

On the last day of service for the popular game YGGDRASIL Abbadon finds himself in another World along with his friend and game mate Momonga.How will this affect the story as the executinor of Nazarick falls into a world of unobtained treasure

1TOUCH_ME · Cómic
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15 Chs

Gaurdians Assemble 2

Both Momonga and Abbadon teleported to tenth floor and then looked at each other baffled.

"Th-those guys they are serious aren't they". Asked Momonga.

"Yes they are!, which is scary in another way.They are all completely loyal and Detect enemy and Sense Feelings showed no signs of hostiles as well."

"Sense Feelings...Is that what you are calling your power..haaa". Sighed Momonga at his friends chunni antics and terrible name sense."Abbadon.... what's up with Albedo?".

"A-Albedo haha well she loves you, maybe it was Tabula san's setting".Lied Abbadon through his nonexistent teeth.

In reality Abbadon had changed many settings of NPC when he was given control of the staff. One of them was changing Albedo's settings by adding a line,'she deaply loves the guild master Momonga'. However he couldn't say that to Momonga who would get angry at him for changing Tabula's Work,so he lied.

"Tabula had an interest like that....i didn't know..I should have read her entire profile...A slut succubus who loves me...seems gap moe, something that tabula San would do hahahaha.". Momonga laughed not worried about A NPC changing suddenly anymore.

Changing the topic Abbadon said."we should permit entry to the 10 and 9 th floors, 8th floor should be closed off in case any unknown variable is still left.Also i will give my rock golems to Mare to help in her work,we should also add an extra level of protection to the out skirts of Nazarick.....we level of this world may be above level 100 in which case...we should atleast have a safe place to retreat to.".

"Yes I was thinking of the same thing as well...i will tell demiurge and albedo of this. We also need to assign gaurds to 10th and 9th floor in case any pop monsters show up....vassels in this case".

"I will leave it to you Guild Master".said Abbadon in a Mocking tone to Momonga, not only because he didn't want to work but also because....he didn't want to work".

"Hah...i will speak to them..What should we do next..i don't recommend going outside before the safety of the guild is confirmed".Said Momonga and Abbadon agreed to it. Both where extremely cautious of what might await them outside and hence wanted to wait untill Mare and Demiurge finished their jobs.

"I think we should read up on the NPC data....just in case their are any quirks that we don't know of exist.".

"Hm..I guess although i also want to check how my classes operate in this world...I guess reading comes first...i hope i have comprehensive powers too.". (An: he does not).

Saying. this both of them teleported to the throne room to do some reading.

Meanwhile the gaurdians had risen up from their kneeling positions,the pressure of both auras of despair and destruction...one instilling a fear effect,passive boost to all negetive status effects which combined with destruction aura that when boosted caused paralysis as well as HP damage...had made the gurdians knell for more time untill the status effects wore off.

"Th..that was so scary Onee-chan...".

"Yes I know right!,i thought I was going to get crushed."


"Hm that's Lord Momonga when he shows himself as our ruler".Said Albedo with absolute loyalty.

"So it seems".Agreed demiurge.


"When they where with us,they where so kind! Momonga sama gave us water when we where thirsty".said Aura.

Upon hearing this the gaurdians pearked up with jealousy, especially Shalltear and Albedo untill mare interwined.

"So that's the supreme beings when they stand as rulers,it's so amazing!".

This seemed to ease the gaurdians and albedo answered.

"Exactly,to think that they would answer to our loyalty in such a manner...it shows that they trust us ... Therefore we must work our atmost to satisfy the supreme ones".

"Well then I will take my leave, don't know where the lords have gone but i have to serve them and stay by their side".said Sebas who ran off

"Shalltear what happened".Asked demiurge seeing her still kneeling".

"There amazing presence kinda exited me a little bit and my underwear has gone through a bit of a crisis" said a turned on Shalltear with her geshia accent.

"Kono Bitch!". Yelled Albedo. anda both of them started fighting about who was better fit to be the wife of the supreme ones.

Albedo although loves Momonga,also has a sluttly nature and also wants to have an heir with Abbadon and Shalltear on the other hand wanted to sleep with Momonga and Abbadon due her necrophiliac tendency as well as due to Peroronchino who had put a small detail that she loves Abbadon as a joke in her character setting.

Peroronchino, Abbadon, Tatemikazuchi and and Ulbert Alain Odle where really good friends and teammates,they where the weirdos of the guild and often did all game activities together.the four where like peas in a pod and would always get scoulded by other members.

Both of them started to fight over who was better fit for being the wife of the supreme lords, hurling insults over at each other.

However they where stopped by an angry Demiurge and Cocyutas.

"You two do you want to anger the supreme lords by creating a rift between them...all the other supreme ones have already left us..if your approach anger the lords they might be troubled and leave us too...have you considered that".

Upon hearing this both of them stopped as the other gaurdians looked at them angrily.

"You are right fighting among ourselves about who gets the lords might turn the lords the wrong way..... moreover The lords might want both of us in which case we must be ready for it!" Said Albedo as if understanding.

Everyone agreed including Shalltear who was sure that Momonga and Abbadon would both want her and Cocyutas who just wanted to be an uncle.

Suddenly albedo became serious and everyone understood she was going to give them orders as gaurdian overseer.


Abbadon pov

'So many NPC and so much setting.

I don't know if I should praise my guild mates or curse them...hah i wish angels had comprehensive abilities or fast understanding or something.....hah so tired...I can't get tired can i?....

'Well upon reading this i got to know something...My friend's NPC are just like them. Cocyutas is warrior Uncle type.. Demiurge is smart but evil..like really evil,and finally Shalltear is nhentai if it was a loli vampire dominatrix.

"Hah...they all had wierd tastes after all".

Third pov.

2 Days later.

Both Momonga and Abbadon where seen in a room testing out their equipment and classes.

"It seems i can hold a weapon but can't use it without a warrior class,

'Create Greater item'". Suddenly Momonga was in a black and gold fullplate Armor and held his sword again swinging it creating a gust of wind.

"it seems the rules are same as Yggdrasil".said Abbadon who was vertically balanceing a sword on the tip of his pinky finger."I can already use this weapon perfectly,it's possible move sets,the weight and balance of the weapon,i can understand all of it,it's similar to Yggdrasil but in a different way.it might be due to my Warrior and Sword gods classes... although it seems like it does also affect non magical items unlike you.

'Create greater item'.". Abbadon was now in a purple full plate Armor with a silver x shaped helm.

"let's head to the top floor shall we.I want some fresh air". said Abbadon.

"Very well let's go".'Even though you can't breathe'.Thought Momonga but kept to himself.Both of them then teleported to the 1st floor and walked around causally as no one noticed them because of their consealed aura die to their Armor.

An -sorry for the short chapter had somethings to do point out grammar mistakes. see y'all later.