
Out Of Reach

Estrella is a Demon who got the chance to be a human, after enjoying her days on earth she learns that her contracts is almost over. And the life she built together with her love, Kaiden, is all going to fall down. She desperately try’s to reach for ways to keep him close to her, And would take the fiercest punishment to be able to come down to earth again.

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Chapter Four —— The Contract

I felt my heart drop. I had built a life with Kaiden, I was enjoying where I was at.

This life was perfect, I knew it would come to an end. But not this soon…

Salvador had seemed to read the mood, and quickly cracked a smile "I was thinking about asking the council to make the contract permanent.." I shook my head, standing up. The contract was made 27 years ago. A deal between me, and Salvador. He was a child, a human one nonetheless. And me, the contractor. He was peculiar, he wanted to be a demon. For reasons I still cannot identify Today. "You've gotten a lot older since I saw you." He huffs, rolling his eyes with a smile. Punching me in the arm. Which hurt. "Well my body did age by 7 years."

He was 13 when I found him, he had bit a chunk of flesh out of his arm and drew the symbol on the wall with his blood. It was a gory image, I suppose. But I had seen worse. He was in a basement room of sorts. The emotions around him with colors. Demons abilities differed from demon to demon. But the one thing that all of them had was the ability to read emotions, based on the colors around them. The kid had a poker face. But he was scared, sad, mad, and determined. As I approached him with an amused expression, he had looked at me with a suddenly desperate expression. Running up to me and grabbing my arm, As if to see if I was real. "Can you let go? It's quite rude. Though I can't expect much from a human child" I was so insolent back then, and full of myself since I was immortal. Now I pity many of my colleagues, understanding why humans were so scared of death, was easy to grasp, once I started talking to others. The thought of having to leave my friends once the contract. was up, made my heart ache. Leaving them all, how it would affect them. It was what changed how I acted so much, and saw how humans value friendship. As a demon, friendship was an automatic demotion for both of them, and once you are demoted 7 times you'd be terminated. Nobody sought after that, which is why we lost many new demons after recruitment day. Anyone who could go to the living world for contracts, should not form relationships with any human. And I understand, but don't approve.

I had shook the boy off, his eyes full of hope as he smiled "this is real.. thank god.." with the reaction he gave, I could only assume he had been seeing things before. "I've been summoned with the intentions to make a contract, yes?"

The child nodded, a big smile on his face as he began to propose his deal "I'd like to be a demon." I was taken aback, this was the first time I had ever met a situation like this, the emotions must have shown on my face because his eyes lit up as he had smiled brighter "And you'll become a human, but first you'll teach me what to do!"