
Overlord in a new world

The ancient texts talk about legendary cultivator's ascensions. But for a hundred thousand years no one managed to achieve such a feat. After becoming the greatest cultivator of his era, Bai Jingshen came to a conclusion: The Great Cultivation world was already declining and could not support any ascensions anymore. In order to not be stopped in his path, Bai Jingshen sought all cultivatiors to aid him in breaking the barriers of this world. With their power he succeeded, but arrived in a world of far evolved science. Was this really the immortal realm? But why was eveyone talking about exploring this new world?

xVolum3 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

Teatime with Ra

While Ra was seriously brewing tea for both of them, Bai Jingshen got a good look at him for the first time. Contrary to his brother, Ra had long, well kept, golden hair. With his serious gaze and straight, manly jawline he looked like some knight of justice. Bai Jingshen couldn't tell if there was any motive behind Ra getting closer to him, but he didn't feel any sort of falseness form the man.

Bai Jingshen was even certain that Ra was the type of person to only lie in extreme emergencies, while continuing to regret his actions for years afterwards. Thinking about what he knew about Ra's parents, this trait could only come from his mother or other elders.

Ra meanwhile didn't notice Bai Jingshen's observation. He was caught in his own world, wanting to make the best tea he could. Growing up in the capital's noble circle, Ra couldn't bring himself to consider anyone there his friend. As a child, he could already tell how their parents dictated their relationships.

Sadly, his father was always burdened by a lot of pressure. Ever since his great grandfather succeeded with their family's business, that old man made the rules. Although he was a rare genius, who singlehandedly brought their families into the noble circle by expanding the Republic's territory, he was also a strict and ruthless person.

Since then, the main lineage of their family were all harshly trained to expand their influence. Ra's only save space was by his mother's side, who sadly was only a tool for their families' alliance by marriage. Ra often thought his gentle mother deserved better, which slowly became the motivation for him to grow stronger. If he could surpass his great grandfather, his word would become law from that point on. Therefore, Ra didn't reject joining Dragon's Tail, as it was indeed a good organization to help him grow.

After a few years of almost self-destructive training, Ra was now sent to New Haven City to compete for the scholar's pass. Unfortunately, he wasn't the only noble heir sent here, so he wasn't sure about his chances. Therefore, he reluctantly agreed when his master asked him for help. So, he followed his master and brother to Thobar Bionics, hoping they could eliminate someone beforehand.

He would have never expected to meet someone like Bai Jingshen here. Ra was impressed with how easily this new recruit handled his brother. Even though the latter wasn't as talented as him, he was still trained form an early age by their family. As the match progressed however, Ra grew increasingly angry. When Bai Jingshen talked about Terr's feelings, he also poked Ra's sore points. Therefore, he wanted to leave as soon as Terr lost the match. Ra thought he would teach Bai Jingshen a lesson at the competition, however surprisingly his brother wasn't angry when he woke up.

On the same day, Terr told Ra, that he thought things through. Ra didn't ask much, as the two brothers bid goodbye to each other while Terr went to visit their mother. Ra also didn't have to ask anything, as he already understood his brother. He would most likely run away. Pursuing an unknown fate, Ra couldn't predict if they would ever see each other again. However, he was sure this was the best path for his brother.

Therefore, Ra's anger dissolved into thin air, and he even felt embarrassed. In order to apologize he met Bai Jingshen at the hot springs, which let to him now finally pouring tea for the first person he would consider a friend.

Bai Jingshen naturally wouldn't reject having someone to talk to in an unfamiliar environment, so he was happily leaning back on his couch, breathing in the sweet smell which slowly spread through the room. The former emperor could already tell that this tea wasn't some low-class product. It was for sure better than everything provided to him in this training room.

As Ra finished and carefully placed the tea in front oh his friend, Bai Jingshen observed it for a moment. His expectation grew, as he observed the clear liquid in front of him, while his exhaustion already cleared up a little. Finally he cupped his fists at Ra, before carefully taking the tea cup and brining it to his mouth. He took a small sip, savoring the taste in his mouth, before gulping it down.

He happily smiled and drank the rest of the tea. As he did so Bai Jingshen threw a surprised look at Ra, who also followed the Great Cultivation World's tea customs just like him. Thus, he asked in a mild tone, still savoring the tea's effect of elevating his mind:

"Brother Ra. Where did you learn your tea customs from?"

"I was always fascinated by the Great Cultivation World, very much to my father's displeasure. When I grew up, I got to know likeminded people on the internet. I even snuck out of my home once to visit a virtual reality store one time, in order to have a tea session with an elder. We talked a lot about the Great Cultivation World, its' customs and beauty. Afterwards I had the wish to buy a virtual reality pot myself, but my father quickly found out. He wouldn't allow me to waste my time on nonsense. Therefore, I went to my mother for consultation, and she would secretly teach me about tea brewing.

A few months later my father also wanted to stop those lessons, but he relented when I showed him how I was a novice already."

"I'm really sorry, you had such a strict father. I always admired mine, so our interests aligned pretty well. Therefore, I can't really relate, but if you ever need help you can ask me anyways."

"Thank you, Brother Bai. By the way, where do you come from?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't talk about this."

"Ohh, sorry for prying."

After their tea drinking session, the two young men sat there in silence, lost in their own memories. However, Bai Jingshen quickly snapped out of his, feeling pure and refreshed from the tea. He stood up from his couch and finally proposed:

"Let's begin with our sparring now. You came just at the right time, as I wanted to train some spear martial arts. Bennet told me yesterday I should train in those foundational martial arts without Qi. Any advice?"

With Bai Jingshen's question, Ra also stopped thinking about the past and quickly answered:

"If he talked about foundational martial arts, then I can help you. While most organizations have their own techniques they are known for, which mustn't be taught to an outsider, those set of foundational martial arts were invented by the Scholar's Tower for all youths to train in. When these set of techniques were released, they were widely praised and the name of their inventor, five-star scholar who Lunete Borde, became famous overnight. Therefore, those techniques are also known as Borde techniques.

Now, just tell your AI to show you the Borde spear. I have to warn you however, my accomplishments in the Borde spear technique have already reached minor success, so I won't go easy on you."

Bai Jingshen looked at Ra in surprise. One had to know that a lot of work was needed to advance a small stage in any technique. Bai Jingshen for example just started in practicing his White Illusion Cultivation Technique, so he only reached the "first-step-stage". Even if he did his best at all times, it probably is going to take him years to reach the minor-success-stage. However, this wasn't the end as afterwards followed major success, perfection and transcendence. Admittedly, the White Illusion Arts where the hardest techniques Bai Jingshen knew, but he still couldn't look down on the minor success stage.

Bai Jingshen's thoughts suddenly changed however, as he realized that for once his common knowledge didn't apply. As he read through the Borde Spear Technique presented by General Mao, he quickly understood that these techniques were really designed for beginners. They mostly focused on force concentration and balance, things which really served as a foundation for the mastery of more complicated techniques.

Therefore, someone would ideally train their favorite Borde Technique all the way up to perfection, before even reaching the Qi Gathering Realm. Bai Jingshen still praised their ingenuity however, as a quick look already let him know, that these techniques really served their purpose well. Although, with Bai Jingshen's vast experience, he might even be able to train these techniques to transcendence in a short time, as his only hinderance in his training proved to be the coordination between his mind and his new body.

Bai Jingshen already knew that he couldn't rush his training though. Although it might feel frustrating, he had to start from the beginning, thoroughly training his body, until every move was ingrained in his bones. Therefore, Bai Jingshen decided to train in all kinds of Borde Techniques until the newcomer competition started. After winning those, Bai Jingshen would visit the Scholar's Tower and look for suitable Martial Arts, comparing those with techniques from his memories.

Since Ra had a similar plan, the two young men didn't delay any longer and started to train in earnest in Bai Jingshen's private training room.