
Our Bond!

After being homeschooled his entire life, Hachiro is ready to jump into the wild world that high school has to offer! He’s a shut-in NEET, he’s a terrible smooth talker, and he’s got one hell of a cute little sister!

tarikO · Real
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Yo, who took her panties?


That's what Yui calls it.

I think I might see where she's coming from.

Tomorrow's the first day of my 2rd year in high school.

Not gonna lie, I don't think I'm ready.

It's already 12:00AM.

For the past three and half hours I've been lazing around eating chocolate watching some dull-ass Japanese sim-com in my pig pen of a room.

Not that I'm gaining any weight.

For how much I sit around inside all day, I'm surprised I'm not the size of a gorilla.

Instead, I'm called handsome and gorgeous by everyone I meet. Girls fawning all over me anywhere I go.

Just kidding!

Forget girls, I've got no friends!

How amazing is that?

In the 16 years of my own life, I can't name a single one.

Not that I'm upset about it, this lifestyle is definitely more convenient.

A factor contributing to that is I've been homeschooled from kindergarten all the way to up to the end of middle school.

Not exactly fair, since Yui has been going to public school this whole time.

It's fine though, because I'd always listen to the story's she used to tell me when she came back home.

Yui, unlike me, is very outgoing. She's also very energetic, any time of the day.

Yui sometimes invites her friends over. I'd say she's got too many. Everytime she invites her friends over, it's like a whole house party. The whole street shakes.

In the end though, it's a win for me. After they leave, I come downstairs, and there's always leftover snacks.

Chocolate, chips, candy, soda, hell one time someone left half a loaf of bread with Nutella.

You can't be upset when there's Nutella at the end of the deal.

That's why every time Yui says she's bringing friends, I starve myself beforehand.

But enough about that.

I've gotta get out of bed and pre-



"It's so late, yet you haven't packed or gotten your things ready!"

"Get your butt up!"

Looks like bedtime officer Yui has caught me in the act of being a lazy shit. The officer's attire is quite odd, as it closely resembles that of a junior-high girl's school uniform.

"Alright, alright! I get it. I was just about to get up. Calm your horses. What about you? What are you doing up so late?"

"No you don't! What I'm doing doesn't matter, don't go try changing the subject!"

Shoot. Looks like Yui didn't buy the bluff. The tactic has got a 50-50 chance of working on officer Yui, but when it doesn't, the consequences can be harsh.

"Ok fine, you got me. But what's for dinner?"


Yui slightly tilts her head to the left, staring at me like I'm some animal. Looks like it's time for Hachiro's smooth talking skills to shine.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DINNER?" Yui abruptly screams.

Mc: I'm hungry-


"I know, but I was eating chips at the time. There's no point in eating chicken right after eating chip-"



"So, what's up with the outfit?"

"Oh, this?"

Yui looks down at her clothing and brushes any dust there might be off with her hand.

"It's my new school uniform!"

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, It looks.. like a school uniform."

Nailed it.

"Onii-chan, you suck at complements."

"How are you ever going to get a girlfriend if you can't give compliments your sister correctly?"

I shoo her off with my hand. "Ya Ya, like I care. Now brush your teeth, and go to bed."

"Actually… Before that, I've got a question."

Yui's face transforms into a red tomato, with her eyes glued to the floor as if there's something so interesting down there.

I go along with it.

"Hmm? What is it?"

Yui sways side to side with her arms behind her back, appearing to be on the verge of tears.

"Have you…by any chance…s-seen my underwear?"

Lord have mercy. What have my eyes and ears witnessed?

"Huh?! What the hell are you talking about?"

Yui's face shoots up, and the tears that were dwelling in her eyes fly out, sparking on their way down to the ground.

Her voice is shaky, and even with them behind her, I can tell so are her hands.

"Just listen! Ok?"

"For the past few weeks, I've been losing more of my underwear. Now I've only got three left! At first I thought I was just misplacing them, so I started counting my underwear when I put them in the washing machine. No matter what I did, the amount was always lower than what I had put in!"

Yui's lowers her head back down again, but this time they're shut.

" …"

"I don't know where they could have gone…so I was wondering if you've seen any of them…"

I don't know what to think. Besides me and Yui, no one lives with us. I doubt someone would break into our house regularly just to steal one or two pairs of underwear.

"…I haven't seen anything. If it's that big of a deal, we can both go shopping together at the mall next weekend."

Light enters Yui's eyes as she slowly opens them up to the world again.


"It's no biggie. If you want, we can go to your favorite ice shop while we're there."

"Wait, really?!"

Yui raises her head a tiny bit, with a small smile trying to crack her stiff face.

"Haha sure, just remember to bring your purse!"

Officer Yui raises her head to meet mine, with a grand pouting face.

"Heyy! That's not fair!" Yui claims with crossed arms.

"Haha! I'm just kidding. I'll be my treat this time."

Yui giggles.

It's times like is that I don't mind being an older brother.

"Hehe! Ok!"

"Now, get your butt to bed! Or you're not going to be able to wake up tomorrow!"

"Ok!" Yui nods.

Yui walks out, swinging side to side while humming.

"Now, what was I doing?"

"Right, getting ready for tomorrow."

"I really am hungry though, so maybe I'll eat first."