
Overlord Of Light and Darkness

Ok I am a returning reader. Why returning? Simple, life happens and it sucks sometimes... Now I am just here to chill and relax. And maybe write this fanfic from time to time. Fair warning, the update isn't going to be consistent cause well, let's face it, I ain't gonna prioritize this over my job or other important aspects of my life. It's also a wish fullfilment, and AU fanfic. NOW TO THE GOOD STUFF ------------------------------------------------------------- This is an Adventure Quest World/Overlord Fanfic. I apologies in advance for any inconsistency in Lore. I had just recently recovered my account in AQW. and can only barely remember the 13 Lords of chaos. Let alone the convoluted Mother of Monsters. So again sorry for any shortcomings in the lore. In short -Wish fulfillment, AU, OCs, And small harem pairings. (even if I catch Pokemon I don't play them all.)

Elliza_Faith · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 2 - The New World

Hero-Hero gazed upon the form he had just taken. One of his racial skills, Mimic, allows him to take the form of certain presets in game. Limited but removing and adding forms weren't exactly an issue but now, the skill has changed so much that he can change to another at any given moment. He then imagined his mortal self, but far from the tired and broken body he once had, no, he wanted a better form.

And just like their experiments in the sixth floor with their magic and skills, he was able to mold himself into the form he wanted.

Long brown hair, tied into a pony tail. With shiny black eyes and a sharp chin. His body is lean but his muscles, despite not being bulky were still prominent throughout his body.

He had nothing on him but his shorts but he could hardly care.

He smiled widely, feeling a sense of pride at the outcome.

'Our magic is incredibly flexible here it's amazing!' Hero-Hero thought.

As they had initially tested, their magic is flexible to certain extents. Like how Momonga tried using a fireball and instead compressed it to an attack more akin to a laser. Artix' healing magic can be reduced or in even some cases, increased in potency by either reducing the power output or increasing it.

But the most incredible of them is their summons, Momonga can now add a more cosmetic form to his creations. Making them look like a group of armored men in black menacing armors instead of actual skeletons.

And finally 'He can even empower them to the point of making them actually talk!'

That was the final nail in the coffin for Hero-Hero and decided to take his leave then. Creating something is one thing... creating someone is another.

But... Looking at his current looks, touching his cheek, even his abs. He certainly isn't complaining. He then focused on his inventory and again felt the two virtual spaces within. One served as his gelatinous self or his 'racial storage' and another served as his official inventory.

As an elder ooze he could not equip armors, his race best empowered themselves with talismans and enchanted accessories. The very race itself is losing out on specializations, but the devs fixed that giving the race enough space for flexibility. And so came the racial storage space. All the cash items in the game could not match an Elder Ooze inventory capacity.

And now he is reaping the benefits. Reaching within the void, he pulled out a gray long coat. Then he felt it, he tried to equip it and felt resistance.

'I guess that makes sense... my form may have changed but not my race. I am still an Elder Ooze....'

His eyes widened as an idea struck him. Focusing within himself just as Artix had said, he could feel it within him. A foreign power that mixed well within the darkness.

And as he opened his eyes, they flashed in brilliant white settling back until it returned back to their black color.

He felt the thrumming power within him slowly settle. He then tried the coat again and as he expected, it vanished into motes of light and reappeared around him. Form fitting as if they were made for his size with great presicion.


His laughter was of joy as he felt the fabric against his skin. His Lore Template. Soul Weaver.

One year since Yggdrasil's initial launch, city ruins were being explored and lost technology were being recovered in the real world.

And amongs the many forms of entertainment that was recovered was games.

Amongs the most popular was Warcraft, as the tale of The Lich King has spawned many players to follow the theme. The fallen hero turned dark.

And of course, Diablo. For those who either wish to be a Hero Chosen to battle the great evil...

or simply those with too much hatred, that they prefer that the world burn...

'....traitor....' Hero-Hero couldn't help but thought.

The template system was basically a class package. But it had one glaring problem for Heteromorphs, it was all human based. And so it had to be levelled separately from their Original character sheets.

At first many were hesitant, but not only was it free, but the fact that an undead could actually use paladin skills and magics by switching in between was a possibility too wide to ignore.

Even Momonga followed the theme, but not until their greatest introduction.

The World of Lore.

It was a great installment to Yggdrasil. One that raked in five times more player bases. It was full of jokes and funny moments that made them laugh.

Heck even the intro was enough to make him giggle in it's absurdity. Seriously, the main character gets struck by lightning after awesomely raising a sword. His giggles turned to full blown laughter as the Hero bounced off far down the rocky mountain.

*haha...* "Good times."

The story follows a Hero's journey across Lore.

Against the Great Fire Dragon Arkiloth.

Against the Sepulchure and his undead armies.

The Clash between The Nation and The Legion.

And the all time favorite, against the Thirteen Lords of Chaos.

Players got to accompany this Hero throughout his journey serving as their companions as they met NPCs that aided them in their quest.

Striking heartbreak, like Demento's death. The heart pounding mission to defend the forging of the Frozen Claymore and the cheer and glorious victory as the Fire Dragon Falls against the Hero while players held the line against it's brood.

Heroic tales to babysitting a Dark Lord's daughter and being threatened by the soul searing blade that can permanently cripple your character.

Lore was full of adventures. And the players got to be part of it all together.

As the level cap went higher along side the Tiers of magic and skills, so did the power of each enemy they encountered.

Then world nearly broke when the Hero became enemy and not even whole guilds could stop his rampage against the nine realms.

The fall of Asgard, as The 13th Lord of Chaos destroyed it's armies and guilds, beat down both Thor and Loki, killed Freya, shattered Gungnir and then broke the All Father's Spine on his knee.

Five Worlds fell, and the mightiest of Midgard had to offer along with it.

Countless resisted. But what made it worst and extremely difficult, were the players that fell. They had the choice of either respawning in another safe zone or.... joining Chaos.

It wasn't exactly easy denying the allure of power.

'Even Artix, but he fed us info from within so his intensions were easily overlooked by various guilds. It even helped solidify the Guilds position in The Grand Alliance.'

The Grand Alliance. An alliance of Good and Evil with no boundaries or races.

The gravity of the situation kicked in and every player started to pull together to stem the tide. In a small town heralded by knights called Guardians is where the clash occured. Holding the 13th Lord of Chaos at bay with the help five of the most powerful guilds and all Nine World Champions with Artix showing his allegiance with the Alliance.

Guilds against Chaos, The Nine against The Chosen One. It was a brutal battle that scorched the land. The battle lasted for three whole days. People logged-out, went to work only to have to rejoin the fight ones more.

In the end they barely succeeded. The Nine were on their last legs when The Chaos Lord retreated. The story continued. A betrayal, a revelation, death and then The final battle came, The Hero returned and confrontated the Champion of Chaos into a retreat.

And then the Hero vanished, destroying the Chaos portal from within, trapped and lost to Lore... forever.

The End.

"...It was fun... Truly it was ..."

His musings were cut short as a message came in.


'Hero-Hero-san, I had just concluded my meeting with the guardians, I would like to hold a conference and present my findings.'

'hahaha, no need for permission Guild Master! I will be there.'

He then turned around to find himself face to face with the maid personally appointed to him. Solution Epsilon.

He blushed seeing her slightly parted lips, and her chest heaving slightly as she gazed upon him with flushed face as a bit of drool escaped dripping down to the valley of her chests while her eyes raked across his body.


All of a sudden he turned back to his slime form with a *blop*.

"I will be going to meet with the others, wait here!" he nearly shouted hurriedly and then vanished using his Guild Ring.

As Hero-Hero left, Solution could barely contain herself and fell in the carpeted floor with her hands slowly raking against her clothed chest and the other between her legs.

Within the silence of the room, only the rustling of clothes could be heard as Solution bit down her lips with half lidded eyes.


The metallic tapping of Momonga's finger upon the marbled table was the only sound to be heard within the conference room.

And despite Artix and Hero-Hero's presence, they both kept silent as they looked on to their leader with eager eyes.

Sighing loudly, Momonga looked to Artix and Hero-Hero. "There is no denying our current situation. We had best move forward instead." seeing no objections, he continued. "Our safety is Paramount. We have already confirmed the Guardian's loyalty. Now we must focus externally. Hiding our location is one thing but securing our surroundings is another."

Artix nodded "Agreed. I have already made headway regarding our lack of information. Though we aren't yet sure of the status of our current surroundings or the level of strength the inhabitants possesses. I may have found a solution to that."

The two then looked to him expectantly. To which he nodded to the door. From outside stepped in Yuri Alpha.

"Greetings Supreme Ones." she said as she bowed deeply.

They then turned to Artix who unfortunate had frozen and slowly blushed as he gazed upon the maid. Though the two found it amusing, they believe there are more important things to address at the moment.

"ARTIX!" said Momonga.

*cough* "ah... Yes! Yuri, please show them what you had told me."

The blushing maid then placed an ornate mirror atop the table and after a few taps and waves, they could finally gaze at her findings. It was a village. Small, poor and new. The looks alone alongside it's inhabitants showed nothing unremarkable about the place. But one thing was clear to their eyes. A farmer smiling under the sun as he wiped his sweat. A couple of kids rolling unto the grass as they played and finally a little girl taking deep breaths as she drank water from the well. A single thought amongs them was shared and it shined in everyone's eyes.

The world is habitable.

They were almost vibrating in excitement. It wasn't long before Hero-Hero could no longer able to contain himself as he slid down his chair followed by Artix.

Momonga though simply raised his hand and the two stopped.

He then looked to the maid.

"Yuri Alpha. Inform Albedo and Sebas to meet us outside."

"As you command Momonga-sama."

The three immediately teleported using their rings to the first floor where they were greeted by three angels. Sadly for them, Momonga and the others were too excited to be deterred. Not even acknowledging Aranx' calls.

Reaching the entrance to the tomb the three of them stopped just short of their first rays of light.

Artix removed his gauntlet and slowly stretched out his hand. He then felt it for the first time. The warmth of the sun. A wide smile bloomed upon his face as streaks of tears flowed down from his eyes. The two then followed as they too soon stood just at the entrance of the Grand Mausoleum.

Momonga wanting to feel more, he unequipped his armor, leaving him in but a full black skin tight suit. He has a short black hair, square jaw and sharp black eyes that reflected his strength.

His body was beefed up with muscles looking as if they were about to explode from the confines of his clothes and yet his muscular nature was not overtly so.

(AN: Guts from Berserk unscarred and with both eyes working.)

Next to him was Hero-Hero, whom after gazing at the two for sometime ever so slowly but surely began to take his previous form. Feeling slightly burnt, he activated his template and the rush of warmth, cold and sound made him smile widely at the clouds.

The three of them relished at the emotions and feelings that are assaulting their senses.

The heat and warmth of the sun, the soft windy breeze, the sound of rustling trees and the singing birds. It was all so peaceful. Walking down the stairs and further away from the tomb, Momonga then knelt and brushed his hands across the grass. Completely ignoring the calls of alarm from Albedo and Sebas.

He teared up a bit as he felt them graze against his palm. He could barely believe that he is touching actual blades of grass.

"....the internet records did not do them justice...." he whispered.


He looked towards the voice and found himself looking up to the face of the alluring demones. His senses were then drowned by her presence, enough so that it made her skin glossier, her eyes more reflective, her lips looked more inviting and her curves seemed to grow in his eyes. It was only when he felt her shiver under his touch that he realized he had stood up and held her cheek.

Immediately retracting his hand, he closed his eyes and then released a deep breath. She was still intoxicating in his senses but not to the point as before as the urge to the jump her there and then had slowly dwindled to manageable levels.

"I want you to bring my mother outside Albedo. Tell her, her son wishes for her presence." he ordered.

"...as you wish Momonga-sama."

Waiting for his most precious person to arrive, he decided to enjoy what he can. So he sat down on the grass and later laid down upon it.

Right above him is the sun. 'An honest to God sun. An image I never thought my eyes would ever gaze upon. And yet it is there... it is real... And it is truly is beautiful.'


Narberal Gamma had tended to the Supreme Mother ever since she passed out in the Throne Room. She had woken for a while now and while it broke her heart at telling her that Lord Momonga was otherwise occupied and unable to answer her summons.

She had at least succeeded at alleviating her mood. Sadly it came with a consequence she had not expected.

"Uwwaahhh....you so beautiful Narberal!" Lady Celestia squeeled in joy. "Now! Give me a spin!"

Despite blushing up a storm, she performed her duty with as much elegance and grace as she possibly could.

"Uwahhh!!! That dress does indeed look beautiful on you Narberal but! I must admit, that color does not look good on you! Now remove it!"

Nodding in affirmation, she started removing the dress she had been outfitted with.

All across the room three maids could be seen tidying up the place of Lord Momonga. Sorting and storing all the items scattered across the room to better the space of the Supreme one, specially one occupied by the Supreme Mother of all people.

And amongs this items happened to be several dresses and even armors that were meant for the female gender. This has been her situation since she calmed down. Being used by the Supreme Mother as a dress up doll before being catalogued.

A knock upon the door prompted Narberal into action but stopped at the door as she realized that she has nothing but her lingerie on along with black stockings held together by a garter belt.

But before she could magically equip her battle maid uniform, the door swung open revealing the Guardian Overseer.

They froze on the spot seeing each other, and with Narberal wearing such a skimpy outfit. It wasn't difficult to see how her thoughts wondered to the worst kind of thought possible.

"I see... being given the opportune chance to be the maid in direct service to Momonga-sama's personal quarters had bloated your ego... battle maid!.... how bold of you..."

Rooted in place of the Overseer's killing intent. Narberal shook where she stood. And then all of a sudden a flash of light emitted from her blossom or more precisely, a necklace.

She was then reminded of her many gifts.

It was the day she and her sister's were unveiled to the Supreme Beings. She was filled with joy as they applaused and praised their beauty. But what she remembered most was the teasing and specially, the 'Log-out kisses'.

Beast King Mekongawa went first, kissing Lupus and then promptly vanishing or as the Supreme Beings called it 'Log-Out'.

CS2128 was kissed in the forehead by Lady Yamaiko and then Entoma by lord Genjiro and Aureole Omega. Who, surprisingly was kissed in the cheek by Lord Touch-Me. As each Supreme Being treated and saw their respective maids as their children.

Finally it was Solution who was proudly and boisterously presented by Lord Hero-Hero. She was then practically devoured by Lord Hero-Hero as he basicaly engulfed her her head and torso and was suddenly Log-out. Prompting a few laughs from the other Supreme Beings.

And then Yuri Alpha who was kissed lovingly by Lord Artix. Making the other Supreme Beings whistle.

And finally there was her. Who much to her joy and utter surprised and confusion was approached by Lord Momonga.

Amidst the cheers and the hollers, Lord Momonga suddenly held her by his arms and then kissed her as he gripped her by her butt lifting her from the floor...

The warmth of his lips was so intoxicating that she had lost herself in it. Before all of a sudden...he vanished like the others. There were clapping and cheers as they seemed to celebrate Lord Momonga's acceptance of her.

It was at that moment forth that she was lauded by the Supreme Beings with so much attention that she was the very first amongs her sisters to have reached both the limit of her strength and the first to reach a full Divine Class Set. Said to be the finest form of equipment to ever existed.

The Guild Master's visits, brought her stories of their adventures, of joy, sadness, rejoice and frustrations. And along each visit came with a gift, accessories, armors, dress and even weapons and jewelry. She was showered by things that the Supreme one deemed outdated.

She was all the more happy to receive them, all from his personal stash no less.

One such items, was a necklace one he said to have worn since he started 'playing', a gift. Gifts from the Supreme Being. Gifts that symbolized her right to stand by The Guild Master's side.

This flood of memories gave Narberal courage. Courage to defy her place in the hierarchy. To be more than a simple Battle Maid.

Narberal glared back at Albedo, fighting off her killing intent. Her mind screaming in defiance, defiance she hoped to convey.

'It was me who fought alongside him within that Throne Room! Not you! But me!'

Albedo began grinding her teeth at Narberal's impudence but before it could escalate any further. A voice immediately cut through them.

"...enough..." the voice echoed. Her tone froze the tension solid and then shattered it. Bathing everyone in a cold realization.

They both turned to Lady Celestia looking at the two of them coldly. And while Albedo bowed for her actions, Narberal knelt to the ground.

Sighing, Celestia looked to Albedo and asked as to the reason for her presence. Hearing that her son is free at the moment brought her a great amount of joy. But before she left, she turned to Narberal.

Looking down at the girl before her, she could only smile sadly at the situation that her son had found himself in... Specially with what she had just subjected himself into.

'In my defence, I didn't know this would happen... Oh my sweet, please forgive your foolish mother.'


"Yes Lady Celestia!"

"You remember the 'Saber Outfit'?" the battle maid nodded. "Put it on and follow me."

Both Narberal and Albedo had their eyes widened. Just as Narberal begun putting on the armored dress, Albedo begun protesting. But before she could finish her ramblings, Celestia spoke.

"Albedo my dear, this is my decision. I want her close by just in case I needed something. After all, I am sure you would not want to be my errand girl instead of being beside Momonga instead after all."

Seeing the reluctant nod from the succubus and her personal maid up and ready, they soon made their way the first floor.


Standing beneath the sun, feeling the warmth and the breeze, looking around every swaying grass and trees and listening to the birds and the wind.

Celestia smiled as she gazed upon such clean world. A short distance away from her stood a tall and muscular man. And yet even she could tell it was her son, looking at her lovingly.

A smile adorned his face. A genuine one, one she had never seen in their old world.

She walked forward wanting more than her treacherous eye's confirmation. And as soon as she reached him. Wearing nothing but a skin tight shirt that showed off his muscles, baggy black pants and a pair of steel greeves and sabatons. She ran her fingers across his hair and her thumb across his eyes.

She cried seeing it, feeling it. With no words to share, she simply called up to him with narry but a whisper.

"... my son..."

"Mother." he replied softly.

His voice was as strong and regal as his bearings and yet... She could still feel her child.

But what truly warmed her heart most was his face. Unblemished, unscarred and the few burn marks from the heat of their old world was gone.

His smile was finally whole.

It was all she wanted. She no longer cared if this world was real. She would make it real, and every beautiful future she had dreamed of.