What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?
Harry placed his quill down and stretched. He was satisfied, after toiling for an entire day, he was able to modify the Animalis Lingua potion to not only cover a single species but span over any and all creatures, magical or mundane, across the entire globe. Well in theory at least.
"Well, that should ruffle some feathers," he muttered, his voice tinged with self-satisfaction. "Or scales. Or fur."
Looking out of the window, Harry noticed that the sun was setting over the horizon. July 6th, the day had passed in a blur of ink, parchment and quills.
Glancing at the clock, Harry noticed it read 5:26 PM. The party he had planned was scheduled to behind at 6 PM. Sirius had somehow managed to get the most extravagant hall in the country, the Starlight Oasis for holding the party. Even though Harry had told him not to overdo it, he went ahead and got the best luxury hall in the country. Classic Sirius.
The plan was that Harry would make his appearance around 6:20 PM—fashionably late of course. This served two purposes, it allowed Sirius and Vernon to sooth out and make the crowd at ease, and the other, it helped boost Harry's presence.
Harry smirked as he thought about the party, considering all the influential people from the wizarding community were going to be there, it was the perfect place to fix the society. If Fudge was anything like in the books, then he could kiss his position goodbye by the end of this week. And anyone who would be a thorn in the development of the magical society, well Harry planned on dealing with them all.
Just as he was getting up from his desk, there was a knock on his door, and Abigail came in.
Harry glanced up at the sound of the knock, and smiled when he saw Abigail peeking her head through the door. Her hair was elegantly styled, and she was already dressed in a beautiful midnight-blue gown that shimmered faintly.
"Harry," she said, "Mum says you need to get ready. We're leaving soon, and you know how she gets when someone's late."
Harry chuckled, pushing his chair back and standing up. "I'll be ready in ten minutes, I promise."
Abigail gave him a skeptical look, crossing her arms. "You better be. Mum's already stressing over every little detail. The last thing she needs is you taking your sweet time."
He walked over to her and ruffled her hair lightly, earning an indignant huff as she swatted his hand away. "Don't worry, Abby. I wouldn't dare face Mum's wrath today of all days," he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
Satisfied with his answer, Abigail nodded. "Good. And hurry up. Mum and I are waiting downstairs." With that, she turned and walked out, her dress trailing elegantly behind her.
Harry chuckled as he watched Abigail had been quite angry with him for not playing with her for the last two days. In his defense, he had been quite busy with training Ron, Hermione, Ginny and her yesterday and today went in a haze of ink and parchment.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at the pile of parchments on his desk. He had successfully modified the potion but the ingredients cost had sky-rocketed. Now he would have to spend at least 10,000 galleons on all the ingredients alone. But tonight wasn't about potions—it was about making connections and setting the stage for what he had planned for the magical world.
Harry moved to take a quick shower and after the shower, he moved to his wardrobe and started looking through his dress robes for his attire of the evening. At last he reached for the robe that perfectly balanced elegance with symbolism.
The base of the robe was a deep, lustrous black with a faint shimmer due to the moonstone powder used in the fabric. Golden outlines traced the edges of the robe in intricate patterns.
Beneath the robe, Harry donned a crisp white shirt accompanied by an emerald-green vest with golden-red buttons. A golden tie, perfectly knotted, rested against the shirt, complementing the outlines of the robes.
His cufflinks gleamed with a deep amber hue, their design shaped like the moon. A brooch, shaped like a phoenix, was pinned just below his left shoulder—a swirling design of red and gold, that seemed to be almost symbolizing fire and ambition.
Harry gave one last glance in the mirror, adjusting the brooch on his robe so it caught the light just right. The night ahead was going to be very important to the future he has envisioned so there can be no mistakes.
As he descended the stairs, he went over the plan again in his mind. He rounded the corner and entered the living room, where Petunia was sitting with Abigail on the couch. Although Abigail had her arms crossed in mock annoyance. The moment Petunia's eyes fell upon him, her breath caught, and she gasped.
"My word, Harry... " Petunia said, her voice breathless as she took in the full sight of her son in his attire. "You look... magnificent. Like a proper decades old Potion Master."
Harry chuckled softly. "Thanks, Mum," he said with a wink. "I have to look good today if I want to proceed with my plans."
Abigail rolled her eyes, trying to hide the smile tugging at her lips. She was supposed to be angry with him—after all, he had been so caught up in his work that he had barely spared a moment to spend with her. But seeing him in those robes, there was no denying that her brother was the best in the world. "You're such a show-off," she muttered under her breath, though the playful glint in her eyes betrayed her words.
Harry laughed, walking over to her and offering her a hand. "You look stunning yourself, Abby," he said. "And I must say, Mum, that gown is absolutely breathtaking. It matches your elegance perfectly."
Petunia beamed, her eyes lighting up with pride as she smoothed the deep midnight-purple fabric of her gown. "Well, thank you, Harry. I thought it was time I dressed for an occasion, too."
"That's what I like to hear," Harry said with a smile. "Now, let's not keep the party waiting. I'm sure they'll be talking about my entrance for days."
Together they made their way to the door, where their sleek black Rolls Royce Silver Spur awaited them, parked outside the house.
The chauffer, a tall man with neatly combed hair and an impeccable uniform, stepped forward as they approached. "Good evening, Mrs. Dursley, Miss Dursley and Master Potter," he greeted them respectfully, opening the door. "My name's Frank, and I'll be driving you to the Starlight Oasis tonight. Mr. Dursley arranged everything for the evening."
"Thank you, Frank," Petunia said, her voice warm as she climbed into the car. Abigail followed closely behind, offering a polite nod to the chauffer. Harry climbed in next carefully avoiding sitting on Abigail's gown.
As Frank closed the door behind them and got into the driver seat, the engine started and the car rolled smoothly down the winding driveway.
As the Silver Spur rolled smoothly along the winding road, the lush trees of Tanglewood Forest began to part, revealing glimpses of the towering stone arch that marked the entrance of the Starlight Oasis.
The car slowed as it approached the entrance, and Frank brought it to a gentle stop in front of the large doorway inside. Harry glanced out of the window, his eye catching the silhouette of the grand hall just beyond the gates—an imposing structure with large, gleaming windows and intricate sculptures.
Frank got out of the car, and opened the door for Petunia, Abigail, and Harry. Harry was the first to step out, carefully smoothing the fabric of his robes as he looked up at the grand entrance.
"Quite a sight, isn't it?" Harry muttered, stepping to the side to help Abigail out. He offered her a hand, and she smiled at him, rolling her eyes as she stepped gracefully from the car.
"Extravagant, even by Sirius's standards," Harry added with a soft chuckle, glancing at the sprawling grounds that lay behind them.
Petunia, stepping out with a grace, chuckled. "Sirius always goes the extra mile when it comes to you," she remarked. "Though I suppose it's hard to say no to him, especially when he's so determined."
Harry quickly reached into his pocket, where his pouch was stashed and pulled out 20 galleons, holding them out to Frank.
Frank, still standing by the open door, gave him a questioning look.
"A tip from my side," Harry said with a wink, handing the coins to him. "Don't mention this to Dad, alright?" he added quietly.
Frank's eyes twinkled with understanding, and he gave Harry a small, conspiratorial nod as he took the galleons. "Not a word, Master Potter," Frank replied with a smile. "I'll make sure Mr. Dursley doesn't hear a thing."
"Good man," Harry said, offering a brief nod of approval before turning to face the grand door that awaited them. "Thanks, Frank. Have a good night."
The grand hall of Starlight Oasis gleamed with a magical brilliance as Vernon and Sirius continued to host the illustrious gathering. The evening was in full swing, and with the clock showing 5:40 PM, many guests were arriving in waves.
Many had already arrived and were now chatting amongst themselves. This included Barty Crouch Sr., Cornelius Fudge, Dolores Umbrige who seemed particularly thrilled to be amongst the high-class wizard gathering. Six out of the eleven governors of the Hogwarts Board of Governors excluding Lucious had also arrived.
The Hogwarts Staff including Dumbledore had arrived as well. Dumbledore was chatting away with the board of Governors, as Snape and McGonagall were chatting amongst themselves. Flitwick seemed to be discussing something with Vaelron, Bartha and Garrick. And the rest of the staff were chatting amongst themselves.
Everyone was drinking and chatting amongst themselves as others kept pouring in.
Vernon greeted the Greengrass family as they arrived. Edward, Adorabella, flanked by their daughters Daphne and Astoria.
"Ah, Edward," Vernon boomed, shaking hands enthusiastically. "So good of you to join us!"
"We wouldn't have missed it, Vernon," Edward said with a smile. "After all, it's Harry we are talking about."
Sirius chuckled and shook his hand as well, "Please make yourself comfortable, Lord Greengrass."
"Please call me Edward, Lord Black. There is no need for formality between us." Edward said.
Sirius smiled back, nodding as he gave a quick glance toward Vernon. "Only if you call me Sirius."
"Deal," Edward replied with a grin, and the two shared a brief chuckle before the rest of the Greengrass family was introduced.
Adorabella, a dignified woman with sharp eyes and silver hair, offered a warm smile to both Sirius and Vernon. "Thank you for the invitation, Lord Black," she said, her voice melodic but authoritative. "It is good to see you both in such fine spirits."
"Always a pleasure, Adorabella," Sirius replied, bowing slightly. "And these two," he added with a nod to their daughters, Daphne and Astoria, "are growing up to be quite the witches, I can tell."
The girls smiled politely, though Daphne, the older of the two, gave Sirius a measured but respectful nod. Astoria, ever more curious, looked around at the gathering with wide eyes, taking in the high society atmosphere.
Before Vernon could respond further, the doors opened again, and the Weasley family entered, their exuberance filling the room as they made their way toward the hosts.
"Arthur, Molly, it's wonderful to see you!" Vernon boomed, his voice almost shaking the walls as he shook Arthur Weasley's hand.
"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Arthur said, his smile warm but slightly subdued compared to his usual energetic demeanor. "The boy's had a remarkable year, after all."
Sirius joined them, greeting the Weasleys with a nod and a grin. "Arthur, Molly. It's a pleasure as always."
Fred and George were already sneaking off toward the food table, leaving a trail of laughter in their wake. Percy, standing a bit more stiffly than his brothers, was heading towards Professor McGonagall, while Ron, Ginny and Hermione just stood off to the side not knowing what to do.
"Well, I'm sure Harry will be happy to see you all when he arrives," Sirius said to Ron, Hermione and Ginny, his tone light as he watched the twins wreak havoc from the corner of his eye.
Just as Sirius was about to speak further, Amelia Bones entered the hall, accompanied by her niece, Susan. The two made a striking entrance, with Amelia exuding authority and grace, while Susan's youthful energy contrasted with her aunt's stoic professionalism.
"Amelia, so glad you could make it," Sirius greeted them, shaking both of their hands.
"Thank you for the invitation, Lord Black," Amelia replied, her voice strong. "This is a well-deserved celebration for Harry, and we're pleased to be here."
"You're too kind," Sirius said with a smile, nodding to Susan, who was beaming beside her aunt.
Before long, the next guests arrived: Neville Longbottom, accompanied by his grandmother, Augusta. Neville, still the same humble and good-natured young wizard, was already scanning the room with a sense of quiet wonder.
"Ah, Augusta! Glad you could join us!" Vernon boomed, extending his arms as he stepped toward them.
"Thank you, Lord Dursley," Augusta said, her voice as sharp as ever, though her gaze softened as it landed on Neville. "Neville's been looking forward to this event for days."
"Wouldn't miss it," Neville said, his smile warm, though he looked slightly nervous in such grand company. "Harry's been amazing this year."
After them came Randolph Spudmore and his wife, Eleanor, an influential couple in both the magical and business communities.
Vernon greeted them both with a nod. "Thank you for coming, Randolph, Eleanor. It's good to see you both again."
Eleanor gave a polite smile, while Randolph nodded enthusiastically. "A fine party, Lord Dursley. And it's great to see the young ones doing so well." His eyes darted across the room, clearly eyeing potential business opportunities.
Next to arrive were two Potion Masters, one younger and one older. The younger witch, who introduced herself as Elena Greystone, was sharp and energetic, with dark hair swept into an intricate braid. She was known for her pioneering research into the magical properties of plants and their uses in brewing potions. The older wizard, Thaddeus Rowley, was a revered but somewhat grumpy potion maker, his gray beard reaching down to his chest. He had a reputation for producing some of the finest healing potions in the wizarding world.
"Mistress Elena, Master Thaddeus, it's a pleasure," Sirius greeted them, shaking both their hands warmly. "You've done wonders in the potions world, I've heard."
Elena gave a lively smile. "Nothing in front of our newest monster, Harry, I assure you, Lord Black."
Thaddeus gave a gruff nod. "I've seen many talented people, but Harry—he's a special one."
As if on cue, two experts in Charms and Transfiguration made their entrance. Professor Alethea Blanchard, the renowned Charms Master, walked in with a calm elegance, while Professor Barnaby McHale, the ever-enthusiastic Transfiguration Master, practically bounced into the room. Both were highly respected within the magical community for their exceptional teaching abilities and groundbreaking research.
"Welcome, Professors Blanchard and McHale!" Vernon called, offering a welcoming smile.
"Thank you, Lord Dursley," Alethea said with a serene nod, while Barnaby grinned widely. "It's a pleasure to join such a fantastic event."
As the evening continued, the arrival of the Malfoys caused a subtle stir in the room. Lucius Malfoy, tall and imposing in his perfectly tailored robes, entered with his wife Narcissa, who was far more reserved than her husband. In this alternate version of events, Narcissa was not as bitter or cold as in the original timeline but rather seemed to have been shaped by circumstances, constrained by her husband's darker ambitions.
"Lord Malfoy, Lady Malfoy, always a pleasure," Sirius greeted, his eyes flicking briefly to Lucius before he smiled tightly.
Lucius gave a cold nod, while Narcissa offered a more genuine smile. "Thank you for the invitation, Sirius. It's always a pleasure to see old friends," she said, her tone polite but cautious.
"And here come the Tonks family," Vernon said with a broad grin as he greeted Ted, Andromeda, and Nymphadora, who had always been a breath of fresh air at these gatherings.
"Glad you could make it," Ted said, his typical warm demeanor always standing out in stark contrast to the often more formal company. "Looking forward to seeing Harry again. He's becoming quite the young man."
Vernon chuckled, "Of course, whose son is he after all."
As the night unfolded, the arrivals continued, each bringing a new wave of excitement to the gathering. The new guests included, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Rufus Scrimgeour, Garrick Ollivander, the Abbott family, Horace Slughorn, the Yaxley family, the Carrow family and the Nott family.
The clock struck 6:30 PM and the doors opened again, but this time it was the main attraction of the party. The entire hall went silent as Harry, accompanied by Petunia and Abigail, stepped into the room. His presence was like a ripple though water, subtle yet undeniable.
All eyes turned toward the young wizard. It wasn't just that Harry was simply present—he was asserting his presence, like an undiscovered king entering his domain. His very walk seemed measured, his posture perfect, every move an embodiment of grace and purpose.
Harry turned to Vernon, "Everything alright, Dad?" he asked.
Vernon's face lit up. "Everything's perfect, Harry," he said. "It's your night."
Sirius, standing next to them, placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, giving him a supportive squeeze. "You look every bit the part, Harry," he said, his voice tinged with pride.
"Thank you, Sirius," Harry replied, his voice steady as he turned toward the crowd. "I'm glad you arranged all of this. It's... a lot."
Sirius chuckled. "No thanks necessary. You've earned it."
With a final glance at his family, Harry moved forward and ascended the small steps to the platform in the middle of the room, followed closely by Vernon and Sirius.
"I'm grateful to each of you for being here tonight," Harry said, his voice carrying smoothly over the crowd, each word laced with sincerity. "Thank you for coming to celebrate with me. I couldn't have asked for better company."
Vernon, standing next to him, took the opportunity to raise his glass with a flourish. "To Harry," he began, his voice warm with pride. "A young man who has already done so much—and whose future is destined to be even brighter. May you always know love, strength, and happiness."
As the toast settled, Sirius, ever the gracious host, stepped forward, grinning widely. "Now that the main guest of the evening has arrived, I'll leave Harry to socialize," he said, his voice light. "There's a lovely band I've arranged to provide some music. Nothing too loud or distracting—just something soothing to accompany the evening."
He nodded to a small group of musicians stationed at the far end of the room, and within moments, they began to play a soft melody—a gentle string quartet that filled the air with a warm, tranquil energy. The soothing notes settled over the crowd, providing the perfect backdrop for the rest of the evening.
"Lord Dursley, may I have a word with your son?" a voice from the crowd broke through the soft hum of music. A tall wizard in fine robes stepped forward, his dark eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and ambition. Harry recognized him immediately as one of the leading figures in the International Confederation of Wizards.
Vernon, smiled and gestured for the man to approach. "Of course," he said. "Harry, allow me to introduce you to Lord Arcturus Loxley. He's a well-known figure in international diplomatic circles. Lord Loxley, this is my son, Harry Potter."
The wizard's gaze flickered with intrigue as he studied Harry, his expression unreadable. "I've heard much about you, young Potter," Lord Loxley said, his voice rich with both admiration and calculation. "Your work with potions is something that could very well change the course of many lives."
"Thank you, Lord Loxley." Harry replied smoothly. Vernon had set the stage. The ball was now in Harry's hands.
Harry moved through the room, conversing with everyone, while he made his way towards Fudge.
Cornelius Fudge and Dolores Umbridge stood near the buffet table, looking self-important, their expressions smug as they surveyed the room.
Cornelius's face brightened when he saw Harry approaching. "Ah, Harry Potter!" he called out, extending his hand eagerly. "An honor, truly an honor! The youngest Potion Master in history! And, of course, the Boy Who Lived!"
Harry smiled brightly, shaking Fudge's hand firmly, "Minister," he replied smoothly. "It's an honor to meet you as well. Your leadership is legendary."
Fudge puffed up his chest with pride, his ego swelling at the compliment. "Well, well! You're every bit as charming as they say. Remarkable accomplishments at such a young age—truly extraordinary!"
With the handshake as conduit, Harry subtly cast the Imperium Veritas spell, weaving it into Fudge's mind like a thread into fabric. It was seamless, undetectable—a delicate manipulation that allowed the victim to retain their natural demeanor while thinking that the caster's orders to be completely their own thoughts.
"I'm humbled by your words, Minister," Harry said, his expression polite. At the same time, he tested the spell with a silent command: Adjust your tie. Without hesitation, Fudge reached up and straightened his tie, oblivious to the influence. The spell was holding.
Dolores Umbridge's saccharine voice broke through the moment. "Mr. Potter," she said, stepping forward with her simpering smile. "It's such a pleasure to finally meet you. Your achievements are truly inspiring! I've always believed you'd be the beacon of hope for our world."
Harry turned to her, his smile unwavering as he extended his hand. "Madam Umbridge, the pleasure is mine. Your work with the Ministry is well-known."
Her toad-like face practically glowed as she took his hand. It was all Harry needed. With the brief contact, he cast the Imperium Veritas again, embedding it deep within her mind with the same subtle precision he'd used on Fudge.
"Thank you for your kind words," Harry said, his tone steady. At the same time, he sent his first command: Blink twice. Without hesitation, Umbridge complied, her expression unchanged. Perfect.
Satisfied, Harry continued the conversation, all the while weaving his web tighter around them both. "The Ministry has done so much to maintain stability in these times," he said, addressing Fudge. "And you, Madam Umbridge, are clearly a cornerstone of that success."
Fudge chuckled, clearly pleased, while Umbridge beamed under the praise. Neither suspected a thing. Testing their compliance further, Harry turned to Umbridge with a faint smile. "Oh, my friend over there mentioned he's a great admirer of your work," he said, pointing toward a random guest. "His name's Ernest Harper. Would you be kind enough to meet him before the evening ends?"
"Oh, of course, Mr. Potter!" Umbridge gushed. "I would be delighted."
Harry watched as she moved toward the fabricated "admirer" without a second thought, her movements entirely natural. He shifted his attention back to Fudge, who remained oblivious.
At the same time, he sent a silent command: Glance at your watch. Fudge did so immediately, completely unaware of the control exerted over him.
Fudge replied, his tone self-congratulatory. "With young talents like yourself supporting the future, I'm confident we'll achieve great things."
Harry smiled, "Of course sir. Now please excuse me, I have to check on my sister. She get's grumpy if I'm not there with her for long."
As Fudge nodded in approval, Harry made his way through the crowd, as he worked his way towards the section where his magic told him that Lucious Malfoy with six other members of the Hogwarts Board of Governors were talking. In the original book, the Board of Governors were unreliable scoundrels that kneeled under the slightest pressure from Lucius, so this time Harry will be the one to control Lucius and the majority of the Governors.
He spotted Lucius Malfoy, standing by a small group of well-dressed individuals near the grand fireplace. Malfoy's platinum blond hair gleamed under the chandelier light, and his sharp, calculating eyes were scanning the room, no doubt appraising each person in attendance. Besides him there were six other figures: Lady Adnes Monstague, Sir Reginald Cresswell, Alistair Fortescue, Bertha Carrington, Edgar Scrimgeour, Eliza Wilde.
Lucius spotted Harry first, "Ah, Harry Potter, the youngest Potion Master in history." Lucius said with his smooth voice. "Quite an achievement, Mr. Potter. I trust you talents to be put to good use in the future."
Harry extended his hand, shaking Lucius' with a firm grip. As their hands clasped, Harry subtly let another Imperium Veritas take hold of Lucius. Just as Fudge, Lucius would remain himself outwardly, but in reality he will be nothing but Harry's puppet.
"I'm honored by your words, Mr. Malfoy," Harry said politely withdrawing his hand after taking over Lucius' conscience.
He then smiled and turned to the group. "I do hope the evening has been enjoyable for you all of you," he said. "It means a great deal to me that you all took the time to attend."
"We couldn't miss the opportunity to celebrate you, Mr. Potter." Bertha Carrington chimed in extending her hand. "Bertha Carrington."
Harry shook her hand pretending to just identify her now. "It's my pleasure to host a party for influential people like you, Lady Bertha." She too was now under Harry's control, unknown to her of course.
One by one, the rest of the governors introduced themselves, each handshake accompanied by Harry putting them under the spell, seamlessly weaving his influence into their minds. None of them—Lucius Malfoy, Agnes Montague, Reginald Cresswell, Alistair Fortescue, Bertha Carrington, Edgar Scrimgeour, or Eliza Wilde—suspected a thing. To test his control, Harry issued a silent, simultaneous command: Adjust your attire. Almost imperceptibly, they complied—smoothing robes, straightening ties, or brushing invisible lint—completely unaware that their actions were anything but their own.
Satisfied with the control he had now, Harry offered the group a charming smile. "Thank you for your kind words and support," he said. "I must excuse myself now, but I look forward to seeing you again in the future."
The group nodded, all smiles and polite words of encouragement, unaware of the invisible strings now binding them to Harry's will. With a courteous nod to Lucius, Harry turned and began making his way through the crowd, holding conversation with everyone. Forming connections, gauging ambitions, determining whether or not they will be a hindrance to the growth of the magical society.
After the end of the party at 10 PM, everyone had left and Harry, Petunia, Vernon, Abigail and Sirius were making it out of the hall, heading towards the car that stood there in the driveway. Frank had already left as it would have been unnecessary for him to be there since Vernon knew how to drive.
Vernon glanced at Harry through the rearview mirror, as they sat in the car. "Harry... Did you accomplish what you wanted?" he asked, his voice curious.
Harry smiled, "I did, Dad." he replied. "Everything is in motion now."