaly in itself, but how it came to be. We came to the conclusion that we have been granted certain "freedom" by the last remaining Supreme Being, Lord Momonga."

She paused for a moment, letting her words settle in their minds, among them the only one who truly understood her hints was probably Demiurge.

"You mean to say that Lord Momonga did this for us and doesn't even take credit for it? But why?" Demiurge asked his own suspicions upon Albedo's pause.

Albedo nodded and continued, "I remember shortly before this happened, Lord Momonga spoke to himself about this being the end and that it was such a pity for it to end like this."

She turned to Sebas and asked for confirmation, "Am I wrong Sebas?"

"No, lady Albedo. I have also heard him speak about this." His answer was concise and to the point.

"So we think that Ragnarok, the end of the world has taken place and we were saved by our Lord's mercy. He brought us here to a new world to continue serving at his side, because he couldn't watch this wonderful place simply disappear."

Albedo put everything that had happened on the head of Momonga, if the man himself heard this, he would probably ask which Momonga she was talking about and if he could meet the guy one day.

But all Guardians present besides the person who put this idea in Albedo's head, believed it.

Shuten Dōji on the other side, snickered in his mind with an evil grin on his face, 'Hehehe... revenge tastes good. That's what you get for making me a damn alcoholic!'

Demiurge seemed to realize something, "Ah how wonderful! It is truly wonderful to be allowed to serve such a magnificent and magnanimous being as our Lord."

The other Guardians were a bit perplexed, while Albedo had a faint smile on her face, "It is as you guessed Demiurge."

"Ah, how wonderful..."

"Hey, could you explain for the people who aren't Geniuses to understand as well?" Aura had an annoyed look as she gazed at Demiurge for answers.

The man in question gave a gentle smile, something rarely seen on the arch-devil's face, "It means that Lord Momonga saved us and now wants to see what we are able to do with our new more free existences."

"He not only saved the whole of Nazarick but also gave us this new freedom to better serve him in any way possible."

"Saving the whole of Nazarick was already an unheard of achievement even among the Supreme Beings, but granting us this freedom has given us now a chance."

There was absolute appreciation for Momonga as Demiurge continued, "We now need to show that he didn't save this place for nothing and that we, the beings serving under him are useful to him and we can utilize this newly given freedom to even better serve him."

While the Guardians had shocked expressions, Demiurge turned to Shuten Dōji, "I didn't expect you to come to such a conclusion, Lord Ulbert always described you as a beast more than a rational being..."

At this moment, Shuten Dōji who had endured until now couldn't hold on anymore, he didn't even hear the question of Demiurge as his hand went into his inventory.

He pulled out the Guardbottle he had drunk from before and opened it, there was a look of absolute desire and Greed on his face.

The next moment he put it on his lips and the stunned gazes of the Guardians around him.

*Gulu* *Gulu* *Gulu* *Gulu*

'Sooooo good...' Shuten Dōji thought.

The Guardians watched in stunned silence as the strongest Guardian took out a Guardbottle filled with wine and started to gulp down huge amounts down his throat.

Demiurge remembered something, "Ah I see... so he held back until now... that explains a lot."

Even Albedo who had spoken with Shuten Dōji before was confused by the current situation. Hearing Demiurge's words and remembering that Lord Ulbert who had made Demiurge also took part in the creation of shuten Dōji, she asked him.

"What is going on, Demiurge?"

Demiurge adjusted his glasses, before answering, "Shuten Dōji was created to love alcohol and to never stay sober. Lord Ulbert said that this is the reason why he can't make use of his great rational mind outside of fighting..."

"This means he stayed sober until now for the sake of staying rational to make good use of his Mind, truly admirable resolve..." Demirge finished with admiration and the others also understood what meant.

Suddenly Shuten Dōji put away the Guardbottle from his lips, before exhaling a long contented breath, "Haaaaa...." his cheeks had gone slightly rosy.

"Soo good..." he nodded to himself, "The wine of the Monkey King!" *Hick*

Sebas who had remained silent until now, excused himself at this time, leaving to serve at Lord Momonga's side. This was slightly delayed by a rant from Albedo, who wanted to be called immediately if Momonga called for her to come to his chambers.

Ignoring the now-indulging Shuten Dōji, Demiurge commented, "But I have to say it is rather quiet... what is wrong Shalltear?"

The eyes of the Guardians turned to the person in question, who was still kneeling in place.

The Person in question squirmed a little before answering, "Ah you see, thanks to Lord Momonga's magnificent display of power, my underwear is currently in quite the state."

A look of disgust appeared on the Guardians' faces as they remembered one of the rather unique fetishes she held, Necrophilia.

But they wouldn't comment on it, as this was how she was created by the Supreme Beings.

Still among them was a person who couldn't let this stay in such a way, a violent aura started to cover Albedo's body as she stared at Shalltear, "Huh?! What did you say?"

Shalltear didn't mind a confrontation with Albedo and answered with a sneer, "How could you not get wet? It should be your utmost delight to be hit with such a wave of power by Lord Momonga, You big-mouthed Gorilla!"

"How dare you! You lamprey!"

The two confronted each other and the rest of the Guardians took a few steps back, even Shuten Dōji stood now beside the rest, but he continued to take a few sips of his Guardbottle from time to time.

Demiurge shook his head and looked at Aura, "This seems to be a woman's problem, so we will leave it to you Aura."

Aura was stunned and before she could protest, the male Guardians had left her there to mediate, while speaking among themselves.

Even her brother had run away, without even thinking of helping her.

"Though I have to say, I am rather interested in the result of this fuzz," Demiurge commented.

"Blasphemy!" Cocytus seemed enraged by the words, but what came out of Demiurge's mouth next seemed to take him into a daydream.

"Wouldn't you also like to swear your loyalty to Lord Momonga's Heir?"

Mare didn't really understand the topic, while Shuten Dōji didn't really care, that was at least until Demiurge asked him something, which he definitely didn't want to talk about at all.

"Ah right, Shuten Dōji how is your relationship with Shiro and Yoru? Is there already any news about pregnancy? The Supreme Beings should have prepared for such things in advance so the only one in Nazarick who should be able to have children without difficulty should be you."

Shuten Dōji nearly spewed the wine in his mouth in the face of Demiurge when he heard those words, 'Fuck can you get yourself out of my business?!?! What does this have to do with you?! Also I basically just met them today for the first time, so calm the fuck down?!'

He ranted in his mind endlessly, while on the outside he showed a look of contemplation, before answering, "As both are my fiance's, it seems that there is a tradition among the Supreme Being that the two parties only go for this after the marriage, so we haven't gone for such a thing yet."

'Yeah! Good idea just throw the pot at the Supreme Beings. This way he can't go against it.'

A look of disappointment flashed across Demiurge's face, but he composed himself the next second, "Then do you have a plan for when the marriage will be held?"

'Fuck! Can you stop?! Like I said I just met them?!' He complained in his heart while making a thinking posture, "It seems not appropriate right now, we should focus on the current problems at the moment. Also, I should speak with Lord Momonga about this before I make any plans myself."

Demiurge had a look of understanding, "Right, after all, Lord Mononga is also one of your creators."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Shuten Dōji thought to himself, 'Got through it... I want to at least see how crazy these two women are before starting anything... I don't have a desire to wake up one day bound by chains in a dark chamber or something...'

Had he more information about the two, then he probably wouldn't have minded it that much, it wasn't like he was a virgin in his previous life like Momonga.

'By the way...' he thought of something and addressed Demiurge, "Right, Demiurge is it even possible for Lord Momonga to produce offspring as one of the undead? Maybe you could do some research in this direction in the future."

Demiurge's mouth opened slightly, he hadn't thought about Lord Momonga's race at all. Nodding heavily he spoke, "Thank you Shuten Dōji, this is truly an important question and research that should be included in future plans."

'That's all I can do for you Albedo... bless your love and let Demiurge find a way for Momonga to make you lose your Maiden hood one day.' he thought before turning to Cocytus who was still in a daydream.

"Cocytus!" calling out to him, brought Cocytus back to reality.

He still seemed very excited at the idea of swearing his Loyalty to Lord Momonga's Heir one day, "Such a wonderful thing..."

Shuten Dōji with rosy cheeks, asked with fighting spirit emanating from his whole body, "Could we make an appointment for sparring? After things have calmed down in Nazarick of course."

Cocytus emanated a strong fighting intent, which was not weaker at all, as he answered, "Of. Course. I. have. always. wanted. to. have. a. spar. with. the. strongest. among. the. Guardians."

A grin spread across Shuten Dōji's face, he suddenly remembered something, and his free hand grabbed into his inventory.

What was in his hand when it came out, was a beautiful Oodachi.

The sheath had a beautiful purple color, further accentuated by beautiful gold-colored ornaments.

The Hilt was wrapped in purple cloth, with black and white striped strings and the guard of the Sword was in the form of a purple lotus flower.

Looking at this weapon, Cocytus was immediately drawn to it. Not only he but Demiurge was the same, even the little mare looked at it with sparkling eyes, while mumbling, "B...beautiful..."

It was beautiful, but even Shuten Dōji was stunned because at this time something was different about this weapon. It emanated an aura of pure evil, it was like it was a weapon coming straight out of the fires of hell itself.

"This should be... Purgatory's Wrath..." Demiurge mumbled.

Cocytus, who heard the name of the blade excitedly clicked his mandibles, while his words showed appreciation, "A. fitting. Name. for. such. a. Sword."

Demiurge nodded his head with a serious expression, "Lord Ulbert made this weapon with the help of Lord Takemikazuchi. It is said that all beings unfortunate enough to be slain by it will have their souls bound to eternal suffering in Purgatory."

Shuten Dōji was dumbfounded, 'Is this the effect of giving a weapon a backstory?! What the fuck?!'

He just wanted to show the sword to Cocytus because he knew that Cocytus had a high appreciation for weapons, especially swords. Unexpectedly he found out that his weapon now probably had another function besides simply boosting his attack and so on.

'Hoho... this weapon...' A cruel smile spread on Shuten Dōji's face, sending a shiver through people's spines just looking at it, 'How many beings could be sent to Purgatory with it? What a wonderful punishment for those being foolish enough to stand in the way of Lord Momonga...'

Realizing what he just thought in his head, Shuten Dōji was stunned and confused, 'What's wrong with me? Since when did I have such cruel thoughts?!'

This again showed that he wasn't just a little influenced by the backstory and character information put into his head by the three people who created him.

'Shit... will I really slowly lose myself? Can I even still say that I am still the one from before?'

Realizing that a lot of things he had done today were things he would have probably done differently if he was still the person who died, he understood something.

'I am already different...'

'How much did I change already? Will I slowly turn into what I was made to be?'

'I threw Momonga under the bus as revenge for making me a drunkard, but also because I feel that I'm he truly is the reason for this...'

'Though the reason itself isn't known, I feel that if Momonga wasn't present in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick at the end, it would never get teleported to the new world...'

'Also, why would I deny the advances of beautiful women? ain't it basically the dream of everyone?'

Confusion grabbed Shuten Dōji's mind and heart.

'How far will this go? Will I become a true Monster of evil?'

'...but would it be bad to become something like this?'

Shaking away those thoughts for now, Shuten Dōji held the hand holding Purgatory's Wrath towards Cocytus, deciding to come back to these problems maybe later on when he was alone again.

Understanding his intentions, Cocytus stretched one of his hands out and took the blade in his own hands.

He first inspected it meticulously, appreciating the beauty of the simple yet elegant sheath and hilt.

He followed by holding the sheath in one of his left hands, while grabbing the hilt with one of his right hands, slowly unsheathing the Blade.

When the blade was out of the sheath, he first swung it twice while releasing two breaths and nodding in appreciation and acknowledgment.

"A. very. good. sword." He commented and followed by taking a closer look at the blade itself.

The blade itself was as black as the night, with a dark green flame pattern embedded into the single edge of the blade.

"Beautiful. and. Deadly." He then sheathed the blade again upon which he handed it back to Shuten Dōji.

"I. would. like. to. see. you. use. this. Sword. one day." Cocytus said what was in his mind, which made Shuten Dōji smile a genuine smile coming from the heart.

His Sword being praised by Cocytus made him feel very good, he knew that Cocytus's appraisal had the most weight in terms of Swords.

He would never praise a weapon that didn't deserve it.

"Thank you." Shuten Dōji paused and then continued, "There will surely be a time and place, for you to see me use this weapon in the future."

At this time Demiurge turned to the still going on squabble between Albedo and Shalltear.

Learning that the issue had basically been resolved, he reminded Albedo about her Job, which was to give orders and coordinate the Guardians.

After receiving their Orders, they each went to take care of their own work, leaving the 6th Floor.

Aura and Mare didn't leave the 6th floor immediately, first getting the people needed from this place and planning which material and who was needed to fulfill the order of Momonga with the most efficiency.

Mare not only needed to hide Nazarick itself, by piling up dirt against the walls of Nazarick to cover them but also prepared to pile up more than just one or two small hills in the surroundings.

This needed planning and consideration, still Mare was the person most suitable for such work.

As Shuten Dōji already told before that he would send Enmei and Shiro to help him, Mare was pretty confident in fulfilling the work much faster in comparison to not having them as helpers.

Enmei was a Druid like Mare himself, but also a nature spirit who would not only buff Mare's magic passively, but also make the growth of grass on the piled-up dirt a simple walk.

While Shiro would be able to set up illusion magic to further hide Nazarick without much of a problem, as an NPC focused on Illusion magic, she was unmatched when it came to such operations. .