
Overlord: Ghosthood

Imagine being sent to a fictional world where fiction is reality. Where you can take on the fantasy world in your hands and do what you want. However doing what you want requires strength. After being exposed to a nuclear bomb watch how a unfortunate boy with a colonial personality takes a adventure through the Overlord universe. ***************** This is taking place in a alternate universe so everything won’t be the same. I will maybe add a few things of my own. (A/N: This was inspired by two Overlord Fic’s I have been reading lately called 'Overlord: Reborn As An NPC’ and 'Overlord: The Orgin’, I highly recommend you guys read it if you are a fan of the Overlord Series.) Current schedule: Hiatus ***************** Check out my other and more serious work, A Cold-Blooded POV, it’s what I upload everyday.

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[Doyle's POV]

"It's nice to see you, Doyle, this is Momonga, I just met him a couple of days ago in the game but he's a really good guy" Touch Me said pointing in the direction of Momonga.

I remained silent for a second, trying to hide my excitement. I didn't want to come off as weird, and I'm sure Touch Me would easily hear the sudden difference in my voice since he knew me well enough at this point. But still... this was it! I was actually meeting the boney sorcerer. The real Momonga, who wasn't just a fictional character being played by a voice actor.

I moved closer lifting my hand for a handshake, then I spoke. "Hey, I'm a friend of Touch Me, we met during the meeting with the other World Champions. You can call me Doyle, nice to meet you".

"Wait your a World Champion as well?! Jeez now I really feel like a noob being here haha. Anyway, it's nice to meet you". Saying this the skeleton also extended his boney hand shake mine.

Touch Me walked closer to us, the platinum armor he won from the tournament reflecting the surroundings, it glistened each time light landed on it. He put his hand on his waist, resembling a certain superhero with a giant 'S' on his chest.

"Oh no, I can't compare to Doyle. Not only is he a World Champion, but he's also the #1 player of YGGDRASIL at the moment."

Hearing this I felt a bit embarrassed. Getting complimented so much always just seems weird for some reason. I couldn't even see the facial expression, however for some reason he seemed proud as he spoke.

Suddenly Momonga asked me a question. "Hey uh, is Doyle your real name, you don't really see players using names like Doyle in games nowadays"

I felt sort of embarrassed hearing this question. After Malice roasted my Gamertag at the gathering of World Champions, I gained small insecurity about it.

I quickly shot back, "Doyle isn't my real name, it's simply a name I chose to use for YGGDRASIL. I wanted a simple yet meaningful name, and If you look at the meaning behind the name you'd find that the name is actually really…" I stopped talking after the empty stares landed on me.

The silence was loud, I can't even see their facial expressions, however, I get the feeling that I sound like a nerd to them.

"Regardless it's not my name, it's just a user" I state one last time.

Soon Touch Me breaks the awkward silence, "I see. Well you wouldn't believe how I met Momonga, here".

Oh but I actually do, I know how you met him, I know how he becomes one of your close friends in-game, I also know how he and you will become founders of Ainz Ooal Gown. Jeez, I sound like a stalker…

"How did you meet him then?" I ask, feigning ignorance so as to not be weird. It'd be suspicious if I told him that I actually knew all of this so I had to act like a normal person who didn't know anything. Soon Touch Me started to talk again.

"You know how the human PKers are always targeting us, heteromorphic players, I was passing by and saw a couple of them ganging up on him. Of course, after I saw this I had to step in and help a fellow heteromorphic player out. Then after talking to him o found out he was a decent guy so I invited added him as a friend and invited him on dungeon runs with me.

I wanted to introduce you and Luci★Fer to him like a week ago but you guys have been moving solo for some time now so I didn't have a chance to."

I nodded. "Yeah, I've had to deal with PKers myself during my solo grinding, though I made easy work of them."

Touch Me looked me up and down

"Speaking of your solo grinding, how strong did you get since the last time we went farming together?"

Internally, a smile crept, I'd been waiting on someone to ask about this, I'd become overpowered after all.

"Well you probably can guess that I'm already maxed leveled due to my cash shop items, but that's not all. While I was in Múspellsheim I somehow earned the World Enemy class, though you may not know about it since it's not public info. Long story short, although I'm maxed leveled my stats are those of a player higher than level 100".

I had indeed earned the World Enemy class after fighting and killing a certain World boss that inhabited Múspellsheim I gained a World Item that gave me the status {Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed} which in turn earned me the World Enemy class. What I was confused about was what happened after I gained the class, it evolved changing its title to Spectral Ruler instead, giving me a new form, which I used when I helped the two World Searcher members when they were attacked.

My guess is that it was a gift from the devs, it doesn't give me any other spells or skills, it was simply for cosmetics. Regardless I've become more powerful than I planned.

Touch Me laughed heartily then patted Momonga on his broad boney shoulders. "See, I told you he is a beast. I can't believe there are still rumors about Shadow taking your spot. I don't think anyone can beat you one on one now- hell, maybe even three-on-one haha!"

Momonga just stared at me silently. It seems that my idol is going to be looking up to me from now on. It feels good to have others admiring me now.

"Anyway, now that you guys have met each other how about we run some dungeons for old-time sakes? We should start playing together more often, us heteromorphic players have to stick together you know."

I smiled internally. This means that soon Nines Own Goal will be formed soon. I can't lie, coming here after such a traumatic past life wasn't as good as I thought at first but, now that it's almost time for one of the main central points in the timeline, it's definitely going to get fun. Everything is coming together nicely.

"Sure let's do it. I can even give Momonga some tips since I've cleared a bunch of dungeons".


This chapter was rushed and messy. I had been busy all day and when I got home I fell asleep. I had almost forgotten that I was even supposed to post a chapter for Ghosthood today. This resulted in me typing super messy and not really considering the plot, additionally it turned into an info dump too. The next chapter will be much more beneficial to the plot, I promise. Now that my kowtows are over, I want to brag about me not breaking my promise about posting every week. Now praise me! Ah, I'm tired so that's all I have to say. Check out my original novel, A Cold-Blooded POV, if you want, it's similar to Ghosthood in terms of both MCs being nonhuman. Month out.