
Our Future Together (Rin Matsuoka x Reader fanfic)

After throwing a party to celebrate your boyfriend's, Rin Matsuoka, first Olympic gold medal, What is he planning to do next for his future?

QueenB01 · Cómic
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2 Chs

Our Future

(The artwork does not belong to me.)

My boyfriend, Rin Matsuoka, won his first Olympic gold medal in the 1500m freestyle race and Haruka took second place. To celebrate Rin's first gold medal, I had a party at my Uncle's house. I invited Gou and their mom, obviously. They're proud of Rin for his win more than anyone else at the party. I also invited practically all of our friends from childhood, Iwatobi and Samazuka. I even invited Coach Sasabe and Miss Amakata. I won't lie, I almost went overboard with the party invites and preparations, but I was just so proud of Rin. And Haru, too. Rin and Haru have worked so hard to get where they are today. I felt like it was only yesterday when Rin was trying to get Haru to swim in a Medly Relay with him. Now, they both are competitive Olympic swimmers who are taking on the world.

During the party, everyone was having fun and congratulating Rin and Haru on their medals. I wanted to congratulate Rin too, but I couldn't see him anywhere. 

"Hey, Gou. Do you know where Rin is?" I asked Gou, who was having a conversation with Momo and Seijuro's sister, Isuzu.

"I don't know. I saw my brother a second ago." Gou responded as she looked around for her brother. I was going to ask Isuzu if she knows where Rin went, but someone called my name from behind, so I turned around to see Haru.

"Haru, hi. Congrats on winning your silver medal." I almost forgot to congratulate Haru on winning his Olympic medal.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." Haru says with a small smile. "Also, Rin is outside."

I thanked Haru and went to see Rin. He was in the background playing with my husky, Sophie. He laughed as Sophie spun around a few times and rolled on her back, asking Rin for a belly rub which he complied. 

"Hey." I said, walking closer to my boyfriend and my loyal canine.

Rin turned his head to me and Sophie rolled back on her paws to properly look at me.

"Hey, what's up?" Rin asked with a smile while he pets my dog.

"Just wanted to congratulate you on your gold medal."

"Thanks, it feels good!"

Sophie runs back inside the house when Haru called out to her. Now, it was just me and Rin. Rin stood up and stretched a bit with a groan.

"You've worked really hard." My mind flash backed to the times I've witnessed Rin's struggles to the times where I have seen him put his passion into the sport he loves so much since he was a kid.

"Yeah. And it totally paid off." Rin had his hands on his hips and had on a prideful smile as he gazes at the orange dim light sky. Rin finally won his long-sought after Olympic gold medal. He finally fulfilled his dream. Now, there was just one question I have for my Olympic champion.

"What are you going to do now?" Rin turned his head to me when he heard my question. "Besides continuing your career as an Olympic swimmer."

"I'm..." Rin looked really nervous. He let out a deep breath and gave me a serious look as he turned his whole body to face me. "I'm going to do this."

I didn't know what he meant by that until he got down on one knee. My heart started to race as he gently held my hand. "(Y/N), ever since the day we met, you've always supported me and gave me the push I needed to move forward. Whether we were in different swim clubs or miles apart, you've always been on my mind and I'm my heart." Rin pulled out a ring from his pocket and my eyes were brimming with tears. "(Y/N), I love you so much. Will you marry me?"

At that moment, the tears I was holding in instantly fell down my face like a rain shower as I happily said yes multiple times to my now fiance and hugged him tightly as if he was going to vanish at any second. We heard cheering and a couple popping sounds, so we looked to the direction where the cheering was coming from and saw our friends gathered at the backyard doorway of the house with Nagisa and Gou holding confetti poppers. They must've seen Rin propose to me. 

"Congratulations, (Y/N)! You're finally my sister-in-law!" Gou cries out in joy. Me and Rin laughed lightly at Gou's remark. I turned to Rin and gave him a passionate kiss. I don't know what our future holds, but I do know that my love and support for Rin will never wash away as time flows endlessly. We'll face any obstacles the world throws at us together no matter what because Rin loves me as much as I love him and nothing in this world will tear us apart.

My thoughts were interrupted when my future sister-in-law called out to me. "(Y/N), put on your jacket and meet me and the girls at the front. We're taking you bridal shopping!" 

"What? Right Now!?"

To Be Continued....