
Overlord in a new world

The ancient texts talk about legendary cultivator's ascensions. But for a hundred thousand years no one managed to achieve such a feat. After becoming the greatest cultivator of his era, Bai Jingshen came to a conclusion: The Great Cultivation world was already declining and could not support any ascensions anymore. In order to not be stopped in his path, Bai Jingshen sought all cultivatiors to aid him in breaking the barriers of this world. With their power he succeeded, but arrived in a world of far evolved science. Was this really the immortal realm? But why was eveyone talking about exploring this new world?

xVolum3 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs


Bai Jingshen slowly opened his groggy eyes only to instantly close them again. A massive headache assaulted his brain. Although he knew it was a bit early to use the Blinding Immortal Arts, he hadn't expected it to put such a strain on him.

Thinking back, this was probably the consequence after using it in an environment permeated by the New World's laws. However, thinking about it he grew even more exited about the New World. A world's laws or rules was what kept a world alive. They dictated everything about a world, from the beings living there to the eventual life and death of the world itself.

The Great Cultivation World for example was already close to death, with its laws slowly growing weaker. In contrary to the Rising Force World, which seemed to still be developing with its laws growing stronger. Therefore, Bai Jingshen was exited for the New World, as he firsthand experienced the strength of those laws, especially since the New World in comparison was still a fledgling.

Bai Jingshen continued to rest on his comfy bed while still remembering the feeling of being close to the laws. An hour later he heard a quiet sliding sound, followed by careful steps. A woman's voice called out to him:

"Jingshen? Are you awake?"

The young man was surprised to hear Kayleen's voice. He slowly opened his eyes while greeting the young redhead with a slight smile and raspy voice:

"Morning Kayleen. Good to see you again."

"Morning to you too. Its good that you are fine. If you feel alright, I will tell your team to come in."

Kayleen's words prompted Bai Jingshen to take in his surroundings. He found himself laying on a comfortable white bed. He was in a small room with multiple machines. One of those connected to his arm, obviously reading some sort of signal. He felt his body and realized that his wounds were already professionally treated.

What caught his attention, however, was the view out of his window. He realized it was the first time he was inside one of those skyscrapers. From his position he could only see a few neighboring towers and one bridge not far from him. He was surprised as he realized how even from this distance, he could not see through the other towers' windows. He figured it made sense however, as all sorts of vehicles could fly between towers.

"Can you tell me where I am?"

"After your fight, you were unconscious, but the competition already ended. Therefore New Haven City's medical personal directly brought you here. This is Thobar Bionics' medical division."

Bai Jingshen could hear Kayleen's pride in her voice and quickly realized:

"Oh. So, this is your working place?"

"Yes! I have been working here as an assistant to a psychiatrist for one year now. Not fulltime of course, I still have to study and help in St. Igula occasionally. But now that I will graduate I will work as a psychiatrist in the New World!"

"You seem exited. I'm sure you will do a good job!"

"Thank you!

Alright I will call in your team. I'm sure they can't wait much longer. See you in the New World!"

"Ok, it was nice catching up with you."


As Bai Jingshen was talking to his worried team mates, Spike Sr. was jus waking up elsewhere. He took a look around and quickly realized that he was imprisoned. His cultivation was sealed, and his hands tied together. He tried to observe his surroundings, but the only thing he could see were strong metallic rods, restricting his freedom on all sides. Beyond his cell he could only see darkness and occasionally a few blue lights. They probably represented other cells.

Taking in his situation, a mixture of anger, hopelessness, concern and… something sinister could be seen on his face. He suddenly let out a loud shout, not sure if anyone even heard him. Slowly he stood up, struggling under his own weakness. Spike looked down on himself, realizing that he only wore a long, black robe. He knew those as New Haven Guard's prisoner robes, but he never thought he would wear these himself one time.

He swayed as he began to walk towards the rods surrounding him. He didn't really think, as he slammed his body into them, searching for any reaction at all. A shock suddenly ran through his body. He felt pain all over as Mana ripped through his every muscle, before he flew backwards to the middle of his cell. The rods blinked in red Mana for a few times before turning quiet again.

Spike groggily laid on the ground. The shock he received was seemingly perfect to immobilize him for a few hours, without doing much actual harm to his body. While he was making plans on how to escape from his predicament not far from him a blue arch suddenly opened. It seemed to be a portal, as one could see a cloaked figure standing on the other side. Although this arch looked like teleportation, it was really just a door which would normally be hidden by Mana. Therefore, from inside the dark prison, this door was practically untraceable.

The situation changed however if someone like the cloaked figure took a step into the prison. Some quiet sounds could suddenly be heard throughout the darkness. Spike realized these were the dampened shouts of other prisoners. Still lying on the floor Spike watched as the figure slowly flew through the air towards him. He realized that a Gene Activation Realm cultivator had found his way here.

The mysterious person came to a stop before Spike's cell, silently looking down on him. He didn't notice the black flash in the Chief Instructor's eyes, as Spike struggled to stand up. The cloaked figure was obviously waiting for Spike to speak. Although he didn't like to be in this disadvantageous position, Spike acknowledged his weaker role and asked:

"What do you want?"

The figures voice suddenly sounded in his mind, startling him. He wasn't shocked about this ability every Gene Activation Realm cultivator could learn, but how this figure seemingly ignored the restrictions of his cell.

"Do you want revenge? I will give it to you."

Spike for the shortest moment grew furious, at this blatant try of making him a puppet. However, getting out of his cell was his priority now, so he complied:

"Of course I want to."

"Good. I can see you understand your situation. Drink this."

With those words, the figure threw him a bottle with transparent liquid.

"This is poison. Don't bother to analyze it. You will get the antidote after killing Bai Jingshen."

The figure was overconfident however, not realizing the smirk on Spike's face. He had his fair bit of knowledge about all kinds of poisons. The one in his hand… really was to low level, so he rapidly drank it.

"Decisive, I see. We will gift you a new ID and a facelift. Afterwards you will hide in the audience at the ceremony in two days. I advise you to strike at the very last second before the newcomers enter their portals. That's when New Haven City's attention should be waning. As a Gene Activation Realm cultivator I will be in the VIP lounge. During the chaos I will find a way to bring you away."

Spike really wanted to kill this bastard before him. Who was he trying to convince with this obvious lie. They were simply using him and if it didn't work, they would use someone else tomorrow. He was sure to get his revenge someday, but he still wasn't even out of his cell right now.

"Alright I agree. I hope you stay true to your word!"

The cloaked figure smiled behind the mask it was wearing.

"Of course. Honor is important to us. Since you agreed let's get you out of here."

Spike observed closely as the mysterious figure held out its gloved hand. It held a small device he didn't recognize. Suddenly a wave of Mana spread, prompting his cell to shine in red all over. His cell blinked a few times before the Mana suddenly turned green. He watched on, as the metal rods before the cloaked figure slowly separated from his cell, simply floating nearby.

On the figures signal, Spike walked outside, still swaying heavily. Once he left his cell, the cloaked figure retracted its hand, prompting the cell to close again. Spike realized that he could float in this weird darkness, but from the figure's aura he still didn't doubt its strength. Still feeling like a prisoner as the figure grabbed his arm, Spike was escorted through the blue arc.

The chief instructor felt elated, as they reached a hallway with a deserted military checkpoint in front of them. The figure led him forward, quickly arriving before a big metallic gate. Only one man could be seen standing there. From his strength and uniform, he had to be a high official amongst the New Haven City guard, but from his posture he was obviously uncomfortable as he nodded at them. The figure mockingly spoke out loud:

"Thanks for your help this time."

With an angry face the man caught the device the figure threw at him before leading them to the side. Spike was surprised as they made their way through what seemed to be a secret sideway. Observing the mostly deserted checkpoints on their way, Spike realized what influence his puppeteer seemed to have. Finally they arrived in a big room. Immense Mana could be felt everywhere in this room, prompting Spike to imagine the enormous firepower uninvited guests would have to endure here.

The chief instructor was surprised as the figure led him up a small stairway. He recognized the big blue platform in front of him as a teleporter. Although those weren't completely unheard of, they still weren't something someone of Spike's status would use daily. The figure guiding him, however, didn't stop for a second, simply dragging him forward.

The uniformed man let out a deep breath after sending this troublesome guest away. He quickly changed the teleporter's coordinates back on the console before him, before leaving to 'check-up on his prisoners'.