
Our Kingdom system

Aron and Jessica are both getting a system to help them build a kingdom in a new world. They are getting help from their mom and dad after a 300 year long journey. (book cover is AI generated.)

Maarten_ · Fantasía
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48 Chs

goats dungeon

Everyone happy that most goats got killed before they could reach them, and if they could reach them most did get injured along the way making it easy killings for the hunting team that killed one side boss before they even entered the dungeon. After just seconds after the first battle started all goats were killed.

Now it was time to harvest all the crystals from the dead goats, they even took some of their meat that looked good. Jessica suspected that they would kill more goats anyway so meat collection wouldn't be a problem. After 15 minutes they were done harvesting, they started walking towards the entrance. This dungeon it was Jessica's to lead so before they entered she said some inspiring words.

Jessica: We will enter this dungeon today to make sure we can live in peace. That we can expect our friends and family to be safe, and lastly that we can get stronger so we don't have any treats that can harm us. So let kill these irritating goats!

After that they entered, it was not the best speech but it did it's job. Jessica's team was ready to kill more goats, the beginning of the dungeon they could only see some dead goats a few burned spots and a lot of dried blood. Jessica kept everyone alert and ready to fight at a moments notice, this did cost a lot of energy for some so the rotated between people on the inside of the formation and outside.

The outside of the formation was on full alert and the inner a bit less but still could use a damage skill in a second or two. The ground they were walking on was not ideal for humans, it needed a lot of climbing and single file line paths. Everyone thought that these sports would be good for an ambush or a good bottle neck for thinning out large armies like the one Jessica was travelling with. This put more stress on the team members, until Jessica decided to climb the hill and try to walk from hill to hill so the only had a small amount of time were an ambush would work. This reduced the stress a lot.

After one and a half hours walking the saw a cave in one of the hills with 10 goats guarding it.

Aron: Hold on a second I want to try something.

Aron took out his [mana ballista] and used his [mana bolt] skill killing the 10 goats with one shot. Aron did get to overpowered with those skills, it did cost him a some mana but compared to the 16000 he had the 100 mana was nothing. Now they walked towards the cave, Jessica already thinking of making more people learn the skill so they could bombard the goats with a rain of mana bolts.

She would try tonight if she had any mana left, but first they would enter the cave see if they could find something. When the entered with Jack in front they got attacked straight away leaving no time for Jack to [inspect] the goat. The goat hitting him for a 5000 health that was almost one fifth of his total health.

Jack: I need heals and fast!

Kim and Ricky did used some of their big skills straight away, Jessica now giving the order to hit the goat with everything they had obliterating the goat.

[Hidden quest completed, kill the goat boss after only getting hit once, reward new skill for Princess only<hope, 1 15 200 boost your team members damage and defence for minutes, cooldown hour, mana use> rewards team members 500 level 1 heart crystals, error major found calculating reward].

Aron looked with angry eyes at his system, he was the only one with errors. Little did he know Jessica's system had more errors but didn't show them towards the user. After a small rest they did go further into the cave now more ready than ever for a sneak attack. Just after a small walk they came into a clearing in the cave. Light came from a large holl in the top of the cave, it became more spacious and there was running water seeping through the cracked walls on one side. The other side they saw some small vegetation growing, mostly herbs and mushrooms the harvested all of it. The kept exploring the opening in the cave and after 15 minutes they found an hidden entrance to another layer of the cave. The followed the path until they came at a huge crossroads with 41 paths to chose from.

Jessica: The crossroads has the same number of paths as we have side bosses, should we continue with one of the paths?

Kim: It is safer against attacks from the sides but I don't know if the can cave us in.

Chloe: Looks sturdy to me, and we can always escape at the other side or not?

Jessica: Yes we can so let me chose one. Ohw we will mark the one we came from and this one we are going in so we know witch once we did before. I think the biggest over there is the main boss so let's do the others first.

With that they left for one of the smaller paths, nothing happened in the pathway and at the exit they were surprised, they saw a human boy of around 5 years old locked up in a small cage he was barely able to stand. Sadly it was not the only small cage, after the first they saw a 100 or so more small cages with little children in it. Of course they let the kids out, now Jessica understood the quest they were not the only once that could die. After they were all free the told the kids to stay close to Aron who was still at the back of the team. The kids happy to follow the big group of people with some dwarfs in-between.

When everyone was ready to move our Ricky spotted a goat and told the group after his [inspect] the level and stats of the goat.

[Name: Alexander

Level: 30

Race: goat

State of mind: waits for orders

Health: 50.000

Mana: 20.000

Strength: 60

Agility: 150

Stamina: 105]

Ricky: This boss is going to hurt again.

Aron: Give me 20.000 crystals and I can kill him in one go or close to it.

Everyone gathering there crystals for Aron to use, they had a small idea of what was going to happen but the scale of the hit would be a question still. After 2 minutes Aron could upgrade his skills, [mana ballista] was now at 4 and [mana bolt] at level 5. Aron used his skill dropping one bolt on the head of the goat before he noticed, Aron didn't hesitate and already had another bolt in his ballista but he didn't need to fire it. The head of the goat exploded to oblivion, some of the small kids that they saved where watching and started puking at the sight of the now dead goat.

Jack: I want that skill as well, your going to teach us right?

Jessica: Sure he will for the people who can. Let's check if there is a treasure room, if not let's head to the next boss.

They looked around and found some loot not a lot, although everyone did get their crystals back from the loot. The next two bosses went the same, they found a few refugees and killed a boss with the same tactics as before. Now they only needed 37 bosses, Jessica knew they couldn't keep up the same tactics as they did a few times now so she wanted to fight the boss normally as they did before Aron's ballista.

The 6th boss was a different story, the entered the path without any issues like the others. When they entered the clearing were the goat should be they saw not 1 but 4 side bosses. This was why Jessica wanted to fight normally deep in her heart, this would be a problem. Jessica now trying to plan for the battle ahead, Aron could tank one easily he had the most health and defencive stats. She had a new skill that would help them for 15 minutes and the walks between bosses took about 30 minutes so if they didn't encounter another group of goats she could use both boost skills she had making Jack a valuable tank as well. Now who would be next?

Miaorui was a captain with guard skills as well but he focused more on the captain part, he did become a full captain now and he and Yue could chose another co-captain. Both didn't do that in that was what Jessica and Aron suggested because they needed to make sure they had the right person. Jessica knowing that it couldn't wait any longer called all guards Miaorui, Aron and Jack.

Aron: What do you need sister?

Jessica: With my boost skills you and Jack can both easily take one goat each leaving us with two lose goats.

Miaorui: I could take one but it's not that I'm the best in holding a target for a long time.

Jessica: I know that is why I called the guards over, I know you want to have other skills empowering your captain part. Sadly we need the extra Guard that can hold a goat for a longer time. So who wants to be co-captain? Just know you will need to hold a goat until we killed Miaorui's goat.

All male guards where hesitant to put up their hands, they knew if they did a good job now they would be out grinding dungeons over and over again. Hana thought differently, getting in a team more often with Jack, Aron and Jessica would be a privilege. First getting rescued by them and now she would be able to repay them in the work she did. She knew Aron was still to young to find older women attractive but she hoped that would change, yes Hana being 18 years old thought she was old. Little did she know Aron was busy with other stuff and didn't see the flirting of any of the girl's.

Hana: I would do it and serve whenever you need me.

With that said she bows in front of Aron and Jessica. Jessica not surprised by Hana's actions, she saw her looking at her brother and then blushing after most of the time. This was an attempt to get closer to Aron that was for sure, but would she be able to win his heart? Jessica was almost sure she couldn't until Aron thought about something else then helping others. She didn't mind Hana being older, she worked hard always trying to catch up to them. Also always willing to do the dirty work as long as she could rest afterwards. With that Jessica came to the conclusion that Hana was indeed the best option even if the other guards wanted to have the co-captain class.

Jessica: OK, Miaorui can you make Hana co-captain, with that Miaorui you will take the weakest goat that we will kill first. Hana will take the second weakest goat that we will kill after, then Jack 3rd and Aron 4th.

After that they did tell the healers their plans, everyone did get a personal healer. Ricky was on Miaorui and after the goat would be dead he would swap to Jack, Kim would heal Hana and would swap to Aron. Two other healers would heal Jack and Aron, the other 20 healers would heal the group or tanks if necessary.