
Overcoming all Odds

Jacob dies and meets ROB. Fills a Lewd-CYOA and is sent to the world of 'Tales of Demons and Spirits'. Thinks of leeching off of Nie Li and live an easy life. But wait!!! Why is Nie Li not doing anything? Why is Nie Li just a simple ignorant child? Why did Nie Li not come back from time? What, this is the first timeline? No Nie Li? Will he have to save the City himself? Well, he had nothing better to do and he lives here so he might as well destroy the Demon Lord and save the City. Plus, If you like my work and want to support me, then please do so at- patreon.com/ankit1 Upto 40 additional chapters in Patreon.

Fortunate_Soul · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

Chapter 14

School ended and the students started going back to their homes or the rented rooms they lived in.

Instead of going home like the other students, he continued to sit in his seat and closed his eyes before he became an astral projection and walked through the wall.

He flew around and searched the school until he finally found the person he had been searching for.

He found Shen Xiu checking over a few papers. It surprised him that the arrogant woman was taking the work of the students seriously before he saw that the paper belonged to none other than her nephew Shen Yue. Of course, she would pay special attention to her nephew.

He rolled his eyes and touched her shoulder. But before he could use Mind Flayer power on her, she jerked away from his touch and looked at the space where he was floating.

"Who's there?" she asked even as she took her Demon Spiritualist form.

She smelled the air, probably having a better sense of smell in her half demon beast form but his ghostly projection had no smell so she frowned before she sighed and returned to her human form and sat down on her chair before going back to work.

But even as she did so, he realized that she had raised her guard and he probably won't be able to use his powers on her again.

This was a good lesson for him that despite how easy it seemed in the beginning, he won't be able to just mind control any of the stronger Demon Spiritualists as easily as he did to the people so far.

They had better senses as well as reactions and would realize that something was wrong as soon as he touched them.

He sighed and floated through the walls before returning to his body.

He opened his eyes and frowned at the predicament.

He wanted to question the woman about a few things but she was now on alert.

He brainstormed for a bit and then quickly came up with another idea to get to her.

He used the 'Shapeshifting' and turned himself in Shen Yue, Teacher Shen Xiu's nephew.

Problem was that he wasn't a good actor and wasn't sure if he would be able to sell the act as the arrogant ponce. With her raised guard, it was likely that Shen Xiu would realize that something was wrong with him and that he was an imposter.

He solved that bit of problem by 'Roleplaying' as Shen Yue.

With that done, he went out of the empty classroom and walked down a few corridors before arriving in front of his 'aunt's' office.

Usually he would have knocked before entering but because of Roleplaying as Shen Yue, he simply opened the door and entered without asking for permission.

Teacher Shen Xiu looked up from the papers with a frown before she saw him and her expression relaxed.

"Why have you not gone back home nephew? Is there something that you want from your aunt?" she asked.

He nodded arrogantly as he closed the door and walked up to her desk. "Yes, there was something I wanted Aunt Shen Xiu."

"Well." She raised an eyebrow and waited for him to answer but he simply pointed at her and then hit her with an 'Intellect Damage' beam.

Her confused expression changed to a blank idiotic one as she lost almost all of her IQ.

He went up to her and she looked at him in childish curiously before he touched her shoulder and mind controlled her.

Then her returned her intelligence back to her.

She looked up at him and the bowed, showing a good deal of her perky breasts while doing so "How may I be of assistance my lord?" she asked.

"I want to know if your family has any soul cultivation pills that are better than the ones that are provided in to the masses in the Alchemy Shops?"

Shen Xiu thought about his question for a while before she replied "We do have one such recipe. But it can only be used by Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualists to speed up their cultivation rate. But judging by how my brother has yet to break through to the Legend rank despite trying to years, it probably isn't very impressive."

He nodded. That was… disappointing.

He had hoped that the major families would have some secret Alchemy recipes of their own that they only shared within their family but apparently that wasn't the case.

"What about the Dark Guild?"

"What about them my lord?" she asked.

"Well… they're your allies, so do they ever provide you with Alchemical pills to your family."

She snorted at that "The only thing that the Dark Guild ever provides us with are unruly and arrogant subordinates and a promise to one day rule the city. Aside from that, they only know how to take, take and take without ever giving back. If my brother wasn't so scared of their unknown leader than we would have cut our relationship with them long ago. Alas, our family is already too deep in their pockets and it's too late for us to step back."

He nodded and then went ahead to ask her a few more questions about her family, the dark guild, the resources she could provide him with and a few other miscellaneous things.

In the end, he didn't really found anything truly useful from her.

True, she was the little sister of the Patriarch of the Sacred Family but she was also too young and too weak to truly be informed about what goes behind the scenes.

He sighed at the waste of time and then asked Clone 3 if it wanted a waifu for himself.

The woman might be a bitch but she was also hot as fuck and the personality of a clone could always be changed to his liking.

Clone 3 responded positively and told him to make her personality like that of Pyrrha Nickos from RWBY.

Reserved, proud, understanding, sympathetic and kind. Someone who loves to fight and wants to become a better and powerful fighter.

He touched Shen Xiu's head and made a clone of her before installing the new personality in her.

Before she could say anything, he sent her to the Pocket Dimension.

Then he looked at Shen Xiu who was looking at him in confused due to the whole clone debacle.

He touched her shoulder and used Mind Flayer power once again to returned her personality back to normal and wiped out the memories of their talk before he quickly left the office and returned back home.

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