
Overlord: Ghosthood

Imagine being sent to a fictional world where fiction is reality. Where you can take on the fantasy world in your hands and do what you want. However doing what you want requires strength. After being exposed to a nuclear bomb watch how a unfortunate boy with a colonial personality takes a adventure through the Overlord universe. ***************** This is taking place in a alternate universe so everything won’t be the same. I will maybe add a few things of my own. (A/N: This was inspired by two Overlord Fic’s I have been reading lately called 'Overlord: Reborn As An NPC’ and 'Overlord: The Orgin’, I highly recommend you guys read it if you are a fan of the Overlord Series.) Current schedule: Hiatus ***************** Check out my other and more serious work, A Cold-Blooded POV, it’s what I upload everyday.

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36 Chs

First Dungeon

[ Doyle's POV ]

{ Luci★Fer }: It starts in 10 days.

{ Doyle }: 10 days huh…

10 days… I wonder how much time is that in 'game time'. No worries, I'll just use this as a way to figure out the time difference and how much faster game time is when compared to IRL time. As I was thinking I got another message.

{ Luci★Fer }: Uh yeah, that's what I just said. Anyway 10 days is enough for me to grind and try to get to maybe 2 levels… Well I hope it's enough time. *Sigh* I really wish I didn't have to go to work!

Grinding and getting exp isn't hard, in fact farming exp until level 50 isn't a hard process at all. The hard part comes after that, the exp bar grows each time you level up so by the time you reach level 50 your exp bar is huge. People who have jobs and responsibilities outside of the game have a very hard time just achieving 3-4 levels a month. Even kids who play YGGDRASIL and don't have jobs still have school to attend and also have to sleep. This is why my advantages inside of the game play such a major role in me advancing faster then everyone else.

{ Doyle }: From what I've seen you've gotten much stronger with my help.

{ Luci★Fer }: Yeah… you're right, but would leveling my racial classes really help?

{ Doyle }: Yes it should. Especially with the race you have, besides haven't you crafted a that item you wanted so bad?

{ Luci★Fer }: Oh! You're right! I finally crafted [ Golemish ], maybe I can actually win in one of those tournaments?

{ Doyle }: Thanks to me. If I hadn't helped you against those random black skull guys you'd be crying right now.

When I saved Luci★Fer the reason he was so anxious was because he didn't want to drop the materials he had. He had been using his time of advancing his racial classes instead to gather materials for a item he had in mind. Although it was not stated in the anime/novel, he loves making sculptures. This is made obvious with his obsession with making golems. Over the time that I've known him, I've found out that he is actually a sculptor in the real world. With that being said it's easy to figure out exactly what this new item's use is for.

{ Luci★Fer }: Fine! Fine! Thank you. Are you happy now? I know you have been waiting on me to say that LOL! Anyway, now that you have reminded me about [ Golemish ] I'm gonna go and test it out for a bit. Do you know any good farming spots?

{ Doyle }: I haven't been in Múspellsheim that long to figure out the best farming spots but I do remember that there were some fire elves by the flaming woods north from here. You can try them out, however be aware they do shoot arrows as soon as you approach within a certain distance of them.

{ Luci★Fer }: I hear you loud and clear. What will you be doing until the event starts?

{ Doyle }: Grinding as usual, but I'm going to try dungeon clearing with some randoms. I feel that I should get the experience for when I start trying to solo by myself.

{ Luci★Fer }: That sounds like something you would do. Eh! Wait a minute, how exactly to do you plan on attempting these dungeons anyway? You're a loner with no other friends other than the majestic me!

Well that is true but why do I feel he is trying to make me seem so pitiful?

{ Doyle }: Shut up, you don't even have any other friends, your the same as me. I can get friends if I wanted, I choose to be alone. Anyway don't worry I have a plan already for that.

After a couple more messages sent back and forth between me and Luci★Fer we ended our chat. I decided that i spent enough time upgrading my two dragons data crystals for today and put them up.


Hmm… these guys should work. Right now I am looking for a small, decently strong, and manipulatable party. It wasn't hard since most of these parties that are available for public joining are probably attempting there first dungeon as well. I had been putting dungeon clearing off since I wanted to wait till I reached a decently high level. Based on the anime/novel dungeons weren't like others in different games. Every dungeon, even the smaller ones are considered at least 'not easy'.

My plan is to join one of these public parties. Obviously, I won't be using my in-game name while partying with them. I'm forced to party with human players due to the heteromorphic players not being very strong at this point in the game. Humans instead are one of the stronger and more popular races at the moment. Heteromorphic players mostly shine with the advantages of their racial classes but due to the 'Racism Arc' that's going on right now, most of them haven't had a chance to level up those classes.

Humans don't have racial classes so they can just level up their respective classes without worries, this is the reason most new players have been choosing the human race and the reason I have to party with them. I found a party with the right classes that I think are good for dungeon clearing based on games I have played in my past life. This party consists of 2 DPS slayers who will play vanguard and take lead, 2 tanks who will cover the support, and last but least is the two support, a magic caster and a healer.

Obviously, I will take the position as a magic caster, I choose this position with a couple of things in mind. Firstly, I don't trust these guys so I'd rather stay in the back of the group where I won't be backstabbed unknowingly. Second, I would rather choose the safest spot to be in while challenging a unknown dungeon, besides since I'm partying with these randoms I'd rather let them get hurt and/or die instead of me. Third, is because I'm more proficient in magic rather then being a melee attacker.

Now some may be speculating how will I, a Heteromorphic and non-human player, be able to join a party of human players. And that's where my cash shop items come into play. I had previously borough tons of [ Creators Tool ] just for when I wanted to change my avatar's, items, and NPC's flavor text. I'm going to change my appearance to look like a human. This is a benefit that comes with being a ghost race. Most other heteromorphic classes wouldn't allow this. This appearance will come in handy even when I reach new world.


My thoughts get stopped from the incoming notification. It shows the messages of the party chat that I just joined.

{ SlickMelon }: Welcome to our party!


[ Party members POV ]

"Everyones here?" Spoke women in white holy garments, it wasn't hard to spot the small armor pieces that was visible in the open areas of her outfit. She wore a very 'skimpy' outfit that showed a lot of skin, in her hands was a large staff.

"Oh { GestBlinde }, I didn't see you. When did you get here?" curiously asked a red haired man with a large build. He carried a very large shield with an ax

that matched the color of his silver-colored armor.

"Yeah, I just got here a couple of seconds ago. Is this everyone though, I'm ready to do this dungeon." said the woman as she put her left hand on her waist, which highlighted her curvy body.

"Oh nah, we're waiting on the magic caster. He said he was almost here but I haven't heard anything else from him since, and he hasn't responded to any of my other messages." The guy that spoke was a man in crimson-red armor, he wielded two swords that were on his left and a right waist.

"I'm only going to wait a couple more minutes for him... I'm getting bored of just standing here." said the other tanker. Just like the red haired man he carried a large shield with the only difference being him using a spear instead of a ax."

After a couple more minutes someone spoke up.

"Alright that's enough it's obvious that this { Poltergeist } guy inst even coming! Let's just head inside without him." said the second DPS with a obviously irritated tone. He carried two daggers however it would be assumed that he used more them just two since his body was decorated with over 7 daggers. He wore all black like a ninja.

Everyone nodded hearing his words, they were also tired of waiting on this guy. Everyone was ready and excited to try this dungeon. It had recently been found by one of them and although it was a smaller dungeon they knew that dungeons were known for their good item drops. However, before they could take even a few steps a soft and low voice sounded off behind them.

"So you guys were ready to enter without me? I see." The guy looked to be around 17 with handsome facial features however it wasn't very clear since he wore a black blindfold around his eyes. His skin was a very pale and he had silver-white hair and wore a long gray and black coat that split down where his legs were. Golden buttons adorned the coat, he wore black gloves and black boots.(Image of of it here)

Seeing that the boy was their teammate the two tankers went to greet him. "Oh so your { Poltergeist } Haha...sorry, we just didn't know if you were coming."

"Yeah, come on man you can't blame us right?" Said the two tankers with a nervous laugh. The boy's face was designed with an very emotionless and stoic expression, which made the silence very awkward. Then the boy spoke once again.

"You were about to attempt a dungeon that you never entered and have zero knowledge about without a magic caster? You guys sure are bold."

Hearing this all of their voices seemed embarrassed. It was true that they did not know what was inside of the dungeon and without a magic caster for the support, it would most likely make the whole dungeon attempt even harder.

The group fell into another awkward silence until the cleric walked up and touched the face of the boy. "Come on darling, no need to be so uptight were all here now that's all that matters~"

The boy moved his head away from the her hand showing his obvious intent to not allow her to touch him. Seeing that her beauty wasn't having an effect on the young boy like most others she felt a little annoyed then spoke.

"Mmm, sorry I thought you liked girls... My mistake~" she said with an innocent look which made the other giggle but hold back their laughter.

However this did not affect on the boy. Instead, he looked at her and replied casually. "No. That's not it, it's just that everyone makes their avatar when they first start the game. You could be a old man that weights 400 pounds named Josh for all I know, so I'd rather you keep your distance."

Hearing this everyone besides the girl busted out and started laughing uncontrollably. "Pftttt-hahahaha!"

"Hahaha! I'm sorry { GestBlinde } even you have to admit that was funny!"

Hearing everyone laugh at her she felt embarrassed. Even though he virtual face didn't change she still tried glaring at the boy. He continued looking in her direction with his calm expression which fueled her anger even more. As she was about to say something the boy spoke over her.

"Let's just start this dungeon already, we've wasted enough time getting to know each other."

I'm gonna rate this Fic for myself later on but right now I'm hungry so I'm going to go eat. Anyway Enjoy.

Monthcreators' thoughts