
Overlord: multiverse of power

reborn in overlord a year before the development of Yggdrasil with infinite money mind crontrol ability and a multiversal chat group system.

Emmanuel_1_A · Cómic
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1 Chs

chapter 1

Wishes and reincarnation.

In the void, a space of absolute emptiness floats a lone a soul. This soul is our mc. 367 years ago he died after being hit by a truck on his way home from his 9 to five job that he absolute hated. That particular day started just like normal. He woke did he his morning routine to a cramped train got to work, was yelled at by his boss for no reason just before given him extra work. Of course, he took it, not because he was a pussy but because he had no choice. Being an orphan, he grew up as nothing and was expected to be nothing. He got to where his at through hard work but really what was the point, he did all that just to leave a miserable life and end up dying miserably. 

Either way after his death he found himself here in the void. At first he was majorly exited after all he did consider himself an otaku, he believed that he was going to meet a ROB get wishes and live the type of life he always dreamed of. But 3 months he gave up on the idea, now 367 years later he was just a husk of what he used to be. Memories and consciousness dormant. 

"Well, this isn't good. How did this little one end up here. Uhm looks like his being here for a while". Some type of green energy came out of the being's body and entered the mc's soul. This energy somehow reenergised our mc and brought him back to the prime of his soul state. Memories and consciousness reawakened. 

"Where are am I" he said looking around him, "oh right the void". He soon took notice of the being that floated before him who seemingly just about finished morphing into the shape of the mc's image.

"The soul of a mortal would combust at the sight of a being at my level. What you're seeing now is the form you feel most comfortable with. Some see their mothers others their fathers or lovers, to you its yourself. Now before you ask any questions let me first tell you that you are indeed in the void, a space that exists between realms, where creation begins and ends. And I am a high god, one of the true highest-level beings that exist in the multiverse. And you little soul seemed to have fallen off your path of reincarnation and into the void. I took a look at your memories while I was bringing you back, and your luck I have been quite bored as off late so some entertainment would be good, ill give you 5 wishes and reincarnate you with your memories intact. So, go on and make your wishes".

 Now you would think that I would be nervous or frighten or something but for some reason I felt totally calm and lucid. "That would be my doing, now go on, that waste your precious time, you might not have noticed but you are vanishing right now, after all no mortal can survive in here for that long. 

Ater taking a minute to think over it I made my decision "Okay, I'm ready,

For my first wish, I want to be reborn into the world of overlord a year before the development of YGGDRASIL.

For my second, I want an infinite amount of money that I can use as I wish without fucking up the economy. 

For my third, I want the ability to mind control others with no side effect.

For my fourth, a multiversal chat group system of which I would be the admin. The system would only invite only people of like mindedness and adequate power. There should be a store, as well as a system ai to aid the users, the ai would be secretly absolutely loyal to me. The system will also offer missions that the users can do for rewards in coins which can be used in the system to buy anything in the multiverse. The system can awaken in the new world. 

For my last wish, I want luck. The highest level of luck as possible."


"Good, I shall grant you these wishes now then off you go, and remember to entertain."