
Out Of Reach

Estrella is a Demon who got the chance to be a human, after enjoying her days on earth she learns that her contracts is almost over. And the life she built together with her love, Kaiden, is all going to fall down. She desperately try’s to reach for ways to keep him close to her, And would take the fiercest punishment to be able to come down to earth again.

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Chapter 2 — A Smile On My a Face

As I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, I opened my eyes, we had fallen asleep together, his arms around my sides gently, I was the tallest out of us,

beating him by 3 inches taller. Me being 6'2 and him being 5'11.

As I pulled my long, curly brown hair away from my face, and placed it into a ponytail, using a Hair tie that was on the nightstand next to my bed. I sighed, sitting up as I gently placed his hands away from my sides, and onto his plush.

My phone buzzes, as I get up to get changed, I grab my phone and head to the closet. As I grab my work uniform, I check my notifications.

My phone read "One Message, My Boss; "I'm sorry to say, but.." as I frown and set my work uniform down, I open my messages. Fully expecting to be let go of my position.

But laughing as I smiled at the message. "I'm sorry to say, but you'll be let go of your position if you don't come to your birthday party with the little Cupcake." As I made a small sigh of relief, I went to wake The One I held Dear. "Kaiden the Cupcake, wake up!" I smiled slightly at the title that I had given him, he was now known as a Cupcake. Which suited him perfectly, he was sweet, not everybody liked him, but it doesn't matter because he's mine, and I already love him to the moon and back. As I watched his eyes flutter open, I felt my heart skip a beat. It felt like a dream, to have made it this far, without the relationship falling apart. As he looked at me with tired confusion, I gave him a big smile. "Apparently I'll be fired if I don't show up to my birthday party with Cupcake" he smiles and shakes his head as he slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes. "I swear- you have too good of a relationship with your boss-"

I smile and giggle slightly, standing up as I slowly walked over to my closet once again. "You know I'd give you my heart if I didn't require it to live." He giggles for a second before frowning "I'd never want that. It's toxic of me to ask for that, or accept it." I giggled, shaking my head as I went through the clothing in my closet "it was figurative, Hun" I heard him giggle "alright, just saying." As I pulled out a pair of high waisted, denim, dark blue jeans, I felt his hands wrap around my stomach. Giving me a tired hug as he mumbled something inaudible. "Hm?" He sighs, letting go as he mumbled once again "nothing.."

I turned around slowly, cupping his face gently as I smiled "if you need to tell me something, feel free to do so, cupcake!" He smiled and nodded "I don't think it's all that important, but uhm, I lost one of my stuffies-" I frowned "aww, I'm sorry! I'll help you find it once I get changed! Ok?" He nods, a big smile on his face "thank you!" He exclaimed. I gave him a big smile, before turning to the closet once again. As I went through the clothing, a smile slightly grew on my face, as I could recognize my clothing from Kaiden's, he wore more Emo-Type clothing, Denim jeans, Black shirts, a lot of the shirts were bulk buys, like a black shirt with a white collar and sleeve cuffs. While I wore a lot of pastel colors, we both enjoyed pastels when it came to our favorite colors, but he loved black clothing the most. I had a few cutesy Lolita dresses inside my wardrobe, but I mainly had either work clothing or casual clothing.

I pulled out my favorite white tank top, and a magenta long sleeved Crop-Top. I planned to wear layers today.

I feel my phone buzz again, my boss messaging me once again "I have read receipts on, hun. Hurry up and let me know if I should fire you or not."

I giggle to myself before picking up my phone, typing in "I'm coming, what time?"

It didn't take long for her to respond "7:00 pm, don't be late."