

Breeze (Noah) and Desiree are two different people in different worlds but on the same block. They grew up with different lifestyles and have their own ways of making it. They each have similar goals but one of them doesn't know how to begin achieving their goals. Will their being in each other's lives make them or break them?

Zhab95 · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Ok class we have a special guest today, he has been kind enough to read his first-ever best-selling book.

Introducing Mr Hawkins." The teacher said to her high schoolers who were sitting looking bored.

There was some applause but not so much enthusiasm.

An old man came through the door with his walking stick and made his way to the chair placed in front of the high schoolers.

"Good afternoon, I'm Mr Hawkins here to read my first ever book 'Our story' to you guys. Before we get started does anyone have any questions?" The man asked looking at the high schoolers. He saw their plain expression and heard no sounds and took that as a sign for no one having any questions.

The man cleared his throat and then used his frail hands to open the book and get started. "Chapter one. How we met."


Music blasted through the speakers in the Audi TT as the group in the car were smoking weed, bobbing their heads to the music.

"Ayo, Breeze swing that joint over here." A random voice came from the group.

Breeze kisses his teeth before handing him the joint just tapping his fingers against the wheel.

"Y'all niggas, need to hurry up so I can have my car and you can get the fuck out." He stated loudly so everyone could hear.

"Man, you ain't gotta rush us we almost done." Another voice that sounded squeaky said.

"I'll rush you if I want to, better act like you for some sense and get the fuck out of my car." He replied back in a snappy tone.

When the group were done smoking in his car they got out letting him put his car on and drive to his next location.

"Ma, you home?" He shouted out as he looked for her whereabouts. "I'm in the kitchen boy stop shouting so loud before my neighbours hear you."

"My bad." he lifted his arms in surrender he made his way to the kitchen.

"Hey, baby." His mom said before hugging him.

"Hey momma, what you doing?" he said trying to sneak a glance inside the pot.

He hissed as he felt the wooden spoon leave a bite on his skin. "Uh uh, don't be looking underneath my pot like you ain't got no home training." his mother scolded.

"My fault ma, I'm sorry." he kissed her on the cheek again.

"Mhmm, did you get the groceries I asked for?"

"Groceries?" He said looking puzzled.

"Yes groceries, I even made you a list. Boy, you're about to raise my blood pressure." His mother said moving away from him.

"Nah wait, I'll get it just write the list again I'm sorry." He followed behind collecting a paper and pen for her to write.

"And I want the soft bread, not the hard one ya'hear." she pointed at him.

"Soft not hard ok gotchu," he said pecking her cheek and running out of the house.


"Damn, did she say she wanted the hard bread or the soft bread?"

He examined the two in his head looking confused.

This was definitely not the time to be high. He had already collected the things he needed on the list but was struggling to figure out what his mother had said and he knew she would whoop his ass if he didn't get it right.

"I think you should get the soft bread." He heard an angelic voice say behind him. He turned around only to see a beauty in front of him she was tall probably about 5, 10 to his 6, 4 and had the most beautiful skin ever her features were exhilarating and she had such a beautiful smile.

"Sorry for disturbing you, but you look like you needed help so I suggest the soft bread." the woman spoke up again.

"Yeah, thanks." He put the hard bread down and scratched his hair watching as she went to pick up her own soft bread.

"You ok?" the woman asked seeing as he was just staring at her and wouldn't stop, making her slightly feel uncomfortable.

"Oh my fault, you just look beautiful that's all." He admitted. He felt himself smiling seeing how hard she smiled at his compliment.

"Thank you, I was beginning to worry I had spoken to a crazy person," she admitted before making the both of them laugh.

"Nah never that, you live round here?" He knew almost everyone in the streets and was shocked he had never seen her before.

"Yeah, I just moved back here a year ago for me to able to take care of my mother."

"Oh yeah, how is she doing now." He asked genuinely interested to hear how things were.

"She passed six months ago. I'm Just happy I was able to say my goodbyes and the fact she was always smiling and not in pain." She smiled a little thinking of her mom.

"Damn, I'm sorry for your loss tho." He said not knowing what else to say.

"Oh, it's fine and thank you anyway. Umm, I have to go. It was nice meeting you." She went in for a handshake.

"Nice meeting you too." He said shaking her hand as he used his thumb to stroke the outside of her palm.

He watched as she looked at him with a tight lip before walking away.

He chuckled to himself before making his way to the checking aisle. When it was finally his turn he began putting his groceries in a bag and was about to pay before he looked up seeing her on the next aisle. It was like she felt him watching her as she looked behind her and glanced at him giving a soft smile.

He quickly paid for the items then quickly carried the bags and looked up again seeing she was no longer there. He made his way out of the store to see she was nowhere in sight and he didn't even know what car to look for.

Releasing a defeated sigh he went to his car placing the groceries in the back entering the car and making his way out of the store. He cursed himself for not even getting a name or number.