
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World

Sir_Smurf · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Just Can’t Get Away

The twins of Nebulis.

The Founder was the older of the two, possessing the greatest, strongest astral power

in existence. She was called the Grand Witch by the Empire, the one who stood alone

against invasions by Imperial soldiers—until the end of her days.

The younger of the twins was the one who started the Sovereignty.

Later known as Nebulis I, she had hastened the expansion of the country to combat

the monolithic, militant nation known as the Empire.

It was under this policy that the twelve subject states joined their cause.

The original Sovereign territory that the Empire came to fear as the "Paradise of

Witches" became the central state of the new thirteen-state union.

Within the Nebulis Sovereignty lay the thirteenth state, Alcatroz.

Buildings made of steel lined the roads, their design largely dictated by the ruthless

attempts of Imperial soldiers who tried to invade the city in the past. This region was

home to clusters of architecture that could withstand Imperial artillery bombardment.

The cold concrete walls were sterile, and if she was to describe it succinctly, Alice

imagined the scenery could have been lifted straight from the streets of the Empire.

…Even though it's in the Sovereignty.

…What a weird comparison to make.

Alice couldn't help but think about it.

"Hey, Rin, I think this state needs to be redeveloped from corner to corner. We should

widen the roads and plant some trees and make this a place where people can see the

blue sky from the roads."

"You're right, Lady Alice; however…" Rin was driving their vehicle, which rumbled

through the streets. "We need a budget and time frame. If the Imperial army was to

push in while we were in the middle of development efforts, we would not stand a


"That's the source of our problems…"

Alice had a mountain of things on her to-do list for when she became queen. The issue

was that 90 percent of those items required that she defeat the Empire first.

…Overthrowing the Empire.

…If that were easy, things would be so simple.

She was in the back seat, gazing at the boy curled up and sleeping beside her.

It was the former Saint Disciple Iska. Even if he woke up, he wouldn't be able to move

a finger for some time due to the side effects of the sedative. But just to be cautious,

they had put him in handcuffs.

"Weren't you…?" She looked intently down at his slumbering profile. "Weren't you the

one who stood up to all my astral attacks when we fought?" It was a bit late for her to

feel this way, but Alice still found the series of events that led to this point hard to

believe as she gazed at the boy who had let himself be easily kidnapped.

This was the swordsman who had torn through her astral power and was capable of

confronting the Founder Nebulis's attacks.

"Hey, what am I supposed to do with you?" Alice hadn't wanted him to succumb to

poison in the neutral city. This wasn't the way she wanted to settle things.

But the relations between the two countries prevented her from just letting Iska go

without any conditions. Even Alice didn't have that kind of sympathy for an enemy


…I had no option except to capture you.

…Because we were seen.

Because they had been seen by the Imperial captain Mismis, she had no choice but to

take him.

But how would she deal with him now?

"With a soldier like you, we'd need to set a high ransom or negotiate for resource


"Lady Alice?"

"…Don't worry about it."

The attendant behind the wheel had been the one to propose imprisoning Iska.

Considering he was a natural menace as a former Saint Disciple, it was an appropriate

decision. On the other hand, Alice had reservations about unconditionally releasing

him. Still, she found it hard to simply accept the way they had done things.

While it was true they had taken him captive, she really didn't want to treat him


"Rin, this is a very crowded road. Make sure you keep your eyes to the front."

"Of course." The attendant's gaze turned forward.

In that moment, Alice inched closer to Iska.

She remembered seeing his sleeping expression in the neutral city. During that time,

Iska had been sound asleep, completely off his guard to the point that she had almost

lowered her guard.

He was innocent, young, and friendly, a completely different person compared to when

he wielded his swords on the battlefield. It wasn't his face but the bearing of his body

that made him seem at odds with himself. How would she describe it? It was like he

was just inviting her to mess with him. That was the impression she got.

"…He's not going to wake up, is he?" With her fingers, Alice tried poking his shoulder.

She could feel the corded muscles under his clothes. She could tell he was more

muscular than she had imagined.

"Oh, wow. I suppose that's a boy for you."

This was fun.

His body was different from hers or Rin's. His muscles were firm, springing back when

she stopped pressing down.

It was a strange feeling for Alice.

What else…?

What would his cheek feel like?

"Ha!" She prodded at his cheek with her finger.

It was soft but firmer than hers. It was a marvel to her.

"…Mine are softer." She touched her own cheek.

Yup. Her cheek was softer, though by a truly negligible amount.

"Hmm, I suppose I win."

Winning at what? She couldn't say, even though she had been the one to bring it up.

This sensation she felt was…


This was incredibly fun.

Though she still felt guilty for whisking Iska all the way out here, touching him while

he was asleep was so entertaining, it drove every other thought away. She just couldn't

help it.

It was a slight interest in the opposite sex—and a bit of mischievousness on her part,

too. If she had to be specific, it was almost as if this helped ease her tension—like

stroking a kitten.

"…This is scary. You're supposed to be my enemy. I almost feel like I'm about to forget


But she just couldn't stop touching him.

After she thoroughly checked his cheeks, she patted his hair. Come to think of it, how

many years has it been since I've touched hair this short? It must be easy to wash, too.

She was certain this boy wouldn't know the time and effort that went into cleaning

and maintaining long hair.

"…But you might look good if you grew it out, you know?" She combed her fingers

through his bangs. His hair flowed between her fingers as though she was petting the

coat of a cat.

"Ah, a cat!"

"What?" Alice's hand froze in place.

Had she said her thought out loud? Rin had let out a shriek, stomping on the brakes

and stopping the car in its tracks.

"Ah?! What are you doing, Rin?!"

"It's a stray cat. It suddenly jumped into the road… Oh, thank goodness. Looks like I

hit the brakes in time. Lady Alice, I assume you're not hurt?"

"In times like these, you're supposed to say, 'Are you okay?'"

Though, of course, it was obvious she hadn't been injured in any way, since they still

had the presence of mind to banter. They were lucky the car hadn't been going that


"But be careful. I hit my butt and… Uh. What?" There was a strange sensation on her

rear that she fearfully lifted herself off.

And there was Iska's face.

"Ahhh?! S-sorry! I sat on it with my butt!"

"Lady Alice?"

"I-it's nothing, Rin. You just keep your eyes on the road and drive!"

She put her hand on Iska's face, which looked to the side.

Though he was an enemy, pinning a gentleman under her bottom was entirely

improper and, above all else, obviously embarrassing for the princess of a country.

"H-he's not awake, right…?"

"…" He blinked.

Right as she was watching closely, the Imperial swordsman slowly opened his eyes.

…Where is this place?

…It's not Ain. What are these restraints…?

When did this all happen?

Throughout the extended period that he'd barely hung on to his consciousness, Iska

knew he was riding something while on his side this whole time. He heard girls' voices.

Though it was intermittent, he could tell someone was talking.

"Ah, a cat!"

"What? Ah?! What are you doing, Rin?!"

Someone slammed on the brakes, and he heard car horns. And the biggest surprise

was someone crushing his face with their butt, which drove away the last of the

drowsiness that the sedative had brought on.

"...Ugh…" He opened his eyes.

He was on his side on the wide seat, and there was Alice, looking down at him in shock.

That was what he immediately understood.


"You were awake?!" Alice retreated to the corner of the seat in his hazy vision. "Wait,

Rin! This isn't what you promised. You said he would wake up tomorrow at the earliest

and that it would take another day for him to be able to move after that!"

"That's impossible?! This is no joking matter. Does he have a supernatural resistance

to drugs…?!" Rin's face peeked in from the front.

Only Alice and Rin were in the car.

…What's going on here? Where is Captain Mismis?

…I… was supposed to be in the neutral city with her.

He had reunited with Alice.

He remembered up until that point, but why was it that he had completely lost his

memories of anything after that? No, wait. Remember.


"For you. Think of it as an act of generosity from Lady Alice."

He had received a can of juice from Rin.

Then that was when he'd lost consciousness. He was in a car with the two from the

Sovereignty, taken along on unfamiliar streets, which meant…


"I-it seems he's up to speed…" The one who responded, sounding strangely

unenthusiastic, was Alice. "Y-you're ours now. It's your own fault for drinking drugged


"…Oh, geez."

A normal person would have been scared or in despair upon the realization that they'd

been taken prisoner. At the very least, they wouldn't put their captor in a bad mood.

But even though he knew those were the rules of being held captive, Iska couldn't help

opening his mouth reflexively.



"I'm disappointed in you. I didn't think the Sovereign princess would do this

deplorable act…"

"I-it's not what you think! I didn't want this!" Alice whacked the seats as she yelled.

Her face turned bright red. "I didn't mean for this to happen at all! Rin did it on her

own without me!"

"Wait, Lady Alice! This wasn't what I expected to happen, either!" This time, Rin yelled

from the driver's seat. "If anything, it's your fault, Imperial swordsman! You never

should have fallen for something so obvious! You've only got yourself to blame for

getting captured. Your own inattentiveness sealed your fate."

"Whoever spiked the drink is obviously the one to blame!"

But he couldn't refute the second part of her statement.

He had been naive.

The neutral city banned all use of force or foreign interference. Though he couldn't

fathom the repercussions of breaking those laws in the neutral city, there were

naturally going to be exceptions—like if the perpetrators weren't caught.

In that sense, using sedatives was the ideal method. And to start, who would drink

something offered by an enemy under normal circumstances?

"Y-you understand your position, right?" Alice chimed in again as though it was hard

for her to say that. She must have been feeling guilty, seeing as how she kept averting

her eyes.

"…We're here." Rin broke the silence with her dutiful report.

The car came to a halt.

Though Iska was still without his full range of movement, he managed to twist about

enough to gaze out the window, and he caught a glimpse of a gigantic building emitting


"Lady Alice, you'll be staying in a suite on the top floor of this hotel. And you, Imperial

swordsman…" Rin opened the back door, casting a cold gaze as she stood there in her

usual housekeeping clothes. "We're going to bring you into the hotel. Don't yell just

because you can. We are inside the country of Nebulis. You won't find so much as a

single ally."


"Come. You are Lady Alice's prisoner," the attendant spat at the silent boy. "We could

even say you're Lady Alice's dog. Don't forget that."

"A-a dog?! Iska… as my pet? I—I can't have that, Rin. How am I supposed to react when

you say stuff like that?!"

"Lady Alice, please. You're making it harder to unnerve him!" Rin sighed. "Anyway,

we're heading up. Stand, Imperial swordsman. You can walk by now, right?"

The thirteenth state, Alcatroz.

Fifty years in the past, the independent nation of Alcatroz had withstood the military

pressure of the Empire and sought to become a subordinate state of the Sovereignty.

Not long after, it was reborn as a member of the enormous commonwealth of nations

under the Sovereignty's sphere of influence.

The Nebulis Sovereignty dispatched both labor and talent to its newest satellite.

Furthermore, the authorities here allowed the union of regular humans and astral


Before becoming a subordinate state, the ratio of astral mages in Alcatroz hovered

around 6 percent, which jumped up to 11 after they joined hands with the Sovereignty.

In other words, one out of every ten people was a witch or sorcerer.

…It seems those with strong astral power have started to appear among them.

…They're increasing in number and some are on par with the purebreds in terms of


That was what Iska knew about the thirteenth state—meaning that was all he knew.

More to the point, he didn't know where here was. He was certain no other Imperial

soldiers knew there was a luxury hotel that catered to the royal family in this place.

"Where are we…?" muttered Iska automatically after being brought into the presidential


The living room alone was ten times larger than his own room.

They were currently on the top floor of the hotel.

The wall was entirely made of glass and offered a commanding view of the steel

buildings around them. There was a dining table that could comfortably seat eight

people, a piano, and even a pool table. Everything was just on an entirely different

level from Iska's room.

"Ah, I'm tired. This is the first time I've been so tense riding in a car." Alice sat down on

the soft sofa.

She didn't seem at all surprised by the extravagant decor. It was almost as though she

was used to it.

"Lady Alice, are you really okay with this?"

"What's wrong, Rin?"

"Are you really fine with bringing this swordsman here? I've made a reservation for a

room in lieu of a detention area. We could simply lock him up in there…"

"We can't." Alice righted herself on the sofa. "It's the smallest room in the hotel, right?

I don't want rumors spreading that the princess mistreated him. Plus, we've already

found ourselves in a peculiar situation, just by virtue of bringing him here. Until we

decide what to do with him, we need to treat him suitably."

"Y-yes, but…!" The attendant pointed plainly at Iska standing next to her, indicating

the steel handcuffs that bound his wrists.

"This swordsman is dangerous. He's somehow conscious even after getting a dose of

my sedative—and well enough to walk, at that… We have no idea when he might attack

you, Lady Alice."

"Even without a sword?"

"Even without a sword. I can imagine him attacking you as you sleep, Lady Alice. A

man, without exception, is a beast."

"What are you talking about?!" yelped Alice.

"What're you trying to say?!" screamed Iska.

Facing the two, Rin sighed, looking discontent with a feeble expression. "…Understood.

There is still a need to keep watch over him. We cannot allow him to be in the same

room as you, Lady Alice. This will be my room. Please use the neighboring presidential

suite. We've reserved the whole floor anyway."

"You're keeping watch over him, Rin?"

"Yes. There is time until dinner. You should rest for a while."

"I understand. Rin, take care to be polite to him." After glancing at Iska once, the

princess turned on her heel with a graceful flourish. She passed through the living

room, which was large enough to be a banquet hall, and sauntered through the hotel


"…Now, then." Rin locked the door that Alice had exited. After letting out a huge breath,

she spoke without constraint. "I haven't faced you like this since we met in those

woods. Was it the Nelka forest?"

"…Seems that way."

"I'm aware of the threat you posed at that time—to a painful degree and far more so

than Lady Alice. Think of it that way."

Just as her words implied, her eyes were devoid of friendliness, unlike Alice's.

"I'm the attendant and guard of Lady Alice. It's only natural for me to be familiar with

hand-to-hand combat."

When one considered her duty as a royal family member's bodyguard, her hostility

had to be more overt than her lady's.

"And now that that's over with…"

Iska didn't have time to stop her.

There were fruits and a paring knife left on the table. Taking up the latter, the girl cut

her palm, streaking it with a line of blood.

"Wha—?! Uh… what are you doing?!"

"Don't worry about it." Rin grinned.

It was the first smile she'd directed at him. However, he immediately realized that even

though her mouth was turned up in a smile, her eyes were filled with murderous rage.

"I'm just creating pretext. I need this to be a case of self-defense."

"Excuse me?"

"You noticed the knife on the table and used it to assault me. But as the commendable

guard of Lady Alice, I managed to evade your vile attack, barely, and I successfully

overpowered you, injuring my hand along the way—and scene."

Iska was still feeling the effects of the sedative, so he had trouble moving like usual.

More importantly, his hands were bound in handcuffs, which rendered him pretty

much powerless.

"It was my instinct the first time I came across you." Gripping the paring knife, Rin

swayed as she took a step, eyes blazing. "That this Imperial swordsman would become

the biggest threat to Lady Alice's goal of world unification in the future. Because of

that, I have hardened my resolve. Even if Lady Alice doesn't understand this right now,

I'm sure she'll praise my actions far in the future!"

"…You wouldn't."

"Imperial swordsman, prepare yourself!" The girl brought up the knife. "You will be

the foundation for Lady Alice's future—a sacrifice to unite the world. Don't you

desperately long for world peace?!"

"This isn't what I want at all!"

"I won't kill you. But you won't be able to stand on the battlefield any longer."

"You've got to be kidding?!"

"As if! I shall strike you down!"

Faced with this young woman, who was a bodyguard and a first-class assassin,

brandishing a blade right in front of him, Iska's whole body broke out in a sweat.

Hotel Gregorio.

She was walking through its halls on the top floor.

"Oh no. I don't mind taking a break for a while, but I was just about to forget something

important." Alice suddenly stopped and turned around. "Iska's dinner. Rin and I can't

just eat by ourselves… I don't know how things will turn out, but we can't give him the

cold shoulder even if he's our captive."

She would explain it to Rin.

They would have three dinners brought to the presidential suite. She needed to make

sure they prepared the same menu for him.

"Yeah, cold pasta salad is good, too. If they have sweet tomatoes at the market, I've just

got to make it."

"Right? Cold pasta with tomatoes is so delicious. I like it, too!"

She naturally recalled that exchange.

"…Maybe we'll have cold tomato pasta today."

Would Iska be happy? Or surprised? He might suspect it of being poisoned again.

"Ha-ha, I wonder if I could give him a good scare. That might be cute."

What could she do? Just imagining his expression softened hers for some reason.

"Oh no… I can't be doing this. Rin would get mad at me if she saw me right now. Iska

is our captive, after all. I can't think too fondly of him."

She unlocked the door with her spare key, opening the room where Rin was keeping

watch over Iska. Alice opened her mouth to speak.

"Hey, Rin, come to think of it, I forgot something important. About dinner today


She froze in place, doorknob still in one hand. In the corner of the living room, Alice

saw Iska and Rin entangled together on the large sofa.

"Gah… Why, you! I can't believe you managed to stop my knife in handcuffs!"

"Like I'd let you do me in that easily!"

"Tch! You just don't know when to give up. Just accept your fate and become the

cornerstone for world peace!"

"Don't be unreasonable!"

Rin had clearly tried to stab him with the knife, and Iska barely stopped her even while

his hands were still bound. Both of their faces were bright red, and they were giving

their all in their battle.

"A-Alice?!" Iska turned when he heard her footsteps. "Look, your mistress is back! Put

away your knife already!"

"Ha! Don't be stupid. Lady Alice should be heading to her room right about now."

On the other hand, Rin was too frantic about pinning Iska down to notice. She wouldn't

even turn around to follow his pointed gaze.

"I would never be fooled that easily."

"I'm telling the truth!"

"Hmph, if Lady Alice is here, why isn't she stopping us?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking of doing."


Alice was right behind Rin, touching her shoulder as the attendant's voice shot up an

octave. Alice spoke gently. "That looks like so much fun. Would you let me join in?"

"…Lady Alice?!" The girl with brown hair whipped around with a start. While Rin had

her guard down, Alice wrested the knife from her hand.

"Iska is my prisoner. What kind of attendant would dare to lay a hand on their master's

belongings?" She glared at Rin with cold eyes.

Even if they were close, Alice and Rin would always be in a master-servant

relationship. Needless to say, those who went against their master's wishes would

receive punishment.



"This is the second strike. Make sure there isn't a third. If you break that promise…"

"…If I do?"

"One month. Every day, I'm going to make you eat strawberry cake with tons of

whipped cream for all three meals. Morning, afternoon, and night. Just cake packed

with calories. A month of that, and I won't even want to look at you."

"Noooo ooooooo !"

"This is entirely your fault for acting on your own." Alice firmly crossed her arms as

she looked down on her sobbing attendant.

"…Lady Alice, it's ready." Rin brought out a beautifully ornamented chain. "This isn't

what I personally want, but if you insist, Lady Alice, it cannot be helped."

"It's because you tried to take matters into your own hands, twice."

"…Yes." Rin linked the chain to Iska's handcuffs. "You understand, Imperial swordsman?

You're under Lady Alice's supervision from now on."

"I think that was the case from the start…"

Though what Rin probably meant was that he would physically be under Alice's care

this time.

For Iska was restrained with the handcuffs—connected to the new chain that wrapped

around Alice's wrist as a bracelet. The two of them were connected by that chain,

unable to go more than three yards apart at any given time.

"I suppose this will do. It'd be dangerous to leave you with Rin. I'll watch you

personally from now on. Think of it as a privilege."

"…I see." His handcuffs were connected to Alice's bracelet by the chain, meaning he

had no choice but to be by her side. But Iska was just relieved he was no longer under

Rin's watch.

"Are we going to be like this the whole time?"

"Of course. Rin said it'd be careless to keep you only in handcuffs." Alice held up the

bracelet on her right wrist. "As long as you're connected to me by this chain, you can't

do anything foolish. And Rin will protect the key. Now you're under my watch!"

Why did the princess seem jubilant at the prospect?

"Ha-ha, this could be fun from time to time. To have a powerful fighter from an enemy

country attached to you. It's kind of exhilarating."

"Is this some kind of unhealthy hobby of yours?"

"O-of course not! I just… want to keep a close eye on you. Prepare yourself. Because

you're going to be under my supervision for the rest of today." Her face flushed red.

In spite of her words, Iska started to think of a small issue at the back of his mind.

"So, Alice, can I ask you something really weird?"

"What would that be? I'll have you know that I won't be taking off those handcuffs.

Until the Empire broaches the subject of your release, you're my—"

"Since we're connected by this chain and all…" Jingle. He touched it. "…What're we

gonna do about the bathroom?"


"…Well, because look…"

Even if they were in a private bathroom, the chain that connected the two wouldn't let

them close the door. And to take it one step further, bathing posed a similar problem.

If they were connected, Iska would always be by Alice's side regardless of what was


"What about baths? And when we're sleeping?"

"…" Silence. Her face turned redder and redder. "This is horrible!"

"So it hadn't crossed your mind at all…"

"Why didn't you mention that earlier?! Ha! Has this been what you've been after from

the start? Who knew you lacked even the slightest bit of shame!"

"Anyone would realize it after putting some thought into it!"

It wasn't as though he had wanted to bring it up. Why should a prisoner have to

consider their capturer's bathing and bathroom needs?

"And—" Alice suddenly stopped moving. Her eyes went wide as though in revelation,

and she started to squirm.


"...Uh... well…"


"...B-because you brought all that up…" Her voice trailed off, vanishing at the end.

The Sovereign princess looked as though she was about to cry.

"…Now that you mention it, I haven't gone to the bathroom this whole time… and..."

"You don't mean you have to—?"

"Not another word!" The princess slid up to him, voice cracking. "You need to have

more delicacy. You understand? Girls don't use the bathroom. We only go there to fix

our makeup!"

"Then there's no need to be embarrassed!"

"Rin, this is an emergency! Take off the chain with the key immediately!… Uh, Rin?"

"Didn't she just leave? She said she needed to tell the chef to make three meals for


"Rin, you idiot!"

Hurry and come back. Alice's woeful wail echoed through the top floor of the hotel.

The great Saint Elzaria River flowed down from the perennially snow-capped

mountains, snaking through an expansive plateau that eventually led to the ocean. It

was a world-renowned river of prominence that was 2,500 miles long in total.

A natural border.

The land of the Nebulis Sovereignty started on the other bank beyond this muddy


"The Grand Goal Iron Bridge. A suspension bridge that leads to the other bank and

serves as a checkpoint," noted the driver of the compact car.

Propping his head up with his hand against the window frame, Jhin glanced at the

muddy waters flowing under the bridge.

It was ten in the evening. The flowing river was darkened by the shadows of night,

hidden from sight. It was just barely visible where the streetlights lit the road.

"Trying to cross by swimming this stupid river would be as good as suicide. You can't

get into the Sovereignty without going through the bridge checkpoint… I guess."

In the past, many of the espionage units the Empire had dispatched had failed at this

border checkpoint—at the astral trial.

The checkpoint standards of the Nebulis Sovereignty changed drastically based on

whether a person had an astral crest.

"Our country, the Sovereignty, welcomes all those on this planet who are astral mages."

"All those born in our country and those astral mages born in the neutral cities are equal."

The Empire had attempted to capture all those who had astral crests.

Due to its national policy to protect their kindred, the screening for entrance was

traditionally soft when it came to the immigration of those with astral crests.

"…I guess this was a success, at least."

Jhin meant his right ankle. Though it was currently hidden under his shoe, he sported

an artificial astral crest just on the surface of his skin. It had let him slip right through

the astral trial.

"The visual inspection and astral-energy check were over for me in five minutes, but…

they're late—where is the boss and Nene?"

The mark could emerge anywhere on the body. Depending on the person, it could be

on a part of the body that was difficult for others to spot, so there were cases where

people would need to take off their clothes. Were their inspections running long

because of that?

"They couldn't have been caught, right?"

Jhin had managed to pass through with identification from a neutral city.

For clothes, he had come in casual pants and a jacket rather than his combat uniform.

And his beloved sniper rifle had been disguised as a hunting gun that a normal person

could own.

There had been nothing to make anyone suspect he was an Imperial soldier.

It should have been the same for Captain Mismis and Nene.

"Sorry for the wait, Jhin!" shouted Mismis.

"Oh, you're already here! Aren't you early?"

Two charming voices called out to him.

A pair of girls in casual wear were running to him from the front of the parked car.

"Jhin, how was it for you?" asked the captain.

"Nothin' happened. They wouldn't just let me hang around in the car if I'd been


"…Oh, I'm so relieved. I'm glad you were fine." Captain Mismis put a hand on her chest

and breathed out as though she was releasing all her tension.

She wore a jacket over her dress.

When she was in her combat uniform, she gave off a more straitlaced and mature

impression, but now she seemed like she was in her teens. Her hair was usually tied

up and appeared short at first glance, but when it was down like she had it currently,

she seemed even more free-spirited than usual.

"You two sure as hell took a while."

"Ummm. We got caught up in a check for our certificate of residency," explained Nene,

who was in a thin camisole and skinny jeans, which apparently allowed her to move

around with ease. "The inspector had their eyes on Captain for misrepresentation of


"Oh, that's what she wants you to think."

"I do not! I'm telling you: Twenty-two is young, Jhin. I'm a woman in her prime!" Her

cheeks puffed up as she pouted.

The captain was genuinely twenty-two years old, except she got into movie theaters

with children's admission prices. She had to be aware that she presented young.

"So we all got through? We can go past the checkpoint now, right…?" Taking a few

glances at their surroundings, Captain Mismis climbed into the back seat.

The last of the people applying for entry that day were around them. Most were

tourists and merchants from the neutral cities—not astral mages. Those without

crests were probably undergoing a grueling background check.

"Hey, Jhin, did they have astral mage corps where you were?"

"Not many. I'm guessing that as a major power with a legacy to uphold, they don't want

to seem on edge, even when their war with the Empire is at full throttle."

They could see a handful of members from the astral mage corps on the bridge in their

uniforms, which made them easy to pick out.

"I bet there are some mixed in with the travelers—in disguise. Keep your guard up,

boss. If you're careless and talk to someone thinking they're a traveler, they might end

up being an astral mage corps member. And that's no joke."

"E-even I know that!" Captain Mismis was in the back seat and Nene in shotgun.

The small car carried the three of them across the bridge. There was a line indicating

the border on the roadway; the moment they went over it, they would be in the

Sovereignty's domain.

"…We're in! We did it; we really did it! We got past the border, didn't we?" Captain

Mismis cheered quietly. "Now we've accomplished the first step of the mission. When

I first heard Risya talk about this, I thought we were goners for sure."

"This is only the beginning. You can't relax yet, boss."

They caught sight of the scene on the metal bridge ahead of them from the front

window: a cluster of gray buildings. This was the thirteenth state in the Nebulis

Sovereignty—Alcatroz. Information the Imperial military had beyond this point was


"Iska was taken yesterday around noon, right?"


"Which would mean the Ice Calamity Witch came here sometime earlier today. We got

here in the middle of the night. That leaves us with a half-day gap."

There was a ten-hour difference in their pursuit.

It took about a full day to reach the Sovereign border from the neutral city of Ain by

car. How had Unit 907 managed to get there so fast?

With Risya's help, they had chartered an Imperial military airlift, flying to the neutral

city closest to the border and then switching to a high-speed car. There was no mistake

that it was the quickest method of pursuit that a single unit could achieve.

"They've probably reached the center of Alcatroz by now. I wonder where they've

taken him."

There were many places where a single person could be confined. How would they

search this sprawling state?

"It's like trying to find a single pearl buried in the desert. Luck needs to be on our side."

"…Y-yeah." That came from the back seat. The petite captain wrapped her arms around

her knees and squeezed, hands clasped as though to pray. "Ah, Iska. Please be safe


"We'll have to celebrate if he's still alive. They might have tortured him by slicing up

his arms or legs or overdosing him on truth serum."

"Could you stop, Jhin?!"

"I'm just saying to prepare yourself. We can't count on him being safe." Jhin gripped

the steering wheel.

Noticing that his hands were sweaty, Jhin clicked his tongue quietly. It'd been ages

since his palms had broken out in a sweat, not even when he was holding his sniper


"I hope we can find him, even though we're grasping at straws."

"Iska, I hope you're okay…!" Nene muttered in a stifled voice. "If something happens

to him here, I'll use the experimental satellite weapon to make this place a sea of


"Nene, you're scaring me!"

"I mean it!"

"Could you two please settle down? We're in enemy territory. It's not like the

probability they overhear our convo is zero, even if we're in a car."

What they needed to watch out for was astral power.

"We're traveling through the land of witches and sorcerers. It wouldn't be a reach for

people to have the ability to listen in on conversations."

This was the Nebulis Sovereignty.

The witch's country was a world beyond common knowledge possessed by "humans."

The thirteenth state, Alcatroz.

The presidential suite prepared on the top floor of the hotel was currently bathed in a

sweet aroma that wafted in the air.

Water splashed gently. White steam drifted out of the bathroom. And to go into more

detail, Iska could hear the sound of a girl humming without straining to make it out—

thanks to undergoing grueling training sessions.

Alice's happy humming kept leaking out of the bathroom.

"..." He had been forced to stand at attention in a corner of the living room with his

hands bound by handcuffs.

…What am I doing?

…This is a far cry from torture, but I bet I look really pathetic right now.

The Sovereign princess had left her mortal enemy in the living room as she enjoyed a

luxurious bath. In this situation, Iska couldn't help but feel he was being looked down

upon by the Sovereignty.

…This is getting under my skin and makes me want to lash out.

…That said, if I barge into the bathroom right now, she'll get the wrong idea.

Though he wanted to be the heroic soldier who challenged the enemy princess, he

would be branded as nothing more than a pervert for sneaking in while a young girl

was taking a bath.

"Hey, Imperial swordsman."

"Ow." As his chain was yanked, the handcuffs tightened around his wrists.

"Don't you dare even think about getting up to no good."

The one holding the chain was the attendant, Rin.

Because Alice was taking a bath, she was currently wearing her mistress's bracelet.

"While I'm keeping watch over you, I'll make sure you don't take a single step toward

the bathroom where Lady Alice is bathing."

"…I think a person would be thinking of how to escape rather than how to get into the


"I knew it! So you're planning an escape."

"It was just hypothetical!"

"I wouldn't mind. If you escaped, I could use that as an excuse to tear you to pieces.

This time, even Lady Alice wouldn't stop me." She didn't even try to conceal her


"There's something I want to ask you."

"You think I'd answer you honestly?"

"What's going to happen to me?"

"…" Her sneer turned into a stern expression as she gazed at Iska, standing right next

to her. The girl suddenly sighed. "Okay, fine. We're the ones who broke the rules in the

neutral city. To make up for our wrongdoings, I'll answer you. That said, all you can

really do is pray."


"Lady Alice and I have different ideals. She hasn't decided what to do with you, but I

myself propose that we keep you locked up in this place forever." She glanced at the

glass wall.

From the top floor of the hotel, an expansive view of the city at night was visible. She

was pointing to the buildings running along the horizon—warped and rugged spires.

When Iska took a good look, he saw two or three of them in the distance.

"Fifty years ago, this place wasn't part of the Sovereignty and prospered as the

independent nation of Alcatroz. It had a specialized type of 'trade' with the neighboring


"By 'trade,' you mean…"

"Prisoners," she uttered.

Iska doubted his ears.

Trade? What did she mean by that?

"In exchange for a considerable fee, they would accept and accommodate prisoners

regardless of their country of origin. That was how Alcatroz flourished. They accepted

the prisoners of the neutral cities and the rogues of the Sovereignty."

The steel buildings protected the city from not only the Imperial military artillery but

also any atrocious prisoners who managed to escape and rampage. The architecture

was a means of defense for the civilians.

"…Then that tower is…"

"A prison spire. Prepare yourself. I advised Lady Alice to imprison you in one of those.

And told her it was for her own sake."


"Are you upset? This is the fate you chose, Imperial swordsman." The girl gripped the

chain connected to Iska. "Lady Alice offered you her hand once. You were the one to


"I know that."

He didn't need her to tell him that. Iska had been the one to reject the princess's

proposal. But even if she was to offer him the same agreement now, he had no

intention of reconsidering it.

"I will secure you a position. You'll become a refugee of the Empire."

"I can't. It's not an issue of remuneration. I can't stand on the Sovereignty's side."

They couldn't walk down the same path. If Iska joined the Sovereignty, his dreams of

peace between the two countries would be dashed.

"Above all, Lady Alice is still undecided. I'll make sure justice reveals itself to her this



"I made two decisions on my own: When I poisoned you and when I attacked you

earlier. As Lady Alice's attendant, I'll need to do as she wishes. There will be no third


Her duty as an attendant was to imprison him or to take him to the border—if those

were Alice's orders.

"Tch." She turned her face away, looking uncomfortable. "Don't you tell her I said that

to you."

"Because it's unfitting for an attendant?"

"…No. Because Lady Alice is strangely soft when it comes to you. If she mistakenly

believes that we've opened our hearts to each other, then—"

Footsteps came from the bathroom. They could distinctly hear the faint humming

from earlier.

"Whew, I've finally washed off all that sweat," purred Alice, sounding very relaxed.

"You know I love the big bathtubs in the royal palace, but these bathtubs in the hotel

aren't bad, since they're so easy to prep. Now I can use my time tonight as I please."

From the bathroom, Alice walked out to the living room. "Hey, Rin, about my change

of clothes."


"...Lady Alice."

When Iska and Rin both saw the princess, patting her flushed face in satisfaction, their

expressions froze at the same time.

"My clothes—uh, what?"

Alice had come out of the bath with only a towel wrapped around her head.

Illuminated under the spotlight, she was stark naked without a thread covering her

body. Her pale skin almost seemed translucent. After submerging in hot water, her face

and earlobes were slightly red from the improved circulation.

Beads of water dripped from her neck and collarbone, dribbling into the valley of

Alice's chest as though drawn there naturally, then slipped down from her abdomen

to her belly button.

She was incredibly beautiful and captivating.


What's Iska doing here? screamed her expression. The nude figure opened and closed

her eyes. But that lasted for only a moment.


It had totally slipped the princess's mind.

She hadn't just been there alone with Rin.

"W-wait a second; this isn't what it looks like. Iska, I'm just…!" She yanked off the towel

on her head and hid her breasts. Turning around, she tried to conceal the front of her


He was a boy. On top of that, he was a soldier of an enemy nation. Alice had taken an

extremely natural action to hide her exposed skin from his eyes… except for one thing.

"…Is that an astral crest?"

"...…Ngh." Her face twitched when he let that spill from his lips.

When the Nebulis princess had turned her back to him, she had exposed the enormous

astral marking that started at the nape of her neck, went all the way down her back,

and spanned the width of her shoulders.

There on her back, her bright-blue astral crest looked exactly like a pair of wings.

It was the sign of a witch, a mark that had started a century-long era of persecution,

the emblem of "inhumanity." And the astral crest on Alice was far larger than any he

had seen in the past.

And its luminance… It was markedly stronger than any others, even though she wasn't

using any astral powers.

"..." Iska hadn't noticed her crest on the battlefield.

And he wouldn't have been able to. She usually wore a regal dress, and if anything, her

beautiful golden hair would have been covering her back.

"...Iska." Her voice was faint to the point of disappearing. She kept her back turned

to him, astral crest on full display. The one who was feared as a witch continued in a

weak voice. "What do you think of me now that you've seen this ?"

It was the cursed symbol of one who was supposed to be feared for representing the

devil in ancient times. It was alien and of considerable size, faintly glowing. There had

to be people who would be petrified by the idea that it surged with cursed power. This

mark, the symbol of why the Empire considered her a monster, ran the entire length

of her back.

"…Are you disgusted?"

"Lady Alice?! What do you think you're saying?!" Rin left Iska's side and dashed over

to her lady, unable to remain still for any longer. The attendant latched firmly onto her

dripping wet shoulders. "Astral crests are our pride and joy. Even the queen says as

much. Your crest is more prominent than anyone's, Lady Alice. There is no need to be

embarrassed by it!"

"Thank you, Rin," she replied graciously. "But that's just what we think. The devil's

curse. A strange disease. The mark of a beast's face. It's a well-known fact that the

Empire calls it those things."


"And it's not just the Empire. Though it's more covert, there are people who hate astral

mages even in the neutral cities. Those people have influence with strong foundations."

"...Lady Alice…"

"Don't get the wrong idea, Rin. I don't mind any of that. I don't care what anyone says

about me. Like you said, the astral crest is my pride, but—" The girl with golden hair

turned around. Holding a thin layer of cloth against her breasts, the young princess

stood directly in front of Iska. "I don't know why… but I want to know what you think.

That's all I want. Now that you've seen it, I need to ask."

The prominent crest on Alice's back was large, and its lines swirled in a complex


After seeing this, I think that even his impression of me might change.

She was scared.

But she wanted to ask him. She wanted to know his honest opinion, rather than having

him ornamenting the truth with lies.

Her darting eyes told him that.

"Do you think it's gross? You just gasped when you saw my astral crest. Why?"


"Tell me the truth. I won't be mad. My attitude toward you won't change even if you

tell me I'm a creepy witch. It's just… I want to know what you really think." Those were

the thoughts of Aliceliese Lou Nebulis IX. Her eyes turned an intense shade of red and

her eyelids swelled up. "Hey—"

"I know an Imperial captain who has become a 'witch.'" That was all Iska could say.

He faced the princess of the enemy nation—the girl who anxiously looked at him with

upturned eyes.

"..." Silence.

Alice knew this captain, but Iska stopped himself before he said it out loud.

He didn't mention Captain Mismis's name. Still, Alice might have already figured it out.

After all, Alice had seen her fall into the vortex.

"…I don't understand what you're trying to say." She weakly shook her head after some

time. "What are you trying to say? An Imperial-soldier-turned-witch? That's not what

I want to know. I want to know about what you think—"

"It's relevant," he continued without a moment's delay. "She's still an Imperial captain.

Even as a witch. Even with an astral crest. I look up to her."


"Is the root of our conflict this crest? Has the war gone on for a whole century because

of it? It hasn't. Nobody really cares about this mark."

Neither the Imperial soldiers nor the astral mage corps. Not a single person paid any

mind to the spark that had triggered the war. But they continued to fight despite it.

"It's not even about who started it first. The war is just about a pent-up thirst for

revenge. I don't think it's about what's right or wrong anymore."

"...Yes," she rasped out. "…It's just as you say. That's the reason why Rin and I fight

you, too. I don't hate you or anything. It's just that this was the lot I was given upon


"Then the astral crest doesn't matter. It's just about our country of origin."

"—!" The Ice Calamity Witch's eyes opened wide.

She realized what Iska was trying to tell her without saying it outright. The conflict

was about their beliefs and positions. Though Mismis was a witch, her position as the

captain of Unit 907 hadn't changed. That was because her principles still held fast even


"So you don't care about my astral crest at all? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"There isn't a reason for me to worry about it."

"…Really? This thing right here? Weren't you surprised by it?"

"I honestly was surprised, since it's bigger than any I've ever seen before. But it's the

same as seeing the biggest dog in the world or something."

There was silence. A few seconds passed by.

"…That was rude."

Contrary to her words, the princess burst into quiet laughter as tears beaded in her

eyes. Her lips slightly regained their previous vigor as they drew back in a smile. That

definitely wasn't just Iska's imagination.

"I'm sure you could have found something prettier for a comparison. You can't say it's

like a big dog—at least compare it to a sizable jewel or something."

"I don't know much about gems. I'm just a low-ranking Imperial soldier."

"…You idiot." The girl smiled, chuckling. When she did, a tear slid down her cheek,

which she brushed off with her finger. "Well, what do you think of me? Other than me

being a witch?"

"About you, Alice?"

"Yes, about me. If you don't think I'm a weird witch, then tell me your impression of


"A rival on the battlefield," he responded.

"You brute! Just what do you think you're saying to Lady Alice?!" Rin was overwhelmed

by what was happening and opened her eyes wide. She glared at Iska, who stood next

to her. "Lady Alice is the princess of the Nebulis Sovereignty, after all. You might have

all the gifts in the world, but you shouldn't casually throw out the word rival as though

you are anywhere close to the same position as—"

"I don't mind."

"See, she doesn't mind. Do you get it now?!...… Wait, what ?" Rin's mouth went slack.

When she turned around automatically, the attendant saw something unbelievable.

"…Lady Alice."

"I finally feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest. Yes, that is what I wanted to

hear all along." The Ice Calamity Witch Alice thrust a finger at Iska. "A ruffian who

doesn't treat me like I'm special. That's the way you should be." Her eyes glittered.

She appeared to be radiating happiness, as though she was a princess in distress who

had caught sight of a knight's arrival.

She was no witch.

No astral mage.

Not even a princess.

The first person to see me for who I really am.

"…It wasn't unrequited."

"You considered me a rival, too."

She was happy about that. The strength in her voice made it immediately apparent.

"And sorry I asked you that out of the blue…" Alice turned away in embarrassment.

"I'm sure any other Imperial soldier wouldn't make me so flustered. Because it's you,

I just couldn't let it go."

"Alice, I have something important I need to say, too."

"What could that be?"

"…Well… could you do something about your clothes soon? Or at least put on some


"What?" She was soaking wet.

Alice must have been so carried away by their conversation that she hadn't noticed

that she'd let the towel slip out of her hands, leaving her completely nude and dripping

with water before Iska.

"Ahhh?!" Alice's face turned bright red. She snatched up the towel on the ground in a

panic and firmly pressed it to her body. "I-Iska! You're shameless! Where do you think

you're staring?!"

"You're the one who came out to show yourself off, Alice!"

"That wasn't what I intended! Ugh, this is so unfair, Iska. If you're going to call me your

rival, then we need to fight as equals. You saw me naked, so you show me!"

"What do you think you're saying, Alice?!"

"Lady Alice! Are you in your right mind?! Please keep it together!"

Their collective wails echoed through the presidential suite that night.