

Next day, when I open my eyes I was supprised to see the person I rescued yesterday was standing near the window and waving at me

He said "Good morning"

I said "What the hell are you doing here don't you have any comment sense are you planning on putting your life in risk-"

He cut me in the middle and said "calm down angry bird... Im capable of protecting myself and you might have known the reason of who im and why am i here!!! Correct me if im wrong!"

I asked him "are you looking for your own death!!"

He said "I know you have every right to get angry at me, when you just gave your secret map to me to escape from here and here I m back here.."


He said "Im sorry but i really need your help now!!"

I said "How funny I think you didn't know what my life is here.... Im powerless... So i cant help neither any of other guys from here...and please get lost from here..!"

Before he speak someone started to bang at the door..

I said "shit...the guy is here, you need to go NOW!.."

He said "I be back at evening!"

When I open the door, a small kid whose hair is yellow and with green eyes with slended body looking at me... Thankfully it was lily who is 10 kidnapped like me...

Lily said "Sis the elders are looking for you"

I said "oh okay lets go shall we?" I smiled at her...and went to the elders...

When i reach their, they were just speaking all nonsense they would find in this world...

The reason why they call me is to be a watchman.. Just come on what do they think of themselves....but....

As usual I nod my head and made my way through to guard the place....

Right now im guarding the place typically having a pleasant walk... Well come on I hate these people that most and they asking me to be their loyal dog... Oh screw that thoughts...

As I was taking the stroll suddenly I got pulled into a.... What should I call this tiny room... Well lets just say its a tiny room where only two people can stand....

I asked the person who drag me in "what the hell are you doing?!!" I stare at him...

He said "shush don't speak!"

I started to blush....he is standing so close just a little inch far to kiss...

Shoot he is too hot in close up and his voice are damn sexy..... Wait SNAP OUT REIRA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING... SNAP OUT IMMEDIATELY....

He speak in long deep voice

"Please just hear me out first.., I really need your help so please"

His eyes were un resistable

His clear black eye was shining so bright..... So i thought of giving him a chance..

I said "Fine now will you stop hugging me" I raised my eye brows.....

To be continue~