
Blood and Core

Harry saw Petunia's eye twitch when he said that. Hermione's glare went more cold and intense, her lips pressed into a thin line. She looked like a mini version of Professor McGonagall right now. Mrs. Weasley and Ginny just shook their head in disappointment. Though Mrs. Weasley seemed ready to chew his head off. 

Harry saw Vernon and Sirius in the back trying their hardest not to laugh. He saw their shoulders shaking with their effort to suppress their laughter. While Ron looked confused as to whether he should laugh or be angry; which definitely didn't make it easy on Harry to not laugh. Abigail unbothered by everything around her, was trying her hardest to free herself from Petunia's hand to get to Harry.

"Um...hello mom. It's absolutely corking to see you. How have you been?", Harry desperately trying to defuse the situation. 

As Petunia opened her mouth to reply, Harry braced himself for the upcoming storm, knowing all too well what was about to come.

"Harry James Potter, I cannot believe the reckless behavior you've been displaying on that Quidditch pitch!" Petunia's voice rang out, sharp and scolding. "Do you have any idea how worried I was when I heard about you jumping off your broom yet again?"

Hermione, never one to stay silent, "Honestly, Harry, it's completely irresponsible! You could have seriously injured yourself, or worse!"

Petunia's eyes narrowed, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and concern. "Harry James Potter, I cannot believe you would be so reckless! Do you have any idea what your actions could have led to? You could have been seriously injured, or worse!"

Mrs. Weasley nodded in agreement, her disappointment evident in her gaze. "You know better than to take such unnecessary risks, Harry. What were you thinking?"

Ginny, though silent, glared at him with a mixture of anger and disappointment, her lips pressed into a thin line of disapproval, although it seemed that she was happy to see him.

Petunia's voice rose in pitch, her frustration evident in every word. "And what's worse, Harry, is that you've been setting a terrible example for Abigail here! She looks up to you, you know, and I will not have her thinking that risking life and limb for some silly game is acceptable behavior!"

"I cannot believe you would be so reckless! Do you have any idea what your actions could have led to? You could have been seriously injured, or worse!" She paused, taking a deep breath to calm herself before continuing her tirade. "You need to start thinking before you act, young man. You are not invincible, no matter how much you may think you are. Do you understand?"

Before Harry could say anything, a small bundle of something black-haired collided with him, knocking the wind out of him. He looked down to see Abigail, who seemed to have managed to free herself from Petunia's grip. He smiled and patted her, "Hello Abby..."

Abigail's face lit up with a radiant smile as she hugged Harry tightly. "Harry! I missed you!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled against his chest.

Harry chuckled, returning the hug warmly. "I missed you too, Abby," he said softly, ruffling her hair affectionately.

Petunia sighed, her stern expression softening as she watched the interaction between her daughter and Harry. "Well, at least someone is happy to see you," she remarked wryly, though there was a hint of amusement in her tone.

Harry glanced up at Petunia, offering her a sheepish grin. "I'll try to be more careful, Mum. I promise," he said though he was sure he would not.

Petunia's expression softened at Harry's words, and she placed a hand on his shoulder, her touch gentle. "I hope so, Harry. We only want what's best for you," she said quietly, her tone tinged with maternal concern.

After the ladies were done chewing him out, Vernon and Sirius came forward and joked around with Harry. Ron attempted to join in, but a sharp glare from Mrs. Weasley quickly silenced him. However, Harry found it difficult to focus on their banter as the splitting headache returned. He gritted his teeth, willing himself to remain composed so as not to worry the others.

Vernon clapped a hand on Harry's back, his booming laughter filling the room. "Ah, don't worry, Harry! Boys will be boys, eh? Just make sure not to injure yourself too much." he said jovially, exchanging a knowing look with Sirius.

Sirius nodded in agreement, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Exactly! Besides, who hasn't taken a few risks now and then, eh?" he added, grinning at Harry.

Harry managed a weak smile in response, though his head was pounding relentlessly. His vision was starting to blur but he didn't want to concern the others so he tried his best to not react to it much. Patting Abigail's head who still laying on Harry, he tried his best to not show that he was in discomfort. But Petunia noticed that Harry was putting on his brave face and that something was paining him. 

Concern flashed in Petunia's eyes as she observed Harry's struggle to maintain his composure. Sensing something amiss, she gently reached out and touched his forehead, her brow furrowing with worry. "Harry, are you feeling alright?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Harry nodded weakly, attempting to reassure her. "I'm... I'm fine, Mom," he managed to say, though his voice was strained.

But before he could finish his sentence, a violent fit of coughing overtook him, doubling him over in pain. Petunia quickly moved to remove Abigail from Harry's arms, her own expression now one of alarm.

"HARRY!" she exclaimed, her voice fraught with panic. "What's happening?!"

As the coughing subsided, Harry's vision remained blurred, preventing him from seeing the blood staining his hand. With a shaky hand, he attempted to conjure the hot liquid from his hand away, but his efforts were feeble and ineffective.

Petunia's eyes widened in horror as she witnessed the blood. She rushed towards Harry almost crying helping him lay back. Meanwhile, Vernon and Sirius dashed towards the office at the end of the wing, their urgent footsteps echoing in the tense silence that had descended upon the room.

"I...am...fine...Mom...don't worr...", Harry passed out before he could finish the sentence.

The others looked on in shock, their faces drained of color as they watched Harry coughing up blood. Hermione's hands flew to her mouth in horror, while Mrs. Weasley and Ginny exchanged worried glances. Ron's eyes widened with alarm, his mind racing as he tried to comprehend the severity of the situation. Abigail stood rooted to the spot tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

As Harry's consciousness slipped away, Petunia's panic reached the peak. Tears streamed down her face as she gently laid him back on the bed, her hands trembling with fear and uncertainty.

Vernon and Sirius returned with Madam Pomfrey in tow, their faces etched with concern as they hurried back to Harry's side. Madam Pomfrey wasted no time, swiftly ushering everyone away from the bed as she began her examination.

"What's wrong with Harry?" Petunia asked, her voice quivering with fear as she watched Madam Pomfrey's grim expression.

Madam Pomfrey turned to Sirius, her expression grave. "Get Dumbledore and tell him to hurry," she said urgently. "There's something... something not right. I need his guidance."

Petunia's eyes widened in alarm at the mention of Dumbledore, her mind racing with terrifying possibilities.

"What's happening? Is Harry going to be okay?" she demanded, her voice trembling with anxiety.

Madam Pomfrey's expression softened slightly as she turned to Petunia. "I'm not entirely sure, Mrs. Dursley as what I suspect doesn't fall under the medical department," she admitted. "But I have my suspicions. We need Dumbledore's expertise to confirm."

Vernon moved towards Petunia, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll get through this, Petunia. Harry's a strong lad," he said, his voice reassuring despite the concern etched on his face.

Meanwhile, Abigail turned to Petunia, her eyes wide with worry. "Did Harry fall sick again because I jumped on him?" she asked, as tears trickled down her cheeks. 

Madam Pomfrey shook her head, her expression somber. "No, child. This is something else entirely," she replied gently, her gaze flickering towards Harry's unconscious form.

As Sirius hurried off to fetch Dumbledore, the room fell into a tense silence. Petunia who was holding Abigail crying into Vernon shoulders. Hermione also had tears steaming down her face while Ron was trying to console her. Ginny was not crying but it looked like it was taking everything she had to not cry. Mrs. Weasley and Ginny stood beside the others, worry etched on their faces.

As Sirius and Dumbledore rushed into the room, the tension in the air became palpable. Dumbledore's expression was grave as he took in the scene before him, his eyes immediately locking onto Harry's unconscious form on the bed.

Madam Pomfrey quickly approached Dumbledore, and whispered her concerns. Dumbledore's eyebrows furrowed in response, his expression growing more serious. He immediately moved next to Harry's bed and took out his wand.

With a wave of his wand, Dumbledore performed a diagnostic spell over Harry's body, his face a mask of concentration as he analyzed the results. A strange silver glow emitted from the tip of his wand.

For a moment, there was silence as Dumbledore studied the spell's findings. Then, to everyone's surprise, he broke out into a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Everyone looked confused and unsure of what to make of Dumbledore's reaction. However, Madam Pomfrey's expression shifted from surprise to understanding, a look of realization dawning on her features.

Turning to Madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore spoke in a low voice, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "It seems your suspicions were correct, Poppy," he said, his eyes twinkling. "We must move Harry to a more secure location."

The others watched in confusion as Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey exchanged a few more words in hushed tones. Finally, Madam Pomfrey nodded in agreement, her expression determined.

"I'll take him to my private chamber," she announced, her voice firm. "It's the safest place for him right now."

Vernon looked almost ready to kill Dumbledore thinking about him laughing at Harry's condition when he saw his son cough blood. Petunia looked troubled and concerned yet furious. Everyone had various reactions to what happened in the short minutes Dumbledore was in the room. While Madam Pomfrey began to prepare to transport Harry, Dumbledore turned to the others and before anyone could ask him anything, he held out his hand, "Please not here. Join me in my office and I will tell you everything. All I can tell you that nothing is wrong with Harry but in fact its a rather joyous occasion."

Sirius spoke out, "Joyous occasion, he was coughing blood Dumbledore. How can it be joyous?"

"As I said not here Sirius. Let's proceed into my office first then I'll be able to explain everything.", Dumbledore said while motioning towards the door.

Everyone took one last look at Harry before they walked out with Dumbledore, not before he had to assure Petunia that Harry was indeed safe not once but twice.

As everyone got out of the hospital wing and towards the headmasters office, Ron and Hermione exchanged worried glances.

"Mr. Weasley, Ms. Granger," Dumbledore addressed them, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Why don't you both take this opportunity to show your friends, Ms. Dursley and Ms.Weasley, around the school? I believe they will find it to be quite an enlightening experience."

Ron and Hermione exchanged surprised glances, momentarily taken aback by Dumbledore's suggestion. However, they quickly understood the underlying message behind his words. With a nod of agreement, they turned to Abigail and Ginny, offering them warm smiles.

"Shall we?" Hermione said, gesturing towards the grand staircase. "There's so much to see!"

Abigail's eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded eagerly, while Ginny offered a small, albeit reluctant, smile.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore turned to Mrs. Weasley, his expression apologetic. "Molly, I must ask that you stay here for the moment," he said gently. "It's for the best, given the circumstances."

Mrs. Weasley nodded, her gaze flickering with concern for Harry. "Of course, Albus," she replied, her voice tinged with worry. "I'll wait for Petunia in Hogsmeade."

Petunia apologised to Molly before she followed Vernon and Sirius after the headmaster. After about 5 minutes of silent walking they reached the stone gargoyle, which sprang apart revealing the spiral staircase. The group climbed the stairs in silence. 

Once inside Dumbledore settled into his chair, he waved his wand gracefully, conjuring up multiple comfortable chairs for the others to sit. With a gesture, he invited them to take their seats, ensuring everyone was comfortable before proceeding.

Once everyone was settled, Dumbledore pointed his wand towards the door, muttering an incantation that locked it securely. With another flick, he cast a silencing charm, ensuring the privacy of their conversation from the curious ears of the portraits on the walls.

Turning back to the group, Dumbledore reached for a lemon drop from the bowl on his desk, offering it to each person in turn which they declined.

"Now," Dumbledore began, his gaze sweeping over the assembled faces, "let us discuss what has occurred and what it means for young Harry."

Vernon asked, "You said it's rather a joyous occasion. What do you mean by that Professor Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled madly. "What do you know about magical energy Petunia?"

Petunia's brow furrowed in confusion, taken aback by the sudden change in topic. "Magical energy? Isn't that what allows us to do magic?" she echoed, clearly uncertain.

Dumbledore nodded patiently. "Yes, magical energy. It's a fundamental force within the wizarding world, much like electricity or gravity in the Muggle world. It's this energy that allows us to do magic. You see a wizard's body has a core which contains the magical energy which in turn let's us perform magic."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "What happened to Harry, while alarming at first glance, is actually a sign of something quite remarkable. You see, his body is undergoing a transformation—a transformation that few wizards have ever experienced. I myself happen to be one of them."

Petunia's eyes widened, a mix of concern and curiosity flickering in their depths. "A transformation? What kind of transformation?"

Dumbledore smiled gently. "His body is changing, Petunia. It's evolving, becoming something... extraordinary."

Vernon's expression hardened, "Changing body? What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dumbledore's smile widened at Vernon's question, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of wisdom and understanding. "Ah, Vernon, I understand your concern. Let me clarify," he began, his tone soothing yet authoritative. "As you are aware, Harry's magical energy far exceeds my own. I personally witnessed this during our encounter. However, what we are witnessing now goes beyond mere proficiency in magic."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the group, ensuring that everyone was following along. "The research into the magical core within a wizard's body is relatively recent, spanning no more than five years. It is this core that houses the magical energy, allowing us wizards to perform magic. However, it appears that Harry's core is undergoing a transformation, one that is exceedingly rare and profound."

Petunia leaned forward, her expression intent as she listened to Dumbledore's explanation. "But why now? What triggered this transformation?" she asked.

Dumbledore's smile remained serene as he responded, "That, my dear Petunia, is a question that requires further investigation. There may be external factors at play, or it could be a natural progression of Harry's innate abilities. Regardless, it is a phenomenon that demands our attention and understanding."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully at his own words, his gaze drifting into the distance as he reminisced. "Indeed, the limits of a wizard's core are still a subject of speculation and debate within the magical community," he mused. "It is possible that the extent of one's magical prowess is influenced by various factors, including the amount of magical practice undertaken before a certain age."

He turned back to the group, his expression grave yet contemplative. "My own experience during the aftermath of the first Wizarding War serves as a testament to this notion. At the time, I attributed my illness to the rigors of battle, but upon recovery, I discovered that my magical abilities had undergone a significant transformation. It was as if the very essence of my being had been reshaped by the events that transpired."

Petunia's eyes widened with comprehension, while Vernon's expression remained guarded yet attentive.

"However," Dumbledore continued, his tone becoming more solemn, "such transformations are not without their risks. The sudden expansion of one's magical core can have unforeseen consequences, as we are witnessing with Harry."

"As for Harry," Dumbledore continued, his voice taking on a solemn tone, "I have reason to speculate that his magical core may be unlike any we have encountered before."

Petunia's eyes widened in disbelief as she understood what Dumbledore was implicating, while Vernon's brows furrowed in concern.

"A limitless magical core?" Petunia whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

Dumbledore nodded gravely. "Indeed. It is my belief that Harry's magical core may not have the same limitations as those of other wizards. If my suspicions are correct, this could herald a new era in the history of magic—a potential that surpasses anything we have ever known. A new era which could either mean the destruction of the world or creation of a new world."

Dumbledore continued, his voice carrying a weight of solemnity. "However, we must acknowledge that such unprecedented potential comes with an inherent risk. The dawn of this new era could lead to either the destruction of our world or the creation of an entirely new one."

His words sent a shiver down the spines of the three present, the magnitude of such a revelation sinking in with each passing moment. 

As Dumbledore's words echoed in the room, Sirius's mind raced back to the warning he had received from Olivander regarding Harry's immense power. It seemed that his fears were not unfounded, and a chill settled over him as he realized the implications of Dumbledore's word.

Sirius cleared his throat, his expression serious as he turned to Dumbledore. "Professor, the day I took Harry to get his wand, Ollivander said something to me..." he began, his voice trailing off as Dumbledore raised a hand to stop him.

"I am aware of what Ollivander told you, Sirius," Dumbledore interjected, his tone somber. "He informed me of his concerns in a letter that very day."

The room fell into a heavy silence as Sirius's words hung in the air. Finally, Sirius asked the question that had been on the other two's mind. "Does that mean he was right, Professor? If Harry turns dark, will no one be able to stop him?"

Dumbledore's expression grew grave as he met Sirius's gaze. "I am afraid so, Sirius," he replied solemnly. "If Harry were to succumb to darkness, the consequences would be catastrophic. This world would perish in his hands."

Petunia, looked up at Dumbledore with wide eyes, "But Harry wouldn't turn dark, would he, Dumbledore? I mean he isn't anything like that at all" she asked.

Dumbledore's gaze softened as he looked down at Petunia. "We all hope for the best, Petunia," he replied gently. "But I believe he won't."

Vernon gripped Petunia's hand tightly. Sirius looked troubled over the fact that his godson could be a potential future dark lord. One that far surpasses Voldemort at that and Voldemort has been the worst dark lord they have known.

Vernon's grip on Petunia's hand tightened, his expression reflecting the turmoil of his thoughts. He looked up at Dumbledore, his voice strained with concern. "What should we do now, Dumbledore? How can we help Harry?"

Dumbledore regarded Vernon and Petunia with a solemn expression. "At this point, there is little we can do except believe in Harry," he replied, his voice carrying a note of reassurance. "He is strong and a loving child. I believe Harry would not turn into a Dark Lord."

Petunia's eyes were filled with worry as she spoke up, her voice trembling slightly. "But why did Harry start coughing blood if his body is changing, Dumbledore? What does it mean?"

Dumbledore's expression softened, though his eyes held a hint of sadness. "The symptoms of such transformations are often unpredictable and varied, Petunia. We can't always understand why they occur or what they signify."

Sirius, his expression troubled, interjected, "Should we take Harry home, then? To ensure he's safe?"

Dumbledore shook his head gently. "No, I don't believe that's necessary. Hogwarts is the safest place for him right now."

Then, turning to Sirius, Dumbledore suggested, "Perhaps while you're here at Hogwarts, you should meet with Remus Lupin. It's not wise to let such a strong friendship fade away Sirius."

Sirius hesitated at first, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. However, at the encouragement of Petunia and Vernon, he nodded in agreement. "Yes, I will," he conceded.

Dumbledore smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with reassurance. "Excellent. Remus's office is on the fourth floor of the North Tower, near the History classroom. I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you."

Turning to Petunia and Vernon, Dumbledore continued, "And perhaps you both could pay him a visit as well. It would mean a great deal to Remus to see old friends."

Petunia and Vernon exchanged a glance, nodding in agreement. "Of course, Dumbledore. We'll make sure to stop by," Petunia affirmed, a sense of determination in her voice.

With a final nod of satisfaction, Dumbledore ushered them towards the door of his office. "I believe that's settled then. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask. I will let you know when Harry has completed his transformation."

"Ah I almost forgot, " Dumbledore said. He took out his wand and swished it, making a book float out of his trunk and zoom into Petunia's hand. "That book might help you get some insights into magical cores and transformations."

Petunia, Vernon and Sirius thank Dumbledore and walk out of the office. Once outside they start to make their way towards the North Tower. As they reach the fourth floor, they see that a history class has just ended and students were walking out of the classroom. Petunia decides that she should go in first. She walks into the classroom to see that Lupin had his back turned towards the door as he appeared to be gathering several parchments on his desk.

As Petunia stepped into the classroom, she cleared her throat softly to announce her presence. Lupin turned around, his face went pale when he saw her.

"Petunia!" Lupin said shakily.

"Hello, Remus," Petunia said with a small smile, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over her. "How have you been?"

Lupin shook his head and muttered something that Petunia didn't quite catch on. She smiled as she knew that Remus felt guilty of not being in touch. And she knew the reason he didn't stay in touch. 

"It's alright Remus. We have come to meet you", Petunia said smiling softly. 

"We? Is there anyone...", Remus voice died in his throat as he saw Vernon and Sirius walk into the classroom. 

"Ah, Moony, Dumbledore must have seriously gone of his rocker to have hired you as a professor" Sirius teased, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he sauntered over to Remus.

Remus simply shook his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth, before enveloping Sirius in a tight embrace.

Sirius, caught off guard by the sudden display of affection, chuckled awkwardly. "Oi, easy there, Moony. I'm still a Black, you know."

Remus pulled back, his expression softening with genuine warmth. "I'm sorry, Sirius. For doubting you, for everything."

Sirius waved off the apology with a dismissive gesture. "No need for apologies, Moony. We were all a bit off our rockers back then."

Remus nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It's good to see you, old friend."

"Likewise, Moony," Sirius replied, a genuine smile gracing his features as he clasped Remus's shoulder.

Both Vernon and Petunia smiled at the interaction of the two. They knew that they were like brothers. 

"Oi Remus, what about me? I don't get a hug?", asked Vernon. 

Remus turned to Vernon with a grin. "Of course, Vernon. No one escapes the Moony hug." He stepped forward and enveloped Vernon in a warm embrace, surprising him with the unexpected gesture of affection.

Vernon chuckled nervously, patting Remus awkwardly on the back. "Easy there, Moony. I'm not used to all this hugging."

Remus released him with a laugh. "Consider it a warm welcome, Vernon. It's good to see you."

Vernon nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Likewise, Remus. It's been too long."

Petunia watched the exchange with a fond smile, feeling a sense of comfort in seeing her husband and old friend reconnecting after so many years. 

"That reminds me, why are you guys here? Did you guys meet Harry? He should be out of the hospital by now", Lupin asked. "Ah that reminds me Petunia you might wanna ground him for the summer. The way he jumped from his broom gave me a heart attack"

Vernon chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, believe me, Lupin, I'll be having a word with him about that when he gets home. Can't have him scaring us half to death with his antics."

Petunia nodded in agreement. "Yes, he already had a good talking too. We were headed home but we wanted to catch up with you, Remus. It's been far too long."

Lupin smiled, "Well, I'm glad you did. I am sorry I didn't contact you guys. It was hard."

"We know Remus. We know, it was hard for us too", Vernon added with a sad smile. 

Sirius, ever the jester, chimed in, "Well, if Harry's going to give us all heart attacks, the least he could do is win the Quidditch cup!"

Petunia chuckled at Sirius's attempt to lighten the mood. "Yes, speaking of dinner, we should probably head back. Remus, would you be able to join us for dinner this weekend? We have a lot to catch up on and also rather important stuff to tell you" she suggested, giving him a warm smile.

Remus looked slightly puzzled at the sudden invitation, but before he could respond, Sirius clapped him on the shoulder. "Absolutely, Remus! You're not getting out of it. We need to have a proper reunion," he insisted with a grin.

Remus nodded, still trying to process the unexpected turn of events. "Of course, I'd be happy to join you. I'll see you all then."

As they bid farewell and made their way out of the classroom, Remus stood there, his thoughts swirling with curiosity about what could possibly be so important that they needed to discuss it over dinner.