
Our Kingdom system

Aron and Jessica are both getting a system to help them build a kingdom in a new world. They are getting help from their mom and dad after a 300 year long journey. (book cover is AI generated.)

Maarten_ · Fantasía
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48 Chs

dungeon 1

They opened the door and both Aron and Jessica got a nice message from their system.

[You can now select 10 non system users and give them a system]

Jessica: let's wait Aron! We need to clear this dungeon first.

After Jessica said that he looked around with his [inspect] skill.

[5x spatial bag, room 100 cubicle meters]

[10x medium range level 3 wooden bow]

[20x health potion <1000 health>]

[40x mana potion <500 mana>]

[3x Medium leather armour]

[3x light armour]

[2x wooden shield]

[50x mammoth hides]

[250 level 1 heart crystals]

Aron: I believe we will encounter more rooms like this so don't worry if you don't get anything now.

Aron and Jack took the shields, a set of medium armour, 10 health potions and a spatial bag each. Aron stored all hides, crystals and 7 bows in his old spatial bag and did give it to Chloe with 1 wooden bow.

Chloe always looked at the hunters with intrigued eyes. Of course Aron asked her want to be a hunter like Daisy and Kiara and Chloe was eager for it so said yes. Aron now using his first system assignment to Chloe.

Aron did give a set of medium armour to Erik. After Aron noticed his stats boost. +1500 health + 500 mana + 5 to all stats.

The light armour went to Jessica, Kim and Ricky boosting them with +500 health + 1500 mana + 5 to all stats.

The two left over bows went to Daisy and Kiara. The mana potions went to Jessica who would give them away when needed because Aron already used one of his systems on someone when Jessica said not to use them.

After a 10 minute break with some food they kept going again. After a massacre of 40 other bunny's Daisy and Kiara did do double their original damage and had more mana to use for arrows. Aron and Jack did something else and what they noticed was way more useful in the future. The used the [sword and shield] skill over their shield and felt less drainage of mana but getting sturdier shield.

Aron did relay this information to all three hunters. 12 bunny's later they arrived at another treasure room. This time it had 2 level 8 guards so both Aron and Jack took one each.

[Sub quest, kill the guards of the treasure room, time limit 3 minutes, reward ??]

The full team now giving all they had after Aron told them they had two minutes to kill everything. After 1 minute and 20 seconds the first bunny was down, both Aron and Jack now swapping from sword and shield to sword only started stabbing as much as the could.

With just one second left they completed the quest. Everyone agreed this was to close for comfort, probably they had more bunny's to kill and level up a bit but the overall damage was to low.

Aron asked Jessica to take a 15 minute break and that the with Jack, Kim and Chloe got to talk after looting the treasure room.

[5x wooden sword]

[20x health potion <1000 health>]

[40x mana potion <500 mana>]

[3x Medium leather armour]

[5x light armour]

[2x wooden daggers]

[200 level 1 heart crystals]

Aron: That is some good loot, this will boost us a bit but I don't think it will be enough. We have 4 people doing nothing bit looting what we will. They will level slowly as well at the moment. Look at Chloe she is already level 11 when we killed last boss she was level 9.

Jessica: I know, but how are we going to explain the system?

Chloe: Just let me do that. They trust me and getting them helping as well will work but we need to slow down on the level 4 to 6 bunny's for them to get used to this.

Jessica: That is the plan, Aron you will use your systems so I can appoint my systems later when we are back in town.

Aron: let's do this, Jessica you can distribute the loot. Chloe and I will get more hunters.

After a short talk with the friends of Chloe's, Aron got to work and did give each of them a system. Now instead of level 5 non classes Aron saw 4 level 5 hunters, Chloe did give them a bow and showed them how to shoot an arrow. All of them where amazed.

Meanwhile Jessica was handing out the light armour to Daisy, Kiara, Ivy, James and Chloe. The daggers did go towards Ivy. The swords Aron, Jack, Erik and herself. One set of medium armour to herself and the rest went in the spatial bag of Chloe.

After that they did continue clearing the dungeon. Until this point they had enough light to see the dungeons paths. Now it was getting darker and darker. Aron knew they had to do something about that but didn't have anything to solve it in his system shop. So he started asking around.

James did come op with a solution but he needed a staff for it to work.

[Light source, can make a light bulb at the end of your staff, can't be used with mana staff. 50 level 1 heart crystals]

Aron: Nice work James, so we can have two lights if we find two staff's. Let's go slow and steady until the next treasure or boss room.

5 minutes later they arrived at another treasure room, this time there were no bunny's guarding the door but something else.

[Name: Numia

Level: 12

Race: hobgoblin

State of mind: angry at bunny's

Health: 10.000

Mana: 1.200

Strength: 25

Agility: 12

Stamina: 21]

Before anyone could do something Aron tried something daring again.

Aron: Hello miss hobgoblin, how are you doing today?

Numia: Get lost you human scum.

Aron: Don't you want to get out of here? We are going to kill all bunny's in this dungeon.

Numia: Not interested, get lost as I said before!

The hobgoblin now putting an axe in her hands and pointing it at Aron. Aron just shrugged and told his team to get ready.

Aron [taunting] Numia on him with both his sword and shield trying to block, evade and parry the hits of the hobgoblin. One hit of the hobgoblin did 1000 damage on Aron after just 1 minute Aron asked Jack to take the hobgoblin.

Aron still getting the heals overtime from Kim and Ricky was not happy. The hobgoblin was sturdy and the heals couldn't keep up. Aron was lost until someone else noticed the predicament they were in.

Jessica: Aron and Jack spread out and before the goblin is at the other person taunt it to you. Hunters and mages keep shooting but watch out the goblin will keep moving. Rest with me.

It was a noob tactic but Jessica didn't care she wanted to get this dungeon done and they probably needed to stay the night if things progressed as they were.