
Our Kingdom system

Aron and Jessica are both getting a system to help them build a kingdom in a new world. They are getting help from their mom and dad after a 300 year long journey. (book cover is AI generated.)

Maarten_ · Fantasía
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48 Chs


In the cave 60 people where hiding, just last week they were still with 100 people the lost a lot during travelling towards the new cave. They were now hoping that the bunny's would leave them alone when they set fire to their most flammable possessions.

Only with a day food left it looked grim. The smaller kids reminded everyone what happened. Most of them were still crying over the deads of several members of their cave.

Even Chloe went missing the always happy girl that cheered up the children under 10. The elders and parents didn't know what to do next. Until they did hear laughter outside of the cave. One of the girls thought to hear Chloe's laughter as well and jumped down from the exit of the cave.

Kim that stood under the cave entrance was surprised that she caught a 6 year old boy. Kim looking at Chloe for an answer was seeing Chloe even laughing harder at the look of the small boy that was planning to jump on the ground but instead felt the arms around him of a strong girl.

Chloe: Hello little one, is the rest still in the cave?

The boy nodded. The people in the cave were expecting the boys screaming when the bunny's would attack him. Luckily they only heard humans talk and laughing. Finally the first elderly woman stood up and looked outside of the cave and got even more scared but didn't try to show it.

Outside 9 young people with auras of the best hunters they had and 1 boy with an aura even heavier than she ever felt before. When she looked at the faces she did only recognise one girl and that was Chloe. Chloe seemed to enjoy the company of the young people.

It took all her courage to go out of the cave and looked around. She could now see a boy cooking bunny meat over the fire they build. He was burning half of the meat but didn't seem to care.

Old lady: Why are you burning half of the meat, don't spoil the good taste of that fine meat.

Jack: don't worry we have more bunny's to burn if your hungry. Want some as well?

Old lady: I would love some, but let me cook it properly so you don't lose the flavour by burning it.

In the cave everyone was now excited about eating bunny meat. The elder that left was their best cook so everyone was slowly getting out of the cave.

Aron who was counting the number of people getting out was happy for his sister. They now could start a small village. The only problem all of them were level 1 or level 2 without stamina so getting back today before dinner was a no go.

Aron: Ivy I'm sure you noticed already but all of them are low level. Can you rush back and asking the beast tamers to join us with the mammoths. I hope you can join us in the evening so we can go back home tomorrow.

James (mage): So we are going to sleep in the cave Aron? And are you sure you can convince them to join us?

Aron: Definitely not sleeping in the cave, I don't want to be stuck tomorrow morning killing bunny's or other animals.

I'm thinking of rotating for lookout we have 9 members here so I was thinking 3 staying awake for 3 hours and then switch.

Regarding them joining us, I'm sure they will considering how we go around with food supplies. Also Chloe can vouch for us.

Old lady: So you want us to join your cave? Why should we, you already killed all the bunny's close to this spot.

Aron: Can you see the movement of the bushes around 700 meters away? Because those are 10 bunny's sadly I'm not sure what level they are but I'm sure if we were to leave they would come here.

Old lady: oke we will go with you but we will not join until we see your cave.

Aron started laughing, would he tell them that they didn't have a cave and let them be surprised or tell the truth how they did live.

He chose for just don't say anything.

Aron after fixing the sleep schedule went alone towards the bunny's in the bushes and killed them all.

They now had 24 heart crystals. With this Aron purchased another spatial bag and did give it to Kim. Kim was happy because most of the time she was doing nothing because killing went to fast before she needed to heal.

Late in the evening Ivy returned with the two beats tamers and an healer that didn't join the hunting team so far. She was already level 4 and put effort in stamina by running every day for a few km.

After they did eat some bunny meat everyone went to sleep except the team members on lookout.

During the last watch it was Aron's turn with Kim and Chloe they got attacked by a group of 20 bunny's. Aron didn't wake up anyone just killed them all and let Kim store the corpses.

Early morning Aron woke up everyone and put all the children on the backs of the mammoths. This was strange for the cave people but they didn't dare to say anything because they noticed the bunny attack just before Aron woke them up.

Aron did asked Chloe to set her maximum pace and he and his team would carry the stranglers for large parts of the journey. It took until the late in the afternoon to reach the settlement.

The cave people were surprise when they saw the wooden buildings and a lot of strong children and just two elders.

Old lady: Aron how is it possible that you only have two elders and so many strong children?

Aron: That is a good question. Regarding the number of elders they are both of my parents and the children joined us on our journey. The strong children is just because everyone is motivated to do something meaningful and stay as faraway from our old life as possible.

Jessica: That is not complete true brother we all want to have the luxury to relax, this is also why most people want to get stronger. The stronger you are the faster the work is done. As you can see we have 40 houses now instead of the promised 20.

Old lady: you sleep in the wooden buildings?

Aron couldn't help but laugh.

Aron: Yes we do, at some point we will change them to other materials but this is the best we can do for now. Jessica can I hand in the quest?

Jessica: 20 people already accepted so you can hand it in. Most of the people are the kids and younger people. Let's eat first. Tomorrow is a new day full of things to do.

next chapter is full of new: quests, system stats, and the start of an upcoming new adventure.

Maarten_creators' thoughts