
Our Unexpected Love Story

Highschool Sweethearts. One with nothing but death on mind and the other with a stable life who seeks affection. Will they end up together and have their own romance story or will they just give up when they meet a catastrophe.

crislee111605 · Real
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6 Chs


[bell ringing]

"Class, we're having a transferee.

Take your seats, come in Mr. Hart" our advisor gestured the student to come in.

We're all focused and curious what's the transferee would be like.

A boy came in and bowed.

He only looked at the floor while whispering something.

"Huh?!" my classmates simultaneously yelled. I saw him flinched.

He's probably anxious.

Ritch tapped his table twice and an awkward silence filled the room.

"What's your name?" I unconsciously asked. My friends looked at me.

I was also surprised, why I'm curious.

Since I turned five.

Things, emotions, and pain.

I can't feel them. They don't interest me.

I couldn't care less about a thing.

I just have to do what others do and I can have my own normal life. That's what my mom told me before leaving me for a new family.

He stared at me like I asked something strange.

"I j-just said it" he stared at the floor again.

His dark curly hair covers his face as he bowed down to avoid everyone's gaze.

"You mean those whispers?" Beau ask him while reading a smut book he borrowed from Herith, our perverted classmate.

"Kids this is Chase Leonard Hart, from now on he's your classmates. Get along." the advisor interfered.

"You can sit at the back please. Kaiden guide Leo from now on okay?" she smiled and left the room saying the faculties have an emergency meeting.

"C-can I sit here?" he asked with a voice I can barely hear. I nodded and focused my attention on my mini note.

"Uhmm" I looked at him and raised a brow. He looked hesitant. I was not trying to intimidate him. It was just a gesture to ask him what does he need.

"Do you need something?" he looks like he wants to say something.

I think he's nervous?

I saw his hands shaking.

I grabbed his hands and looked at him.

"Don't be nervous I'm not gonna eat you."

I felt his hands were cold.

"What's your name?" he asked while staring at his desk. 

"Isn't it rude to ask when you can't even look at my eyes?? Hmm??"

He looked at our hands interwined.

Yeah, that's weird. Why the hell am I holding his hands?

I let go of his hands.

"May I know your name?" he looked at my eyes, still nervous.

"Kaiden Baines, just call me"...

His eyes were ocean blue.

Feels like he's pulling me in.



What was that??

I was dazed just now.

Was that enchanting??

"Chase.. You can call me chase.." he took out his phone and handed it to me.

"What??" I was confused but still took his phone.

"You said to just call you... Uhmm I need your uhh... N-number." I said that??

Oh well.

"Here.. Chase" I saved my number with the contact name [kai]

"Thanks, I'll call you.. uhhh k-kaidee"

Huh? Kaidee??

"Pfft" I looked at Beau who was listening to our conversation the whole time.

"What?" I asked with an irritated tone.

"S-sorry as I thought, I'd rather n-not call you uhh kaidee.. uhhh..."

"No it's okay. I don't mind you calling me  that." then again this tingling feeling wouldn't go away.

What the hell is this.

"Would you mind me then? Kaidee?" I made a disgusted look when Luc called me that.

"Luc that's disgusting." I told him.

My friends looked at me like I did something strange.

I ignored them and shifted my attention to Chase. He was doodling something on my mini note.

He's grinning from ear to ear.

"Chase" I whispered to his ears so my friends can't hear what I was about to tell him. He flinched so hard and backed away.

I was confused looking at him stormed out of the room.

I swear he was grinning just now.

Was that my imagination??

More importantly, why would he ran away??

Huh?? No way!!


"TF DUDE?? PFT-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" they laughed at me.... All of them. Traitors!!

If your friends breath stinks, you should tell them!! That was so embarrassing!!

Do I need a new toothpaste?? :')