
Our Kingdom system

Aron and Jessica are both getting a system to help them build a kingdom in a new world. They are getting help from their mom and dad after a 300 year long journey. (book cover is AI generated.)

Maarten_ · Fantasía
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48 Chs

3 dungeon crystals

After breakfast Aron and Jack gathered all builders, woodworkers and miners. They asked to make sure the bridge was done first. After that they asked for carts that could carry stones and could be pulled with a mammoth.

After the bridge was done half of the builders would construct the hot spring and the rest would prepare for the city hall. The bridge was done in 20 minutes and everything went smoothly. Aron already marked yesterday the location of the city hall was now looking with Jessica, Jack, Kim, Chloe, Kiara and Daisy for the best spot for the dungeons.

Jessica wanted just room for the 3 dungeons what would take 9 square meters, Jack did wanted to go for 90 square meters of stone wall and construct wooden wall within of 9 square meters. The rest agreed with Jack so if they found more dungeon crystals they could expand it without to much effort.

They agreed to build one for 18 square meters for now with room that they would keep clear for other possible dungeons. The construction speed of stone was very slow, after 3 days of building the city hall was finally finished.

After that they started on the wall. The wall that would enclose the dungeons was build in 1 day. They could build the wall faster but adding the extra defence was a pain for them. They still had a wooden gate between the stone construction but it was a lot sturdier compared to the old gates.

Now that was done Jessica setup the dungeons and Aron and Jack couldn't contain them self's and went with the combat class in the food resources dungeon.

The dungeon was to easy for the team compared to the last dungeon they did. They came out with meat, fruits, vegetables and even some spices. It was not a lot but they would ask the new captain to enter with Kiara, Daisy and Chloe.

What happened inside the dungeon getting xp was good for the lower levels and even the builders, woodworkers and miners under the level 10 did get xp. Aron now hoping to be able to scout around the settlement again for possibly dungeons to clear and see if they could take the crystal as well.

The treasure dungeon was kept close for everyone until animals would come out so they had the best possible reward.

In the next 5 days they builders finally constructed the 5 km wall leaving the 10 observation posts to complete. It took 1 more day to complete them. Making Jack and Aron happy that they could hand in the quests.

Jack and Aron didn't get anything good accept some heart crystals. The people under lever 15 got one or 2 levels per quest completion, now the most humans from earth were level 15 or close to it.

The reward 50x chose system was kept in one of the warehouses for incase they needed more systems users. The builders and woodworkers and miners could vote for a team leader to lead them all. The votes went towards a Natasha, she had a lot of muscles and a lot of boys and men were jealous.

Aron believed most boys had a crush on her but he was pitying them. He saw her kissing with another girl of course he didn't tell them.

Now that all hard work was done for team Natasha they would go for a break in the hot spring.

Now it was time to come up with a new plan so Aron did ask the new settlers how they got captured and if they now more about the scrounging land. Everyone came from the south and only one person had seen a dungeon before. Sadly that was a year ago, because he did travel all that time towards the north before he got caught.

Jack: Let's go look in the forest first, cut down some trees as well to make a pathway so we can explore the forest easier in the future.

Aron: Good plan let's start tomorrow and get all prepared like who will watch the settlement. Also we will need a few woodworkers and perhaps a builder to make observation posts along the way. Would be a good start to send out hunting teams as well.

Chloe: If your cutting down trees why not transport them to the settlement? That way we don't have to cut down more trees if we wood for buildings.

Jessica: Sounds like everything will be taken care of. I will stay in the settlement and make sure we progress slowly. Also I need to talk with mum and dad.

The next morning a team of 100 people set out, inside of the settlement walls it felt empty. Aron who was leading the team of 100 people was looking around for animals and hopefully he would find a dungeon in the process. After 4 hours of looking around the didn't find anything exciting. The two woodworkers who joined did cut down trees in a straight line.

Aron with 9 others was on the other hand zigzaging with a few team members. Jack was doing the same as Aron but most staying with the two woodworkers and the builder. At lunch time they took the opportunity to see how far they did come.

They could still see the settlement in the distance. Aron was not happy about the slow process, would it be worth it was now continuously on his mind. After lunch it was 4 more hours of the same, just before dinner they rushed back to the settlement for a good dinner and a night sleep.

The next morning the same team went out. It didn't take the combat classes long to go to the end of the men made path. The workers did get escorted by a few combatants, this gave them a sense of security and importance.

After 3 hours looking around Chloe found some food prints of humans. Sure they would follow this trail and see what it leads to. 3 more hours and they saw a cave with around 50 people working small jobs in front of the entrance. They were making stone pointed spears, knives and a few other items.

Chloe did greet them from some distance away, they greeted us back so we moved closer to talk.

Cave leader: Hello, can I ask you what brings you here?

Chloe: We are a small hunting team looking for some animals, perhaps we could team up?

Cave leader: why would you hunt, the food is literally coming to you. If your not careful they kill you before you can kill them.

Aron: what kind of animals are we talking about? We come from the west and sadly no animals are getting close to us.

Cave leader: mostly bunny's.

Aron: So other animals are attacking as well?

Cave leader: sadly not, I was hoping it would scare you. We are getting low on food. The last two weeks we have seen less bunny's overall.

Aron and Chloe looked at each other with guilty looks. Both of them now trying to come up with a convincing answer.

Aron: we had some bunny's before but no bunny's anymore at the moment, that is why we are looking for other animals.

Cave leader: In the past we did hunt for horses about 4 days walk from this cave. I can let someone one show you but I would like to have a horse in return for showing.

Chloe: We agree.

Aron: sounds indeed like a good deal. Who doesn't want to see the horses? If so please go back and tell the others Ivy.

The people in the cave did look confused, why send one of your hunters back to inform others. The lower number of hunters in your team would mean you could carry less meat back. That was their point of view.

Aron just called most of his hunters to kill more horses that way. They only needed to make it easy for the others to track them without the guide noticing.