
Overlord in a new world

The ancient texts talk about legendary cultivator's ascensions. But for a hundred thousand years no one managed to achieve such a feat. After becoming the greatest cultivator of his era, Bai Jingshen came to a conclusion: The Great Cultivation world was already declining and could not support any ascensions anymore. In order to not be stopped in his path, Bai Jingshen sought all cultivatiors to aid him in breaking the barriers of this world. With their power he succeeded, but arrived in a world of far evolved science. Was this really the immortal realm? But why was eveyone talking about exploring this new world?

xVolum3 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

Finally hunting

The Dragon's Tail messenger only managed to fly a short distance however, before he heard the words he dreaded. The strict, female voice of Elena sounded in his ears:

"Let's apprehend him."

Shortly after a huge palm made from Qi descended from the sky and caught the fleeing cultivator. For the old protector, who was close to the laws, this was only a small trick, but the pure mass of Qi alone was enough to overwhelm a small Nascent Soul Realm cultivator. Although he tried to hide it, the messenger was freaked out of his mind, while trying to withstand the pressure the protector put on him.

Bai Jingshen nodded his head as he watched the protector make his move. From the power he felt, he understood that this old man wasn't too far off from his strength before his transmigration. However, he furrowed his brows as he understood, that Elena really only sought to catch this man. In his opinion killing him would have been better in every way. Wouldn't he just walk around and tell everyone about this lake after they set him free? Or could they imprison him forever? Unfortunately, Bai Jingshen wasn't in charge here, so he could only swallow his doubts.

At this point Elena elegantly flew over towards them. She nodded at the three recruits before talking to her protector:

"Did everything go smoothly on your side?"

"Other than our usual troublemakers being late, everything should be fine."

"Haa… Naarus really thinks he can do what he wants because Director Roi has his back."

At this point Bai Jingshen was startled as those two bigshots began to discuss sensitive information. He looked at Sam, who was still admiring the crater on the ground, and elbowed his sides. His friend was slightly startled as he turned his attention at him with an embarrassed smile. The former emperor signaled him to put his fingers in his ears, while using the control his Sea Of Consciousness gave him, to deliberately cut off his hearing. Noticing their communication, Ryan thought for a second and quickly followed suit.

From the corner of her eyes Elena realized what her recruits were doing and let out a chuckle. If she would have wanted to prevent them from listening, she had multiple methods. However, the information she and the old man talked about was sadly an open secret by now.

The young woman didn't quite understand Bai Jingshen's thoughts though. The former emperor wasn't undyingly loyal to Thobar Bionics after all. Therefore he didn't want to hear any secrets, especially if they came from his boss.

This generated some sort of unnecessary closeness, which he didn't want without knowing more about this world and the Thobar Family. You never knew what the future brought after all. What if this company stood on the opposite side to the White Illusion Sect one day? Naturally, he would help his sect.

Fortunately Elena and the old man soon stopped talking, as they felt their employees catching up. As soon as the two manager's came into viewing distance, a light gasp could be heard. As the managers drew nearer, Bai Jingshen could have sworn to see a sparkle in Naarus' eyes. He really didn't understand why Elena tolerated such behavior. In the White Illusion sect that guy would have been imprisoned until he lost his mind if he ever caused trouble.

A moment later everyone came to a stop in the air and waited for Elena to speak.

"Good day everyone. As you can see, we found a lake of elven spirit water. Here are the rules: Half the teams per division will fill their storages while the other half guards the surroundings against beasts and cultivators. Team leaders, you have the usual emergency signal if something you can't handle appears. Everyone here today will be allocated a portion of water later on. Any questions?"

Looking at the employees faces, only excitement could be seen. Since they couldn't wait to be begin, Elena simply gave them a signal. Suddenly everyone began to descent. Bai Jingshen watched as the teams raced towards the lake, seemingly eager to be first. He soon understood their thinking however, as the first team to arrive dove straight into the lake to profit from the water's effect. He once again praised Thobar Bionics' organization as the other team of their division turned around without much complaining, only showing some disappointment on their faces.

While Bai Jingshen was still observing, Elena and the old man took the three newcomers and landed close to the lake. The young woman turned towards them and spoke:

"Sam and Bai Jingshen, you two can look for beasts in the surroundings. As long as you don't run too far, there shouldn't be any strong beasts at the moment. They will surely arrive later, but at that point we will have to leave anyways. Ryan you can just relax in the lake."

Sam and Bai Jingshen nodded at their boss, as she threw them a small ball.

"This is our emergency device. Just crush it to form a temporary shield and send a signal over."

Bai Jingshen caught the ball and examined it with interest. Suddenly his brow furred looking at the lines covering its surface. He couldn't tell with absolute certainty, but those lines should probably be an array formation. He wished he had more time to understand what he held here, but he couldn't do it in front of his boss. Well, at least no one said something about giving this device back.

While Ryan was confused about these arrangements, Elena watched her recruits leave before turning around and also taking away the lake water.

The former emperor led Sam a distance away, before they began to climb a tree. Both of them were glad that they could finally hunt some beast. After all, in this world, hunting could replace months of bitter cultivation. Bai Jingshen was still confused as to why cultivators could absorb a beasts energy, but was still happy such a convenient method existed. Therefore, he once again stood upon a tree branch and focused all his senses. He didn't have to search for long though, as by now crowds of beasts were already coming towards them. The elven spirit water proved to be a fatal temptation to those beasts. Now Bai Jingshen also understood, why Elena said they had to leave if higher-grade beasts arrived. Because it surely wouldn't only be one.

The young man carefully sensed his surroundings, before finding a beast which was a reasonable distance away from any others. He signaled Sam to follow him as they nimbly ran among the trees.

A short while later their prey came into view. Bai Jingshen decided not to be too overconfident and observe this beast for a while. Therefore, the young men stealthily followed this mid-stage tier two beast. Although it was a bit stronger than them, but Bai Jingshen figured they would quickly overcome it, if they fought smart enough.

In order to find any weaknesses Bai Jingshen analyzed as much as possible about this beast. Their prey had four legs, a strong but rather small body and thick, black fur. It didn't have any outstanding features and almost looked like a muscular but furry human on all fours. Taking a closer look however, the two young men could see the sharp claws on its front legs. Coupled with the muscles on its hind legs, this beast could probably stand on two legs and attack with its claws. As no new changes occurred after a few minutes, Bai Jingshen decided on their attack plan.

The black furred beast was sprinting along, its attention on the special area attracting it. Suddenly a sword descended form above. As a beast living in the harsh wilderness, it naturally wouldn't easily drop its vigilance. All its muscles tensed as it prepared for battle. Quickly judging the flying swords speed, the beast realized that it was easily able to dodge, as it jumped to the side. However quickly after the beast was confused. It clearly jumped away, but why was this sword still in front of its face. Faced with this strange attack, the beast had no other option anymore than standing on its hindlegs and clawing at the incoming sword.

Bai Jingshen was happy with the effect his illusionary attack had. The beast had to hurriedly attack, compromising its balance. Just like planned, he and Sam proved their good coordination as they dropped from the tree at the same time, bringing in their weapons down on the beasts hindlegs.

A load roar could be heard as the beasts fell to the floor. Its hindlegs had been destroyed, taking away its movability. Sam looked at the fallen beast and decided to give it a quick end. As soon as he tried to walk up however, Bai Jingshen suddenly grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him back. Sam broke out in cold sweat as he felt his prickly skin while a claw attack closely missed it.

"That's why people say a cornered beast is the most dangerous. Even in this state now the safest option is to tire it out."

Sam nodded at his friends' words. Afterwards Bai Jingshen taught his brother how to always keep a perfect distance, bait the beast into attack, and let it tire itself out until they could finally finish it off. Both men agreed that the feeling of absorbing Qi after a successful fight would most likely become one of their favorite things about this New World.