
Otherworldly Shopping

This is a story about a boy named lex who is blessed and/ or cursed by God. He was given a system and an area all to himself. This was of course given to him during the end of the world. When his world finally collapses he wonders if whether this field could surive a supernova. Well he does not bother to think about it to much. The world is ending. Might as well do one last thing before dying. But when he was sure the world had ended. He had somehow appeared in a new one. And With a system of all things. Now armed with a system and a store that magically had everything he would ever need as long as he could afford it. What kind of shenanigans would he get into? Save the world? Genocide? Harem? A GAY harem? Who knows., But what he does know is that he is mentally insane.

SomeRandomDudeNO35 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration

Lex browses the aisles of the supermarket. The store's catchy tune plays in the background. Lex hums along with the tune, he had been in here to many times now might as well master the art of humming.

He stops in front of the variety of pasta noddles as a guttural scream resounds around the store. Lex pays no mind, it's pasta night, no one disturbs pasta night.

He continues on his journey as he spots the fruit and vegetable aisle, he shivers at the sight of pineapples, he doesn't like them. Their Sweet AND sour. Make up your damn mind you dumb fruit.

He takes a variety of fruit and puts all of them into his shopping cart. Before he leaves the aisle, he sticks out his tongue at the horrid pineapple. Several gun shots are heard in the distance.

He stops at the checkout line. There is no one there to help him check out his items. But he pays for them nonetheless, mama raised no thief.

He steps out the door and breathes in the air of the apocalypse. Blood is splattered across the force field as many humans beg to be let in. Lex does not bt an eye.

He walks pass the humans as gunshots tear through their fragile bodies. Guts, viscera, and other matter are spilt unto the barrier. Incoherent orders are heard from armed men as they continue their onslaught of bullet fire.

Lex enters his 2 floor luxury home. He waft of cold air reaches him as he went into the kitchen and prepared pasta. The noodles boil in the pot as Lex watches the news.

All channels and streaming services are down, all except the news channel. Reporters on scene continue to report upon the progress of breaking into the barrier. They say if they can humanity will be saved.

Before the news reporter was cut off an explosion was heard as the news reporter was thrown out the helicopter and unto the barrier. His bones break and shatter as they land on top the barrier.

He coughs one more time as his body slides down the barrier and breathed its last, Poor dude. The other news anchors cry and scream for the loss of their companion but continues anyway.

The world had gone to shit. No one really cares anymore. Different military groups are attacking each other while also trying to breach the barrier before the sum implodes.

And to no one's surprise Kanye west is preaching the fascist doctrine.

(I dare you wattpad)

Lex continued to finish his pasta the dooms day timer on the top corner of his TV almost reaches zero.

He sighs as he went and wore his best suit. His going to die in style. He put the pasta on a table alongside with a bowl of chips.

He popped into a can of beer as he watches the sun with slowly expand. The screams of the people reached an epiphany as the heat became to hot to handle.

But for some reason Lex felt a little cold. Probably from the air conditioning and the barrier. His hands went to grab a handful of cheesy chips with white gloves on.

He does not care. he will make God cry for doing this to his world. He took a sip of the beer as the sun turned up its brightness to full.

Lex looked away as a faraway look appeared on his face. So this is how it ends? 24, still a virgin, and no lovelife.

Not the way he wanted to go out but the way he had to just accept. The doomsday clock reaches zero as the sun is seen to implode in its self.

Dazzling rings of red and orange charges towards the planet as lex closes his eyes, forever.


Lex opened his eyes to the sight of the lush greengreen canopy of a forest. He wonders if he had made it into heaven.

He stands up slowly as the birds are heard chirping around him. Definitely heaven, humans have fucked up the earth, so much ao that hearing a bird chirping alone would that usually meant it was destined to be alone forever was a common sight.

Infact, only a hundred or so bird species were left when he thought about it, damn nuclear war. Yes his world pressed the big ol button.

Some countries were able to minimize the damage to the nukes with America having the least amount of damage to its borders. But many MANY countries were lost that day.

Lex shakes himself out of these thoughts as he decided to treck through the forest. The smell of pine enters his nose as sunlight trickled through the gaps of the forest canopy overhead.

The sound of rushing water makes him turn his head. There he saw a rich spring surrounded by plants and other foliage that makes the entire area so surreal.

'guess I'll spend eternity here.' He thought as he went towards the spring. Lex saw all kinds of insects eating from the flowers that grew around the spring and many predators hunting said insects.

The quiet pond was abundant with aquatic life. Tadpoles swam as they weaved through groups of fish, with some of them being eaten by a few.

'there are even crucian carps.' Lex thought as he watched one of the larger Carps eat a tadpole. He also took note of the several insects, amphibians, and reptiles are seen around the shore or underwater.

"Definetly heaven." he closed is eyes as he basked under the sun's warmth.

You would never get to feel something like this back on earth. Guess being a good boy on Christmas really paid off.

Lex put his arms to the side as he nodded. Eternity might not be that bad here. Well as long as he meets other people.

Lex then notices a strange looking tree. It bended in a strange way like acacia trees in minecraft. Vines so overgrown that they touched the forest floor.

He notices something that hid behind the tree vines. He went to investigate, avoiding any roots or mud that blocked his path. He brushed away the grass as he slowly neared the tree.

The soft chirps of birds are heard around Him as he brushed aside the vines, revealing a old and overgrown wooden shack.

Led smiled at the sight. It needs a few little touch ups here and there, but oh well.

It's home.

(drawn by me)

(it's awful I know, but I might as well get better at drawing while writing.)

(sorry webnovel users. Better use wattpad if your interested in looking at my drawing)