
Our Entanglement

Dina A Beautiful Girl Forced to Married A Billionaire. What Happens When This Guy Brother Finds Out And Blackmails Dina Into Relationship With Him? Read To Find Out

Life_With_Keiona · Ciudad
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4 Chs


Family Reunion What?

Like Family, We Stick Together

Every Occasion

Any weather

Laughter Filled The Big House as everyone shared jokes and got to know each other the big happy family was really kicking it off the best they could.

The wedding is in two days and although everything was rushed in a way it all came together after Dina's family added the finishing touch.

Her cake was ready and waiting, her dress was well fitted, her family members were well prepared and everything else was good Dina made sure she controlled her half of her family while Josh did him making sure everything was well put together.

"Girl I can't believe you're getting married like why did you even leave Damon back home like that" Chanel; Dina's bestfriend said.

"Chanel you know how this goes and you're still bringing old stuff up relax man," Dina told her heading upstairs.

Josh followed behind Dina knowing she didn't want to be bothered but he still wanted to go over a few things before the wedding and since everyone was so entangled now was a perfect time.

"Can we go for a walk so we could talk about a few things?"Josh asked

Dina shook her head no and continued looking for something in the drawer.

"Although you not marrying me by choice and I practically forced you and you signed a contract you can still treat me a little better because you still have to live with it," Josh said getting a bit loud with Dina.

Dina didn't care what he had to say, or what he had in store for her he could be the richest man in the world she already wasn't happy with him and she wasn't going to give him the chance to believe that we're going somewhere with this marriage.

"Can I have some space please?" Dina asked

Josh left the room and went outside to have a smoke.

Jahné sat on the bench at the back of the house trying to call the boy she has been talking to for about a month now he was supposed to come over and get her so they could secretly leave but he wasn't answering the phone.

"He must be with that lame Kera, I don't even know why she's my friend," Jahné said to herself.

She knew that Mike and Kera were and is still a thing and even though Kera and she have been friends for a while she still managed to persuade Mike into having sex and being with her.

That was just the power of the Rollands they always get what they wanted no matter when or how.

Jomar smiled from ear to ear as he let the newfound news sank in he couldn't believe what his ears just heard and it was the best thing for him he could finally act on his feelings for the girl he has been spying out for a few days now.

"That girl might say yes and she might say no but who to tell?" Jomar asked his self

This Family was so messy.

"So what type of work do you do Dina?"Josh aunt asked

"well I used to be an assistant now I'm moving and getting married which results in me having to find a new career," Dina said watching as Josh's Auntie turn her nose up at her looking at her like she was less.

Dina shrugged it off and humbled herself because she knew she wasn't rich and it was highlighted every day at the organization she worked she took the bus and carried lunch and nobody on her floor did that.

In fact, if Dina and Her Family Had it she wouldn't be here right now marrying someone who she doesn't even like to see.

The debts she owed would've been paid off and she could do away with the contract.

Dina had bigs plans on going into nursing she already started a course and she would complete it and get into the medical field and she planned to used Josh's money to pay for her schooling and to get her up into being a surgeon or something.

It was only the right thing to do since he's rich and ruining her life.

"With all due respect Ms. Rebeca, I understand that your picky and all but i'm not in this for the money when you see your nephew ask him why i'm here because you seem to have a problem with me and the feeling is mutual" Dina stated

everybody in the was in shock because for one Dina isn't a talker she kept to herself and secondly, she just placed Josh's aunt in his place.

"May I Be Excused" she whispered and Chanel followed suit.

Meanwhile, Jomar sat and properly planned on how he could wreck his brother's wedding and scoop her away.

In this family, loyalty didn't exist.

They believe that if you want something you go and get it.

Everyone continued going over their plans for the wedding while Dina played catch up with her friend.

"I'm considering moving here, that's if Roy agrees because I'm really going to miss you," Chanel said

"Girl your lying" Dina said smiling but she didn't want to get her hopes up.

Jomar came at the door looking for Dina he was glad to see her but she didn't seem to mind.

"Can you look here for five minutes please ?"Jomar asked.

Dina looked at him for a minute before she excused herself and followed him.

He got in his room and she followed.

He closed the door once again before he grabbed her by the hand and held her close to him.

Dina had a thumping heart and s belly filled with butterflies.

He kissed her and she leaned into the kiss as the both got touchy with each other, Jomar had his hand around Dina's neck next as he placed her to the wall not breaking the kiss.

They shared a very intimate moment but that had to end too soon due to the knock on the door.

"Jomar have you seen Dina?" A voice asked behind the door.

It was his mother.

"No mommy I last saw her outside check there"