
Our Secret Love (Dabi x Reader)

You find out your childhood best friend is a villain. He also finds out you’re a hero going to UA. You both realize you were meant for each other but are also enemies. How will your secret romance go out? What will happen if you are caught? "But I love you. If your a hero and I'm a villain we can't be together. I love you too much to lose you again." "I love you too." "I don't want to lose you either. I want to be with you, but who knows what could happen if others find out." "Then it could be a secret." "What?" "Our secret love."

Danna_Bella · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

I sit down at my desk once I arrive to class. After a few minutes Aizawa stands in the front of the class. He starts talking about stuff but I zone out most of the time. He finally gets my attention when he mentions the trip I didn't know about.

I raise my hand and he gestures me to talk, "I'm sorry Mr.Aizawa but what is this trip you're talking about?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot you were new. Were going to a training camp."

He gives me the rest of the details and starts class.

Time skip after school

I walk back home with Todo. Once I get back home my mom stands in the kitchen in shock.

"Hey. Mom? You okay?"

"Is that Todoroki?"


"Oh okay. Bye sweetie."


Mom goes back to her room while I stand there confused. I look back to Todo and he is also confused. I just shrug it off as another one of those weird moments my mom has.

"So the trip is tomorrow." I say.

"Yeah it is."

"I'm not sure if I should be exited or nervous."

"I'm not sure either."

"So, you wanna eat?"

"Do you have cold soba?"

We eat then talk for a while before he goes back home. I go up to my room and wonder why my mom was so weird earlier. What was that about? What was it about Todo that shocked her? Is she hiding something?

Time skip next day

We were on the bus for a few hours. I was in the back with Todo and we fell asleep the whole trip. When we stopped and came off the bus some random cat women came out of nowhere.

Suddenly the whole class fell down and there was this weird creature attacking us. After it wad destroyed more if them came. It was fairly easy for me since I only had to touch them and they would fall apart.

After a few hours we were at our destination. The cat ladies were with Aizawa and a little boy. Midoriya tried to be nice to the kid but was greeted with a kick in the no no square. I couldn't help but to laugh, I felt horrible for it.

Bakugo was even more angry than usual when he was compared to the boy. We then ate like the pigs we were and went to sleep.

Time skip to quirk training

Everyone was sent to different location to make our quirks stronger. I was sent to the mountains to destroy and fix them constantly. It was fun in the beginning but was not soon after using up a lot of energy.

After finishing our training we were sent to make food. It was not the best but we were starving and didn't care.

Time skip to the bravery competition or something (forgot what it was called)

The class was paired up with different people. Since my class had an odd number I was put in a group of three. I ended up in the first group (forgot who they were, or if they were even mentioned) and walked into the forest. A head popped out of the ground, the other two screamed while I did nothing.

After a while there was some kind of fog surrounding us. I used my shirt to cover my nose and mouth. Somehow I got lost. Why am I always getting lost? At least I escaped that weird fog thing. But then I saw a blue fire. Could this possibly be? Is this the blue fire from the alley? Is this the murderer? I run through the forest and hear a voice saying we are now allowed to fight and that Bakugo is in trouble.

After a while I think I'm now near the source of fire. I then see two figures in the distance, there was a blue fire on one of them. I walk quietly and crouch down near some bushes. I get closer and see Aoyama hiding behind a bush. I was at another bush that was close to him. I listen to the villain's conversation.

"Do you think they got that Bakugo kid yet?" There was this obnoxious voice coming from one of them.

"We have been here for a while now so I think they do now." I heard a familiar voice.

Where did I hear that voice from before? I peek over the bush a little to look at them. It was the man with the scars. It was Dabi.

He's...a villain? The same man who saved me? How?

He starts talking again, "I just hope the girl is here."

Girl? Who are they talking about? I thought they were only after Bakugo.

The annoying voice comes up again, "Your still thinking about (y/n)? Why are you so obsessed with her?"

Me? Why are they after me? I know they're after Bakugo because of his quirk, he used it at the festival. But they never saw me use my quirk, I wasn't even at the festival! Aoyama then makes noise because of his nervousness.

Dabi starts walking towards Aoyama. I have to do something. If I don't Aoyama might die. I jump out of the bush to get both of the villain's attention.

"Hey Twice, speaking of the devil." Dabi says smirking at me.

"No wonder shes the only thing on your mind. She is absolutely gorgeous." The Twice thing whistles.

"Hey doll, did you miss me?

I glare at Dabi. He comes close to me grabbing my hand. He uses the other hand to cup my cheek. I scoff at him and pull his hand away.

"Playing hard to get. I like it." Dabi chuckles.

"So, (y/n). Your coming with us." Twice thing said to me.

"And what the hell makes you think I'll follow along this easily!"

"Well doll face, if you don't we might, you know, kill your friends." Dabi smugly says.

"You touch them, I'll kill you!" I feel the anger in me rising. They would really threaten to kill the people I hold dear to me.

"What will it be?" They ask me.

"I'll go. Just leave the others out of this." I scowl and form my hands into fists.

"Good choice princess." Dabi says.

We walk away and I turn back to the bush Aoyama was in. He looks at me with sadness and guilt. I give him a optimistic smile before leaving.

The group of villains meet up in a open space. Dabi holds me in his arms, one around my waist and the other my neck. Then something crashes down on the ground. It was Todo, Midoriya and (I forgot who else was with them). There was a mini fight for some kind of blue marbles. They then turned into Bakugo and Tokoyami. Bakugo was the only one who got caught, again.

A portal then appeared and I was pulled back into it. Before I was completely gone I saw Todo. He was reaching towards me, I have never seen him look so helpless. I smile at him and tears fall down my face.


Thanks for reading <3