
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World

Sir_Smurf · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Paradise and Shunning a Witch

The independent state of Alsamira. An oasis flourishing in a corner of the largest

desert to the east of the continent.

Just like the neutral cities, it was affiliated with neither the Empire nor the Sovereignty,

though Alsamira hadn't declared their neutrality. There was a chance the state would

bend to the wishes of either country.

"I've heard the executives at headquarters have been trying to get them to side with

the Empire under the table, according to some darker rumors. And it's been going on

for decades."

"But they must have turned them down."

"Well, I mean, they've succeeded in making this a resort," explained Jhin to Iska as they

looked out the window.

The loop bus slowly came to a halt.

After crossing the border to Alsamira, they would drive through the desert for an

entire day and head to their destination, the urban area of the capital.

"Wow! This is amazing! Look at those giant buildings over there! They must all be


Captain Mismis sounded delighted.

She pressed both her hands against the window, waiting expectantly for the bus to

park in the lot.

"Don't head outside yet, Captain. You've got to wait for the bus to stop."

"Uh… Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Mismis was hovering over her seat.

"Thank you for riding with us. We have finally arrived at the metropolis in Alsamira."

"I've been waiting for this!"

The doors opened at the exact moment Commander Mismis went tumbling right out

of the bus. She carried a gigantic knapsack on her back, dressed to impress with her

sun hat.

"It's scorching hot!"

That was the first thing out of the captain's mouth when she landed on the asphalt road.

"Wh-what's up with this heat? It hotter than summer… It's like being on top of a frying


"Obviously. You just came out of the air-conditioned bus."

Iska followed her, shouldering his luggage.

The captain was right. It felt like Iska had been blasted by an otherworldly heat wave

when he stepped off the bus, blowing his hair around. He immediately started sweating

bullets and could feel his lips drying up.

It must have been over a hundred degrees.

"Wow, this is something, huh, Jhin? It's summer year-round in this resort," Nene said.

"It is smack-dab in the middle of the desert."

"It feels like… we're in another country. I can see palm trees in the distance! I guess

the flora is different, since the climate is different." Nene looked around in wonder.

Meanwhile, Captain Mismis was rummaging in her bag.

"Here, Iska. Blow these up."

"What are they?"

"A pool float and a beach ball."

"You're jumping the gun! We've just gotten to the parking lot. We're nowhere near a

pool! We can't go sightseeing until we check in and store our luggage at the hotel."

"Oh! Y-you're right…"

"All you've got is vacation on your mind."

They headed to the main road from the parking lot, where dozens of sightseeing buses

and taxis had parked.

When they got there, tons of luxury hotels stood in a line.

"Hey, Iska! Look at that! The Mega-Marine Hotel! Hotel Isbelia! And Daikouha Hotels!

They're all super famous. I feel like I'm dreaming!"

Captain Mismis was practically skipping as she ran down the main road lined with

palm trees.

"Summer year-round! We've arrived in paradise at last. Let's go!"

"Captain! Please look where you're going when you—"

"Oh! Ow?!"

"I was trying to warn you, but I guess I didn't make it in time…"

She had collided at full force with a palm tree.

Iska, Jhin, and Nene exchanged glances as they watched the captain crouch on the

ground after smacking her forehead.

Sand glittered on the beaches. It made a satisfying crunch under bare feet. Small bits

of shell and coral must have mixed into the sand.

The tide was high for the most part, though the waves crashed softly on the beach.

"It's wonderful…"

It was hard to believe it was the hotel pool.

With sand imported from a distant ocean and a huge wave generator installed at the

bottom, the pool even accommodated surfing.

Families could make full use of the small kiddie pool.

Young lovebirds were swimming in the lazy rivers or lying out to bake.

"Ahhh… This is agreeable." Iska nodded to himself alone at a corner of the crowded

beach with tourists.

This was true paradise. A genuine resort.

He could understand why Captain Mismis was so excited. Even Iska could feel his heart

beat faster just looking at the scene.

He could swim in any of the pools. Even a leisurely stroll on the beach would be nice.

The fast-food places were stocked with drinks and snacks.

"Iska. Are Nene and the boss here yet?"

"Looks like they're still changing."

"Jeez. What's taking so long? The boss was the one who told us to change ASAP."

The person approaching him was a young man with silver hair.

Even Jhin had changed into an outfit for the pool, wearing a rash guard over his

swimsuit like Iska instead of his usual battle uniform.

Except Jhin's rash guard was bulging, because he had something hidden in there.

"Jhin, is that…?"

"A gun. All I could fit in my pocket was the smallest one on me," whispered the sniper

to prevent anyone from hearing. His expression was dead serious.

The independent state of Alsamira did not prohibit the open carrying of a gun for selfdefense with the proper identification. The only exception were guns that were very


Regardless, weapons were strictly prohibited in the pool area.

"If they find out, they'll arrest you…"

"If I think they're on to me, I'll just toss it into the grass. I've got my usual sniper in the

hotel anyway."

Jhin's favorite gun was camouflaged as a hunting rifle and currently in his room at the


"Can't know when a civil war might break out in this country."

Iska was the only one who had picked up on Jhin's comment.

If an Imperial soldier was to run into a witch, the weaponless soldier wouldn't have

any way of fighting back against astral powers.

…You'd just be kidnapped to someplace out of the public eye and get beaten up… There

wouldn't be an uproar. No one would even know it happened.

That was why they had defensive measures in place.

Though this place was a paradise, one had to be ready for whatever conflicts could

occur below the water's surface.

"Well, the strategy is easy. We just need to make sure we aren't in the shopping areas

after nightfall. Those witches wouldn't try pulling anything in the public eye."


"I'm more worried about having to hang out with those two." Jhin sighed.

The man with silver hair was looking toward the entrance to the pool, where Captain

Mismis and Nene had their hands full carrying floating devices and beach balls, running

toward the beach.

"There you are. I found you!" Nene exclaimed.

"Sorry for the holdup. It took a while to blow these up."


"What's wrong, Iska?" Nene asked.

"I—I mean, I should have expected you'd be in swimsuits. Um, obviously."

Under the sun, his two compatriots exposed their supple skin.

In her bathing suit, Nene seemed more radiant now than in the shopping mall at the

capital. Maybe this was because they were on island time in this summer paradise.

"Hee-hee. What? Are you finally attracted to me?" Nene stooped down toward him.

Her frilly halter top made her limbs appear longer and slimmer than usual. Her chest

and butt weren't as modest in size as he'd expected. He could see all her curves.

He had realized something.

Her clothes obscured her true figure.

"What do you think?" Nene pressed.

"If you really want to know… Um, I think it's cute."

"Right? Jhin, what about you? You could compliment me once in a blue moon."

The sniper gave Nene a passing glance.


"Looks fine."


Iska applauded. Even Nene herself immediately yelped.

That was high praise from Jhin. He wasn't one to praise people. But Nene was that cute

in a swimsuit.

"Hee-hee. Complimented by the boys!"

"No fair, Nene!"

Captain Mismis had come around to them. She stood right in front of their eyes with

her chest puffed out. She was practically asking to be looked at.

"All right, Iska, Jhin, do you like my swimsuit? Isn't it cute?"

"…Uh, yeah, but…"

Was it a kid's suit?

It sported the silhouette of a cat. It was designed with optimal cuteness.

It was more childish than Nene's swimsuit, but Mismis had a baby face and petite

stature. The swimsuit suited her perfectly.

Except there was one issue.

"It is cute, but… but the size…"

"What size?"

"I don't think it's hiding everything, which could be a problem."

He was talking about the twin peaks jutting out of Mismis's chest. They were

disproportionate to her petite form, which couldn't be hidden by a child-size swimsuit.

"Captain, something's slipping out. Right there."

"Whaaat? What do you think you're doing, Nene?"

With her pointer finger, Nene had poked Mismis's chest overflowing from her swimsuit.

The sides and bottom of her thick curves threatened to wiggle out. Whenever Mismis

took a step, they jiggled in a very… stimulating way.

"You're poisoning the children."

"Oh, I know! I know!" Nene exclaimed. "This is what you'd call 'unrepentant.'"

"An exhibitionist, you mean."

"You're all terrible!" Captain Mismis clutched her floating device in front of herself to

hide her chest. "Ugh!… Anyway! Let's get in the pool! I wanna go with the waves. We're

gonna have a hundred-meter race!"

"Boss, I'm pretty sure you can't swim for that long."

"Nuh-uh! I can doggy paddle! I'm pretty good at it! I think I could break a world record."

She ditched her swim ring and ran off to the pool.

Iska, Jhin, and Nene started walking over the hot beach, following her petite stature.

They reached the briny wave pool.

"Whoa! It's super salty. It's like real ocean water!" Nene squealed, licking the spray off

her lips. "Hmm. But it's not just sodium chloride. This saltiness is complex. Maybe

they've made artificial ocean water with a whole list of minerals?… I should try

another taste."

"Nene! Catch!"

"Whoa! W-wait, Captain!" Nene swam after the ball that Mismis had passed.

Right before the ball touched the water, Nene leaped out and skillfully kicked it with

her foot.

"Hey! No feet! That's unfair, Nene."

"Hee-hee. Nobody said that was against the rules!"

Iska sent the ball back with both hands, and Jhin hit it above Mismis's head.

"Oops, I hit it too far."

"S-seriously, Jhin. That was too strong!" Mismis exclaimed.

"But you'll lose if you don't catch it, boss. Looks like dinner is on you."

"Did you do that on purpose?!… I'm not going to lose to your mean tricks!" She pushed

through the water in desperation.

The pool was deep enough to touch a man's chest. Everything below Mismis's neck

was below water.

But she'd lose if the ball hit the water.

Mismis closed in on the ball at the last moment, turning to Jhin and smiling


"Ha-ha! Better luck next time, Jhin! I got it just in the nick of time! As payback, I'm


"Boss. Behind you. A tidal wave."

"Excuse me? Uh! Aaaaaaaah?!"

Jhin's warning was too late. The artificial wave crashed over Mismis, swallowing her.

Meaning she had no time to throw back the ball.

"We did it! You lose, Captain. I'm looking forward to dinner." Nene raised both her

hands to cheer.

"Nene, watch out."

"What? Gah! So salty!" Her signature ponytail was soaking wet.

As she stood up, Nene was dripping water.

"Ugh. My hair's ruined… and my swimsuit is slipping. These strings are so tough to

tie." Nene attempted to adjust her bathing suit.

…But before she could… it slipped right off her chest.


It splashed into the water.

Nene stared at it, and her face became cherry red.

"Aaaaaah! Iska, Jhin, don't look! Don't you dare!"

"Nene, that wasn't very sly," Mismis noted.

"H-hey! And you're the one to talk, Captain!" Nene clasped her chest with one hand,

using the other to fish out her swimsuit. "Captain, could you help with the string…?"

"Okay. But let's get out of the pool first."

They could no longer avoid the stares of men gathering around Nene.

They headed to the beach. Under the shade of a palm tree, Mismis tied Nene's swimsuit.

"I'll go buy some drinks or something." Jhin pointed at a hidden-away beach shop. "I

think coconut juice was their specialty. You good with that?"

"I'd like one," Nene said.

"Me too. What about you, Captain?" Iska asked.

"Um, I'll have the same thing… Wait. This is a vacation. I'm going to have something

more mature—a coconut beer! That's one of their specialties, too, isn't it?"

"A beer?" Jhin's eyebrows knit dubiously. "Better not, boss. It's not for children. You'll

probably collapse after a single sip."

"I'm not a kid! I'm an adult!"

"Jeez. I'm underage. Could you come with me to buy your drink, boss?"

"You can count on me! Wait under the shade, Iska, Nene." Captain Mismis started to

jauntily walk across the beach with Jhin.

They watched her leave, thinking she looked exactly like a kid.

"Hey, Iska, have you ever seen the captain drink?"

"No. I think she's on island time."

She was challenging herself to do things out of her comfort zone. The atmosphere of

the resort was so congenial, it brought everyone's guard down.

"I'm kind of worried she'll get too excited and take off the bandage on her shoulder, I

guess. Her astral crest would definitely shock normal people, wouldn't it?" Nene



There were citizens in neutral cities and independent countries who feared witches,

even though their countries were diplomatic with Nebulis. The witches of Nebulis

were known to conceal their crests when they were abroad.

…People with astral power have the potential to be way stronger than anyone with a gun.

…Goes to figure normal people would be scared.

There was a reason why the independent state of Alsamira allowed people to carry

arms. These self-defense measures were instated to prevent the public from being

afraid of immigrated witches. Because of that, Iska was able to openly bring in his

astral swords.

"How's your artificial crest, Nene?"

"You almost can't see it anymore. I don't have anything covering it, but you can't tell,

right?" Nene held out the back of her right hand.

It was just visible enough that Iska needed to stare closely to see it.

"And Jhin said his is gone. Looks like it depends on the person," said Nene.

"Then all we need to worry about is Captain Mismis's. And we should figure out a way

to deal with it in the next sixty days…"

They could hide the mark from prying eyes with a bandage. But the big issue was the

astral energy that seeped out. Because they couldn't hide it in their present situation,

she would be caught by detectors in the Empire.

They had a sixty-day deadline.

If they didn't find a way to hide the astral power, Mismis would not be able to live in

the Empire anymore. That would spell the end for Unit 907.

"We shouldn't talk to the captain about it for now. We'll do the work."

"I agree. It's been a while since I've seen her at ease." Nene leaned against the palm

tree and smiled guilelessly. "And I get to hang out with you and Jhin."

"Yeah. It's been a long time since I've felt like I'm on vacation."

Because thinking back to his "breaks" in the neutral city meant Alice would be on his


Even when he tried to remember the museum or the opera, all that occupied his mind

was her profile—her striking features and confident smile. But most of all, he thought

of her lips, which were the color of cherry blossoms, and—

…What am I thinking?

…I'm at a resort to forget about my duties and obligations concerning the Sovereignty!

Right then, Jhin came back carrying juice for everyone.

"Welcome back, Jhin. Huh? Where's Captain Mismis?"

The captain was nowhere to be seen after she'd gone with Jhin to buy beer.

"Was her order after yours or something?"

"She got caught," replied the young man with silver hair, clean and simple. "She got

rounded up by the guards for questioning. They told her to get out her ID."

"Wh-what does that mean?!" Nene hounded Jhin. "Did they discover the astral crest

on the captain and…? Th-that would be a disaster…"

"No, it was the beer."

"Come again?"

"She was caught for underage drinking. No one would think the boss is an adult."

"…Oh, got it," Iska replied.

"…I see," Nene said.

"Like I said, beer isn't for children," grumbled the sniper, sipping on coconut juice.

The sun was setting.

As Iska headed to the hotel through the shopping areas, his cheeks were brushed by

the gentle breeze.

"Iska, the wind has gotten chillier," Nene said.

"Deserts get cold in the evenings. I think it'll be colder when it's night."

Easy to heat up and to cool down, the desert sands burned like a frying pan in the

afternoon and would cool like ice in the night. Meanwhile, the shopping area showed

no signs of dying down, crowded by more people in the evening. The restaurants and

bars were starting to really make money for the night.

"That restaurant has a long line!"

"That's what happens when it's dinnertime. Looks like it's popular. How about we go

tomorrow, since Captain Mismis is tuckered out today?"

Iska walked next to Nene, holding the bag containing Mismis's swimsuit and other

personal effects. As for the captain herself…

"Jhin? How's Captain Mismis?"

"She's asleep."

Captain Mismis had had the time of her life. Jhin was carrying her on his back as she

snored in a cute way.

"I think the beer did it. One sip, and she was asleep."

"Nothing short of what I would expect. Oh right, Jhin, could you take the captain back

to the room? We'll go buy dinner from the market over there."

"Don't get lost." Jhin walked away, shouldering the petite captain on his back.

When he passed the intersection, Nene turned right around. "Iska, c-could you wait

here?! I'll be right back!"

"What? Weren't we headed to the market?"

"…" Nene wordlessly pointed to the public toilets at the intersection. "…Uh… since I had

that juice earlier…"

"Take your time."

"Be right back!" Nene sprinted as fast as she could to the bathroom.

Iska stood in front of the intersection, waiting for her.

He started to remember how Captain Mismis had said she wanted to eat barbecue

tomorrow. Iska vaguely noticed the light turning and—

"Ugh! There are just too many identical hotels at this resort! The maps are hard to

read, and we've lost Shuvalts!"

Iska heard a girl's voice that rang like a bell. Footsteps approached from behind him.


Someone crashed into Iska from behind.

The small girl dropped her map and fell onto the road, hitting her hip.

"Oh! Are you all right?"

"Ouch… M-my apologies. I was lost and looking at the map, so…"

The girl took Iska's hand as he lifted her to her feet.

She brushed bits of sand off her elegant dress before tilting her head up in a provocative

way. He took one look at her eyes.


His eyes fooled him for a moment. Iska wasn't entirely at fault.

After all, she had sweet eyes and glossy hair that was strawberry blond. Her flushed

cheeks and lips were full of life. She looked like a doll.

She must have been around fourteen or fifteen. Though she was young, she possessed

a certain beauty and magnetism that reminded Iska of the Ice Calamity Witch.


"…You are…?"

Iska had lost his ability to speak. The girl had opened her eyes wide in astonishment.

There was a reason for this…

"Shhh, keep quiet. I'm gonna let you out right now."

"Why?… Why are you… letting me escape…?"

One year prior, during a certain incident, Iska had lost his title as a Saint Disciple by

letting a young witch out of prison.

And that very girl was in front of his eyes.

"You're from…"

"Ngh." Her shoulders quivered.

Her reaction left no room for doubt. She had clearly remembered him.

…I thought I'd never see this person again… especially here and now!

With the nature of an independent state, there was technically a chance that they

would meet again. The Empire and the Sovereignty had a long past of negotiating with

the country to side with them.

But he never would have expected a run-in with this young witch right after his

reunion with Alice.



They both looked straight at each other, unable to utter another word. The silence

signified their inner tension and turmoil.

"Sorry for the wait, Iska!"

"Whoa?!" He pivoted toward Nene, whose ponytail swayed as she dashed over.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"W-well, um… I—I don't know her. Um… Right! She was asking me for directions."


"What? That…"

He finally realized that the girl had already left his side, running across the street as if

to escape.

Her brilliant blond hair almost immediately disappeared into the crowd.


"Iska, what's wrong?"

"…Uh, nothing. We need to go shop at the market. Move it, Nene."

He nudged Nene from behind as she tilted her head quizzically, getting her to start


The roads were growing hot. He thought about where the witch had gone, weaving

through the streets by herself…