
Overlord in a new world

The ancient texts talk about legendary cultivator's ascensions. But for a hundred thousand years no one managed to achieve such a feat. After becoming the greatest cultivator of his era, Bai Jingshen came to a conclusion: The Great Cultivation world was already declining and could not support any ascensions anymore. In order to not be stopped in his path, Bai Jingshen sought all cultivatiors to aid him in breaking the barriers of this world. With their power he succeeded, but arrived in a world of far evolved science. Was this really the immortal realm? But why was eveyone talking about exploring this new world?

xVolum3 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

Arriving at the competiton grounds II

Unfortunately, Bai Jingshen couldn't verify, if he really saw Spike Jr.'s friends, as the door to their room opened again. The former emperor already felt rage coming up in him, as he heard the stupid braggard's voice again.

"I'm telling you this will be my competition! I will definitely be the shining star this time, easily snatching first place!"

Bai Jingshen slowly turned around, only to see Spike Jr. coming in with his team members, followed by his father. Although the young man continued to talk, Bai Jingshen saw his friends were not really paying attention, just as nervous as the RSS team. The former emperor really admired the braggard for being this bad at reading the mood.

As the SFT made their way into the room, Spike quickly crossed eyes with Bennet. Bai Jingshen could have sworn he saw sparks fly between them, before Spike had a fake smile on his lips and randomly sat down on a chair. From his demeanor he made one think he was just as confident as his son.

Spike Sr. however didn't notice, how his son shivered after looking at Bai Jingshen. The scene from yesterday was still fresh in his mind. At the same time he was ashamed by how frightened he got, therefore he didn't tell anyone about yesterday's happenings. He could only hope Bai Jingshen wouldn't bring it up, but the latter only threw a quick glance his way, before looking out of the window again.

Just when Spike Jr. thought he escaped his embarrassment, one his of team members suddenly spoke up:

"Hey Spike. Isn't that guy the new recruit you trashed in a gunfight?"

Spike's team member Liam only wanted to cling to anything that could boost their confidence, but Spike's felt a jolt race through him as the young man antagonized Bai Jingshen. He should have told them to shut their mouths, but now it was already too late.

Without Bai Jingshen reacting however, a loud voice suddenly chimed in from the screen's direction.

"Bullsh*t! How could Spike have won if he hadn't cheated. Only winning by one target, against someone who shot a gun for the first time that day. You really are pathetic, if you take that as a win!"

Everyone was surprised by how harsh Sam reacted suddenly. The other team members looked at him, and thinking back over the last few days they realized how Sam seemed to admire Bai Jingshen. Bennet often used the latter as motivation, telling them how he worked hard for weeks and almost won the gun competition. Since then, Sam slowly saw Bai Jingshen as an idol, working a lot harder as well.

However, Spike Jr. took a similar position in the SFT member's hearts. Even though he didn't have a good personality, Spike Jr. was still very talented and furthermore had a strong dad. Ever since rumors spread, that Spike Sr. had a chance of reaching the Gene Activation Realm, their status advanced by leaps and bounds. Therefore, Spike's team members quickly began to defend their friend.

Bai Jingshen however didn't participate in their argument, as he continued to scout his enemies. Phill also just watched on, as their dispute just got more and more heated. By now the RSS members and the SFT members threw random insults at each other. Competition within a company however wasn't anything new, so no one cared about a verbal exchange. Phill would only stop them if a fight broke out.

Luckily the young men and women, of which Spike's team surprisingly had four, knew to hold themselves back. They still argued for half an hour, until a loud "dong" suddenly echoed through the competition venue.

Bai Jingshen observed with interest, as the viewing platforms slowly began to circle in their different heights around a few big metal cubes near the bottom. Suddenly, a hatch opened up on one of the highest platforms. As everyone's eyes were glued onto this cube, a majestic aura slowly spread from it. Bai Jingshen was in awe, as this was the strongest aura he had felt since arriving in the Rising Force World. Whoever this aura belonged to had most likely surpassed the Nascent Soul Realm!

While this aura was strong enough to even garner Bai Jingshen's respect, it could only be imagined how others would react. Everyone, even the nobles in those higher cubes turned quiet as they waited for the aura's bearer to appear. Finally, a man could be seen leaving the viewing platform. He flew by himself towards the center, where everyone could get a good look at him. Although his hair was already white and his skin wrinkled, his majestic bearing still commanded everybody's respect.

Bai Jingshen curiously observed the slight fluctuations of earth elemental energy visibly surrounding this man. He finally understood the effect gene boosters brought about, as he realized that this man wasn't using earth Qi, but seemingly a form of earth energy coming from inside his own body. He skillfully used it to offset the law's strength in this place, showing of his enormous strength.

Finally, he began to speak in a deep, stable voice, matching an user of earth energy:

"Welcome everyone, to our bi-annual newcomer competition here in New Haven City. My name is Titus Gaian.

We came together here at the Place of Advancement to create a chance for the most talented among the younger generation. It is my and the whole Republic's wish, for you to find success in the New World. Therefore, we want to give some of you a big boost.

The prices this time will once again be generously sponsored by the Scholar's Tower, the Rising Dragon Union, and New Haven City.

I can already feel all of your hot blood, but please let me announce something in my own interest.

Some of you might have already asked yourself why I chose to preside over this newcomer competition myself as New Haven City's major. The answer is: Because I won't be New Haven City's major much longer. After returning to the New World this time, I will finally completely convert my cultivation to immortal Qi. From that moment on I will stay in the New World and gain an important job in the capital. I want to thank all of you for helping me to improve New Haven City over the last few years.

Now, I know you don't want to listen to an old man talking any longer, so let us begin the competition."

Bai Jingshen was surprised as he watched this mighty cultivator actually humbly bow to the audience before making his way back to the viewing platform. He took one last look, before turning around and focusing on the monitor. By now the tension in the room almost took a physical form, as the youngsters stopped their argument and focused their attention on the screen.

Suddenly the screen turned black, before a short animation began to play. Bai Jingshen could recognize Ra's and Spike's faces, as they flew towards the screen's center together with many others. Most likely all competitors would be shown, but the potential favorites gained more screen time already. Bai Jingshen didn't even find his own face.

Fair enough. I haven't even been in this world for a few months yet. I guess they won't forget to include me ever again, after this competition.

The former emperor smirked to himself as he watched all of those faces start to spin faster and faster. They rapidly began to mix up, before the screen suddenly shone in a white light and displayed a long list of matchups. With a quick look Bai Jingshen could see over a hundred and he finally understood, why their viewing platform had a bedroom. Afterwards, the screen automatically displayed only the upcoming matches for all the people in this room.

Bai Jingshen quickly scanned the much smaller list and found his first opponent. He could see the picture of a young woman next to his. From her introduction she belonged to a merchant group called "Celestial Jade". He asked Bennet about them, but Dahlia quickly answered him with sparkling eyes:

"Celestial Jade! Who would have thought they would participate this time. They make great accessories for normal people as well as cultivators. All of their members are elite merchants and the company itself has connections everywhere. Excluding the big five, Celestial Jade is probably the biggest trader for accessories.

By the way don't underestimate them only because they deal with accessories. Each disciple of theirs will carry countless pieces of jewelry with different effects. It only depends on if they want to use them, as the stronger one's usually demand some sort of price to use."

Bai Jingshen was surprised by this draw. It looked like he had a strong enemy right in his first round. However, he would have to face strong opponents sooner or later, so he wasn't too concerned and completely ignored Spike's gloating face.

After figuring out his own opponent, Bai Jingshen curiously read his team member's matchups as well. Most of them didn't seem to contain any excitement, but George's opponent caught his attention. It turns out he would face of against the Black Wind Mercenaries. Bai Jingshen remembered the business man, who wanted to buy the St. Igula Hospital. Luckily Kayleen didn't take part in the competition, or she might have been bullied if she ever met those mercenaries.

As everyone in the room tried to find out more about their opponents, a "dong" sound once again echoed through the room. Hearing this signal, Phill stood up and quickly told the two Thobar Bionics teams:

"Alright, please listen to me. The competition's schedule is out. In the first round will fight: RSS George, SFT Liam, RSS Jingshen and RSS Ryan. You have two minutes of preparation, then follow me outside!"