
Overlord in a new world

The ancient texts talk about legendary cultivator's ascensions. But for a hundred thousand years no one managed to achieve such a feat. After becoming the greatest cultivator of his era, Bai Jingshen came to a conclusion: The Great Cultivation world was already declining and could not support any ascensions anymore. In order to not be stopped in his path, Bai Jingshen sought all cultivatiors to aid him in breaking the barriers of this world. With their power he succeeded, but arrived in a world of far evolved science. Was this really the immortal realm? But why was eveyone talking about exploring this new world?

xVolum3 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs


After Bai Jingshen sat down to learn, Kayleen wasn't sure what to do now. Richard quickly had an idea though, telling Kayleen to let her AI read thee book out loud. Meanwhile he would try to find a place for this troublesome "refugee" to stay. Judging from Bai Jingshen's enthusiasm towards Richard's bookshelf rather than the tablet on his desk, he decided to treat him like someone from those tech-averse tribes for now.

Bai Jingshen's mind meanwhile was fully focused on the book in front of him, trying to figure out speech patterns, commonly used letters, and grammatical structures. Kayleen proved to be really helpful as well, letting her AI visualize and read out the book's text. In this way, Bai Jingshen understood quite a bit of information, quickly figuring out that his book seemed to depict the Mhalor's Light Republic's history.

Only a few bits and pieces proved to be interesting for Bai Jingshen, however. He understood that the world he found himself in was ruled by five big states and multiple smaller ones. The Republic was a state of average strength, dragged down by the fact, that secular powers are constantly struggling against the Mahlor's Light Church.

Some families and big organizations even gained a lot of independence by siding with the right side at the right time, or simply looking for outside backers. Bai Jingshen didn't care much about the local rulership. Where there were humans, there would be struggle for power after all.

Suddenly Bai Jingshen's eyes went wide though towards the end of the book. He quickly tried to hide his shock about what was written there. Luckily, Richard was distracted by his bracelet and Kayleen wasn't observant enough. But how could Bai Jingshen not react to strongly when he saw how 1000years ago the dimensional barriers throughout this universe started to break. Majestic monuments descended everywhere, connecting this universe to a hole new world. People named this moment the New Worlds Descent.

Chaos ensured throughout all empires, as people spun hundreds of theories about what was happening. Most of them were sure, that the world was ending. Scientist quickly found out as much as possible about these monuments, calling them safe for the time being. Many people still were sceptic though and new chaos almost broke out as people found themselves transported away randomly near those monuments. Only after those transported came back did people figure out these monuments' use. They opened a portal to a new world of opportunities and riches.

All the states quickly tried to control as much monuments as possible, but as there were just so many of them, no big fights broke out. Until this day a lot of monuments haven't even be discovered probably.

What really shocked Bai Jingshen though was only a sidenote at the book's end. It was mentioned there, that when this Universes' people entered the New World they weren't the only ones. Another Universe seemed to have access to the New World. Namely the Great Cultivation World.

Bai Jingshen first was sad, as he realized that he obviously hasn't managed to reached the Immortal Realm. He also wasn't sure if this New World could be an Immortal Realm but without its own inhabitants this didn't seem likely either. On the other hand he at least learned about the Great Cultivation world, so getting back there was highly likely. From what he understood, his best bet was to join a local organization. After putting away his book, Bai Jingshen nodded at Kayleen in thanks and tunrned towards Richard.

"I join organization. Exploring New World." Bai Jingshen's talking didn't sound pleasing at all, but for one hour of reading he was exceptionally good at learning their language. Richard was impressed and thought, that his idea might just work out.

"I will see what I can do. Just wait for now.", came the doctors answer. Richard already had an idea in mind. He would phone his old employer from when he was active himself. They weren't in a great situation right now. Their competition was trying hard to take away their workforce and Richard was hopeful they would be desperate enough to take even someone without ID in. So Richard made a normal phone call from a small office in a random hospital, having no idea about the immense importance of this moment.

"Good morning, Johann Tal, Thobar Bionics here. What can I do for you?"

A strict sounding voice could be heard. This time Bai Jingshen wasn't surprised, as he had already seen Kayleen speak through her bracelet multiple times. Richard on the other hand deliberately turned on the bracelets speaker, not using the mini earphone most people just kept in their ear all the time, as to avoid any misunderstandings.

"Yes, good morning Mr. Tal. Richard Lemmiz here. Is Lady Thobar available?", asked Richard. He even tried to not sound annoyed at his current situation. If Bai Jingshen could work for Thobar Bionics' New World division it would be for the best. After all he had real work to do too.

"I'm sorry, but Lady Thobar is in the New World right now. May I help you? I know Sir Thobar valued you a lot, so I'll surely do my best. As Lady Thobar assistant a can handle most small matters myself."

Richard really had to give it to Mr. Tal, he knew how to talk. First he praised them, but afterwards he mentioned how he was a able to handle small matters by himself, basically telling him to not go overboard. But who could even tell if getting Bai Jingshen some work was a big or small matter. Well, he could only try.

"Well, you see Mr. Tal. Miss Kyleen Hunt from your medical division brought a refugee here today. He seems to be without injury, but he only speaks our language a bit and might be from one of those tech-averse tribes. On the other hand he is already at the 9th stage Body Refinement Realm and from my instincts I could tell he is probably a good fighter. We are looking for work for him now. What do you think?"

As Richard asked this, he hoped he wouldn't be rejected immediately. He also caught the look of interest on Bai Jingshen's face. After a longer pause he finally got an answer:

"Hmm, I don't really like how you try take to make use of our situation. Sadly, I can't change it right now. Let's do this: You send the young man over to our training facility in New Haven City, where an instructor will test him. If he passes, we will take him in."

"I'm sorry Mr. Tal, but I think we will all come out as winners here. Thank you very much, I will send him over right now. Goodbye."

Having secured this opportunity for Bai Jingshen, Richard let out a sigh of relief. He looked up and saw Bai Jingshen nodding at him. It seemed he already understood more of their phone call, than Richard realized, as Bai Jingshen had a questioning look, asking: "Map?"

Kyleen was rather invested in the situation by now, so she smiled at Bai Jingshen and told to bring him to the training grounds. Luckily they were located near here academy, so she would make it for afternoon classes. Bai Jingshen cupped his hands at Richard and followed Kayleen out of the door. Seeing this, Richard grew uneasy again, as this gesture was mostly seen in the Great Cultivation World. He instantly came up with the worst-case scenario of having planted a spy in his old employer's organization.

One had to know, that after the New World's descend, their Rising Force World obviously fought against the Great Cultivation World. It was really only because the New World had so many untouched resources, that none of the forces wanted to fight to the death. Afterwards a fierce race to the top began, with all the top combatants seeking to breakthrough the Immortal Realm as fast as possible. This led to a ceasefire, still going on to this date. However, small struggles still exist of course and one of those was a culture war. Either side saw it as their win, if they could influence someone else with their culture. Sadly, the Rising Force World had a group of people highly accepting of the Great Cultivation World's culture. Namely those tech-averse tribes. So, Richard could just hope, that Bai Jingshen wouldn't bring to much trouble to his new workplace.