
Overlord: Explorer of the Void

A second chance is a rare thing to get, and I will not waste this opportunity, especially when you get reincarnated into a wealthy family and a world where you can become a strong being! A chance to throw away my mortal body and become something more than just a human.

Ryusenka · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 3

I returned to Neren City and walked toward Helios's shop. After I entered the building, I put the necklace on the counter, where Helios took it and examined it. I can see him smile at me and say.

"Thank you for your help, adventurer. Please follow me to the back. There is something I want to show you."

I press the 'Understood' button and follow him to the back room. When I enter the room, I can see many kinds of weapons, armor, and accessories in this room. I did not want to cast spells in this because I feared the owner being mad at me.

However, I want to see what kind of goodies are in this room. By the look of it, they are rather powerful equipment.

We stop in front of a golden crystal in the corner of the room. He opens the case and takes out the crystal.

"Take this."

I press the 'What is this?' button.

"This is my reward for you. As an angel, you bear the burden to destroy the God of Destruction, and this crystal will help you."

I press the 'Why did you give me this?' button.

"Because I want to help you and ask you to avenge my brother in all but blood."

I press the 'Terios is your…' button.

"Yes. He is my sworn brother, and in exchange for this crystal, I want you to avenge him by killing one of the {Bishop of Baphomet} who cast that curse on him. I know you are not strong enough to defeat him, but this crystal will help you."

|Quest Alert: Holy Vengeance!|

|Accept? Y/N|

I press the Y button and see Helios smile at me.

"Thank you, my friend. Here, take this."

I take the crystal, and another blue panel appears in front of me.

{Celestial Seed (Unique)}

{A seed that gives the user [Celestial] Racial Job.}

{Do you want to use it? Y/N}

I press the Y button and see the crystal disappear into my body. A few seconds later, another blue panel appears in front of me.

|Congratulations! You get racial race {Celestial}|

I open my stats and look at the new race I get. I could see my features changing as I could see my face, but you could see that it was inhuman. My face is devoid of expression, and my body has golden markings.

I shake my head and open the skill list.

Holy shit. This new race gives me a lot of boosts for all healing spells and increases my mana pool by twenty points. Not only that, but it also granted me a skill that is very useful for me. The spell is called {Celestial's Guardian}, and it lets me store ANY creature I summon (up to five).

That means I can add five angels alongside three angels from my summoning skill. That is massive and possibly a game-changer if I use it correctly. I don't know the limit, but it will be a game-breaking spell if this skill can store a high-level creature.

There are also many resistance skills coming from this racial job, and some of them stack with the resistance I get from my angel racial job.

"You should go east of here and visit the village, the one on the edge of the lake to the east of here. Go to someone called Eke, and he will inform you more."

I snap from my thoughts and look at the options I have. I press the 'Understood. I shall seek this Eke' button.

"Good. Go forth, my friend. May the World Tree bless you."

I leave the building and walk to the church. I need to level up my job as well.


It has been two months since I got into the Celestial race, and I have grown stronger. As time passed, players started to pour into the game, and I experienced my first death. Luckily, I did not have any item that was too valuable as I am still in my leveling phase, not my building phase.

What do I mean by that? I mean that I am not focusing on grinding for equipment. The reason? I already have a pet blacksmith that works for me. I pay him for every service he gives me; the higher level of the item he creates for me, the more I pay him.

His in-game name is Long-Bamboo. He is a warrior who specializes in crafting class. He even got a special class from a hidden mission that let him get a class called {Holy Crafter}, which let him craft a holy item.

I shake and open my stat windows while waiting for him.

|Name: Haruian|

|Racial Level: Angel (10), Celestial (2)|

|Job Level: Mage (10), Priest (10), Cleric (5)|

I reach level thirty-seven because it gets even more challenging to level up as my level gets higher. It is still faster than other games but still slow enough for me to buy another ring from the [Cash Shop].

{Experience Ring} {Cash Item}

{Ring that increases EXP drop from a monster you kill}

{Effect: +50% EXP}

I also bought another ring that lets me use ten rings instead of three.

{Ring of Freedom} {Cash Item}

{Ring that lets the user equip ten rings}

{Effect: Unlock all ring slots}

The last ring I bought from the [Cash Shop] is the loot ring.

{Loot Ring} {Cash Item}

{Ring that increases Loot drop from a monster you kill}

{Effect: +10 Loot Drop}

These three rings already give me a lot of advantages against a regular player. The reason why I only bought some of the {Cash Item} in the shop is because I want to try to reach level a hundred first before I set out to explore this game and grind for items.

The Game Dev already says that the deeper we go to the center of the area, the tougher the monster and the bigger the loot you can get. They even say a few items can break the game balance if we get them. However, they say it can only be obtained in the deepest part of the area.

I cannot wait to explore that place.

"Yo, boss!"

I snap from my thoughts and look at a demi-human character walking toward me.


"Call me Bamboo when we are in the game, boss."

"Right. Sorry about that."

Bamboo is a dwarf blacksmith. He is someone who likes to follow fantasy stereotypes. That means dwarves need to be strong and good at making items.

"How is it? Are you done with my order?"

"Yup! Let's make a trade."

I accepted the trade notification and saw him throw all the items into the trade window and lock it. I throw one gold and lock it. Because players cannot gift an item, they must throw something into the trade window before completing the transaction.

I look at my new equipment.

{Saint Set} {Top-Class Items}

{A set of equipment created by Holy Crafter for a priest in mind to let the priest reach the end of the world}

{Effect: +50% Healing Effect to self and others, -10% Cooldown to all spells, -20% Cooldown to healing spells, +10 to Phy Def and Mag Def}

This is an excellent set for me. Also, it is a Top-Class Item! To-Class items sell for quite a large amount of money in the market.

I look at the last item, and my smile gets bigger.

{Northern Star Wand} {Top-Class Item}

{A wand made by legendary Holy Crafter. It is a wand that borrows the power from the Northern Star, the star of guidance.}

{Effect: +25% Mana Regeneration, +10% Holy Attack, -10% Cooldown to All Spells, +10 Mag Atk}

Perfect. With this, I am ready to do another dungeon dive for the continuous mission after getting the celestial race from Helios.

I look back at Itou and say.

"Thank you for your hard work, Itou. Your payment will be transferred shortly."

"It is not a problem, boss. Also, can I ask where you want to go from now on? I need help clearing a dungeon for my quest."

"Oh? What kind of quest, and which dungeon is it?"

"Here. Let me show you."

He takes out a map and places it on the table in front of us. I blink a little when I see the location of the dungeon. It is the same one as my destination.

"Here. I want to clear the dungeon with a red circle around it. It is an undead-type dungeon that I cannot beat alone. I already tried that yesterday and died in the process."

"What a coincidence. I also want to clear that dungeon."

"Really?! Then we can go there together!"

"Sure. However, tell me what kind of monsters are inside that place."

Thank you for reading! If you want to support me and read more, you can visit my P@treon! (P@treon.com/ryusenka)! You will be charged the day you join, so you do not need to fear the end-of-a-month charge.

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