
Overcoming all Odds

Jacob dies and meets ROB. Fills a Lewd-CYOA and is sent to the world of 'Tales of Demons and Spirits'. Thinks of leeching off of Nie Li and live an easy life. But wait!!! Why is Nie Li not doing anything? Why is Nie Li just a simple ignorant child? Why did Nie Li not come back from time? What, this is the first timeline? No Nie Li? Will he have to save the City himself? Well, he had nothing better to do and he lives here so he might as well destroy the Demon Lord and save the City. Plus, If you like my work and want to support me, then please do so at- patreon.com/ankit1 Upto 40 additional chapters in Patreon.

Fortunate_Soul · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

Chapter 5

"Now recite the scripture and try to focus on the warm energy in your Dantian. You only have 2 soul force of the Red Realm so you're not very talented which means that this might be harder for you. It might take anywhere from hours to even months for you to learn how to channel your soul force along with the scripture of the cultivation technique. Even then, it's unlikely that you'll see any improvement for days to a whole month."

He gave the man a look that basically told him to shut him and the man did.

Sure, Yuan Po was trying to help him with the cultivation but did he really had to be so brutal with his explanations.

He shook his head and used another one of his power that he had dismissed earlier but which would come in handy now.

Roleplay Excellence- Whenever you decide to play out a character, you will always excel at it. This means that you can pretend to be a train conductor, a teacher or something else and gain perfect proficiency in the needed skills. You can also pretend to be things a teasing maid or a domineering dominatrix. You will only be able to act out one role at a time.

Since he had taken the Second Trigger version of this power, it meant that he could basically think of a whole sentence like Professional Bodyguard maid with a Motherly Attitude and play that role perfectly.

For now though, he only needed one thing.

He used the power to become 'Experience Old and Wise Cultivation Expert' and suddenly he gained the skills of one.

That was why he also realized that the Cultivation Technique he was about to learn was absolute shit.

If he followed the technique then it'll take him over a decade to reach Silver Rank.

"Doesn't the library has any better Cultivation technique?" he asked Yuan Po.

The young man shook his head. "Out of the 30 Cultivation Technique in the library, this is the best one."

He sighed as he remembered exactly why the people with Red Soul realm in this city were considered to have very little talent.

It was not because they had lesser talent than the ones of Cyan, Green or Indigo Soul Realm but because the city had very bad Cultivation Techniques for people with Red Soul Realm.

If he could meet Nie Li then he would probably be able to ask for an excellent Cultivation Technique. But he still had no idea when in the timeline he had been dropped. It might be possible that he might have arrived before Nie Li gained the old soul in which case he would have to wait for the guy or he might have arrived well after that event in which case joining Nie Li and his group of 'brothers' will be much harder.

As it was, this cultivation technique will harm his Dantian the more powerful he become. And worse was that he won't be able to reach beyond Gold Rank with this Technique.

He asked Yuan Po to show him the other cultivation techniques and once Yuan Po did, he looked over each one and wrote their pros and cons until he finally selected a Technique that might be the best for him.

That particular Technique was called Nine Immortal Dragons. And frankly, while the technique named sounded majestic, the Cultivation Techinque was in fact, utter shit in it's cultivation rate.

The only reason why he chose this one was because his knowledge and intuition of an 'Experienced Old and Wise Cultivation Expert' told him that this Cultivation technique won't have any side effects in the long run and while the Technique might have a very slow Cultivation rate, it didn't have a level cap and would be useful until the end of the 5 star Legend Rank.

He selected the Technique and was about to start the cultivation when he heard footsteps coming toward their direction.

A moment later, a beautiful yet haughty young woman came in sight and proceeded to glare at Yuan Po who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Yuan Po!" the woman said with barely restrained rage "You stood me up in my date. How dare you!!!"

"Hey… Yin. Listen. I was just helping this-"

"I don't care what you were doing. What I care about was…"

The woman continued to berate the man and he realized that if this continued then the idiotic bimbo would bring the attention of the whole library upon them.

Plus, the indecent clothing that she was wearing was giving him ideas.

"Hey! Calm down." He said and went to stood up from the chair only for the woman to glare at him, her beautiful face filled with rage and disgust.

"Calm down? And who the fuck are you to tell me to calm down?" the woman said with a haughty expression.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha." He said, still feeling strange at introducing himself as one of his childhood heroes. "May I know who you are?"

"No you may not." She said with a huff.

He looked toward Yuan Po for answer.

"That's Shen Yin. My fiancee." The man said with an expression that clearly expressed how 'happy' he was with his relationship with the girl.

He did a double take at the words. "Shen Yin. As in Shen of the Sacred family?" he asked.

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