
Overlord: Fall and Rise of the Dragons

600 years ago the Dragon Emperor made a magic ritual, this ritual brought to the world beings known as Players, this story will follow one of the first players to arrive in this world, his name would be remember for all as the Dark Magician, with him on this adventure there will be a dragon lord named Iesonak Nonegum, also known as the Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

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Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! And Overlord belongs to their respective owners.

Overlord: The Fall and Rise of the Dragons


Third Person POV

Dragon Emperor's Palace

The world is an oyster, according to what Iesonak Nonegum once heard from one of his brother's slaves at least. Iesonak Nonegum also known as Red-Eyes Black Dragon Lord, is one of the dragon lords, rulers of the world, and most powerful creatures in existence. As his name implies, Iesonak is a dragon, with full black scales like the darkest night, and red eyes, more crimson than blood, he has two powerful wings that allow him to fly at incredible heights and great speeds, durable scales that could resist even adamantite, the strongest known metal, swords piercing against it, a serpentine body with pointy scales above and below the long tail and neck, and a slim stomach that could easily make others mistake him for a Wyvern or Amphiptere if it wasn't for his arms and legs.

Iesonak was born four hundred years ago, the son of the Kage Dragon Lord and his wife Sombra Dragon Lord, younger brother of Deep Darkness Dragon Lord, all of whose names were already long forgotten before Iesonak was born. At his birth, dragons were already the dominant species of the world. His species was able to do so thanks to their superior bodies and the powerful Wild Magic, a magic that is performed through the use of souls that could make the impossible possible. With their superior biology and exclusive use of Wild Magic, it was no wonder why the dragons dominated.

Today, according to the Dragon Emperor, would be a day to be remembered as it would mark once more the dragon's dominance in the annals of history. Many of the dragons present didn't want to come, but it is hard to refuse an invitation when it comes from the most powerful dragon there is, Iesonak always found that funny, for one to become the dragon emperor was quite simple, all needed is to kill the current emperor and then kill all those who want to take your place. All dragons present, Iesonak included wanted to kill the Emperor, but they knew it was a dead end for no one succeeded ever since his ascension to the throne, it was quite curious for the red-eyed dragon how loyalty worked for his species, everyone in this room would fight and die for their emperor, but only out of fear for they knew he would seek vengeance upon traitors after the battle ended because it was never a matter of 'if' when it came to the emperor, there was no 'what if he loses?' nor 'what if he dies?' he would always emerge victorious, and even if the dragon emperor did die or lose then what would the other dragons do, after all, if there is something strong enough to kill their emperor what could stop it from killing the other dragons as well.

Shaking his head Iesonak decides to go for a walk around the Emperor's castle. The place deserves to be the home to the strongest one, a colossal structure made of marble and obsidian with thick pillars left and right symmetrically placed to make every place look akin to a corridor and forget these constructs' only function is to sustain the palace. Then there were the statues, perfectly carved from stone, dragons valued gold, silver, and other valuable materials found too much to use them as source material to create something to satiate their vanity so they were never used, each statue was different, made in the image of the dragons who fought and died for their emperor, he might rule with an iron grip but he also rewards loyalty. Iesonak stops in front of a specific statue, it belongs to Meteor Black Dragon Lord, Iesonak's grandfather and one of the strongest dragons of his time, he became the emperor's subordinate after fighting against him and losing, after the fight Meteor became the emperor's greatest general, being dragons their victory was always ensured, but Meteor's leadership make their victories quicker and more effective making the feline tribes of beastmen surrender to the dragons in only a matter of days instead of weeks, the feat earned Meteor his statue, being the only dragon to this day to won this distinction while still alive. "Still don't know why he lost it. He had an advantage". A voice speaks, making Iesonak turn around and see the source. "Hello little brother, still daydreaming as you gaze upon grandfather's greatness represented by a piece of rock I see."

Deep Darkness Dragon Lord, Iesonak's older brother, one of the five most powerful dragons there are, his family's pride and joy, and Iesonak's greatest source of frustration. Deep Darkness' was the opposite of Iesonak in appearance, his body was bulk and muscular contrary to the Red-Eyes' slender and lean, his neck was short and thick like his tail, his arms and legs were muscular with lean scales, his horns were forward instead of backward, and even the way he walks was different as he walks on four legs like the majority of dragons while Iesonak walks on his rear legs, something that is looked down upon by dragons as it makes them look similar to the inferior biped creatures they enslave while walking in four legs shows that they appreciate the everlasting mark in this world as every single animal does the same in a poor imitation, deluding themselves that walking as a dragon could make them one day become powerful as one.

Deep Darkness is the third most powerful dragon out of the five strongest, the first is the Dragon Emperor, and the second is the emperor's son, also known as the Platinum Dragon Lord. Behind his brother stands the Brightness Dragon Lord, Heavenly Dragon Lord. Each one earned their position by doing what all dragons do when they want to show their prowess, by fighting against each other, Deep Darkness defeated each one of his opponents, failing only to defeat the emperor's son to earn the right to fight the emperor himself. Needless to say, Iesonak's parents became insufferable after Deep Darkness achieved his position, always comparing his deeds with those of his brother no matter how small they were.

Sparing a glance at his brother Iesonak turns back to his grandfather's statue.

"I like the stories about him". Iesonak responds. "He should've been killed by warriors, not cowards."

"Few beings are capable of killing us little brother, giants are one of those". Deep Darkness comments as he stays beside his brother to look at the statue as well. "Getting shot in the eye by an arrow thrown by a giant scorpio would do that to any dragon, and let's not forget, the arrow was full of giant tree frog and basilisk's venom."

"Maybe he should've learned how to catch arrows". Iesonak groans in rage as he pictures the old dragon's death happening right in front of him. "What good having free upper limbs does if you don't learn how to make the best of it."

Deep Darkness looks at his brother's claws, had he been born a humanoid those limbs could be called arms, but that is a name used by the inferior species, so he refused to call them that.

"Perhaps." Deep Darkness comments. "As I said, he had an advantage against the Emperor because of those upper limbs, like you he was able to stand on his lower limbs, and that left him free to use his upper claws to his advantage."

"What good are our claws against something with can't scratch?" Iesonak asks. "Maybe he should've thrown a pu… a closed upper limp at the emperor."

"Better remember you are a prideful dragon brother, not a barbarian inferior". Deep Darkness says, clearly disgusted by Iesonak's almost use of the word punch.

"What good is pride if you are dead?" Iesonak asks in his arrogance and hypocrisy, forgetting he is just as prideful as any other dragon inside this palace and is only making this question to oppose his brother who shakes his head in response.

"Can you imagine living a life with no pride?" Deep Darkness asks back and receives silence as an answer, making him smile before turning around to leave. "Exactly."

He was wrong, the reason Iesonak didn't answer wasn't because he agreed with his brother, but because he disagreed, on his desire to oppose his brother Iesonak let heresy and blasphemy thoughts occupy his mind, thinking pride is good to have when it is earned, but after dying it will only serve to remind those who killed you how much of a fool you were, at least that is was Iesonak believes, most of the dragons actually believe they would be remembered as stunning and brave for their tenaciousness if they died with heads up and prideful eyes.

Taking a last look at his grandfather's statue before leaving in the opposite direction his brother used, Iesonak continues to look around the castle, the following room he entered was different, the walls were white like the clouds, the ceiling had beautiful chandeliers made of adamantite painted in gold and the paintings on the ceiling depicted battles of past ages between the dragons and their enemies, with fire and ice being spelled out of their mouths into the enemies who screamed before their agonizing deaths.

"Did you like it?" Speaks a newcomer whose voice Iesonak didn't recognize.

The black dragon turns to the speaker and his eyes widen as he sees none other than the emperor's son. Immediately Iesonak bows his head to his future liege, grinding his teeth for being forced to humiliate himself in front of a future rival just because of his superior status, but also because he knows he can't defeat him.

"Your grace". Iesonak says, his head still lowered.

"No need for reverence." Platinum Dragon Lord says. "You may rise."

Iesonak does so and his eyes widen once more, like himself, Platinum Dragon Lord stands and walks on his lower limbs, a part inside Iesonak's mind breath in relief and somewhat happiness for seeing that he has something in common with one of the most powerful dragons there are, because that could mean his dream of surpassing and killing his brother and the emperor's son could become a reality someday.

"Red-Eyes Black Dragon Lord, wasn't it?" The prince asks. "A bold name to choose."

"It's actually Iesonak, my prince. Iesonak Nonegum". Iesonak quickly says, putting the best face he can in front of the platinum dragon.

"Don't refrain yourself from your title". The prince says with a stern tone. "You chose it, and you have to honor it, otherwise you will never be known by the title you have chosen."

There was a reason dragons chose to present themselves with their titles instead of their names, it was to leave their mark in history, every dragon did it in the past and still does it to date. Some create their own titles to create their legacy others take a title from past dragons to carry on their legacies, the second method despite being acceptable by the dragon society was only allowed if the dragon who does it has the blood of the dragon who used to carry the title in the past. Iesonak's title belonged to the sion of his family, Red-Eyes Black Dragon Lord, the dragon who has defeated all who had defeated him, Iesonak chose his ancestor's title because he was the one he related to the most, they both were the weakest, and were always looked down upon, but his ancestor tenacity made him never give up and reach the top, and Iesonak swore to do the same.

"Yes, Your Grace". Iesonak says.

"Very well then, Red-Eyes Black Dragon Lord". Platinum says. "Tell me, why did you choose your ancestor's title instead of creating one for yourself?"

Iesonak is nervous, most dragons abandon and let their names be forgotten by other dragons and history itself after taking their titles as their name, with time, only the dragon itself knows and remembers it and never reveals it to another unless the circumstances demand it, it was odd costume when it was first used but then it became the species' tradition, since then dragons only reveal their names to their mates and closest confidants. With a shaking of his head, he makes up his mind, Iesonak is a dragon lord, the dominant species, and who one day would reach or surpass the heights his ancestor had but to do so he had to abandon his name and use only his title, determined to do so on this day and spot, Iesonak finally abandons his name for good.

"His legacy is remembered to this day, but I don't want to just be like him, I want to surpass him so when everyone hears the name Red-Eyes Black Dragon Lord I will be on their minds, not him". Red-Eyes tells him.

"A worthy goal". Platinum says. "Red-Eyes was called the dragon of infinite potential. Do you believe you have the same potential he did?"

"I know I have". Red-Eyes says with grinding teeth, not liking the doubt that could be on the prince's head.

"Very well then. I'll leave you alone, enjoy yourself". Platinum Dragon Lord says as he takes his leave.

Left alone once more, Red-Eyes decides to get some air, he leaves the room and goes to the nearest balcony. It is already night, the dark sky and shining stars are surrounding everything on this side world by now, Red-Eyes thinks about his present and groans in anger, he is tired of his brother, his family, and his life, and wishes he had enough power to destroy and dominate like dragons are supposed to do. His mind goes to the stories about his ancestor, the original Red-Eyes was the dragon of infinite potential, all opponents who defeated him didn't live long for he always returned stronger and wiser, his greatest feat was defeating and killing the strongest dragon at the time and completely erasing his name and title from history, the only thing known about the defeated dragon was that it had white scales and blue eyes and that it brought ultimate power against Red-Eyes ultimate potential.

Thinking about his ancestors highlights something the current Red-Eyes has forgotten, his ancestor was the same as him, weak, and always getting defeated by his opponents, his family disavowed him so he went on a journey to get stronger and gather more power and knowledge, with that in mind the current Red-Eyes set his mind, to follow in his ancestors' path and surpass him he needs to start as he did, and with the hate he has been harboring towards his family due to the pressure and comparison with his brother, it was not so hard for the dragon lord to do.

"Perhaps this is my path". Red-Eyes tells none but the stars who appeared to be looking at him.

Jumping from the balcony Red-Eyes takes flies and doesn't look back, whatever the Dragon Emperor planned to do was not his problem and his presence would hardly be missed, Red-Eyes has a quest of his own, to get stronger and powerful, to surpass his ancestor and maybe, if he is strong enough, obtain the throne and become the new dragon emperor.

'Mother, Father, Brother, wait and see, once my power is absolute my eyes are the last thing you will ever see'. Red-Eyes tells himself.

With his great speed, Red-Eyes is already miles away from the Dragon Emperor's palace. He doesn't know where he will have his first stop, his ancestor got his power from fighting powerful opponents, to a dragon few meet the criteria, the best options are giants and leviathans, huge sea serpents big enough to wrap their bodies around a dragon's own and strong enough to crush their bones.

Before Red-Eyes can decide what opponent he will fight first, a huge magical wave is felt by the dragon, he doesn't know what it is and what could have caused it, but his instincts tell him it is something related to whatever the Dragon Emperor was going to show his subordinates, for a second Red-Eyes considers turn back and see it, but refrain to do so as it would mean weakness. Shaking his head the dragon decides to ignore his curiosity and go on his way but before he can do so he watches a huge beacon of light in the distance, it came from the direction he was going, and the dragon sees this as an opportunity, he could be on his way and investigate what this strange beacon of light could be, it appeared instants after the magic wave he felt so they got to be related.

"I almost pity whatever it is, for they will know the true might of Red-Eyes Black Dragon Lord". The dragon speaks and takes flight toward the light.

Narrator POV

The dragon didn't know at the time, but what was going to happen from that day forward would change his life and the entire world forever. That day would forever be remembered in history as the day the first wave of beings known as Players arrived in this world and changed it at their will.

There would be the Six Great Gods, they would be remembered as the beings who took humanity away from their shackles and gave them the power to fight back their oppressors with the so-called Tier Magic.

There would be the Eight Greed Kings who would be remembered for their power and greed, and how they almost brought extinction to the dragons at the pinnacle of their fall, before they finally took over the world, only to kill themselves due to their greed just so one could rule it all by themselves.

There would be the Thirteen. Heroes who were led by two weak players at the time, but whose powers would grow and lead them to defeat the evil deities.

There would be Ainz Ooal Gown, the undead king who would bring eternal rule over the world like the eight kings before him.

All those stories would be remembered, and while Red-Eyes took a part in all of them, his story would be told separately, in his story he would share the spotlight with another player, and they would both change the world like all others by bringing a new rise for the dragons.

This is the story of Red-Eyes Black Dragon Lord, and a player, a player only known as Dark Magician.

Author's note: I think I'll need to learn how to write arrogant deluded characters better, I still feel like Iesonak was still too sympathetic. What do you think ?

Well, the prologue is done, thank you for reading.

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