
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World

Sir_Smurf · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Intermission: Secret Maneuvers

The steel metropolis was shrouded in the morning mist.

The night wind had beaten against the great Saint Elzaria River, spraying dew into the

air, which gently showered the streets in the early morning. Alcatroz was lit by the

sun, which slowly worked its way between the buildings as the silver-haired sniper

stifled a yawn in the vehicle.

"It's been a while since I've spent a night in a car. Hey, wake up, Nene."

"…Jhin, what time is it?"

"It just turned six."

"Agh. Already?" In the passenger seat, Nene got up from her reclining position, bundling

together her hair, tousled during the night, and putting it up in her usual ponytail.

"Captain? Captain, you have to wake up, too."


"Hey, Jhin, Captain's sound asleep." Nene wore a bittersweet smile as she looked at the

back seat.

The captain with blue hair had curled up in the back seat, which wasn't wide by any

means. Her cute snoring exemplified how she had fully capitalized on her petite body

to sleep comfortably.

"What should we do?"

"We didn't come here to sightsee. Hurry up and get her awake."

"Okaaay. Hey, Captain! C'mon, Captain—" Nene leaned into the back seat just as the

communications device that the captain was using as a pillow blared.

Its ringtone just about ruptured Mismis's eardrums.

"Ack?! Wh-why did you do that?! Jhin?! Nene?! C-could you wake me up a little more


"Uh-uh. We haven't done anything."

"Oh, huh? So then…" Mismis was now alert, picking up the communications device.

"Hello. Good morning to all of you in Unit 907. Did you sleep well?" asked a carefree

feminine voice.

It was the voice of the Saint Disciple of the fifth seat, Risya In Empire, who was

supposed to be on standby in the capital to command them.

"Not in this cramped car. I'd prefer a tent over this crap."

"Ha-ha, I'm relieved by your energy, Jhin-Jhin." The Saint Disciple seemed happy to field

the sniper's grievances. "Now then, Mismis? Can I ask where you are right now?"

"Ummm, we're in a parking lot right in the center of Alcatroz. There are a ton of big

buildings, and we're in their shadows."

As for the scene from the car window…

It was still six in the morning. The roads were covered in fog and sparsely populated

by people coming and going. It was almost as though no one was in this particular

parking lot.

The slate-colored buildings had well-maintained roads and sidewalks lining both

sides. This cityscape was reminiscent of Imperial cities.

"…It just doesn't feel like we're in the Sovereignty."

"That's because you're at the very edge. Plus, it's only been fifty years since they've become

a Sovereign state. Basically, the buildings haven't changed since they were independent."

It was different from the central state. The towns and cities of the Nebulis Sovereignty

maintained a sacred harmony between nature and modern architecture. But this

seemed to not have much influence on the urban design of Alcatroz.

"Isn't it convenient? The Imperial and Sovereign cultures have intermixed there. You

won't stand out even if you walk around outside."

"R-right… I've been too frightened to go outside yet."

"It's fine—completely fine. The other special mission units have gone to each of their own

states, walking around as they please. They're eating in restaurants and going shopping."


"Because all of that is precious information to the Empire. Oh, but you can't overdo it

and land yourselves in a dungeon. Don't get me wrong, but I can't help you if you do."

"Hey, Lord Saint Disciple, we've got something more important to do." Jhin had spread

out a map of the city over the driver's seat.

They had purchased it the night before. At present, it was covered with check marks

drawn by Jhin.

"Here. I heard rumors of it, but this place really is just full of prisons."

"Oh? Jhin-Jhin, you're quick to cut to the chase," commended the enthused voice on the

other side. "There are several prison spires in the thirteenth state. That's where they've

rounded up prisoners within the Sovereignty. They accommodate the vilest of criminals

and receive astronomical amounts of compensation from other countries. That's how

they've developed economically."

"That's why there were lots of guards walking around during the night."

The police had been out patrolling—not looking for Imperial infiltrators. They were

units on the lookout for criminal escapees.

"Are they astral mages, too?"

"Of course. Naturally, there are astral mages among the imprisoned criminals. There's

even the atrocious transcendental —Oh, that's a lie. Don't pay attention to that last


"What did you just say?"

"Now, Jhin-Jhin, could you start by moving the car? Turn to the right after getting out of

that parking lot."

"…Tch. What a blatant lie." Clicking his tongue in disapproval, Jhin put the car in drive.

He brought the car out just as Risya had directed and went down the narrow roads

ahead of them.

"Take a left at that crossroad. Now just go straight—"

"So, Risya, I'm just kind of curious, but…," Mismis started.


"Are you watching us?"

Silence. Finally, familiar mirthful laughter came from the communications device on

Mismis's knees.

"You're sharp today, Mismis. Is it because my directions are a little too accurate?"

"Because it'd be impossible unless you were looking at things from inside our car. How

are you navigating an enemy city?"

"Why don't you stop the car in the shadow of that building? Then you'll understand."

The spot she had indicated was the back of an alleyway.

In the rear of the crowded, old buildings—in a place where raw garbage littered the

street—they stopped the car and got out. Almost as if someone had spat out gum here,

the bottoms of their shoes stuck slightly to the ground as they trudged down the deadend alley.

"I don't like this… It's so dark and cramped. It feels like the astral mage corps could be

waiting to ambush us."

"I agree. Jhin, be careful," Nene warned.

"What else are we supposed to do? It's the commanding officer's orders." Jhin heaved

the gun case disguised as a golf bag as he sighed deeply.

But they found nothing there.

They were surrounded on three sides by walls etched with cracks. It was a dead end.

"Hello. Good morning, Unit 907."


None other than Risya herself had appeared, now standing right there at the dead end

before them.

Jhin scowled dubiously; Nene gulped; Mismis yelped from surprise.


The Saint Disciples were the personal guards of the Lord. Though they were dispatched

to the battlefield on exception, like in the fight for the vortex, their work generally

started and ended within the Imperial domain.

Did she have business within the Sovereignty's borders?

"Uh, wh-why are you here, Risya?"

"Why wouldn't I be here? Obviously you're that important to me, Mismis," the Saint

Disciple replied, beaming. "Well, now that we've all gathered, let's hurry up and get


"...What? Wh-where?"

"That's obvious, isn't it?" She patted Mismis's head. The Saint Disciple of the fifth seat,

Risya In Empire, narrowed her eyes behind her glasses. "To the place where Isk is

being held prisoner. We're busting into the prison spires. Duh."