
Otherworldly Warrior Farm Land , Vol. 1 EARTH AND BHOLA EMERGING

VOL 1. For starting a normal journey of Bhole in the earth. A normal Boy starts to establish himself. Bhola is an innocent Boy but gets a debt of 20 million Because of the planning of their MNC seniors, with such a hard lesson and getting blacklisted from another company. Disappointed, Frustrated, and Broken returns to his parents who live their life by farming. Having a debt of 20 million, shouldered with tension he still keeps going it may be his suffering brings him luck, A ordinary looking Bead changes his life. what is that Bead? what happens to Bhola's life? Is he able to pay the debt or take revenge on his senior? Did he change after Bead or continue his innocence? Give your curiosity a boost and come watch Bhola's journey with me.

shubhamshiv · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

15. Experience in BEAD LAND.   

Upon his return to the BEAD LAND, Bhola indulges in washing freshly harvested vegetables using the pristine water sourced from the same land.

Savoring the nourishing meal that follows, he takes a moment to replenish his energy and rejuvenate his senses. With renewed vigor, Bhola embarks on his routine of performing the 12 Suryanamaskar poses.


Each graceful movement of his body is executed with precision and purpose as Bhola effortlessly transitions from one pose to another. With each completed set, he feels a subtle yet noticeable surge of vitality, a testament to the transformative power of his practice.


The rhythmic flow of his breath and the gentle stretch of his muscles blend harmoniously in the serene atmosphere of the BEAD LAND.


As Bhola proceeds through his exercise program and completes each set, his connection to the BEAD LAND grows stronger. Bhola's unwavering determination allows him to maintain his attention and finish his activities uninterrupted.


The surroundings of BEAD LAND include vegetation, air, and crop movement from the air.


Bhola is in a trance, sensing everything with each passing movement; he does not stop for a second.

He continues to exercise; the ache in his muscles is steadily increasing.


Bhola's body is now drenched in sweat, and every movement drips moisture off of him.

Bhola is completely immersed in his surroundings, despite his lack of knowledge and awareness of them.


Bhola is completely engrossed in his surroundings, even though he lacks knowledge and awareness of them. However, he persists and directs his full attention towards perfecting his pose. Gradually, he loses sight of his surroundings and closes his eyes, paying no mind to anyone outside.


Several hours have passed since Bhola began his exercise, yet he remains lost in his routine. Now, a small whirlpool is forming near him, and tiny, luminous particles are congregating around Bhola, revitalizing his body.


Clearly, Bhola is now in a trance, oblivious to everything that has occurred since he completed his 28th set, and he carries on.


The vortex starts to spin faster, drawing in more particles that now begin to envelop Bhola's entire body.


 After more than 3 hours, Bhola finally finished 50 sets. His body is in excruciating pain, and he snaps out of his trance-like state, opening his eyes.


He rubs a sticky brown liquid over his eyes, which has a terrible smell. However, his attention is quickly drawn to the sound, and he realizes that the boundary of the bead land is expanding.


This is the first time he has witnessed something so bizarre, and he can feel that the boundary of the bead land is expanding. This experience strengthens his connection with the BEAD LAND, making him even more powerful than before.


Now, he can feel the crops inside the bead, the water, and the subtle energy outside the expanding boundary that is calling out to him. Fascinated by this vision, he stands there for a few minutes and decides to continue with the exercise, despite the intense pain coursing through his body.


Even though he wants to move, he refrains from mentioning the pain. Is it even possible for him to do so now?


Curious about what is calling him, he wants to know so badly, but seeing his body condition and also feeling hungry now, he decides to crawl toward his already-harvesting vegetable baskets and start to eat them, as he has been hungry for many years.

After finishing a few baskets, his hunger is satisfied, but he is still unable to move his legs. He wants to drink water, so he crawls toward the water and drinks 100s of scoops of water.

Still thirsty, he immerses his head in water and begins drinking, drowning his head in water and continuing to drink water.

He finds that, at the bottom of that water source, a small shell-type thing is lying inside. As before, Bhola never wants to dirty water; he never goes inside these ponds or tries to see to the death of ponds.


Also, now he calls this water source a pond after this expansion because, after the current expansion, the area of ponds has now increased by double, and for the full area of BEADLAND, it is now at least 1.5 times larger than before. 



As Bhola surveys the expanded area of his BEADLAND, he notices a significant transformation in the landscape.

The once modest water source has now evolved into a sizable pond, doubling in size after the recent expansion (a total of two upgrades happened up until now). This expansion has not only increased the area of the ponds but has also enlarged the entire BEADLAND by at least 1.5 times its previous size.


With keen attention, Bhola observes the new layout, turning his head to take in the surroundings. The water source, once small and unassuming, now resembles a rounded pond, its surface reflecting the sunlight in shimmering ripples (even though there is no sun visible there at present). 

Adjacent to the pond, Bhola notices a straight line extending approximately 15 meters before curving to form a rectangular area.


Around this newly formed pond, Bhola sees about eight distinct rows of land, akin to the rows of crops meticulously planted in fields. These formations bear resemblance to the rows upon rows of crops found in agricultural fields, standing in perfect alignment to create a mesmerizing sight of uniformity and precision.


Delving into the process behind these formations, Bhola recognizes the meticulous efforts of farmers who utilize specialized equipment like seed drills and planters.


These tools ensure the accurate and consistent placement of seeds, depositing them at regular intervals and depths along the length of the field. (It means that as Framer used tools and made fields and crops in a precise and neat way, the same thing happened here without his knowledge but by experience.)


As the planter traverses the field, it leaves behind a trail of freshly planted seeds neatly arranged in straight lines, mirroring the formations Bhola now observes. These meticulously planted rows are spaced evenly apart, allowing ample room for the crops to grow and flourish without overcrowding.


As with his previous crop of orchid seeds, some fields are also in need of cropping something.


The result is a striking visual pattern that not only enhances the efficiency of farming operations but also contributes to the overall health and yield of the crops.

This methodical approach to planting ensures optimal use of resources while maximizing productivity, a testament to the skill, and it also helps the Bholla, who is actually struggling to crop more and also in an efficient way. Now he has more space, and he also has a more efficient way to crop.

In those eight fields, water runs between the rows automatically, and all of the water is collected at the edge of the pond, where it passes through the small, long pipe-type design and becomes clear water, which is then immersed in the ponds again.

This saved a significant amount of time for Bhola. Previously, he had to fetch water by hand and then irrigate the crop; now, he does not have to bother about at least those crops in eight fields.