
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasía
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58 Chs

Aiden's wish.

[It's high noon in Agrath, within the city, people are going through their day as they would any other, the streets were filled with people, and you can hear, the bustling of everyday life from the commoners, traders in the market calling out to costumers to buy their goods, travelers leaving and entering the large city, Adventurers discussing what happened in their latest quest while sharing a drink at a tavern, this day was truly an uneventful one for all, except for those who took part in entrance exams. After all the highly dangerous fights finally came to a close, the Victor now claims his reward, two of any desires he wishes for will be given to him. He looks up at Henry with his eyes devoid of tiredness and anxiety but was also too quiet as if he was mildly nervous about what he wanted]

Henry: Go ahead, Aiden. State your wish and it shall be granted.

[Aiden closed his eyes and tilted his head side to side contemplating how to word his first wish properly. He also thought that "State your wish..." is something a genie would ask but pushed those thoughts aside for now. He opened his eyes and said;]

Aiden: Hm... I... wish.... for total discretion in what my actual wish is gonna be.

[The crowd loudly murmurs: "What is his wish that he needs to hide it? "Is it something illegal?" "Why is he hiding it?" though Aiden didn't have any bad intentions with keeping it a secret but he knew that people shouldn't hear it.]

Henry: Discretion, is it? Is that your first desire? Once granted you cannot take it back.

Aiden: Yeah, I'm sure.

Henry: Then let's go to an office.

[Draven staring at Aiden from above the stand muttered the words "What are you thinking Aiden...?" Even he, Aiden's new friend had no clue what his wish was]

[Henry walked down and stood in front of Aiden.]

Henry: Come with me.

[Since the crowd have already seen all that has happened during the exam they had no need to stay to know his wish, the majority of them left making the arena look scanty]

Draven: Lyra, Raver, Elnora, Rosette, let's go. I'm sorry you both couldn't get into the school... and sorry I made you go and fight now you're no longer allowed to return here.

Elnora: Don't beat yourself up, kid. I lost, I lost. Don't go be makin' that face.

Raver: It's pissing me off but you don't need to apologize!

[Whilst in the middle of their conversation Akeru appeared behind them.

"Ackk!!" Raver jumped in surprised at Akeru's voice which came out of nowhere, he was also shocked at how he couldn't sense him behind him. Akeru didn't teleport to get there nor did he appear out of thin air, he just walked normally but his presence was so thin that not even the heightened senses of a beastkin could pick him up coming. Akeru had guilt on his face and then began to apologize.]

Akeru: I'm so sorry I handled both of you roughly, please forgive me!

[Akeru said lowering his head to the floor.]

Elnora: I told you it's fine. You don't have to apologize. Ow...

[She held her stomach and groaned]

Raver: Whatever! It's my fault for underestimating you! it won't happen again!

Akeru: B-but-

Raver: It's alright kid, stop apologizing!

Raver: Mm-Mm.

[Akeru slowly stood up, apologized one more time then left. Draven and his group also departed for home.]

[Outside the arena, Breeze walked toward her carriage. There she met her sister talking to the coach-man. She had bandages on her stomach and on her forehead too, though she received healing from her other injuries, it seems like the hits from Aiden were too much for a low healer to recover in one session]

Breeze: I hope that hurts a lot.

[Breeze taunted with a sneer on her face but it quickly turned to annoyance when she saw her sister wearing a light smile on her face.]

Ahana: It does. Reminders don't usually hurt this bad but I guess I asked for it.

Breeze: Then why do you look happy about it? You lost, didn't you? I was hoping you'd be sobbing so I could humor myself from it.

Ahana: I am... annoyed about losing, but I would never sob over it, I'm sorry for robbing that joy away from you... but I'm not happy about it at all...I lost today just means I wasn't strong enough that's just it. That doesn't mean I'll give up.

Breeze: Idealistic as always... You lost to someone like Brightfil and you're not even ashamed.

[Breeze shot a piercing glare at Ahana]

Ahana: If I call it quits after one attempt then I was never ready to do anything in the first place... I'll try again and next time I'll overcome all adversity.

Breeze: ....and that will be the death of you, dear sister. Out of my way

[Ahana didn't look phased at all. Breeze shoved her shoulder as she entered the carriage]

[Ahana held the shoulder Breeze hit then faced back at the arena with sunken eyes]

Ahana:It...hurts... I would have really loved to go here, to Agrath's academy, and change the way this country views but looks like I can't anymore... Ever...

[She squeezed her shoulder tightly then tear drops fell from her eyes but she cleaned it immediately. She then entered the carriage and then it departed for home. Her thoughts of this were "Failure hurts" and she wouldn't be wrong in thinking so.]

[Back in the Arena]

Aiden: Oh, Mr. Henry could you wait for a second? I want to tell them something.

[He pointed at his siblings]

Henry: Okay, you may go.

[Aiden walked over to Akeru, Crysta, and Luna]

Akeru: Congratulations, Aiden. You won. I'm happy for you.

Aiden: Hehe, Thanks...

Luna: Y-you were great, I'll admit.

[Aiden looked at her and thought "She's...that upset about me winning, huh... I did just seal the deal and get all those girls barred. I'll...make it up to you... somehow"]

Aiden: I'm great I know, Ku-ku-ku.

[Aiden laughed but within himself, he was actually sympathetic about her but couldn't show it—wouldn't show it. Luna was slightly annoyed that he was laughing, "How could he laugh like that" "Is he a sadist?" were what was going through Luna's head]

Aiden: Oh and anyways, could you guys go home without me?

Akeru: H-huh?

[Akeru looked stunned]

Akeru: B-but why? Don't you want us around anymore?

Aiden: Hehe, Not what I meant. (We'll still meet at home) I just don't want you to wait around for me for too long You've all had hard battles and Luna is still not totally fine—

Luna: Big sister Crysta healed me completely. I'm totally fine now.

Aiden's POV

She cut me off! And did she just call her "Big sister" but address me as just "Aiden"?


Aiden: You still need rest. I'll be fine alone. I promise. Crysta, could you take them both home?

[Crysta glanced at him for a moment then faced Luna]

Crysta: Let's go. He'll be fine on his own.

Akeru: I-If that's what you want, then we'll leave.

[Akeru's face sank with disappointment like he was almost about to cry]

Aiden's POV

Is he that sad I wanted him to go on without me?

I feel bad now. I'll make it up to him later somehow.

Aiden: H-how about this Akeru, when I get back we could hang out later or something.

Akeru: I get to cook for you?!

Aiden: Uhm... that's not what I— I mean sure I guess if that'll make you feel—

Akeru: Yes!

[Aiden nervously laughed and then agreed. After making Akeru happy. He, Crysta, and Luna left, leaving Aiden alone. Aiden released a heavy sigh.]

Aiden: Now then. Time to finish today without any "Hard feelings"

[He walked to Henry and they both left for the office]

[Outside the arena]

Larisa: Hm? 1... 2...3... Where's Aiden, Crysty?

Crysta: He said we should go home without him, I didn't ask why. And it's "Crysta", mom.

[She said with an emotionless tone]

Larisa: Oh, you're always my little crysty no matter what world we're in.

Crysta: I guess...

Larisa: Are...you upset that the girls didn't win?

[She asked in a soft delicate tone but the emotionless girl answered: ]

Crysta: I don't feel anything about all this. I just helped someone and this is the result. No hard feelings.

Luna: I-I'm not upset that I lost either. I even got hurt a lot but *Sniff* it's *sniff* it's nothing I can't handle!

[Luna began to tear up and her speech became shakey, Larisa saw this and wore a gentle smile on her face as she went to hug her]

Luna: H-huh?

[Then in a gentle loving motherly voice she said to Luna]

Larisa: It's okay, you did your best, you're a strong girl. Don't cry now, okay? Just say "I'll get wayy stronger then I'll never lose again" and remember that no matter what I'm always here for you.

[Luna couldn't hold back her tears anymore, her face distorted in sadness as for the first time in a long while she felt a mother's love and the comforting words made hot tears brim down her cheek as she was waling into Larisa's bosoms. Larisa patted her head gently and slowly. Crysta watched in the background silently.]

Larisa: Also.... I'll break the boy who stomped you that hard!!! He will never escape me!! He will never walk again!!!!

[A complete 180° turn from how she was a second ago. She squeezed her fist with flames in her eyes as declared that she was going to find and bring Chase down to his knees but Akeru begged her to calm down.]





Larisa: Fine fine, Akeru, I'll do that later... Anyways, if Aiden told you to go home, you might as well. I'm sure he can take care of himself. So what are you going to do when you get home?

Akeru: I-I get to cook for him when he returns! So I want to get home fast!

Luna: I wanted to ask Big sister Crysta to teach me how to fight as she did for Big Brother Akeru.

Crysta: ...?

Larisa: Eh? Really, now? That's my brave little girl.

[Larisa put her hand on Luna's head]

Larisa: That's great, Luna, I'm sure she would love to help. Oh, look at the time!! I'm off to work, take care of yourselves on your way home. Byeee!

[She walked away. The three of them went toward the spot to call for Michael to open a portal for them. A few moments later a portal opened up and they walked through returning to Sheates.]

[In an enclosed location within the arena, Aiden and Henry are walking into a room, the room was large and decorated with rare artifacts, high-grade swords resting on the wooden wall, Heads of very rare and exquisite magical beasts mounted on said wall, a large bear skin rug which served as a carpet and a large pile of gold laying in the background at the corners of the room, On the desk were some documents and a golden chalice filled with red wine, and behind that desk was a window that gave a perfect view of the ring. A perfect, comfortable seat to watch the battles unfold from above.]

Aiden: Wow, uhm, this room is, uhm, is erm, it's shiny.

Henry: Everything here doesn't cost less than 100,000 gold coins.

Aiden: Oooh, that's a lot.

Henry: Eh? That's surprising.

Aiden: What is?

Henry: I was sure if a commoner saw this their mouths would be watering.

Aiden: Commoner...huh...

Henry: Oh, you don't need to hide it... I know you're not an Aristocrat.

[Aiden eyes subtly twitched when he heard that and he put his guard up. Henry noticed it and then leaned back on his soft chair while wearing a sly smile. He opened his eyes then stared carefully at Aiden]

Henry: Relax, Aiden, I won't tell anyone about you. I know the consequences if it was revealed.

Aiden: How....'d you find out?

Henry: Other than the fact that there's no House registry under "Brightfil" You also seem carefree and your aura isn't filled with scorn, pride, or Arrogance toward anyone. But of course, those alone wouldn't be enough to come to such a conclusion I was honestly still unsure(about 12%) and instead of denying it, you moron, you said "How'd you find out?" instead of a retort. Which confirmed my suspicions about you (Also you kinda reacted when I said you weren't an aristocrat. There were lots of tells, heh.)

Aiden: You....You're Sneaky.

[Aiden returned Henry's sly smile with one of his own]

Henry: You're just careless.

[He said with a light chuckle]


Headmaster: Sir Henry when I get my hands on you!!!

[Loud banging was coming from the other side of the door, the headmaster yelled through and was infuriated at Henry for some undisclosed reason]

Aiden: He sounds upset. What'd you do?

Henry: Oh, I stole his key and got us this room.

Aiden: ....... Eh? Ehhhh? This isn't your office?!

Henry: Of course, it isn't. Why would anyone in their right mind leave this many gold coins lying all over the floor? I mean c'mon.

Aiden: So thaaaat's why you didn't quite fit into the background here. It's not your settings.

Henry: Yeah, yeah.

Aiden: You're eccentric too aren't you? Heh.

[Aiden released a small chuckle while speaking, he didn't feel any omnious intent from him nor were his words deceitful, and he also knew what Aiden was so he felt some freedom which let him laugh without worry but now a new problem with the headmaster has arisen]

Aiden: So what are you gonna do about him?

Henry: Don't worry I've been yelled at by him more times than I can count. Hup! Oh, you can take a sit on the couch over there.

[Henry got up off his—The headmaster's chair and walked toward the door and opened it slightly but not fully as the door chain kept it from being fully open, the headmaster tried to force the door open but Henry wedged the door with his foot]

[Henry wore a mocking smile on his face then said]

Henry: How may I help you, sir?

Headmaster: "How may I help you"?!! It's my office!! Get outta!!!

[He yelled at him hysterically]

Henry: Why so angry? We should use our inner voices. Well, if you must know the reason, Aiden Brightfil over there did say he needed a place so that his wish could be more discreet. What better place than here?

[Henry spoke in a calm tone he knew how much the headmaster hated it so he used it to gaslight him]

Headmaster: Why here?! There are other rooms!!

Henry: Oh but none of those would fit a student of his quo. He did win you know? And his wish is absolute.

[ Henry moved back a little so the headmaster could see Aiden, Aiden waved at the headmaster.]

Headmaster: He didn't choose any specific place! Get out of my office!

Henry: After we're done! Got it? Okay byeee.

[He said in a very cheerful voice]

Headmaster: Oh no you don-

[Henry nonchalantly slammed the door shut in his face before the headmaster could finish.]

Headmaster: Wiston!!!

[After 20 minutes of banging on the hard door and getting ignored he later got gloomy and then left on his own]

Aiden: Hahaha, Aren't you gonna get fired for that?

Henry: I'm not really worried about that. I'm just teaching here out of obligation. I was never really interested in this school nor its students... But then came you... You were Interesting— Different, and your group stuck out like a sore thumb, to be sincerely honest I was hoping for your Victory throughout and wishing you'd be admitted here... but then that incident with that Assassin, Clay, happened back on the island disrupting the flow of the exam.

Aiden: Clay, huh... Have you... found out what happened back at the island?

Henry: No, it's still under investigation But enough about that for now what's your final wish?

Aiden: My... final wish, huh. Heh. What do I even say now?

Henry: If you require more privacy then...

[Henry snapped his fingers and a thin gust of wind circulated the room then it dissipated]

Aiden: What'd you just do?

Henry: I used my wind to check every nook and cranny around this room and the corridor to make so no one could hear your wish. Isn't that why you had that distressed look on your face?

Aiden: No, No, No that's not it!... I... was just thinking about how to word it correctly.

Henry: However you say it is fine. If it needs specifics I'll ask.

[Henry noticed Aiden's facial expression didn't change much]

Henry: Is there something troubling you?

Aiden: A bit, yeah... I realized I don't know what I really how to put it, now that I have a chance to get it I'm stumped.

Henry: Oh? Is this a "wish" for someone?

Aiden: Yes actually.

Henry: Tell me what's troubling you.

Aiden: Nah, don't worry I'm fine.

[He said chuckled]

[Aiden was recalling his fight with Jack.]





[Aiden Vs Jack back at the preliminaries, after Jack encased the entire ring with ice]

Aiden: Heh, Yo Zack looks like it's my turn!

[Jack didn't say a word and just kept staring at him then he opened his mouth slightly to utter the words; "Why are you really coming to Agrath's?". Aiden slightly surprised by the question said in a cheerful voice " I don't know, It looks fun!" Jack closed his eyes then opened them abruptly glaring at Aiden with his glowing Icy blue eyes]

Jack: You don't even know! Oh, how lucky to just be carefree like you! No worries in the world! And you're powerful to boot! Great! Just Great!

Aiden: Heh, huh?

Jack: Fight me with everything you have. If you hold back I'll kill you.

Aiden: Ehhhh? Do you.... hate me or something?

Jack: Yes. I hate that attitude of yours... the one I couldn't have...

[After he responded with "Yes. I hate that attitude of yours" he muttered the latter. Aiden heard it but decided not to ask about it.]

Aiden: Why do you want me to go all out? How would you know I'm not weaker than you?

Jack: I know what it's like to be weak, Brightfil and your attitude doesn't have the slightest bit of fear or nervousness. It feels relaxed. Like there's no threat here at all.

Aiden: Hm...

Jack: No more talk.

Aiden: Last question. What would you get out of beating me?

Jack: Satisfaction. You're a stepping stone to me being the strongest there is, so beating you would bring me some closure to my power.

Aiden: Ah, I see...

Aiden's POV

What the hellll?!!! I thought all these Nobel and Aristocrats types were all horrible! But he has something he's actually struggling with! Damnit. I wish it was the setting where they just wanted me dead because I was just a peasant.

[Jack created large icicles behind him and then shot them at Aiden, But he activated a skill he used against his father once <Heat skin> which melted the ice before it could reach him. In this <Encasement> put on by Jack, the temperature within was at negative 30°C and would keep dropping the longer one was in it. He made this move to give himself an advantage over everyone within it because their movements would be slowed down as soon as it was cast and the opponent who couldn't bare the cold would ask for forgiveness and give in... But Aiden was different he was moving in this like he would anywhere the cold barely affected him but Jack wasn't too surprised about this]

Aiden's POV

Hmm... it's very cold! I miss the sun! Ooh, I could have made an igloo if I could use ice magic. But are igloos cold? or... are they warm that's why people live in them?

This ice power would have been useful in my world during hot sweaty summers... Sigh...

[One would sometimes wonder what goes on in Aiden's mind]

[Jack created birds made of ice who flew over to Aiden and exploded thin very sharp icicles, Aiden noticed before one could hit him so he dodged, he also noticed that the birds were colder than Jack's initial attack and would take longer to melt so he decided to attack Jack before he could release more.]

[Aiden forcefully compressed magic into his hand and made a wobbly ball of flame on it then tried to use it to blast Jack, Jack created Multiple ice walls between him and Aiden.]

[But the latter stretched his hand forward and melted all the ice as he forced his way forward and got to the last wall Jack easily compressed ice magic unto his hand and met Aiden's ugly ball with his accurately spherical one.]

[Aiden was still terrible at magic control no matter how strong he was making, his compresses "ball" wasn't even a ball as it keep changing shape, it changed to a wobbly square, a wobbly rectangular, it got big then small at some point it stopped having the shape and became shapeless as an amoeba. But the power behind it was real]

[Then they both collided and created a wave of energy opposing each other, bright red and blue lights were illuminating from their attack, and in the middle a tint of purple could be seen Jack was getting pushed back by Aiden then he increased his magical output by five times and made a larger ball than Aiden's it was even larger than he was but Aiden couldn't add too much so he wouldn't kill someone by mistake so his amoeba was still handful sized. But it didn't deter him at all he was still pushing Jack back easily]

Jack: Grrr— AAAHHH!!

[Jack pushed with all his might and let out a loud battle cry but it was to no avail Aiden was simply too powerful for him. Aiden saw Jack's effort in trying to keep this a stalemate then he released his amoeba and it exploded blowing Jack backward and hitting the ice dome he'd created.]

Jack: Gah!

[Jack made a man-shaped hole in the wall and then fell to the ground with his knees and hands on the floor supporting him]

Jack: I...knew it.... you WERE strong...

Aiden: Yeah, I

[Jack said as he was out of breath, due to the stalemate that used much of his magic plus the impact from the explosion robbed him of most of his strength.

Despite taking a blast he wouldn't give up. He stood up and tried more attacks faster than the last. But Aiden either dodged or canceled it with his own. Aiden went close and punched Jack into the dome, Jack put his hand on the encasement and many sharp icicles tried to impale Aiden but he melted them all before they could touch him. He dashed toward Jack and attempted to punch him but Jack dodged and the encasement spell began to crack and fall.

Jack: Tch!

[He quickly put his hand on the wall and fixed it. At this point, the temperature in the dome dropped to negative 50°C. This spell took a significant amount of magic to create and maintain he barely has any and he just used some to fix the dome again.]

Jack: *Pant-Pant-pant-pants*

[Jack was beyond tired his magic completely depleted, his body sapped of strength, but he kept pushing and refused to fall, while Aiden still full of health stood there watching. Though his mouth had a faint smile his eyes were filled with pity as if saying "I get it, you're you can stop now."]

Jack: What's with those eyes Brightfil?! You're pitying me, aren't you?! That's very insulting!

Aiden: No... it's... I ... just acknowledged your name is all... Jack.

[Aiden said in a calm voice looking Jack straight in the eyes]

Jack: *Pants-pant* I'm...down but I'm... not out! Let's finish this!

Aiden: ...

Jack: Get over here and fight me! Don't give me those pathetic eyes!!

[Aiden shrugged then ran at him at full speed then punched Jack in the stomach before he could even think about dodging.]

Jack: Glactch!

[He coughed out of the blood and fell flat on the ground. Normally this would be over and Aiden declared the winner but since no one could see what was going on there was no one to stop the match]

Aiden: There, I won... Jack.

Jack: I'm... still awake...

[His voice was faint but still unrelenting]

Jack: Just...finish... it, Brightfil. This place won't come down if I'm still awake.

Aiden: But...

Jack: Just put me down, I still have my pride don't pity me!

Aiden closed his eyes and then opened them, he stretched his hand toward Jack who was on the ground, and concentrated a ball of magic into his hand.]

Jack: This is gonna hurt... isn't it?

[Aiden gave a warm closed eye smile then in a calm voice]

Aiden: Yeah....

[He fired. And there was a huge rumbling within the dome that the masses could feel then the <Encasement> got destroyed. Aiden hung his head low then he went back to his seat quietly]






[Back In the headmaster's office]

Aiden: Okay, I know what I wanna wish for!

Henry: Huh? Oh, oh yeah, I forgot. You were saying?

[While Aiden was recalling the past, Henry got bored and then went to start carving a wooden bird. It looked pretty realistic despite he started whittling twenty seconds ago.]

Aiden: That's actually pretty well made. The wings look so realistic.

Henry: I know right? I was kinda skeptical about making a bird but now I'm glad I did. Er, I mean, let's get back on topic.

Aiden: About my wish. How many things can I wish within one?

Henry: Meaning?

Aiden: If for example, I wish for "30 golf coins" would I get 30 exactly?

Henry: Yes, you would.

Aiden: What about if I said "30 golf coins with each being wrapped neatly and sent to someone" Would that still be one wish?

Henry: Yes (That's very specific)

Aiden: Great then!

[Aiden wore a bright smile on his face]

Aiden: I wish for 15 admission letters for each student I'm about to mention.

Henry: Ehhhhhhh? Fifteen?! Why fourteen?

Aiden: For all those who tried their hardest but still couldn't get in. I know this sounds like I'm trying to be a hero but I'm not...I just don't want to see people's hope for coming here get crushed by some weird exam.

Henry's POV

This boy.... is using his final wish for something like this?

This room- I'll admit stolen- I used it to test his greed. But he hasn't even once looked at the gold or the artifacts. And he could have used his wish to have everything in this room and no questions would have been asked but he didn't.... There are still people like this, huh?

Aiden: it's not that, I think the exam. is bad or anything but it was just... this one was on the unfair side. And also the girls just wanted to participate but then it turned into a contest that warranted their loss now they'll never get in here ever.... and it's all my fault...

Henry: So you're saying you feel guilty about it?

Aiden: Yeah, I guess I do. No, I do feel guilty about it! But I'd feel even worse if they found out that they only got into this school due to my wish instead of their own hard work.

Henry: So what do you propose?

Aiden: Make the admission letters optional. In the end, there should be something like "Agree or Decline" so they can choose for themselves if they'd want to enter or not.

Henry: I see... Consider it done.... with a lot of paperwork...

[Henry lowered his head on the table exasperated at the future work he was going to be put through]

Aiden: Hehe, sorry.

Henry: So what are their names let me put them down.

Aiden told him the names one by one, he started with Alan then Aaron, then Raver then the 9 girls who participated during the competition, then Calico then the last one was Jack wittaker]

Possible future:

Larisa: Are you chase?

Chase: I AM!!

[Larisa wearing an evil smile]

Larisa: Come with me for a bit.

[Days later, Chase was never heard from again]

Raider_920creators' thoughts