
Our Kingdom system

Aron and Jessica are both getting a system to help them build a kingdom in a new world. They are getting help from their mom and dad after a 300 year long journey. (book cover is AI generated.)

Maarten_ · Fantasía
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48 Chs

major and mayor

The next morning Yue and Aron did their rounds around the city and talked about the captain clas. Aron was not sure of she would get Jack's guard skills as well but she could ignore that, guards where nice to hold agro but had low defence and moral unless it was someone like Jack. Guards that turned captain and the other way around, Aron would ask all the captains if they got their co-captain available they would choose their teams guard.

Most teams now had their on healer, guard, captain and damage dealers. For the big dungeons they all wanted to join Aron, this was now a problem because of the 250 people with a combat system he could only take 100 himself and with Jack it went up towards 150 now. He hoped that it would go up with Yue as co-captain.

During their rounds they told all people to join them for dinner for an announcement, Jessica followed by Jack and Chloe was doing the same on the other side of the settlement. After 2 hours of walking around both Yue and Aron went to the dummies, now Aron was ready to give Yue the co-captain roll. Yue now with a flustered face was silently hoping for more, Aron didn't see or knew how much the girls tried to flirt with him.

Aron: Yue, are you OK? I'm going to make you co-captain so I want you to be ready.

Yue: I'm fine, let's do this. I can't wait until tonight when you and Jessica announce me becoming mayor, do we already have a name?

Aron: We don't have a name, I would be nice if you give the settlement a name as a mayor. Let's get ready to be my co-captain.

After saying this Aron selected Yue to be his co-captain, both Aron and Yue felt a nice warm feeling inside. After 5 minutes Aron opened his stats. He was quite happy, already 28 and now with more skill that could do damage.

[Username: Aron]

[Age: immortal ]

[Level: 28]

[Class: captain]

[Race: human]


Health: 32500

Mana: 9000

Strength: 78

Agility: 78

Stamina: 78

Charisma: 1000

Mental defence: 14000

Physical defence: 14000

Free stat points: 22]

[Skills/spells:< inspect, lvl 5>, <mana 4 sword, lvl>,<stab,lvl 5>,<small 4 heal, lvl>,<wound, 4 lvl><charge, 3 lvl>, <taunting, 4 lvl>,<mana 4 sword and shield, lvl>,<shield 3 smash, lvl>,<slash 3 and bash, lvl>, <Mana 4 bow, lvl>,<Arrow, 5 lvl>,<Track, 2 lvl>,<6 3 Arrows, lvl>,<Arrow 2 rain, lvl>, <Bullseye, 4 lvl>,<Shooting 3 speed, lvl>]

Aron: Yue, you did level up your skills a lot. How are your stats looking now?

Yue: Yes I did do a lot, even when I was not feeling well I tried to keep my mana bow active and shoot some arrows in random directions. Just look at my stats I know you can use [inspect]

[Username: Yue]

[Age: 315 ]

[Level: 20]

[Class: co-captain]

[Race: human]


Health: 7500

Mana: 6250

Strength: 48

Agility: 58

Stamina: 45

Charisma: 500

Mental defence: 2000

Physical defence: 2000

<Mana 4 bow, lvl>,<Arrow, 5 lvl>,<Track, 2 lvl>,<6 3 Arrows, lvl>,<Arrow 2 rain, lvl>, <Bullseye, 4 lvl>,<Shooting 3 speed, lvl>,< inspect, lvl 1>, <mana 1 sword, lvl>,<stab, 1 lvl>,<small 1 heal, lvl><wound, 1 lvl><charge, 1 lvl>]

Aron: Let's train our skills for a bit, after that we should get ready for the announcement.

Aron now using his new skills, he shot some arrows and felt good about able to hit the target. It was not at vital points but it was not far off, he was sure after a full day of training he woul do more damage than the average hunter.

In the evening almost everyone gathered for the announcement Jessica and Aron had, even Moma and Jim didn't know what would be announced. Jessica would do most of the talking this time because it was her plan to be less in the settlement and help her brother look for dungeons and other people that perhaps could join them to create a large town.

Jessica: Welcome everyone, tomorrow we will start with a few changes. Most of you know we want to have more people in this settlement so we can call ourselves a town, for this we don't only need people but shops, restaurants and other necessities. As a currency to spend in shops, restaurants etcetera we will use the heart crystals. Why would we do that because most of you can get them with the quest board in the city hall.

Everyone was listening quietly to what Jessica said.

Jessica: To manage the settlement towards a town we are going to introduce you to our new mayor Yue!

Everyone clapped for this part of the announcement, both Jim and Mona did sense another motive but didn't say anything. They had seen the speed of developing and adjusting to the new planet they're impressed. Mona on the other hand was missing earth and Jim wax missing his laboratory both adapted slower. They didn't have a bad life but it was less exciting as Jessica and Aron were having.

Yue: Thank you for the appointment as mayor, as first act I will give the new mayor I will give the town a name.... That name is Yama Shi. We will have some more changes for the better soon but first other important news from Aron.

Aron: I see you all enjoy the news of a mayor, for the next part most of you will like it or not like it at all. We are going to clear the level 2 training dungeon tomorrow, for this I want everyone to stay within the walls because we will take most powerful people into the dungeon.

Almost everyone was quite, except Jack of course.

Jack: What is your plan?

Aron: As most of you have seen in the training dungeon it is mostly 1 or 2 animals we need to put down before we can move forward. Tomorrow we are going in with 225 people, of those we only have Jack tanking and 5 healers the rest will be doing damage and damage only. So sleep well everyone tomorrow morning we start the dungeon nice and early!

After those words some people started to talk with each others and others left to turn in for the night. The next morning all system users gathered at the entrance of the dungeon checking who would join and who wouldn't. Aron started making a team starting with Jessica, Yue, Jack, Kim, Chloe and the rest of the regular team

Yue and Jack started gathering the damage dealers while Aron did select 3 more healers, after that he went to Jessica for making the quest.

[New quest, clear the training dungeon within the day, reward 1500 heart crystals per member]

Aron: This is a lot of possible crystals.

Jessica: You can say that, it would help with the currency so it's not bad at all.

After some banter they entered the dungeon that lookedlike a replica of the mammoth dungeon, Jack started with grabbing the agro and using all of it to hold it of the damage dealers. Everyone wanted those 1500 heart crystals badly, specially now that they would be settlement currency soon. Just after two hour they had done 3 quarters of the dungeon done. This was already faster than the times they tried the dungeon before, and because everyone was getting experience they leveled up. Some even a two times, also skill levels went up what supported the speed of the damage dealers.

Jack was the unlucky one considering he needed not his skills to upgrade but his defence, health and some of his stats. Aron told him about the system upgrade he wondered if he would get the same option. Still before that this dungeon was not over. The mammoths were all slow and easy to dodge for Jack but it still costed him some energy to keep moving so he asked for a break.

After Jack recovered they went back to fight for an hour and then rest for 30 minutes, the progress was getting slower and slower with the mammoths now being level between 28 and 30. Because Jack needed a break they consumed less mana potions, they still used some to speed up the battle. Everyone new it was worth it, if not for the 1500 crystals then it was for the levels they got. This continued for 4 hours until a really huge mammoth came into view, it was at least 20 meters high and had a lage gold treasure chest behind him. Aron, Yue and Jack did [inspect] on this mammoth and they didn't know what to say.

[Name: Big mammoth

Level: 32

Race: mammoth

State of mind: I want to sleep

Health: 1.750.000

Mana: 8.000

Strength: 85

Agility: 10

Stamina: 56]

Aron: We will have an hour break, we have an hour to kill this bad boy. So we are going to start with everything we have, look for weak points and focus on that. If it's getting close to the hour that we are working on that mammoth you have to swap with me Jack.

After an hour the started, Jessica did use her new [boost] skill they had now one hour to kill the boss. Jack running in with [taunting] got hold on the boss, the boss tried to squash Jack to a meat paste only to mis by meters. Jack was way faster, only problem was the shock the food coming down did give. Jack and the melee damage dealers almost lost their footing.

It took the mammoths 5 seconds per food to come down so when the food was at the highest point the damage dealers started to run. Jack on the other hand side stepped and bracing himself for the shock wave, besides that the boss didn't do anything special it was just a big mammoth that needed to die. After 15 minutes the boss was already over tree quarters of his health, most team members still hitting the weak spots slow and steady did do considerably amounts of damage.

Jessica who took a spare bow and had a few 100 hand made arrows with just a wooden point did get two good notifications for her to fight now from a distance as well. [New skill, mana bow, lvl 1] [New skill, arrow, lvl 1], now she had the question if all system users could learn other skills or if it would be just a few select people.

Half an hour into the fight Aron got the killing blow with his new skill Bullseye that did level up towards level 5, and that was not all he did get level 30 with the experience from the kill. Now almost everyone in the team was between the 24 and 28. Aron would go for his option to change classes towards major, I he was thinking military wise captain was the rank before major. The biggest question was would he keep his skills or would he get extra skills, their was only one way to find out.

After handing in the quest and eat some dinner everyone went their own way except Jack, Kim, Yue, Jessica, Daisy and Chloe they all wanted to know what Aron did get extra as a major.

the next chapter has some stats in the beginning, but not to much.

Maarten_creators' thoughts