
Overlord: World of Gown

Before the Shutdown, Momonga finds a Secret Boss which drops a Mysterious Item. But when he fuses this Item with the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, he creates an Item beyond that of a Guild Weapon. The devs seek to destroy him for using this newly found glitch, but they were too late. Ainz Ooal Gown has already descended onto the New World. This time, indestructible.

Solidex · Cómic
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9 Chs


The wind whispered through the ancient halls, carrying with it a sense of mystery and anticipation. Within those hallowed walls, a book of extraordinary power spoken of in hushed tones. Its reputation preceded it, a tome of boundless knowledge, capable of recording every spell ever cast. A rare artifact, it held within its pages the secrets of incantations spanning the ages. Such a treasure demanded utmost protection, for who would dare risk their very existence to pilfer a book so heavily guarded by many spells and traps?

Yet, as the air stirred, the book's pages rustled as if guided by an unseen hand. Within the latest turned page, a spell of exceptional power emerged, surpassing even the mightiest incantations that had come before. Only in the sacred confines of this enchanted book was such a revelation made manifest. It held the promise of knowledge that would take countless mortal lifetimes to acquire through conventional means.

"Interesting…" A deep voice reverberated through the vastness of the chamber, punctuating the silence with its weight. The owner of this voice, possessed of great wisdom and power, regarded the newly inscribed spell with both fascination and caution. There was an awareness, an inkling of a presence proportional in strength to his own. Yet this entity remained blissfully ignorant of being discovered, wrapped within its own world, where it reigned supreme.

"It seems a new one descended. Old friend, perhaps it is time you should revisit me."

This time, however, the entity delved into realms that defied the natural order, degrading the laws of physics and nature itself. It performed acts that should have been forbidden, unchecked by any divine authority presiding over this world. Yet no divine intervention was witnessed or felt. The entity, encouraged by this apparent absence of regime, forged ahead, pushing the boundaries of possibility and reshaping the very fabric of reality.

However, the owner of the prized book did not appear to be happy about the revelation on its pages. Instead, they had a nervous and pressing reaction to what was happening. They were determined to prevent the emergence of other entities, both in the here and now and in the eons to come.


"Now, to continue the act."

The figure spoke in a chamber of grandeur, where echoes of fallen worlds reverberated. In his hands, he fashioned a potent artifact resembling a leaf from a distant realm. The creation of such an item, possessing the power of an entire world, was an unfathomable feat, one that defied the laws of creation itself. Yet, before their very eyes, it took shape.

With a calculated gesture, the being fused the mystical leaf with his staff, an object not to be underestimated, for it possessed sentience and concealed myriad secrets. And with each infusion of power, the staff's consciousness grew, subtly evolving in its ability to perceive and understand. However, it remained silent as if waiting for the appropriate moment to reveal its newfound insights. Only the staff itself comprehended the nature of its silence, for its intentions lay shrouded in mystery.

And as further power filled the staff, the Overlord could choose a new ability. He, of course, was not one to select such an ability at a whim. Hours stretched into eternity as they scrutinized the menu of possibilities, methodically eliminating those that did not align with their grand design.

"It gets harder every time I have to choose. I know I can't add anything more to it than seven, so I have to be equally careful about my choices. Mmh…"

The Overlord scrolled the menu up and down, slowly limiting his choice to fewer and fewer skills.

"That, no. Maybe this one. No…"

This continued for hours upon hours. After the first hour, he thought of a system to eliminate the ones he wouldn't choose at first. Then he would select the ones with poor chances of being chosen until he got to where he could decide from 2 to 3 abilities which he would definitely take.

"It's between [Time Mastery], [Race Shifter], and [Beyond Limits]. With the first, I could be able to use more time-related spells, which I think weren't even available in the game. But that grants me only spells, which one with Time Manipulation Resistances could easily ignore. The second ability would allow me to change to a different race once daily, from which I can select all the classes myself. Stupidly overpowered, but not something I really need at the moment. But the third one is the one I require the most out of these three. Who needs all the other stuff when I can go beyond level 100? I can expand my hp, mp, and basically everything. But one thing I have to be cautious about is the classes that I would gain. There had to be certain requirements to learn classes in Yggdrasil, but here it seems I have no information in that regard. Maybe if I do something for so long, I will gain a class in it…"

Their contemplation continued, delving into the merits of the remaining options. The ability to assume different races daily, an almost preposterously overpowered gift, failed to captivate him. It was an ability excessive to his current needs, though its appeal was undeniable. Ainz swiftly dismissed it from consideration.

"I select that one."

He released the staff from his grasp, but the feeling still resided. A surge of luminous energy erupted, enveloping him in its ethereal embrace. At that moment, he could perceive the vast potential to grow beyond his current bounds, a compelling sensation unknown in the realm of Yggdrasil. He would seize this newfound power, for it would allow him to transcend the limitations that once constrained them.

"So I don't have to hold my staff for this. Very good."

It suggested not to be limited by the staff but by himself. In theory, he could venture into this world and kill everything in his way, gaining some levels on the path.

"I could go on and kill everything in my way, but I want to spread the name of Ainz Ooal Gown all over the world, but not as a murderer."

Yet, he acknowledged the need for a subtler approach, a means to spread the renown of Ainz Ooal Gown throughout the world without resorting to destruction. He would strike a delicate balance between showcasing his might and carefully cultivating a reputation that extended beyond that of a mere executioner.

Yet now, another thought reached his mind.

"The Guardians. Should I tell them about the staff? No, better to keep this information just to myself. There is no reason to tell them anything or to anybody. I told HeroHero, but that was something else. The NPCs seem like children, looking at me as if I was their father. Should I change their views? But they were programmed. It would be impossible to change a person in real life now that they are no longer simple code. So I guess I have to live with that, huh…"

After his thoughts vanished into the abyss of the unknown, he incanted a spell.


{Uh- My Lord?} The voice of the recipient, Albedo, sounded preoccupied though she concealed it well.

{I have a task for you, Albedo. I need you to dispatch spies throughout our known territories and gather information on potentially formidable beings. Provide me with a comprehensive list of these individuals and their possible whereabouts.}

{And what about Carne Village, my lord?} Albedo inquired, her question genuine, as the allegiance of that small settlement remained uncertain.

{They are currently under our protection. See fit that someone watches over them at any given time.}

{Of course, my lord. Is there anything else?} Albedo hoped for a more personal directive, but she would soon be disappointed.

{That is all. Now, if you excuse me.}

Even without hearing it, Ainz sensed a surge of energy as he ended the communication. Whatever it was, it did not reoccur.

"Good. That went well. I think I get the hang of being a full-time leader. Next is… Ah, yes, Demiurge. He asked me to allow him to operate further with his spies."


Once again, Ainz cast the spell, his mana slowly replenishing from the previous exertion. However, a mere [Message] spell was insufficient to deplete his reserves entirely.

{Oh my lord. I have not expected a message from you. As expected of the Supreme One.} The surprise in Demiurge's voice was palpable. Clearly, he hadn't expected a message from Ainz. Such was the reverence he held for the Supreme One.

'Huh?' A short confusion settled in the Overlord's mind, but he initially continued with what he wanted to talk about.

{Demiurge, I have a task for you. Send spies into the newly discovered Re-Estize kingdom. You will find everything you need for your preparations arriving soon. I want to know everything about their king, military, farmers, coins, and whatever is in that kingdom.} Ainz's request left no room for doubt. It was a task that would occupy Demiurge fully.

{Oh, I see, my lord. That is a brilliant plan. I will begin scheming right now, my lord.}

{Good. Just send the papers to my office when you are finished.} Ainz refrained from commenting on Demiurge's earlier statement, for he knew the arch-devil would soon develop an elaborate theory surrounding his grand design.

With that, Ainz severed the connection. Was his decision the correct one? He couldn't be certain. How could he when he was still disoriented? He questioned his ability to foresee the future while grappling with his present circumstances.

"Ok, I got the kingdom and potential enemies to Nazarick covered, but something still is seeking my mind…"

Though uncertain of its nature, he sensed its necessity. A visage materialized in his mind, a rugged individual, likely in his forties.

"Ah, yes! That is what the Warrior-Captain used. He called it a martial art, a new technique. I need more information about that one. So who should I contact for that? I shouldn't go alone. I just spent all of my mana today. But who should I pick?"

Deliberating carefully, he realized most of the esteemed guardians were already assigned to missions.

"No, Cocytus is standing out too much, and the twins.. they are too young for that. Gargantua is too big, and Victim is too small. Mmh… So Shalltear, then. A bit of experience wouldn't harm her, as she still seems to act much like a child. And she should be able to hold her ground with a possible strong warrior form here."


Again, he cast the spell, his mana slowly regenerating the lost strength. Yet a simple [Message] spell wasn't about to put him to 0%.

{Shalltear?.. Shalltear?}

He called out, awaiting her response. Strangely, it took a moment for her to answer, indicating that the matter must have been of utmost importance to delay her immediate reply.

{Uf- Uh, Lord Ainz?} Her voice brimmed with surprise, leaving Ainz curious about the nature of her occupied state. Nonetheless, he felt relieved that not all NPCs merely awaited his commands and did nothing in the meantime.

{Did I disturb you with something?} He asked genuinely.

{No, no! You could never! What can this lowly servant do for you?} She said respectfully, knowing the Supreme One could never disturb her.

{I need you to go outside the tomb and retrieve more information about martial arts and possibly capture one such fighter yourself. It is a sort of unknown magic to us, so try to get them alive.} He concisely explained her forthcoming mission, which posed no significant challenge.

{Do not worry, my lord. I will do my best.} She assured him.

{I have no doubt about that. As a preliminary measure, Sebas and Solution will accompany you separately during your pursuit, ensuring your safety. Any questions?} He inquired.

{None notable, my lord! I will prepare my luggage at the moment!} The vampire's tone brimmed with excitement, a positive sign. Ainz had no desire to impose duties that the NPCs found disagreeable.

{Remember, I chose you so you may gain extra experience in the outside world. And don't act foolish. Always be careful. Even you.} He cautioned the diminutive vampire.

{If you command it, I will be even extra careful of enemies!} She pledged.

Though Ainz couldn't be entirely certain she fully comprehended his words, he chose not to repeat himself.

{Good. If I have other commands for you, I will message you personally.}

{You can message me as many times as you wish, my lord.} She flirtatiously remarked. However, Ainz acted swiftly to conclude the conversation, averting a possible escalation.

With that, he terminated the call, considering whether he had made the correct decision.

"Was that the right decision? I don't know. How could I know? They expect me to see the future when I don't even know where I am… Ok, I will scry on her, make sure she's not in trouble. And otherwise, Nigredo will watch her for me. I want to see if NPCs can gain real-life experience and grow beyond their programming. Cocytus should be the next to test it out on. As a warrior, he certainly has a strong conservative perspective. But if he could learn on my command, that means growth is really possible for NPCs."

Thus concluded his series of commands for the day. Outside the tomb, numerous shadows scattered in various directions, some toward the kingdom, others elsewhere. Bordering the tomb stood an ornate carriage embellished with golden motifs, befitting a noble of high standing. Majestic black steeds stood at attention, prepared to transport Shalltear, Sebas, and Solution into the kingdom. It marked the beginning of their quest, wherein the pursuit of martial artists, including the renowned Gazef Stronoff, held notable significance. Serving their master beyond the tomb was an honor, albeit tinged with a tinge of sadness at leaving the sanctuary known as Nazarick.

Days passed, and Ainz was confident that his mana had replenished by now. He had spent ample time traversing the tomb, searching for any semblance of change or excitement. In short, he was bored. The guardians never permitted him to venture outside without an escort, yet he yearned to experience the town firsthand. He observed Shalltear for a while but entrusted that task to Nigredo. As he was about to immerse himself in another book on the art of rulership, a message reached his consciousness.


{My lord, we have obtained crucial information regarding the Fortress City of E-Rantel. It appears that a cult, aided by the undead, is plotting to capture the city. The method they plan to employ remains unknown, but they have established their base in the city's graveyard.} Demiurge reported. The revelation of a concealed cult within the city surprised Ainz.

{Excellent work, Demiurge. It seems this situation can benefit us, wouldn't you agree?} Ainz hinted, eager to hear Demiurge's version of the plan to claim it as his own.

{Indeed, my lord. If I ventured a guess, you would intervene and thwart this undead army under an alias, perhaps even your true form, thus gaining recognition. With this newfound identity, you could ascend as a hero in the eyes of humans. Unbeknownst to them, their revered hero is secretly their ultimate adversary. Through this guise, you would establish your dominion over the world, and defeating one of their greatest heroes would solidify your position as a true monarch, and Supreme Being} Demiurge deduced, impressing Ainz with his profound understanding. The Overlord himself never delved into such intricate scheming.

{Uh, yes. Well, thought Demiurge. You guessed right. Your intellect is stunning, and I would feel right to assume it would be greater than mine.} Ainz conceded, though he never delved into such intricate schemes.

{My lord! You are the most intelligent and wisest Supreme Being of all! How could such a lowly guardian as myself be greater than you?} Demiurge responded with self-directed fury.

{Eh- Forget it, Demiurge. But I assume you have also gathered information about the whole kingdom and its inner workings?} Ainz inquired.

{Of course. The kingdom is a simple monarchy. The fat nobles possess the land, generating taxes and paying the royals. The king, he is just an old and powerless man. He doesn't even see the corruption rising in his kingdom. But somehow, it hasn't collapsed since now. Probably because of the help of the Adventurer's Guild.}

{Adventurers Guild?} Ainz queried, intrigued by this newfound information.

{Yes, an organization that hires people to do certain quests. The more difficult the quest, the higher-ranked adventurers needed to accept it. A simple concept, yet effective, as many are drawn to such an offer. The income from that is certainly one of the greatest in the kingdom.} Demiurge revealed.

{I see. Thank you for the short input. You have earned a reward for your job.}

{No, please, my lord! I desire nothing but to serve!} He declined any gift with his utmost being, but it couldn't stop Ainz.

{I insist. On this day, do something you like the most, and take it as free time.}

{Free time?}

'Don't tell me he doesn't know what that is... No, they are basically slaves. Did I become the same as my boss, just even worse? F*ck!'

{Y-Yes, Free Time. Do whatever you like this day. It has to make fun. Now, Goodbye.}

Quickly, he dispelled the message, not wanting to chat any more about the definition of free time or anything else. He now realized how deep the servitude of the NPCs was.

"I let them work 24/7. It can't be. Why is there a cafeteria, a spa, or even a theater here if they don't know what free time is? Those were built out of fun, but they surely know something about hobbies or fun, right? Uhh, that is a matter for another time. Now I have to focus on what's going on in E-Rantel. Should I go like this?.."

He switched equipment as he created a black full-body armor with golden linings. Indeed, it is the armor a protagonist would use in a fairy tale. A strong knight is ready to save the princess and slay the villain. Only in this case, the knight was a secret undead Overlord and Ruler of Death. But he would simply not tell anyone.


He grasped a sword from around his room, held it high, and made a horizontal cut through the air. He was so fast that he created a burst of air around himself, yet he damaged nothing.

'I can't go alone. Nobody would allow that. But someone who would let me have a certain freedom.' He looked around the room to see Narberal behind him. He was getting used to it, but he didn't feel comfortable the first time she was standing behind him.

"Narberal. You will accompany me to E-Rantel on an undercover mission. Do you think you can carry out such a mission?" He inquired. Yet he had just to command, and she would do it.

"If that is your order, I shall follow you wherever you desire to go, my lord."

'Uh, please not!'

"Good, then let us prepare. The journey will be long."

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