

"I thank you for coming here. As you know, something serious has happened just before. Shalltear... has been possessed by something I feared the most, a world item." Ainz spoke, his voice carrying the weight of the situation. The guardians' expressions turned to one of astonishment as they absorbed what their master just said.

"World items, here?" Demiurge asked, visibly bewildered.

"Yes, their existence has found itself in this world as well. And Shalltear has been mind-controlled by one. From what I could see, it was a group of humans, yet no near ordinary." Ainz responded, his voice tinged with growing anger.

"Then we shall crush them, Lord Ainz!" Aura declared.

"That's the spirit, but it's not possible for now, Aura. We don't know how strong they are and what other world items they might possess. They could be players, but I doubt it. Also, we cannot attack all humans based on this aggression." Ainz explained, his tone measured.

"We shall fight Shalltear then for defying your will, Lord Ainz. All the guardians will stand with you." Demiurge proposed, garnering agreement from the other NPCs.

"We will discuss this further in my office. You will wait there until Albedo and I return." Ainz instructed the guardians, conjuring a portal to the mausoleum before departing with the Overseer. Silence hung heavy in the room until Albedo found the courage to ask.

"What are we doing here, my lord?" Albedo questioned. Ainz remained silent for a prolonged moment before responding.

"Albedo, I will fight Shalltear alone. Please, you have to understand this." Ainz stated. Albedo's eyes widened, comprehending the gravity of her lord's words as he surprised her all of a sudden with something she did fear the most.

"No, wait! You cannot fight her alone! We will stand by your side! We are your Guardians. We are here to protect you! Please, Lord Ainz! Let us protect the last Supreme Being!" Albedo begged, tears glistening in her eyes as she clutched Ainz's robes.

"I have to do this, Albedo. Understand that this is my fault, so it is my responsibility to fix my error. I will defeat Shalltear and prove myself worthy to rule over Nazarick! I have already decided this, and nothing will change my mind." Ainz declared, determination blazing in his gaze.

"Lord Ainz, you are aware of the danger Shalltear poses! Please, allow us to assist you!" Albedo persisted, her grip unyielding.

'Should I tell her about the staff and that it is now a world item? Not exactly.' Ainz contemplated briefly before offering a different assurance.

"Albedo, if there is a possibility that my HP is very low, I will be teleported to the throne room immediately. I have made arrangements so that I cannot be eliminated outside of Nazarick. Trust in this if you don't trust in my ability to fight Shalltear." Ainz reassured the Overseer, who looked at Ainz with a perplexed gaze.

"But, how?" Albedo inquired, baffled.

"You have to promise to keep this a secret. But I will not tell you more than that it is possible." Ainz replied, divulging less than she anticipated. He must have his reasons for withholding information, and Albedo chose not to press further.

"As you wish." Albedo complied, letting go of his cloak as she regained her posture.

"Then you may return to the others." Ainz instructed, and a portal appeared behind Albedo. Hesitant, she left her lord's side, understanding her duty to follow his commands.

Once again, Ainz was alone.

"My mana must be full again. Twelve minutes, if I'm right? That should be enough." Ainz pondered to himself before teleporting to the forest where Shalltear was located, albeit at a safe distance, in case of an ambush.

'I am risking everything: my life, Nazarick, everything, with this stupid idea. But I must show the power of Ainz Ooal Gown and see with my own eyes what this new power brings. It is a rare occasion to compare myself to a level 100 NPC, so it is the best time to test my ability.' Ainz contemplated as he traversed the dark forest, snapping branches underfoot.

Meanwhile, Albedo had returned to the office, accompanied by the insectoid Cocytus. Seating herself opposite Demiurge, Cocytus let out a steam cloud, Demiurge immediately sensed that something was amiss and surveyed the room.

"Albedo, where is Lord Ainz? Has he not come back with you?" Demiurge inquired, his thoughts racing as he tried to fathom why his master was absent.

"He has gone on to fight Shalltear personally." Albedo stated with an unwavering look, prompting Demiurge to spew out the tea he had just imbibed in astonishment. He considered the possibility, but the thought filled him with existential dread.

"And you let the last Supreme Being go against Shalltear!" Demiurge exclaimed, his anger bursting. He regretted not having intervened and exerted more control to prevent the last Supreme Being from confronting one of his subordinates alone.

"Our lord has the strength to fight Shalltear. We should all believe in that, don't you agree, Demiurge?" Albedo taunted the demon, seemingly unruffled by the prospect of the Supreme One facing Shalltear alone.

"I won't sit idly by! I will interve-" Demiurge began to protest, but a colossal halberd obstructed his path, wielded by Cocytus. He settled back into his seat, readjusting his glasses.

"I see. Well played." Demiurge conceded, conceding to Cocytus's intervention. Subsequently, a mirror materialized to his right, a tool to monitor the battlefield.

"We will watch Ainz fight Shalltear. If anything happens, we will be able to aid him. But it was his command and his wish to approach her alone. Rubedo has put a buff spell on this [Mirror of Remote Viewing] so that we may see the battle undisturbed." Albedo informed Demiurge, activating the mirror. It displayed Ainz, still clad in his divine gear and, to the NPCs' surprise, wielding the [Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown].

"He brought the staff?" Demiurge questioned his knowledge limited to its immense power and the potential consequences if it were destroyed.

"Of course, with the symbol of Nazarick right in his hands, maybe Shalltear will recognize it and surrender to our lords' power." Albedo mused though they all recognized the unlikelihood of such an outcome.

Ainz but broke a tree branch before him as he neared Shalltear's location. However, he suddenly heard an unexpected sound, a battle, if his twelve years of playing Yggdrasil had taught him anything.

'Someone's fighting her already? I have to get closer fast! It could be a player if they survived that long!' Ainz abandoned walking and cast a flight spell, hastening towards the fight. From a distance, he glimpsed the ongoing battle, witnessing an entity holding its ground against Shalltear.

'It's better to hide myself.' He cast [Perfect Unknownable] and vanished from the world. This skill proved valuable as even high-level players couldn't detect him without the right classes or items. However, any action that caused damage, whether taken or dealt with, would reveal him to the world.

He approached the scene and observed a figure clad in silver armor, surrounded by floating weapons. The armor seemed to hover in mid-air, its weapons poised as if controlled by mere gestures.

'Is that a player? It's possible. But it seems...' He wondered, but before he could finish his thought, Shalltear charged at the silver knight, her lance piercing through its armor.

'Damn, that doesn't look good. So he's definitely not level 100. He could also be a higher-level being from this world, which is possible. I have to reevaluate this world then, but it always seems to surprise me. The difference in power here is immense. There are level 1 peasants and then this guy, probably around level 70 or so. He's not as powerful as myself, but compared to the other New Worlders, this guy is way above average.' He thought.

Ainz waited in the air, anxiously anticipating the outcome of the battle.

"Who is this Albedo? He seems to be holding his ground with Shalltear." Demiurge asked nervously, concerned about the potential interference of this mysterious 'armor.'

"It could be a player..." Albedo responded, causing everyone to turn their attention to her. "But we haven't met one until now, so it could also be someone from this world."

"This is more dangerous than we anticipated. We have to interfere, Albedo! We don't know the abilities nor the origin of this unknown adversary!" Demiurge implored, urging them to join Ainz on the battlefield, but Albedo remained resolute.

"That will not come into question. It was his order." She informed the Prince of Darkness, who reluctantly backed down, his frustration simmering.

The knight endured several blows from Shalltear before retreating, seemingly realizing its inability to defeat the vampire. For a brief moment, Ainz and the knight made eye contact, holding it until the knight disappeared.

'What just happened? Did he see me? And what spell was that? No teleportation spell from Yggdrasil looked like that.' Ainz pondered, relieved that the person wasn't a player. Nevertheless, the mysterious figure continued to intrigue him.

'But his fighting style was strange. He didn't have any mana at all! But just before he teleported, his health dropped a little. Maybe it's a sort of sacrificial magic? Enough, I should be fighting Shalltear and not making theories right now.'

Approaching Shalltear, he noticed that she appeared stationary, almost like an NPC back in Yggdrasil.

'So she forgot about the enemy. This mind control must not be very effective if it doesn't allow one even to control the target! I mean, why is Shalltear still here? Well, enough of that. It's time.' Ainz determined, ready to try something first.

"Shalltear, do you hear me? If you do, then let me tell you that what I am about to do is something that pains my heart. But I have no choice." He spoke to her, attempting to establish communication.

Before initiating the battle, Ainz examined his staff, which had grown significantly in power since arriving in the New World. He raised it, an ominous aura enveloping it as the wind swirled around. With his other hand, he retrieved a golden leaf from his inventory.

'Oh yes! I created this one just when I came back from playing as Momon. Let's make sure the guardians don't see this.' He mused, causing the battlefield displayed in the mirror to blur and distort. Ainz seized the opportunity to fuse the golden leaf with the staff, using the divine orb as a catalyst.

"It's strange. It seems harder every time I do this. It wasn't like this at first. But it seems that fusing so much power into one object requires a lot of energy."

As light emanated from the fusion, Ainz heard movement.

"Oh, hello, Lord Ainz." A female voice greeted him mockingly, dripping with false respect.


'The light from the fusion must have activated her defense! So it counts as damage. Good to know, but bad timing.'

"Why do you wish to fight me? Am I, not your master?" Ainz inquired, stalling for time to select his ability before the battle resumed.

"Yes... Why would I... You attacked me, yes. And now I have to defend myself. I don't know why, but I have to defend myself. And in this case, it's you."

"[Select Ability: Temporary World Enemy]" He chanted, ignoring Shalltear's words and using her distraction to make his choice.

"What was that?" Shalltear asked, puzzled by the mention of a world enemy coming from Ainz's side.

"Your defeat, Shalltear." Ainz declared as an immense force descended upon the area, noticeable even through her legendary-class armor. The pressure emanated from none other than her master.

"Is it working?" Demiurge impatiently inquired, eager to see the outcome of the battle and Ainz's safety.

"Yes, we can continue watching," Albedo replied, and the mirror displayed the ongoing events. What they witnessed left most, if not all, in shock.

The surroundings darkened, the sky turned black, and a black fog enveloped the Overlord. It swirled around him, seeming to shield him. Ainz uttered the words that solidified his victory.

"[Temporary World Enemy]"

Everything changed. Reality blurred with unreality, darkness shrouded the area, and a dark purple beam pierced the sky, reaching the heavens of the universe. The power surged through the cosmos, but those in the New World felt it the most. It was akin to an earthquake, a cataclysm born from the will of the Overlord.

The chaotic beam gradually dissipated, along with the tremors it had caused. Many perished in those fleeting minutes, and much was laid to waste.

The Guardians could only wonder about this phenomenon and Ainz's safety, but none dared to move as they continued to watch.

Gradually, the world returned to a semblance of normality, albeit not entirely. When Shalltear gazed at the spot where Ainz had stood, she beheld something unimaginable. It was no longer an Overlord but a dark entity, brimming with unrivaled power that defied defeat. It appeared more like a force than a player, its formidable presence sending shivers down her spine.

The entity no longer resembled an Overlord. Instead, it was more akin to darkness melded into a body, mimicking the appearance of an undead. However, despite its attempts to replicate the former Overlord, it couldn't maintain a consistent form. It was ever-shifting, mirroring the chaos within. Ainz Ooal Gown had become an ethereal being, capable of shaping himself as desired.

At that moment, he assumed the form of a towering figure draped in robes of darkness. His fingers were sharp spikes, his head a skull emitting perpetual purple flames. His legs had transformed into ever-changing tentacles of darkness. Within him, a faint red glow emanated, marking his infamous orb, which remained in the midst of his being. The most remarkable change was his staff, no longer recognizable but transformed. Seven golden serpents, once holding the divine orbs, now swirled around him, guarding seven orbs floating above a dark halo.

The being stirred, and though it felt like an eternity, only seconds had passed. It unfurled pitch-black energy wings behind it, employing them to ascend slowly into the air. It was uncertain whether the wings were necessary for flight, but they appeared to enhance its speed.

Surprisingly, the being spoke.

"Gorz kal tug drit god. Agh it trill be latob."

Following its words, silence descended, reminiscent of the calm before a storm. Shalltear could only stand, preparing for a battle she could not hope to win, yet she was compelled to defend herself at all costs.

"Is that... Lord Ainz?"

"Demiurge... I am not even sure. But if he is this being, then I am sure he needs no aid."

The being harnessed dark energy between its hands. Shalltear recognized the impending danger and readied herself for battle. A beam shot forth from the being, accompanied by a deafening scream of terror.

"[Negative Impact Shield]!" halltear shouted, summoning a red barrier before her. However, it held for only a brief moment, but that was long enough for her to escape in mist form.

She materialized behind the being, attempting to strike, but it swiftly seized her as she appeared, its grip unrelenting. Its face bore no semblance to the Ainz she knew. It was a shifting skull oozing pure hatred, devoid of wisdom or intelligence Ainz Ooal Gown once had.

"[Einherjar]!" An exact replica of Shalltear manifested before her, attacking the being and forcing it to release her. However, it swiftly subdued the copy, subjecting it to a relentless barrage of negative energy until it vanished.

Shalltear derived no amusement from the situation. However, accepting defeat was not an option.

"[Brilliant Radiance]!" She unleashed a holy spell upon the being, causing it pain and momentarily halting its advance.

"Albedo, we have to do something! Whatever that is, it isn't our lord anymore!" Demiurge implored, his patience exhausted as the situation spiraled out of control.

"In that, you are right. But I am sure this is only the true power of our lord. Once the fight ends, he will change back. He will change back..." Albedo repeated the words to convince herself, though nothing was certain, not even to her.

"Vadokan quiin u izish. Amukh ash sha izub fuk."

The being spoke once more, its words unintelligible. Shalltear could only guess at their meaning. Nevertheless, without difficulty, it moved toward her, and she began to heal herself rapidly with her household.

The being showed no intention of granting her rest, charging at her as its seven golden snakes joined in the attack, biting and unleashing elemental powers upon her. She endured burning, freezing, and attacks reminiscent of the power of the stars from these potent orbs. She was assaulted from all sides but managed to retreat, though the snakes still remained with her.

She devised a strategic retreat, but the being erected a dark barrier behind her, imprisoning her and leaving no room for evasion. Helplessly, she watched as a hand pierced through her, subjecting her to purple flames that devoured her life force mercilessly.

After one minute she finally lost all of her HP, her life extinguished by the hands of this colossal monstrosity.

She was dead, killed by the hands of an enormous monster.

However, it was not over yet. Shalltear came back at the cost of almost nothing and was able to fight once again.

The being seemed to have forgotten about her momentarily, but as soon as she entered the battle, it turned toward her, its flaming eyes piercing her, its very voice capable of causing terror.

It lunged at her again, unleashing numerous fiery orbs. She avoided them carefully, attempting to pierce it with her lance, but to no avail. Her attacks only earned her double the damage in return from its powerful spells, which struck her directly in the stomach. The hellfire-like flames, while resisted, overwhelmed her magic resistance.

She was thrown to the ground, where the being summoned a scythe of darkness in an attempt to behead her. She narrowly evaded each swing, but her options were diminishing.

"[Triple Maximize Magic: Brilliant Radiance]!" She cast the spell once more, momentarily stunning the being. Meta-magic proved advantageous in this case. She attempted to cast it again, but the being employed its wings to close the distance, forming a dark spear. It sought to pierce her and continue its assault, but she wouldn't allow it.

With a cry, she released her household to distract the being, which momentarily diverted its attention.

She retreated, strategizing her defense against this monstrous adversary. It was highly resistant to physical attacks, existing primarily as an ethereal or spectral entity. Magic seemed her only recourse, as it had been effective once before.

"[Maximize Magic: Vermillion Nova]!" She unleashed a fire-based spell upon the monster, causing it to scream in pain. Its aggression shifted entirely toward her, disregarding everything else in its path.

She observed its approach and dodged its spear thrust at the last possible moment. Unseen tentacles of darkness, however, struck her from behind.

Becoming impatient, it raged, consumed by a frenzy that clouded its senses, driving it to annihilate all in its path. Repeatedly, it launched attacks, and each time, Shalltear either evaded or endured. The red-clad vampire was its sole focus, and it showed no mercy.

A burst of negative energy emanated from the being, obliterating a substantial portion of the surroundings. Even Shalltear was thrown off balance, losing her footing. This was the moment of vulnerability the being sought. It launched multiple spears, and while she dodged some, more and more struck her from all directions. She found herself immobilized, stunned by the pain and destruction wrought upon her body. It was over; she had failed.

"Forgive me... Lord Ainz." She uttered with her last breath, speaking the words expected of all who dared to challenge their master.

Yet the being, deprived of further targets, yearned for more victims. Strangely, its time appeared to be running out. The energy that had surged in its prime dissipated into thin air, its dark tendrils vanishing and dwindling. The seven golden serpents swirled around, reconstituting the staff and cradling the orb within their jaws. The being diminished in size after going on a rampage.

Soon, the form of an Overlord became noticeable, though traces of darkness persisted. The skeletal visage returned, as did his equipment, returning to their proper places.

Ainz instantly fell to his knees, weakened after expending all his mana to become the world's most powerful entity for 12 and a half minutes. He retained no memories of the transformation. Somehow, he forgot it all.

He felt as though he were asleep, or at least that's how it seemed. Control over the being he had unleashed no longer resided with him or anyone else; it was an entity unto itself, designed to annihilate all in its path.

"Wh-What happened?" Ainz mumbled, but the answer eluded him. He scanned his surroundings, which now appeared unrecognizable. Everything lay in ruin, destroyed by an overwhelming force.

"Did I do this? I only remember activating my new ability. But then everything became clouded, and I found myself in a pitch-black void. Is this the consequence of becoming a world enemy? Losing sanity or control over one's body?" If that was the case, he couldn't use it again, or it could have ended even worse. What if he would hurt his NPCs? Such a thing he couldn't possibly allow. He had to find a way to control this power or never use it again.

"Lord Ainz!" Albedo cried out, rushing toward him with Cocytus and Demiurge close behind. Panic and concern etched their faces.

Ainz regarded her, his behavior fatigued and confused. "I'm fine, Albedo. Just a bit exhausted. No serious injuries befell me." His voice carried a weariness unusual for him, as if he were not entirely present.

"Let me help you." Albedo offered, extending a hand to help him. Ainz accepted her support, using it to regain his footing. He leaned heavily on his staff for stability.

"Now, let's go home." Ainz suggested, gesturing to the portal that would transport them back to his office. The others nodded, their minds filled with questions they were eager to ask.

"I promise to answer all of your questions, but I need some time to think. If you'll excuse me, I'll be in my chambers." With that, he teleported to his private room, seeking some time alone before confronting the NPC's about what happened.

In frustration, Ainz struck his bed with his fist, shattering it. 'I used the ability, activated it, and then I was gone. When I returned, I was kneeling on the ground in a world that had changed without me. I won't let that happen again.'

"I need some time for myself. After that, I will revive Shalltear."

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