
For the first time ,I felt his pain

" I myself didn't know what was going on in my life" ,like my brain has stopped working. I was coming back my home after giving my MBA exam there were many thoughts running my mind while coming home. Now everything seemed to n in my life I was made an officer but I was not getting pass even after giving competitive exam again and again..... and I could not even find work anywhere else. We had four sibling and my grandmother lived in our house only five member lived our house. Life was going hard no I was getting a good job no I was passing the exam whatever work we got we used to do the work of four brother and sister that's how take we care of us and our grandmother.I also learner a lot .

I use to do milking sometimes I used to be very ashamed of my work everyone used a laugh at me a lot but my grandmother always Support used to say "that no work is too small we do work with great sincerity and honest, so why ashamed of our work"? We had grandmother used to take good care of children without parents like us we do not know when the depression in our mind will escape from all these things of my grandmother.What happens in life again when you feel that everything is over now? Then what happen in life that gives us a reason to live our life again. That's the decent thing to do and it should in there.

Adi and I had a break up yesterday it made me even sadder and let this exam be in it. I didn't know what to do it was us if all the troubles were waiting for me yesterday I had a break up Adi more than these things I am saddened by these things that I did not proper slap that adi..... seeing him ,i thought I should. torture him to the third degree thinking about all this, I did not know when I came my home if I go home with a face like a fallen owl my grandmother and everyone will know right away what happened to me. I love my family more than that adi my grandmother always tell me this is the way of life after defeat is victory let's rock DJ. I rang the doorbell and wondered who was not at home so grandmother was to late open the door she must have been so engrossed

in watching her romantic serial that she didn't even know the doorbell was ringing. Find out why she like romantic serial don't know.

Fifteen minutes later I rang the doorbell and then my old grandmother opened at the door.Hi Dj .....," My grandmother said"what hi Dj grandma I have fifteen minutes the doorbell rings and you open the door now . Grandma ohh.. I was looking for a good boy for your wedding, grandma what are you doing? Let go of the other three they have gone to there friends ok...and grandma don't look for partner for my marriage don't do business,I was said to my grandmother."I m not doing business at all you and adi have a break up so don't you want a new partner now"? Grandma said ."How did you fine out"? I spoke to grandma she told me that" I know everything about Love break up very well hmmm...." I dyed my hair a Little whiter for you can see what going on in your mind right away looking at you" grandma said .My self first still I didn't like it .Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to my grandmother word . Seeing that, she took me close and slapped me hard under one ear and said let's see now crying you loudly and she told me everyone that your adi had a break up,you stupid girl cry for a boy who doesn't really love you .As soon as my grandmother said that .I fell on her neck and spoke but ,"I really loved him".I put both of my hands on my cheeks as grandma raised her hand to slap me under the other ear but she hugged me and said that "if you really love someone and someone loves you he doesn't need to tell you if he has real feeling for you in his mind ,he will know you unknowingly.As my grandma told me but that adi was not made for you that is why you will have true love,them you will know?I did not agree with ny grandma statements. I will never fall in love with anyone again ,I have killed all the feelings about Love in my heart.I had decided this with my mind, but what destiny had written for me, destiny had decided for me.

I don't even know how I ever slept in her cushion thinking today and it was evening ,and grandma also put me to sleep she thought if i woke up would feel fresh.If must have been half past seven in the evening Sam,chinu and chiku had not come home yet. I was worried so I woke up well and went to the terrace to call them .I saw the climate in the evening was a bit different today. Always when I go to the terrace ,the climate in the evening is very calm and the mind feels very calm . But in todays environmental that in not the case it was different kind of longing ,i felt like someone was in so much pain ,he needed someone ,he was looking for someone . I was feeling all this today ,i didn't understand anything ,why was it with me tody?If i had stayed on the terrace for a while longer,i would have been attracted to that things . Without payt attention to all these things ,i call romi three times before and they said," we are leaving we will reach home in a short time ". I said ok .As I was talking to them ,i started to descend from the terrace suddenly a lightning flashes in the sky and it's light was different. Today there were no cloud in the sky and no rain ,so how the lighting flashed in the sky . I didn't think it was light ,so my grandmother called me while I was thinking about all this....