
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasía
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58 Chs

I'm No Hero

[On the entrance to the forest was an open clearing and on it stood thousands of cloned puppets stood with guns pointed at Aiden and Crysta, Clay had gotten annoyed with Aiden and as a desperate attempt used his last resort, Aiden seemed easygoing despite this new development]

Clay: That's right, I can make any amount of soldiers I want, I don't like using this but when I have multiple jobs at once or I feel lazy then I'll use it.

Aiden brightfil, you're the first person who's ever made it use it this way.

Aiden: Aww, I'm touched.

[Aiden brought out a handkerchief to wipe tears of sentiment off his face. Though he was mocking Clay]

Aiden: I'm his first. I'm so touched.

Clay: That attitude is beginning to annoy me.

Aiden: And here I thought you had a sense of humor, Oh well I'll just make this quick since you want to get this over with faster than I do. FYI, you're not even my first major fight and you're already boring.

Clay: You've fought someone else, that even YOU would call a threat? Who?

[Aiden points at the Catfish's corpse]

Aiden: That. My first major fight was with Tanya the catfish.

Clay: ???

Aiden: Sh-She was my first, I had my first time with her. UwU.

Clay: Don't fuck with me Brightfil!! Then what would you call me?!

Aiden: An unimportant side quest.

Clay: I'll make you eat those words!

[A clone went close to Clay and removed Aiden's binding, Aiden narrowed his eyes in doubt, thinking that wasn't possible for just an ordinary clone could remove his spell]

Clay: Hahaha! I'll just kill everyone here then I'll become a major threat, I don't even care about being paid anymore, my new job I'll place on myself is to; Kill you, Brightfil!

[Clay enraged by Aiden's words completely cast aside his initial objective just to kill Aiden. He wasn't very professional at all]

Clay: And after I'm done, everyone here can't live after witnessing my disgrace to you so I'll kill them too!

Aiden: Hm... pooie! What happened to your cool demeanor when you had an advantage? Hehe, sour loser. Oh yeah, I heard your plan, you were gonna kill Areli, Calliope, and Breeze, right? Why?

[Aiden trying to get the reason asked why Clay was doing all this but as he spoke his attention was on Clay but he walked toward Areli while speaking.]

[Clay being cautious of Aiden's movement just turned his head as he spoke. His anger hadn't dissipated but he wanted to be more careful]

Clay: I was paid to do it, I don't care for the reason.

Aiden: Ehh? That's weird. Don't you think Areli?

[Aiden's eyes glowed red then he held Areli's chin up and looked at her staring into her eyes]

Aiden: If you tell me who sent you... I'll kill her and the others for you, what do you say?

Areli: What...do you think you're doing, Brightfil?! Hands off! Both you and he disgust me.

[Not even shaken by Aiden's threat she demanded him to remove his hands while glaring fiercely at him]

Aiden: Could you kindly shut up, Areli-chan? ...or do you want to die by my hands?

[Areli noticed something about Aiden's expression she clenched her teeth in annoyance and reluctantly kept quiet]

Clay: I'm not buying your cheap theatrics, Brightfil.

Aiden: You think I'm acting? Moron.

[He let go of Areli and walked toward Crysta]

Clay: Heh, I knew you couldn't keep it up.

Aiden: Yo, Crysta, I know we don't see "eye to eye" but could you do me a dumb favor by killing everyone?

[Crysta usually wouldn't want anything to do with Aiden, If he spoke she'd leave, if he touched her shoulder she'd freeze it, she hated him but this time she reluctantly did as he asked without hesitation and with her cold indifferent demeanor. Crysta froze every single one of the candidates that were present here. Clay surprised, used his ability to see information to check the students and it turns out their hearts had stopped beating]

Clay: You...were serious? You just killed my targets and everyone here....

[Clay stunned by the new development changed the entire way he viewed Aiden]

Aiden: I'm no hero after all.

[Aiden spoke with a smirk on his face]

Clay: I-im still gonna kill you! I still outnumber you!

Aiden: Great then, it'll be you, you're clone Vs the three of us.

Clay: Three?

[They heard rustling coming from the bushes by the side of them, Akeru came out of the forest dragging back some of Clay's men around like rag dolls but they had bandages on their heads as if he treated them]

Aiden: Yeah, three.

Clay: Tch! Another one.

Aiden: Hey Akeru, how was the crystal hunting?

Akeru: I-It was going fine, but I got interrupted by these strange guys they looked suspicious so I was worried and didn't know what to do so I wanted them to bring them to you to ask but they didn't want to come so I, er, Uhm, beat...them...up.... I'm sorry! But they attacked first! I'm sorry!

Aiden: Hehe, They don't look like they were the threat. They aren't even conscious.

Akeru: I-I just beat them up a little, they won't die right? Right?

[Akeru started to tear up.]

Aiden: Heh, They won't die, don't get all teary-eyed for someone else's sake.

Clay: T-those were my strongest crew, How did you beat them?! You can't use spells without magi!

Aiden: You might be mistaken somewhere, Akeru can't use magic... because he doesn't have magic... but he is terrifying with a sword as you've just seen. (Honestly, I'm finding out about this today as well)

Clay: An Ice and fire user with a boy who doesn't even use magic are screwing with my plans like this?! I won't accept it! I've fought stronger opponents! I won't lose to the likes of you!

Clay: [Gun magic letter N: Nuke ×10]

[All the clones followed his movements and aimed for the three siblings, Clay shot and the others fired their blasts in sync, a huge explosion erupted, and most of the clones who fired got destroyed by the massive blast radius, 2 million acres of land, trees, the vegetation, everything around them was leveled to the ground, All that was left was a flat fiery plane]

[Somewhere else in the forest]

Aser: What the hell was that?

Brian Akill: Eh? Is there a massive explosion? How interesting.

[The corner of this lips faced upward revealing a sinister smile on his face but no one noticed it]

Breeze Skywill: Oh my, by the looks of it came from the entrance. Heh, I wonder how many died? Fingers crossed Calliope was one of them.

Jack: Some of the flying debris would have reached us if not for Aser, he made a powerful gravity field. Tch, I didn't even get a chance to use my cold magic.

Acer: Let's go back to the entrance, you already have a crystal right, Jack?

Jack: Yeah, yeah, it's in my pouch--Huh?

Aser: What do you mean by "Huh?"

Jack: I stole one from a weakling named Calico, or whatever.

Acer: So where is it?

Breeze: Hahaha, Oh yeah, I saw it, Callico snatched it back after you left, you didn't even check up till now? Stupid 1 percent.

Jack: Who are you calling stupid, huh bitch?

Breeze: Watch the way you speak, Stupid 1%, I'm not as merciful as I look.

Jack: Tch.

Breeze: Do that again... and I'll have your tongue.

[ The peerless beautiful Breeze Skywill looked down and threatened Jack, a member of their team, she had a gentle smile on her face while looking down at Jack, but that smile had ominously behind it.]

Jack: Bring it on.

Aser: Sigh...

[The atmosphere turned chilly, Thunder clouds rolled in, snow started to fall and lightning can be heard in the distance, both their eyes were glowing blue the intensity of their magic was high but Breeze's was on a whole other level but Jack wouldn't back down now. Jack's footprints as he walked forward were ice while Breeze was floating in the air looking down on him like a pest.]

[She raised her hand into the sky and said ;]

Breeze: Don't worry, I'll hold back enough so you won't die from this. Weather magic...

Jack: Cold magic...

Breeze: Ice lightning!

Jack: Cold burst!

[Breeze used her magic to create a lightning bolt that differs from the usual hot natural ones though this one still has the same properties as regular lightning its effect were to instantly freeze then said object would shatter from the sudden burst of energy... she completely forgot about holding back, if this attack hits jack it would be difficult to survive and then she shot the attack at Jack, Jack in return shot her an ice energy spell]

[Both attacks nearly hit each other but if left alone, Breeze's would have probably cut through Jack's and killed him but before both attacks could hit Aser Jumped in between]

Acer:*Sigh* Gravity magic: Black hole.

[Two darkish-purple holes tore open in space and absorbed both attacks easily]

Acer: Both of you, down!

[Aser used his magic to push Jack to the ground]

Jack: H...hey! why... aren't you pulling her as well?!

Acer: I am, but not as much as you, though. She's hot so I wouldn't want to mud that. But then again, it snot like I didn't put some force into it.

[He faced up and asked how she was able to still fly]

Breeze: I control natural forces myself, so I negated your little gravity spell. It won't work on me.

Acer: Attractive, powerful, and clever, huh.

Breeze: Wish I could say the same for you.

Jack: Damn.

Acer: Shut up! Both of you need to stop fighting, we're going back to the entrance to see what's going on.

Breeze: Very well then.

[She slowly descended and walked Breeze walked past Acer and said;]

Breeze: I'll humor you, you're the former.

Acer: Humph, so my charms are finally working, huh, Skywill?

Breeze: You wish, Aldric.

[The group left for the entrance.]