
Overlord of Time

jascris · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Long walk to the beginning

Dr, Tom D. rile was on the flight back to his home in Michigan from Sweden. He had just won his fourth Nobel Prize in the field of biology. Tom was born on 10th of November 1934, He was 81 Years of age this year but he didn't look a day over 50 That's all thanks to his 8 Nobel prize winning inventions in biology and other fields. One of them being able to stop the aging process at least temporarily. Tom lived a very solitary life. He liked reading books from an early age and had a knack for solving puzzles. Tom had personally witnessed most of the technical advancement and with his passion for reading books and solving puzzles he was well versed in most things from steam engine to rocket engine. He himself has made many advances in the field of biology.

'Clara, How is the weather at Detroit airport?'

Tom asked Clara, who isn't a person sitting next to him on the Airplane. Nor was he talking to himself which he also did very often. No, he was asking his AI companion. He used to voice his thoughts often in his solitude and its still not clear whether he created an AI equipped brain chip just so he wouldn't look like a crazy person when he talked to himself. He was anxious to get home, or rather his lab where he worked on the things that had gotten him so many Nobel prizes.

[Weather is clear at the airport, all the flights are on schedule. But there is a slight chance of this plane being 5-10 minutes late to landing due to our pilot being a rookie.]

He heard a swift and concise response. Well, technically he didn't hear it, the response was straight to his brain. This was Clara, which he communicated through a chip in his brain. He programmed it himself along with the chip and the nano-bots in his bone marrow and bio-nano-bots in his blood. This was the secret for his 'youthful' or rather 'not-so-old' appearance. DNA degrades as we age or rather we get older because DNA degrades over time. Nano- bots in bone marrow will keep the DNA in newly produced cells the same and bio-nano-bots did the same thing for the whole body plus rapid healing.

The problem with that was both things needed to be replaced in 5 years. They would stop working after that and it wouldn't be helpful if dead bots accumulated in your body. Especially with the Nano-bots, getting them out of the marrow and replacing them with new ones was an arduous process. He was in the process of making new ones, but for now he could extend their life for a couple more years as he was restricted by the technology of his time. He wasn't getting any younger, Hence the urgency to get back to his research.

'Clara, I'm gonna shut my eyes for a bit. Wake me when we are ready to land if i fall asleep.'


After that Tom closed his eyes and let himself drift to sleep. The rest of the journey was also uneventful, It was 3 AM by the time he reached his home and despite taking a rather long nap on the flight he still fell asleep as soon as he was in the bed. Unlike earlier his nap was cut short by something. Tom has not believed in luck or anything supernatural since he was 9 years old but if things like luck existed, he was about to be the luckiest person in the world.

It was just after 3:30 when he was awoken by Clara.

[Warning! Moment detected in the backyard. Possible intruder alert.]